def copy(self, tensor, only_mutable=False): return torch.clone(tensor)
def forward(self, inputs, core_state=(), mems=None, mem_padding=None): x = inputs["frame"] T, B, *_ = x.shape x = torch.flatten(x, 0, 1) # Merge time and batch. x = x.float() / 255.0 for i, fconv in enumerate(self.feat_convs): x = fconv(x) res_input = x x = self.resnet1[i](x) x += res_input res_input = x x = self.resnet2[i](x) x += res_input x = F.relu(x) x = x.view(T * B, -1) x = F.relu(self.fc(x)) #print('inputs: ', inputs) #print('inputs last action', inputs['last_action']) one_hot_last_action = F.one_hot(inputs["last_action"].view(T * B), self.num_actions).float() clipped_reward = torch.clamp(inputs["reward"], -1, 1).view(T * B, 1) core_input =[x, clipped_reward, one_hot_last_action], dim=-1) core_input = core_input.view(T, B, -1) padding_mask = torch.clone(inputs['done']) ind_first_done = None if padding_mask.dim( ) > 1: #This only seems to not happen on first state ever in env.initialize() # this block just tries to push the dones one position down so that the loss calculation does account # for that step and not ignores it as mask ind_first_done = padding_mask.long().argmin( 0) + 1 # will be index of first 1 in each column orig_first_row = torch.clone(padding_mask[0, :]) ind_first_done[ padding_mask[0, :] == 1] = 0 # If there aren't any 0's in the whole inputs['done'] then set ind_first_done to 0 ind_first_done[ ind_first_done >= padding_mask. shape[0]] = -1 # choosing -1 helps in learn function padding_mask[ind_first_done, range(B)] = False padding_mask[0, :] = orig_first_row padding_mask = padding_mask.unsqueeze(0) if not padding_mask.any().item( ): #In this case no need for padding_mask padding_mask = None core_output, mems = self.core( core_input, mems, padding_mask=padding_mask, mem_padding=mem_padding) # core_input is of shape (T, B, ...) # core_output is (B, ...) policy_logits = self.policy(core_output) baseline = self.baseline(core_output) policy_logits = policy_logits.reshape(T * B, self.num_actions) # # if policy_logits.shape[0] == 32 and policy_logits.shape[1] == 6: # if not torch.all(policy_logits == policy_logits).item(): # # nans only come when the learner_model calls this forward # print('from monobeast 921\n', policy_logits) # print('core output : ',core_output.shape, '\n', core_output) # print('core input : \n', core_input) # print('mask : \n', padding_mask) # print('mems : \n', mems) #, './') #, './') #, './') if # Sample from multinomial distribution for exploration # if not (padding_mask is None) and padding_mask.shape[1] > 1: # print('Padding shape: {}, logits shape: {}'.format(padding_mask.shape, policy_logits.shape)) # print('PADDING: ', padding_mask) # print("LOGITS: ", policy_logits) action = torch.multinomial(F.softmax(policy_logits, dim=1), num_samples=1) else: # Don't sample when testing. action = torch.argmax(policy_logits, dim=1) policy_logits = policy_logits.view(T, B, self.num_actions) baseline = baseline.view(T, B) action = action.view(T, B) return (dict(policy_logits=policy_logits, baseline=baseline, action=action), core_state, mems, padding_mask, ind_first_done)
def train(data_dir, model_dir, args): seed_everything(args.seed) # args.__dict__ == vars(args) wandb.init(project="train_01", config=vars(args)) save_dir = increment_path(os.path.join(model_dir, # -- settings use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu") # -- dataset dataset_module = getattr(import_module("dataset"), args.dataset) # MaskBaseDataset dataset = dataset_module(data_dir=data_dir, val_ratio=args.val_ratio) num_classes = dataset.num_classes # 18 # -- augmentation transform_module = getattr(import_module("dataset"), args.augmentation) # default: BaseAugmentation transform = transform_module( resize=args.resize, mean=dataset.mean, std=dataset.std, ) dataset.set_transform(transform) # -- data_loader train_set, val_set = dataset.split_dataset() train_loader = DataLoader(train_set, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=8, shuffle=True, pin_memory=use_cuda, drop_last=True) val_loader = DataLoader(val_set, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=8, shuffle=False, pin_memory=use_cuda, drop_last=True) # -- model model_module = getattr(import_module("model"), args.model) # default: BaseModel model = model_module(num_classes=num_classes, grad_point=args.grad_point).to(device) model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model) # if want model train begin from args.continue_epoch checkpoint. if args.continue_train: try_dir = find_dir_try(args.continue_try_num, model_dir, args.continue_name) epoch_dir = find_dir_epoch(args.continue_epoch, try_dir) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(epoch_dir)) # -- loss & metric if args.criterion == "cross_entropy": criterion = create_criterion(args.criterion) # default: cross_entropy else: criterion = create_criterion( args.criterion, classes=num_classes) # default: cross_entropy if args.optimizer == "AdamP": optimizer = AdamP(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()),, weight_decay=5e-4) else: opt_module = getattr(import_module('torch.optim'), args.optimizer) # default: Adam optimizer = opt_module(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()),, weight_decay=5e-4) scheduler = StepLR(optimizer, args.lr_decay_step, gamma=0.5) # -- logging if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.mkdir(save_dir) with open(Path(save_dir) / 'config.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(vars(args), f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) best_val_acc = 0 best_val_loss = np.inf for epoch in range(args.epochs): # train loop model.train() loss_value = 0 matches = 0 for idx, train_batch in enumerate(train_loader): inputs, labels = train_batch inputs = labels = optimizer.zero_grad() outs = model(inputs) preds = torch.argmax(outs, dim=-1) loss = criterion(outs, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() loss_value += loss.item() matches += (preds == labels).sum().item() if (idx + 1) % args.log_interval == 0: train_loss = loss_value / args.log_interval train_acc = matches / args.batch_size / args.log_interval current_lr = get_lr(optimizer) print( f"Epoch[{epoch}/{args.epochs}]({idx + 1}/{len(train_loader)}) || " f"training loss {train_loss:4.4} || training accuracy {train_acc:4.2%} || lr {current_lr}" ) wandb.log({ "Train/loss": train_loss, "Train/accuracy": train_acc }) loss_value = 0 matches = 0 scheduler.step() #val loop with torch.no_grad(): print("Calculating validation results...") model.eval() val_loss_items = [] val_acc_items = [] figure = None for val_batch in val_loader: inputs, labels = val_batch inputs = labels = outs = model(inputs) preds = torch.argmax(outs, dim=-1) loss_item = criterion(outs, labels).item() acc_item = (labels == preds).sum().item() val_loss_items.append(loss_item) val_acc_items.append(acc_item) if figure is None: # inputs_np = torch.clone(inputs).detach().cpu().permute(0, 2, 3, 1).numpy() inputs_np = torch.clone(inputs).detach().cpu() inputs_np = inputs_np.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).numpy() inputs_np = dataset_module.denormalize_image( inputs_np, dataset.mean, dataset.std) figure = grid_image( inputs_np, labels, preds, args.dataset != "MaskSplitByProfileDataset") val_loss = np.sum(val_loss_items) / len(val_loader) val_acc = np.sum(val_acc_items) / len(val_set) if val_loss < best_val_loss or val_acc > best_val_acc: save_model(model, epoch, val_loss, val_acc, save_dir, args.model) if val_loss < best_val_loss and val_acc > best_val_acc: print( f"New best model for val acc and val loss : {val_acc:4.2%} {val_loss:4.2}! saving the best model.." ) best_val_loss = val_loss best_val_acc = val_acc elif val_loss < best_val_loss: print( f"New best model for val loss : {val_loss:4.2}! saving the best model.." ) save_model(model, epoch, val_loss, val_acc, save_dir, args.model) best_val_loss = val_loss elif val_acc > best_val_acc: print( f"New best model for val accuracy : {val_acc:4.2%}! saving the best model.." ) save_model(model, epoch, val_loss, val_acc, save_dir, args.model) best_val_acc = val_acc print( f"[Val] acc: {val_acc:4.2%}, loss: {val_loss:4.2} || " f"best acc: {best_val_acc:4.2%}, best loss: {best_val_loss:4.2}" ) wandb.log({"Val/loss": val_loss, "Val/accuracy": val_acc}) print()
def lamw(x): I = x > 1e-10 y = torch.clone(x) y[I] = lambertw(x[I]) return y
def sgd_step(optimizer, detach_dp=True): """Performs a single optimization step using the SGD optimizer. The code has been copied from: Note, this function does not change the inner state of the given optimizer object. Note, gradients are cloned and detached by default. Args: optimizer: An instance of class :class:`torch.optim.SGD`. detach_dp: Whether gradients are detached from the computational graph. Note, :code:`False` only makes sense if func:`torch.autograd.backward` was called with the argument `create_graph` set to :code:`True`. Returns: A list of gradient changes `d_p` that would be applied by this optimizer to all parameters when calling :meth:`torch.optim.SGD.step`. """ assert (isinstance(optimizer, optim.SGD)) d_ps = [] for group in optimizer.param_groups: weight_decay = group['weight_decay'] momentum = group['momentum'] dampening = group['dampening'] nesterov = group['nesterov'] for p in group['params']: if p.grad is None: continue if detach_dp: d_p = p.grad.detach().clone() else: d_p = p.grad.clone() if weight_decay != 0: d_p.add_(weight_decay, if momentum != 0: orig_state = dict(optimizer.state[p]) param_state = dict() if 'momentum_buffer' in orig_state: param_state['momentum_buffer'] = \ orig_state['momentum_buffer'].clone() if 'momentum_buffer' not in param_state: buf = torch.clone(d_p).detach() else: buf = param_state['momentum_buffer'] buf.mul_(momentum).add_(1 - dampening, d_p) #buf = buf.mul(momentum).add(1 - dampening, d_p) if nesterov: d_p = d_p.add(momentum, buf) else: d_p = buf d_ps.append(-group['lr'] * d_p) return d_ps
def step(self, closure: Optional[Callable[[], float]] = None) -> Optional[float]: """Performs a single optimization step. Arguments: closure (callable, optional): A closure that reevaluates the model and returns the loss. """ loss = None if closure is not None and isinstance(closure, collections.Callable): loss = closure() # step counter must be stored in state to ensure correct behavior under # optimizer sharding if "k" not in self.state: self.state["k"] = torch.tensor([0], dtype=torch.long) k = self.state["k"].item() for group in self.param_groups: eps = group["eps"] lr = group["lr"] + eps decay = group["weight_decay"] momentum = group["momentum"] ck = 1 - momentum lamb = lr * math.pow(k + 1, 0.5) for p in group["params"]: if p.grad is None: continue grad = state = self.state[p] if "grad_sum_sq" not in state: state["grad_sum_sq"] = torch.zeros_like( state["s"] = torch.zeros_like( if momentum != 0: state["x0"] = torch.clone( if momentum != 0.0 and grad.is_sparse: raise RuntimeError( "momentum != 0 is not compatible with sparse gradients" ) grad_sum_sq = state["grad_sum_sq"] s = state["s"] # Apply weight decay - L2 / AdamW style if decay: - lr * decay) """ original impl: if decay != 0: if grad.is_sparse: raise RuntimeError("weight_decay option is not compatible with sparse gradients") grad.add_(, alpha=decay) """ if grad.is_sparse: grad = grad.coalesce() grad_val = grad._values() p_masked = p.sparse_mask(grad) grad_sum_sq_masked = grad_sum_sq.sparse_mask(grad) s_masked = s.sparse_mask(grad) # Compute x_0 from other known quantities rms_masked_vals = grad_sum_sq_masked._values().pow( 1 / 3).add_(eps) x0_masked_vals = p_masked._values().addcdiv( s_masked._values(), rms_masked_vals, value=1) # Dense + sparse op grad_sq = grad * grad grad_sum_sq.add_(grad_sq, alpha=lamb) grad_sum_sq_masked.add_(grad_sq, alpha=lamb) rms_masked_vals = grad_sum_sq_masked._values().pow_( 1 / 3).add_(eps) s.add_(grad, alpha=lamb) s_masked._values().add_(grad_val, alpha=lamb) # update masked copy of p p_kp1_masked_vals = x0_masked_vals.addcdiv( s_masked._values(), rms_masked_vals, value=-1) # Copy updated masked p to dense p using an add operation p_masked._values().add_(p_kp1_masked_vals, alpha=-1), alpha=-1) else: if momentum == 0: # Compute x_0 from other known quantities rms = grad_sum_sq.pow(1 / 3).add_(eps) x0 =, rms, value=1) else: x0 = state["x0"] # Accumulate second moments grad_sum_sq.addcmul_(grad, grad, value=lamb) rms = grad_sum_sq.pow(1 / 3).add_(eps) # Update s, alpha=lamb) # Step if momentum == 0:, rms, value=-1)) else: z = x0.addcdiv(s, rms, value=-1) # p is a moving average of z - ck).add_(z, alpha=ck) self.state["k"] += 1 return loss
def batched_powerSGD_hook(state: PowerSGDState, bucket) -> torch.futures.Future: """ This DDP communication hook implements a simplified PowerSGD gradient compression algorithm described in Once gradient tensors are aggregated across all workers, this hook applies compression to the flattened input tensor that batches per-parameter tensors as follows: 1) Views the input flattened 1D gradient tensor as a square-shaped tensor M with 0 paddings; 2) Creates two low-rank tensors P and Q for decomposing M, such that M = PQ^T, where Q is initialized from a standard normal distribution and orthogonalized; 2) Computes P, which is equal to MQ; 3) Allreduces P; 4) Orthogonalizes P; 5) Computes Q, which is approximately equal to M^TP; 6) Allreduces Q; 7) Computes M, which is approximately equal to PQ^T. 8) Truncates the input tensor to the original length. This variant is faster than `powerSGD_hook` that runs layer-wise gradient compression, but it usually results in a much lower accuracy, unless `matrix_approximation_rank` in the state is 1. Increasing `matrix_approximation_rank` may not necessarily increase the accuracy, because batching per-parameter tensors without column/row alignment can destroy low-rank structure. Therefore, the user shoud always consider `powerSGD_hook` first, and only consider this variant when a satisfying accuracy can be achieved when `matrix_approximation_rank` is 1. Note that this communication hook enforces vanilla allreduce for the first `state.start_powerSGD_iter` iterations. This can not only allow the user to have a finer tuning over the tradeoff between speedup and accuracy, but also help abstract away some complexity of the internal optimization of DDP for future communication hook developers. TODO(wayi@): The above procedure does two matmul+allreduce steps per iteration -- one left multiplication and one right multiplication. For warm-start, can take one such step at a time, and alternate between them. Args: state (PowerSGDState): State information to configure the compression rate and support error feedback, warm start, etc. To tune the compression configs, see Note [Guidance to Tune `matrix_approximation_rank` And `start_powerSGD_iter`]. bucket (dist._GradBucket): Bucket that stores a 1D flattened gradient tensor that batches multiple per-variable tensors. Note that since DDP comm hook only supports single process single device mode at this time, only exactly one tensor is stored in this bucket. Returns: Future handler of the communication, which updates the gradients in place. Example:: state = PowerSGDState(process_group=process_group, matrix_approximation_rank=1) >>> ddp_model.register_comm_hook(state, batched_powerSGD_hook) """ process_group = state.process_group group_to_use = process_group if process_group is not None else world_size = group_to_use.size() # The input tensor is a flattened 1D tensor. input_tensor = bucket.get_tensors()[0] # Run vanilla allreduce in the first `start_powerSGD_iter` iterations. if state.iter < state.start_powerSGD_iter: state.maybe_increase_iter(bucket) return default._allreduce_fut(group_to_use, input_tensor) # Apply PowerSGD after `start_powerSGD_iter` iterations. device = input_tensor.device total_length = input_tensor.shape[0] # View the input tensor as a 2D square-shape tensor, and pad 0s if necessary. square_side_length = math.ceil(math.sqrt(total_length)) padded_total_length = square_side_length**2 input_tensor.resize_(padded_total_length) input_tensor[total_length:padded_total_length].fill_(0) # Incorporate the error from the previous state into the gradients. bucket_index = bucket.get_index() input_tensor_cp = None if state.use_error_feedback: if bucket_index in state.error_dict: input_tensor.add_(state.error_dict[bucket_index]) else: "A zero tensor of length {} that represents local error is created." .format(padded_total_length)) state.error_dict[bucket_index] = torch.zeros( padded_total_length, device=device, dtype=input_tensor.dtype) # Keep a copy of the input tensor, # so that we can compute the local error caused by compression later, # by comparing this copy and the input tensor updated after decompression. input_tensor_cp = torch.clone(input_tensor).detach() matrix = input_tensor.view(square_side_length, square_side_length) # Reuse P and Q from the previous iteration if possible. # The memory spaces of P and Q need to be allocated in the first iteration when PowerSGD is applied. if not state.warm_start or bucket_index not in state.p_memory_dict: # If warm-start is disabled, low-rank tensors will be initialized at every step. # Only log this if warm-start to avoid spamming. if state.warm_start: "Initializing low-rank tensors P and Q, each of which has a shape of {} x {}." .format(square_side_length, state.matrix_approximation_rank)) def create_low_rank_tensor(fill_random_values, rng): "Returns a low-rank 2D tensor of square_side_length * matrix_approximation_rank." if fill_random_values: with torch.random.fork_rng(devices=[]): # Fork this RNG to avoid changing the seed globally and affecting the random sampling # anywhere else in the training. # The seed makes sure that the initial random values are the same across all the DDP replicas. # This seed should differ at every step. # Since it is very slow to fork RNG state across all the CUDA devices, # only fork on CPU and then move the generated tensor to the CUDA device. torch.manual_seed(rng.randint(1_000_000_000)) return torch.randn( square_side_length, state.matrix_approximation_rank, device="cpu", dtype=input_tensor.dtype, ).to(device) else: return torch.empty( square_side_length, state.matrix_approximation_rank, device=device, dtype=input_tensor.dtype, ) state.p_memory_dict[bucket_index] = create_low_rank_tensor( fill_random_values=False, rng=state.rng) state.q_memory_dict[bucket_index] = create_low_rank_tensor( fill_random_values=True, rng=state.rng) _orthogonalize(state.q_memory_dict[bucket_index], 0) torch.matmul(matrix, state.q_memory_dict[bucket_index], out=state.p_memory_dict[bucket_index]) allreduce_p_fut = dist.all_reduce(state.p_memory_dict[bucket_index], group=group_to_use, async_op=True).get_future() def compute_q(fut): state.p_memory_dict[bucket_index] = fut.value()[0] _orthogonalize(state.p_memory_dict[bucket_index], 0) torch.matmul( matrix.t(), state.p_memory_dict[bucket_index], out=state.q_memory_dict[bucket_index], ) return [ dist.all_reduce(state.q_memory_dict[bucket_index], group=group_to_use, async_op=True).get_future().wait()[0] ] def decompress(fut): state.q_memory_dict[bucket_index] = fut.value()[0].div_(world_size) torch.matmul( state.p_memory_dict[bucket_index], state.q_memory_dict[bucket_index].t(), out=matrix, ) if state.use_error_feedback: # Memorize the local errors. state.error_dict[bucket_index] = input_tensor_cp - input_tensor if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.synchronize(device) if not state.warm_start: state.p_memory_dict.clear() state.q_memory_dict.clear() ret = input_tensor.resize_(total_length) state.maybe_increase_iter(bucket) return [ret] return allreduce_p_fut.then(compute_q).then(decompress)
def step(self, reg_params, closure = None): loss = None if closure is not None: loss = closure() for group in self.param_groups: weight_decay = group['weight_decay'] momentum = group['momentum'] dampening = group['dampening'] nesterov = group['nesterov'] for p in group['params']: if p.grad is None: continue d_p = if p in reg_params: param_dict = reg_params[p] omega = param_dict['omega'] init_val = param_dict['init_val'] curr_param_value = curr_param_value = curr_param_value.cuda() init_val = init_val.cuda() omega = omega.cuda() #get the difference param_diff = curr_param_value - init_val #get the gradient for the penalty term for change in the weights of the parameters local_grad = torch.mul(param_diff, 2*self.reg_lambda*omega) del param_diff del omega del init_val del curr_param_value d_p = d_p + local_grad del local_grad if (weight_decay != 0): d_p.add_(weight_decay, if (momentum != 0): param_state = self.state[p] if 'momentum_buffer' not in param_state: buf = param_state['momentum_buffer'] = torch.clone(d_p).detach() else: buf = param_state['momentum_buffer'] buf.mul_(momentum).add_(1 - dampening, d_p) if nesterov: d_p = d_p.add(momentum, buf) else: d_p = buf['lr'], d_p) return loss
def train_cnn_pytorch(): image_dim = 32 hidden_dim = 200 output_dim = 10 kernel_dim = 3 kernel_num = 64 batch_size = 8 lr = 0.01 dp_rate = 0.3 epochs = 1000 best_result = [0, 0] no_update = 0 # os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = 0 print("Start training") model = CNN(batch_size=batch_size, input_dim=image_dim, hidden_dim=hidden_dim, output_dim=output_dim, kernel_num=kernel_num, kernel_dim=kernel_dim, dp_rate=dp_rate) if torch.cuda.is_available(): model.cuda() optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr) for epoch in range(epochs): train_data = MyDataset("digits/trainingDigits") train_loader = data.DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=0, shuffle=True) model.train() start = time.time() print(f"Epoch {epoch} start ") avg_loss = 0 count = 0 for step, input_data in enumerate(train_loader): x = torch.clone(input_data[0]).float() target = torch.clone(input_data[1]).long() if torch.cuda.is_available(): x = x.cuda() target = target.cuda() prediction = model(x) loss = F.cross_entropy(prediction, target.argmax(dim=1)) avg_loss += loss.item() count += 1 optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() avg_loss /= len(train_data) end = time.time() print( f"Epoch {epoch} done, Train average loss: {avg_loss}, costing time: {end - start}" ) if epoch % 50 == 0: accuracy, wrong_numbers = evaluate_cnn_pytorch(model, batch_size) if accuracy > best_result[0]: best_result[0] = accuracy best_result[1] = wrong_numbers no_update = 0 else: no_update += 1 if no_update >= 5: print("Best Accuracy on test data: " + str(best_result[0]) + "%") print(f"Best wrong_numbers: {best_result[1]}") exit() print("Best Accuracy on test data: " + str(best_result[0]) + "%") print(f"Best wrong_numbers: {best_result[1]}")
def rotate(img): imgs = [] imgs.append(torch.rot90(torch.clone(img), k=1, dims=[1, 2])) imgs.append(torch.rot90(torch.clone(img), k=2, dims=[1, 2])) imgs.append(torch.rot90(torch.clone(img), k=3, dims=[1, 2])) return imgs
def powerSGD_hook( state: PowerSGDState, bucket, ) -> torch.futures.Future: """ This DDP communication hook implements a simplified PowerSGD gradient compression algorithm described in Once gradient tensors are aggregated across all workers, this hook applies compression as follows: 1) Views the input flattened 1D gradient tensor as a square-shaped tensor M with 0 paddings; 2) Creates two low-rank tensors P and Q for decomposing M, such that M = PQ^T, where Q is initialized from a standard normal distribution and orthogonalized; 2) Computes P, which is equal to MQ; 3) Allreduces P; 4) Orthogonizes P; 5) Computes Q, which is approximately equal to M^TP; 6) Allreduces Q; 7) Computes M, which is approximately equal to PQ^T. 8) Truncates the input tensor to the original length. TODO(wayi@): The above procedure does two matmul+allreduce steps per iteration -- one left multiplication and one right multiplication. For warm start, can take one such step at a time, and alternate between them. Arguments: state (PowerSGDState): State information to configure the compression rate and support error feedback, warm start, etc. bucket (dist._GradBucket): Bucket that stores a 1D flattened gradient tensor that batches multiple per-variable tensors. Note that since DDP comm hook only supports single process single device mode at this time, only exactly one tensor is stored in this bucket. matrix_approximation_rank (int): The low rank for matrix approximation. Typically only 1 or 2 is used. See Returns: Future handler of the communication, which updates the gradients in place. Example:: state = PowerSGDState(process_group=process_group, matrix_approximation_rank=1) >>> ddp_model.register_comm_hook(state, powerSGD_hook) """ process_group = state.process_group group_to_use = process_group if process_group is not None else world_size = ( process_group.size() if process_group is not None else dist.get_world_size() ) # The input tensor is a flattened 1D tensor. input_tensor = bucket.get_tensors()[0] device = input_tensor.device total_length = input_tensor.shape[0] # View the input tensor as a 2D square-shape tensor, and pad 0s if necessary. square_side_length = math.ceil(math.sqrt(total_length)) padded_total_length = square_side_length ** 2 input_tensor.resize_(padded_total_length) input_tensor[total_length:padded_total_length].fill_(0) # Incorporate the error from the previous state into the gradients. bucket_index = bucket.get_index() if state.use_error_feedback: # The buckets can be rebuilt during training. # In this case, the error tensor shape will not be aligned with the input tensor, # and the error will be re-initialized as zeros. if ( bucket_index in state.error_dict and state.error_dict[bucket_index].shape[0] == padded_total_length ): input_tensor.add_(state.error_dict[bucket_index]) else: "A zero tensor of length {} that represents local error is created.".format( padded_total_length ) ) state.error_dict[bucket_index] = torch.zeros( padded_total_length, device=device ) # Keep a copy of the input tensor, # so that we can compute the local error caused by compression later, # by comparing this copy and the input tensor updated after decompression. input_tensor_cp = torch.clone(input_tensor).detach() matrix = input_tensor.view(square_side_length, square_side_length) def create_low_rank_tensor(fill_random_values, rng): "Returns a low-rank 2D tensor of square_side_length * matrix_approximation_rank." if fill_random_values: with torch.random.fork_rng(devices=[]): # Fork this RNG to avoid changing the seed globally and affecting the random sampling anywhere else in the training. # The seed makes sure that the initial random values are the same across all the DDP replicas. # Such seed should differ at every step. # Since it is very slow to fork RNG state across all the CUDA devices, # only fork on CPU and then move the generated tensor to the CUDA device. torch.manual_seed(rng.randint(1_000_000_000)) return torch.randn( square_side_length, state.matrix_approximation_rank, device="cpu" ).to(device) else: return torch.empty( square_side_length, state.matrix_approximation_rank, device=device ) p = create_low_rank_tensor(fill_random_values=False, rng=state.rng) q = create_low_rank_tensor(fill_random_values=True, rng=state.rng) _orthogonalize(q, 0) torch.matmul(matrix, q, out=p) allreduce_p_fut = dist.all_reduce(p, group=group_to_use, async_op=True).get_future() def compute_q(fut): p = fut.value()[0] _orthogonalize(p, 0) torch.matmul(matrix.t(), p, out=q) return [ dist.all_reduce(q, group=group_to_use, async_op=True) .get_future() .value()[0] ] def decompress(fut): q = fut.value()[0].div_(world_size) torch.matmul(p, q.t(), out=matrix) if state.use_error_feedback: # Memorize the local errors. state.error_dict[bucket_index] = input_tensor_cp - input_tensor ret = input_tensor.resize_(total_length) return [ret] return allreduce_p_fut.then(compute_q).then(decompress)
def step(self, closure=None): assert self.is_ml # NCE is only defined for AGD if self.NCE: assert self.momentum > 0 # need to define closure to use noise, AGD, or NCE if self.noise_r > 0 or self.momentum > 0 or self.NCE: assert closure != None loss = None if closure is not None: loss = closure() params = [] for group in self.param_groups: for p in group['params']: if p.grad is None: continue params.append(p) # noise if self.noise_r > 0: param_state = self.state[params[0]] if 'noise_count' not in param_state: param_state['noise_count'] = 0 all_grad =[p.grad.reshape(-1) for p in params], dim=0) all_grad_norm = torch.norm(all_grad, p=2).item() if self.is_verbose: print("*Noise part* grad l2 norm: %.3f, count: %d" % (all_grad_norm, param_state['noise_count'])) if all_grad_norm <= self.noise_eps and param_state[ 'noise_count'] >= self.noise_T: param_state['noise_count'] = 0 radius = torch.pow(torch.rand(1), 1.0 / all_grad.numel()).mul(self.noise_r) gauss = torch.randn(all_grad.size()) normed_gauss = gauss.div(torch.norm(gauss, p=2)) noise = normed_gauss.mul(radius) if self.is_verbose: print("add noise with l2 norm:", radius) i = 0 for p in params:[i:i + p.numel()].reshape(p.size())) i = i + p.numel() else: param_state['noise_count'] += 1 if self.is_verbose: print("no noise added") # AGD if self.momentum > 0: if self.NCE: xt = torch.tensor([]) yt = torch.tensor([]) g_yt = torch.tensor([]) vt = torch.tensor([]) for p in params: param_state = self.state[p] if 'momentum_buffer' not in param_state: buf = param_state['momentum_buffer'] = torch.zeros( p.size()) else: buf = param_state['momentum_buffer'] if self.NCE: xt = [xt, torch.clone(], dim=0) vt = [vt, torch.clone(], dim=0) f_xt = loss.item(), buf) loss = closure() for p in params: buf = self.state[p]['momentum_buffer'] if self.NCE: yt = [yt, torch.clone(], dim=0) g_yt = [g_yt, torch.clone(], dim=0) f_yt = loss.item(), buf.mul_(self.momentum).add_(, else: for p in params:, # NCE def copy_to_p(params, update): i = 0 for p in params: = update[i:i + p.numel()].reshape(p.size()) i = i + p.numel() if self.NCE: norm_vt = torch.norm(vt, p=2) if self.is_verbose: print( "*NCE part* f(xt): %.3f, f(yt): %.3f, <grad_f(yt),xt-yt>: %.3f, ||xt-yt||^2: %.3f, ||vt||: %.3f" % (f_xt, f_yt, (xt - yt)).item(), torch.norm( (xt - yt), p=2).pow(2).item(), norm_vt.item())) if norm_vt > 0 and f_xt <= f_yt + (xt - yt)) - self.NCE_gamma / 2 * (torch.norm( (xt - yt), p=2).pow(2)): for p in params: self.state[p]['momentum_buffer'] = torch.zeros(p.size()) if norm_vt >= self.NCE_s: copy_to_p(params, xt) if self.is_verbose: print("setting x_{t+1} = xt") else: delta = vt.mul(self.NCE_s).div(norm_vt) copy_to_p(params, xt + delta) loss_ = closure() copy_to_p(params, xt - delta) loss = closure() if (loss_ < loss): if self.is_verbose: print("setting x_{t+1} = xt + delta") copy_to_p(params, xt + delta) loss = closure() else: if self.is_verbose: print("setting x_{t+1} = xt - delta") else: if self.is_verbose: print("no change by NCE") return loss
def forward(self, x, vars=None, bn_training=True): """ This function can be called by finetunning, however, in finetunning, we dont wish to update running_mean/running_var. Thought weights/bias of bn is updated, it has been separated by fast_weights. Indeed, to not update running_mean/running_var, we need set update_bn_statistics=False but weight/bias will be updated and not dirty initial theta parameters via fast_weiths. :param x: [b, 1, 28, 28] :param vars: :param bn_training: set False to not update :return: x, loss, likelihood, kld """ if vars is None: vars = self.vars idx = 0 bn_idx = 0 first_upsample = True blocks = [] for name, param in self.config: if name == 'conv2d': # periodic padding: kernel_width = param[2] if kernel_width % 2: x_pad =[ x[:, :, :, x.shape[3] - int((kernel_width - 1) / 2):x.shape[3]], x ], dim=3) x_pad = [x_pad, x[:, :, :, 0:int((kernel_width - 1) / 2)]], dim=3) x_pad =[ torch.zeros_like(x_pad[:, :, 0:int((kernel_width - 1) / 2), :]), x_pad ], dim=2) x_pad =[ x_pad, torch.zeros_like( x_pad[:, :, 0:int((kernel_width - 1) / 2), :]) ], dim=2) else: x_pad =[ x[:, :, :, x.shape[3] - int(kernel_width / 2):x.shape[3]], x ], dim=3) x_pad = [x_pad, x[:, :, :, 0:int((kernel_width / 2) - 1)]], dim=3) x_pad =[ torch.zeros_like( x_pad[:, :, 0:int(kernel_width / 2), :]), x_pad ], dim=2) x_pad =[ x_pad, torch.zeros_like(x_pad[:, :, 0:int(kernel_width / 2) - 1, :]) ], dim=2) w = vars[idx] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder! x = F.conv2d(x_pad, w, stride=param[4], padding=0) idx += 1 if param[6]: self.residual_terms = torch.clone(x) # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name == 'conv2d_b': kernel_width = param[2] if kernel_width % 2: x_pad =[ x[:, :, :, x.shape[3] - int((kernel_width - 1) / 2):x.shape[3]], x ], dim=3) x_pad = [x_pad, x[:, :, :, 0:int((kernel_width - 1) / 2)]], dim=3) x_pad =[ torch.zeros_like(x_pad[:, :, 0:int((kernel_width - 1) / 2), :]), x_pad ], dim=2) x_pad =[ x_pad, torch.zeros_like( x_pad[:, :, 0:int((kernel_width - 1) / 2), :]) ], dim=2) else: x_pad =[ x[:, :, :, x.shape[3] - int(kernel_width / 2):x.shape[3]], x ], dim=3) x_pad = [x_pad, x[:, :, :, 0:int((kernel_width / 2) - 1)]], dim=3) x_pad =[ torch.zeros_like( x_pad[:, :, 0:int(kernel_width / 2), :]), x_pad ], dim=2) x_pad =[ x_pad, torch.zeros_like(x_pad[:, :, 0:int(kernel_width / 2) - 1, :]) ], dim=2) w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder! x = F.conv2d(x_pad, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=0) idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) # elif name == 'convt2d': # w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder! # x = F.conv_transpose2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) # idx += 2 # # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) # elif name == 'linear': # w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # x = F.linear(x, w, b) # idx += 2 # # print('forward:', idx, x.norm().item()) elif name == 'bn': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[bn_idx], self.vars_bn[ bn_idx + 1] x = F.batch_norm(x, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=bn_training) idx += 2 bn_idx += 2 # elif name == 'flatten': # # print(x.shape) # x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) # elif name == 'reshape': # # [b, 8] => [b, 2, 2, 2] # x = x.view(x.size(0), *param) # elif name == 'relu': # x = F.relu(x, inplace=param[0]) elif name == 'leakyrelu': x = F.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=param[0], inplace=param[1]) # elif name == 'tanh': # x = F.tanh(x) # elif name == 'sigmoid': # x = torch.sigmoid(x) elif name == 'upsample': if first_upsample: first_upsample = False x = blocks.pop() shortcut = blocks.pop() x = F.interpolate(x, size=(shortcut.shape[2], shortcut.shape[3]), mode='nearest') x =[shortcut, x], dim=1) # batch, channels, h, w elif name == 'residual': x = x + self.residual_terms elif name == 'max_pool2d': blocks.append(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, param[0], stride=param[1], padding=param[2]) # elif name == 'avg_pool2d': # x = F.avg_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) else: print(name) raise NotImplementedError # make sure variable is used properly assert idx == len(vars) assert bn_idx == len(self.vars_bn) return x
def train(data_dir, model_dir, args): seed_everything(args.seed) save_dir = increment_path(os.path.join(model_dir, # -- settings use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu") info = pd.read_csv('/opt/ml/input/data/train/train.csv') info['gender_age'] = info.apply( lambda x: convert_gender_age(x.gender, x.age), axis=1) n_fold = int(1 / args.val_ratio) skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_fold, shuffle=True) info.loc[:, 'fold'] = 0 for fold_num, (train_index, val_index) in enumerate( skf.split(X=info.index, y=info.gender_age.values)): info.loc[info.iloc[val_index].index, 'fold'] = fold_num fold_idx = 0 train = info[info.fold != fold_idx].reset_index(drop=True) val = info[info.fold == fold_idx].reset_index(drop=True) # -- dataset dataset_module = getattr(import_module("dataset"), args.dataset) # default: MaskDataset # -- augmentation train_transform_module = getattr( import_module("dataset"), args.train_augmentation) # default: BaseAugmentation val_transform_module = getattr( import_module("dataset"), args.val_augmentation) # default: BaseAugmentation train_transform = train_transform_module( resize=args.resize, mean=MEAN, std=STD, ) val_transform = val_transform_module( resize=args.resize, mean=MEAN, std=STD, ) print(train_transform.transform, val_transform.transform) if args.dataset == 'MaskDataset' or args.dataset == 'MaskOldDataset': if args.dataset == 'MaskOldDataset': old_transform_module = getattr(import_module('dataset'), args.old_augmentation) old_transform = old_transform_module( resize=args.resize, mean=MEAN, std=STD, ) train_dataset = dataset_module(data_dir, train, train_transform, old_transform) if args.val_old: val_dataset = dataset_module(data_dir, val, val_transform, old_transform) else: val_dataset = dataset_module(data_dir, val, val_transform) else: train_dataset = dataset_module(data_dir, train, train_transform) val_dataset = dataset_module(data_dir, val, val_transform) else: dataset = dataset_module(data_dir=data_dir, ) # dataset.set_transform(transform) # -- data_loader train_set, val_set = dataset.split_dataset() train_dataset = DatasetFromSubset(train_set, transform=train_transform) val_dataset = DatasetFromSubset(val_set, transform=val_transform) train_loader = DataLoader( train_dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=4, shuffle=True, pin_memory=use_cuda, #drop_last=True, ) val_loader = DataLoader( val_dataset, batch_size=args.valid_batch_size, num_workers=1, shuffle=False, pin_memory=use_cuda, #drop_last=True, ) # -- model model_module = getattr(import_module("model"), args.model) # default: BaseModel model = model_module(num_classes=args.num_classes).to(device) model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model) # -- loss & metric if args.criterion == 'f1' or args.criterion == 'label_smoothing': criterion = create_criterion(args.criterion, classes=args.num_classes) else: criterion = create_criterion(args.criterion) opt_module = getattr(import_module("torch.optim"), args.optimizer) # default: SGD optimizer = opt_module(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()),, weight_decay=5e-4) if args.scheduler == 'cosine': scheduler = CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, T_max=2, eta_min=1e-6) elif args.scheduler == 'reduce': scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, factor=0.5, patience=5) elif args.scheduler == 'step': scheduler = StepLR(optimizer, args.lr_decay_step, gamma=0.5) else: scheduler = None # -- logging logger = SummaryWriter(log_dir=save_dir) with open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'config.json'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(vars(args), f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) best_val_acc = 0 best_val_loss = np.inf print("This notebook use [%s]." % (device)) early_stopping = EarlyStopping(patience=args.patience, verbose=True) for epoch in range(args.epochs): # train loop model.train() loss_value = 0 matches = 0 train_loss, train_acc = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter() for idx, train_batch in enumerate(train_loader): inputs, labels = train_batch if args.dataset == 'MaskDataset' or args.dataset == 'MaskOldDataset': labels = labels.argmax(dim=-1) inputs = labels = optimizer.zero_grad() outs = model(inputs) preds = torch.argmax(outs, dim=-1) loss = criterion(outs, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() #loss_value += loss.item() #matches += (preds == labels).sum().item() acc = (preds == labels).sum().item() / len(labels) train_loss.update(loss.item(), len(labels)) train_acc.update(acc, len(labels)) if (idx + 1) % args.log_interval == 0: #train_loss = loss_value / args.log_interval #train_acc = matches / args.batch_size / args.log_interval train_f1_acc = f1_score(preds.cpu().detach().type(, labels.cpu().detach().type(, average='macro') current_lr = get_lr(optimizer) print( f"Epoch[{epoch + 1}/{args.epochs}]({idx + 1}/{len(train_loader)}) || " f"training loss {train_loss.avg:.4f} || training accuracy {train_acc.avg:4.2%} || train_f1_acc {train_f1_acc:.4} || lr {current_lr}" ) logger.add_scalar("Train/loss", train_loss.avg, epoch * len(train_loader) + idx) logger.add_scalar("Train/accuracy", train_acc.avg, epoch * len(train_loader) + idx) loss_value = 0 matches = 0 scheduler.step() val_loss, val_acc = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter() # val loop with torch.no_grad(): print("Calculating validation results...") model.eval() val_labels_items = np.array([]) val_preds_items = np.array([]) figure = None for val_batch in val_loader: inputs, labels = val_batch if args.dataset == 'MaskDataset' or args.dataset == 'MaskOldDataset': labels = labels.argmax(dim=-1) inputs = labels = outs = model(inputs) preds = torch.argmax(outs, dim=-1) #loss_item = criterion(outs, labels).item() #acc_item = (labels == preds).sum().item() #val_loss_items.append(loss_item) #val_acc_items.append(acc_item) loss = criterion(outs, labels) acc = (preds == labels).sum().item() / len(labels) val_loss.update(loss.item(), len(labels)) val_acc.update(acc, len(labels)) val_labels_items = np.concatenate( [val_labels_items, labels.cpu().numpy()]) val_preds_items = np.concatenate( [val_preds_items, preds.cpu().numpy()]) if figure is None: if epoch % 2: images, labels, preds = get_all_datas( model, device, val_loader) figure = log_confusion_matrix( labels.cpu().numpy(), np.argmax(preds.cpu().numpy(), axis=1), args.num_classes) # figure2 = plots_result(images.cpu().numpy()[:36], labels.cpu().numpy()[:36], preds.cpu().numpy()[:36], args.num_classes, title="plots_result") else: inputs_np = torch.clone(inputs).detach().cpu().permute( 0, 2, 3, 1).numpy() inputs_np = val_dataset.denormalize_image( inputs_np, MEAN, STD) figure = grid_image(inputs_np, labels, preds, 9, False) # val_loss = np.sum(val_loss_items) / len(val_loader) # val_acc = np.sum(val_acc_items) / len(val_set) val_f1_acc = f1_score(val_labels_items.astype(, val_preds_items.astype(, average='macro') best_val_acc = max(best_val_acc, val_acc.avg) # best_val_loss = min(best_val_loss, val_loss) if val_loss.avg < best_val_loss: print( f"New best model for val loss : {val_loss.avg:4.2%}! saving the best model.." ), f"{save_dir}/best.pth") best_val_loss = val_loss.avg, f"{save_dir}/last.pth") print( f"[Val] acc : {val_acc.avg:4.2%}, loss : {val_loss.avg:.4f} || val_f1_acc : {val_f1_acc:.4} || " f"best acc : {best_val_acc:4.2%}, best loss : {best_val_loss:.4f}" ) logger.add_scalar("Val/loss", val_loss.avg, epoch) logger.add_scalar("Val/accuracy", val_acc.avg, epoch) logger.add_figure("results", figure, epoch) # logger.add_figure("results1", figure2, epoch) early_stopping(val_loss.avg, model) if early_stopping.early_stop: print('Early stopping...') break print()
def forward(self, x=torch.rand(1, 3, 640, 640), requires_grad=True): if self.device: x = Variable(x, requires_grad=requires_grad).cuda() else: x = Variable(x, requires_grad=requires_grad) ### indexing model: x_ind = F.interpolate(x, size=160) x_ind = self.down0_conv(x_ind) x_ind = self.down0_conv_bn(x_ind) x_ind = F.leaky_relu(x_ind) x_ind, index = self.mp2d(x_ind) x_ind = self.down1_conv(x_ind) x_ind = self.down1_conv_bn(x_ind) x_ind = F.leaky_relu(x_ind) x_ind = self.down2_conv(x_ind) x_ind = self.down2_conv_bn(x_ind) x_ind = F.leaky_relu(x_ind) x_ind = self.down2_1_conv(x_ind) x_ind = self.down2_1_conv_bn(x_ind) x_ind = F.leaky_relu(x_ind) x_ind = self.down2_2_conv(x_ind) x_ind = self.down2_2_conv_bn(x_ind) x_ind = F.leaky_relu(x_ind) x_ind = self.down4_conv(x_ind) x_ind = self.down4_conv_bn(x_ind) x_ind = F.leaky_relu(x_ind) x_ind = self.Unmp2d(x_ind, index) x_ind = self.down3_conv(x_ind) x_ind = self.down3_conv_bn(x_ind) x_ind = F.leaky_relu(x_ind) x_ind = self.down5_conv(x_ind) x_ind = self.down5_conv_bn(x_ind) x_ind = F.leaky_relu(x_ind) x_ind = self.upSample(x_ind) x_ind = F.leaky_relu(x_ind) indexing_tensor = x_ind.narrow(1, 0, self.output_channels) # [:,:49,:,:] indexing_tensor = torch.exp(F.log_softmax(indexing_tensor, 1)) indexing_pred, indexing_argmax = indexing_tensor.max(dim=1) ## skeleton model: x1 = self.down0_convSkel(x) x2 = self.down0_conv_bnSkel(x1) x3 = F.relu(self.down1_convSkel(x2)) x4 = self.down1_conv_bnSkel(x3) x5 = F.relu(x4) x6 = self.down2_convSkel(x5) x7 = F.relu(x6) x8_1, index = self.mp2dSkel(x7) x8_2 = self.Unmp2dSkel(x8_1, index) x9_1, index = self.mp2dSkel2(x7) x9_2 = self.Unmp2dSkel2(x9_1, index) x8_2[0, 0, 0:10, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 0:10, :] x8_2[0, 0, 30:50, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 30:50, :] x8_2[0, 0, 70:90, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 70:90, :] x8_2[0, 0, 110:130, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 110:130, :] x8_2[0, 0, 150:170, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 150:170, :] x8_2[0, 0, 190:210, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 190:210, :] x8_2[0, 0, 230:250, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 230:250, :] x8_2[0, 0, 270:290, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 270:290, :] x8_2[0, 0, 270:290, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 270:290, :] x8_2[0, 0, 310:330, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 310:330, :] x8_2[0, 0, 350:370, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 350:370, :] x8_2[0, 0, 390:410, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 390:410, :] x8_2[0, 0, 430:450, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 430:450, :] x8_2[0, 0, 470:490, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 470:490, :] x8_2[0, 0, 510:530, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 510:530, :] x8_2[0, 0, 550:570, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 550:570, :] x8_2[0, 0, 590:610, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 590:610, :] x8_2[0, 0, 630:640, :] = x9_2[0, 0, 630:640, :] skeleton_pred = x7 skeleton_final = x8_2 final_res = torch.clone(indexing_argmax) final_res[0, skeleton_final[0, 0, :, :] == 0] = 0 return final_res, skeleton_final, skeleton_pred, indexing_tensor, indexing_argmax, indexing_pred
def from_torch(attention: TorchBertAttention, layer_norm: Optional[TorchLayerNorm] = None, is_trans_weight: bool = False): """ load an attn model from huggingface bert attention model. """ ln_params = {} if layer_norm is not None: ln_params = {k: v for k, v in layer_norm.named_parameters()} params = {k: v for k, v in attention.named_parameters()} with torch.no_grad(): if is_trans_weight: # merge self.query.weight, self.query.weight and self.query.weight together as qkv.weight qkv_weight = (params['self.query.weight'], params['self.key.weight'], params['self.value.weight']), 0) output_weight = params['output.dense.weight'] k_w = params['self.key.weight'] v_w = params['self.value.weight'] q_w = params['self.query.weight'] else: # merge self.query.weight, self.query.weight and self.query.weight together as qkv.weight qkv_weight = torch.clone( torch.t(['self.query.weight'], params['self.key.weight'], params['self.value.weight']), 0).contiguous()).contiguous()) output_weight = torch.clone( torch.t(params['output.dense.weight']).contiguous()) k_w = torch.clone( torch.t(params['self.key.weight']).contiguous()) v_w = torch.clone( torch.t(params['self.value.weight']).contiguous()) q_w = torch.clone( torch.t(params['self.query.weight']).contiguous()) qkv_bias = (params['self.query.bias'], params['self.key.bias'], params['self.value.bias']), 0) if layer_norm is not None: att = MultiHeadedAttention( convert2tt_tensor(k_w), convert2tt_tensor(params['self.key.bias']), convert2tt_tensor(v_w), convert2tt_tensor(params['self.value.bias']), convert2tt_tensor(q_w), convert2tt_tensor(params['self.query.bias']), convert2tt_tensor(output_weight), convert2tt_tensor(params['output.dense.bias']), convert2tt_tensor(qkv_weight), convert2tt_tensor(qkv_bias), convert2tt_tensor(params['output.LayerNorm.weight']), convert2tt_tensor(params['output.LayerNorm.bias']), convert2tt_tensor(ln_params['weight']), convert2tt_tensor(ln_params['bias']), attention.self.num_attention_heads) else: att = MultiHeadedAttention( convert2tt_tensor(k_w), convert2tt_tensor(params['self.key.bias']), convert2tt_tensor(v_w), convert2tt_tensor(params['self.value.bias']), convert2tt_tensor(q_w), convert2tt_tensor(params['self.query.bias']), convert2tt_tensor(output_weight), convert2tt_tensor(params['output.dense.bias']), convert2tt_tensor(qkv_weight), convert2tt_tensor(qkv_bias), convert2tt_tensor(params['output.LayerNorm.weight']), convert2tt_tensor(params['output.LayerNorm.bias']), attention.self.num_attention_heads) return att
def train(self, G, deformator, shift_predictor): G.cuda().eval() deformator.cuda().train() shift_predictor.cuda().train() deformator_opt = torch.optim.Adam(deformator.parameters(), lr=self.p.deformator_lr) \ if deformator.type not in [DeformatorType.ID, DeformatorType.RANDOM] else None shift_predictor_opt = torch.optim.Adam(shift_predictor.parameters(), lr=self.p.shift_predictor_lr) avgs = MeanTracker('percent'), MeanTracker('loss'), MeanTracker('direction_loss'),\ MeanTracker('shift_loss'), MeanTracker('deformator_loss') avg_correct_percent, avg_loss, avg_label_loss, avg_shift_loss, avg_deformator_loss = avgs recovered_step = self.start_from_checkpoint(deformator, shift_predictor) for step in range(recovered_step, self.p.n_steps, 1): G.zero_grad() deformator.zero_grad() shift_predictor.zero_grad() z = make_noise(self.p.batch_size, G.dim_z).cuda() z_orig = torch.clone(z) target_indices, shifts, z_shift = self.make_shifts(G.dim_z) # Deformation if self.p.global_deformation: z_shifted = deformator(z + z_shift) z = deformator(z) else: z_shifted = z + deformator(z_shift) imgs = G(z) imgs_shifted = G(z_shifted) logits, shift_prediction = shift_predictor(imgs, imgs_shifted) logit_loss = self.p.label_weight * self.cross_entropy( logits, target_indices) shift_loss = self.p.shift_weight * torch.mean( torch.abs(shift_prediction - shifts)) # Loss # deformator penalty if self.p.deformation_loss == DeformatorLoss.STAT: z_std, z_mean = normal_projection_stat(z) z_loss = self.p.z_mean_weight * torch.abs(z_mean) + \ self.p.z_std_weight * torch.abs(1.0 - z_std) elif self.p.deformation_loss == DeformatorLoss.L2: z_loss = self.p.deformation_loss_weight * torch.mean( torch.norm(z, dim=1)) if z_loss < self.p.z_norm_loss_low_bound * torch.mean( torch.norm(z_orig, dim=1)): z_loss = torch.tensor([0.0], device='cuda') elif self.p.deformation_loss == DeformatorLoss.RELATIVE: deformation_norm = torch.norm(z - z_shifted, dim=1) z_loss = self.p.deformation_loss_weight * torch.mean( torch.abs(deformation_norm - shifts)) else: z_loss = torch.tensor([0.0], device='cuda') # total loss loss = logit_loss + shift_loss + z_loss loss.backward() if deformator_opt is not None: deformator_opt.step() shift_predictor_opt.step() # update statistics trackers avg_correct_percent.add( torch.mean((torch.argmax(logits, dim=1) == target_indices).to( torch.float32)).detach()) avg_loss.add(loss.item()) avg_label_loss.add(logit_loss.item()) avg_shift_loss.add(shift_loss) avg_deformator_loss.add(z_loss.item()) self.log(G, deformator, shift_predictor, step, avgs)
def cubo2rod(cu): """Cubochoric vector to Rodrigues-Frank vector. Quaternion returned in form s, <x,y,z> where s is real component, and <x,y,z> is imaginary vector component """ """ Step 1: Cubochoric vector to homochoric vector. References ---------- D. Roşca et al., Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 22:075013, 2014 """ # get pyramid and scale by grid parameter ratio XYZ = torch.gather(cu, -1, _get_tensor_pyramid_order(cu, 'forward')) * sc order = torch.le(torch.abs(XYZ[..., 1:2]), torch.abs(XYZ[..., 0:1])) q = math.pi / 12.0 * torch.where(order, XYZ[..., 1:2], XYZ[..., 0:1]) \ / torch.where(order, XYZ[..., 0:1], XYZ[..., 1:2]) c = torch.cos(q) s = torch.sin(q) q = R1 * 2.0 ** 0.25 / beta / torch.sqrt(math.sqrt(2.0) - c) \ * torch.where(order, XYZ[..., 0:1], XYZ[..., 1:2]) T = * c - 1.0), math.sqrt(2.0) * s), dim=-1) * q # transform to sphere grid (inverse Lambert) c = torch.sum(T**2, -1, keepdim=True) s = c * math.pi / 24.0 / XYZ[..., 2:3]**2 c = c * math.sqrt(math.pi / 24.0) / XYZ[..., 2:3] q = torch.sqrt(1.0 - s) ho = torch.where( torch.isclose(torch.sum(torch.abs(XYZ[..., 0:2]), -1, keepdim=True), _precision_check(0.0, XYZ.dtype), rtol=0.0, atol=1.0e-16), XYZ[..., 0:2]), math.sqrt(6.0 / math.pi) * XYZ[..., 2:3]), dim=-1),, T[..., 0:1], T[..., 1:2]) * q, torch.where(order, T[..., 1:2], T[..., 0:1]) * q, math.sqrt(6.0 / math.pi) * XYZ[..., 2:3] - c), dim=-1)) ho[torch.isclose(torch.sum(torch.abs(cu), -1), _precision_check(0.0, cu.dtype), rtol=0.0, atol=1.0e-16)] = 0.0 # warning ho = torch.gather(ho, -1, _get_tensor_pyramid_order(cu, 'backward')) # return ho # here for homochoric """Step 2: Homochoric vector to axis angle pair.""" tfit = [ +1.0000000000018852, -0.5000000002194847, -0.024999992127593126, -0.003928701544781374, -0.0008152701535450438, -0.0002009500426119712, -0.00002397986776071756, -0.00008202868926605841, +0.00012448715042090092, -0.0001749114214822577, +0.0001703481934140054, -0.00012062065004116828, +0.000059719705868660826, -0.00001980756723965647, +0.000003953714684212874, -0.00000036555001439719544 ] hmag_squared = torch.sum(ho**2., -1, keepdim=True) hm = torch.clone( hmag_squared) # use detach() for decoupled autograd relationship s = tfit[0] + tfit[1] * hmag_squared for i in range(2, 16): hm *= hmag_squared s += tfit[i] * hm # with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): ax = torch.where(, torch.tensor(1.e-8)).expand(ho.shape[:-1] + (4, )), _precision_check([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], ho.dtype, ho.device), / torch.sqrt(hmag_squared), 2.0 * torch.arccos(torch.clip(s, -1.0, 1.0))), dim=-1)) # return ax # here for axis angle pair """Step 3: Axis angle pair to Rodrigues-Frank vector.""" ro =[..., :3], torch.where( torch.isclose(ax[..., 3:4], _precision_check(math.pi, ax.dtype), atol=1.e-15, rtol=.0), _precision_check(float('inf'), ax.dtype, ax.device), torch.tan(ax[..., 3:4] * 0.5))), dim=-1) ro[[..., 3]), 1.e-6)] = _precision_check([.0, .0, P, .0], ax.dtype, ax.device) return ro
def powerSGD_hook(state: PowerSGDState, bucket) -> torch.futures.Future: """ This DDP communication hook implements the original PowerSGD gradient compression algorithm described in Once gradient tensors are aggregated across all workers, this hook applies compression as follows: 1) Views the input flattened 1D gradient tensor as two groups of per-parameter tensors: high-rank tensors and vector-like rank-1 tensors (for biases). 2) Handles rank-1 tensors by allreducing them without compression: 2.1) Allocate contiguous memory for those rank-1 tensors, and allreduces all the rank-1 tensors as a batch, without compression; 2.2) Copies the individual rank-1 tensors from the contiguous memory back to the input tensor. 3) Handles high-rank tensors by PowerSGD compression: 3.1) For each high-rank tensor M, creates two low-rank tensors P and Q for decomposing M, such that M = PQ^T, where Q is initialized from a standard normal distribution and orthogonalized; 3.2) Computes each P in Ps, which is equal to MQ; 3.3) Allreduces Ps as a batch; 3.4) Orthogonalizes each P in Ps; 3.5) Computes each Q in Qs, which is approximately equal to M^TP; 3.6) Allreduces Qs as a batch; 3.7) Computes each M among all the high-rank tensors, which is approximately equal to PQ^T. Note that this communication hook enforces vanilla allreduce for the first `state.start_powerSGD_iter` iterations. This can not only allow the user to have a finer tuning over the tradeoff between speedup and accuracy, but also help abstract away some complexity of the internal optimization of DDP for future communication hook developers. TODO(wayi@): The above procedure does two matmul+allreduce steps per iteration -- one left multiplication and one right multiplication. For warm-start, can take one such step at a time, and alternate between them. Args: state (PowerSGDState): State information to configure the compression rate and support error feedback, warm start, etc. To tune the compression configs, see Note [Guidance to Tune `matrix_approximation_rank` And `start_powerSGD_iter`]. bucket (dist._GradBucket): Bucket that stores a 1D flattened gradient tensor that batches multiple per-variable tensors. Note that since DDP comm hook only supports single process single device mode at this time, only exactly one tensor is stored in this bucket. Returns: Future handler of the communication, which updates the gradients in place. Example:: state = PowerSGDState(process_group=process_group, matrix_approximation_rank=1, start_powerSGD_iter=10) >>> ddp_model.register_comm_hook(state, powerSGD_hook) """ process_group = state.process_group group_to_use = process_group if process_group is not None else world_size = group_to_use.size() # The input tensor is a flattened 1D tensor. input_tensor = bucket.get_tensors()[0] # Run vanilla allreduce in the first `start_powerSGD_iter` iterations. if state.iter < state.start_powerSGD_iter: state.maybe_increase_iter(bucket) return default._allreduce_fut(group_to_use, input_tensor) # Apply PowerSGD after `start_powerSGD_iter` iterations. device = input_tensor.device dtype = input_tensor.dtype # Incorporate the error from the previous state into the gradients. bucket_index = bucket.get_index() input_tensor_cp = None total_length = input_tensor.shape[0] if state.use_error_feedback: if bucket_index in state.error_dict: input_tensor.add_(state.error_dict[bucket_index]) else: "A zero tensor of length {} that represents local error is created." .format(total_length)) state.error_dict[bucket_index] = torch.zeros(total_length, device=device, dtype=dtype) # Keep a copy of the input tensor, # so that we can compute the local error caused by compression later, # by comparing this copy and the input tensor updated after decompression. input_tensor_cp = torch.clone(input_tensor).detach() # Unflatten the input tensor into per-parameter tensors, for layer-wise compression. tensors = [ input_tensor[offset:offset + length].view(sizes) for offset, length, sizes in zip(bucket.get_offsets( ), bucket.get_lengths(), bucket.get_sizes_list()) ] # Step I: Handle rank-1 tensors. # Allocate contiguous memory for rank-1 tensors to allreduce them without compression efficiently. rank1_tensors = [tensor for tensor in tensors if tensor.ndimension() <= 1] rank1_tensors_memory = ([ tensor.view(-1) for tensor in rank1_tensors ]) if rank1_tensors else torch.tensor([], device=device, dtype=dtype)) # Step II: Handle high-rank tensors. # Allocate contiguous memory for Ps and Qs to allreduce compressed high-rank tensors efficiently. high_rank_tensors = [ tensor.view(tensor.shape[0], -1) for tensor in tensors if tensor.ndimension() > 1 ] total_Ps_size = 0 total_Qs_size = 0 for tensor in high_rank_tensors: n, m = tensor.shape matrix_approximation_rank = min(n, m, state.matrix_approximation_rank) total_Ps_size += n * matrix_approximation_rank total_Qs_size += m * matrix_approximation_rank # If warm-start is enabled, reuse Ps and Qs from the previous iteration if possible. # The memory spaces of Ps and Qs need to be allocated in the first iteration when PowerSGD is applied. need_randomize_qs = False if not state.warm_start or bucket_index not in state.p_memory_dict: need_randomize_qs = True # If warm-start is disabled, low-rank tensors will be initialized at every step. # Only log this if warm-start to avoid spamming. if state.warm_start: "Allocating contiguous memory of length {} for Ps, and of length {} for Qs, respectively." .format(total_Ps_size, total_Qs_size)) state.p_memory_dict[bucket_index] = torch.empty(total_Ps_size, device=device, dtype=dtype) state.q_memory_dict[bucket_index] = torch.empty(total_Qs_size, device=device, dtype=dtype) # Create Ps and Qs that point to the allocated memory. ps = [] qs = [] p_idx = 0 q_idx = 0 for tensor in high_rank_tensors: n, m = tensor.shape matrix_approximation_rank = min(n, m, state.matrix_approximation_rank) ps.append( state.p_memory_dict[bucket_index][p_idx:p_idx + n * matrix_approximation_rank].view( n, matrix_approximation_rank)) qs.append( state.q_memory_dict[bucket_index][q_idx:q_idx + m * matrix_approximation_rank].view( m, matrix_approximation_rank)) p_idx += n * matrix_approximation_rank q_idx += m * matrix_approximation_rank # If warm-start is enabled, reuse Qs from the previous iteration if possible and skip filling random values. # The exception is the first iteration when PowerSGD is applied. if not need_randomize_qs: for q in qs: _orthogonalize(q) else: with torch.random.fork_rng(devices=[]): # Fork this RNG to avoid changing the seed globally and affecting the random sampling anywhere else in the training. # The seed makes sure that the initial random values are the same across all the DDP replicas. # This seed should differ at every step. # Since it is very slow to fork RNG state across all the CUDA devices, # only fork on CPU and then move the generated tensor to the CUDA device (by overwriting q). torch.manual_seed(state.rng.randint(1_000_000_000)) for q in qs: q.copy_(torch.randn( *q.shape, device="cpu", dtype=dtype, )) _orthogonalize(q) # Compute Ps. for tensor, q, p in zip(high_rank_tensors, qs, ps): torch.matmul(tensor, q, out=p) # This allreduce is only applied to rank-1 tensors, # so it should have been kicked off before the above computation on the high-rank tensors to hide more communication costs. # However, this somehow requires a separate future chain at this time. allreduce_contiguous_rank1_tensors_fut = dist.all_reduce( rank1_tensors_memory, group=group_to_use, async_op=True).get_future() def unpack_rank1_tensors_and_allreduce_ps(fut): rank1_tensors_memory = fut.value()[0].div_(world_size) idx = 0 for tensor in rank1_tensors: tensor.copy_(rank1_tensors_memory[idx:idx + tensor.shape[0]]) idx += tensor.shape[0] # Since these Ps will be orthogonalized later, no need to divide them by world size. return [ dist.all_reduce(state.p_memory_dict[bucket_index], group=group_to_use, async_op=True).get_future().wait()[0] ] def compute_qs(fut): state.p_memory_dict[bucket_index] = fut.value()[0] for p in ps: _orthogonalize(p) # Compute Qs. for tensor, p, q in zip(high_rank_tensors, ps, qs): torch.matmul(tensor.t(), p, out=q) # Allreduce Qs. return [ dist.all_reduce(state.q_memory_dict[bucket_index], group=group_to_use, async_op=True).get_future().wait()[0] ] def decompress(fut): state.q_memory_dict[bucket_index] = fut.value()[0].div_(world_size) for p, q, tensor in zip(ps, qs, high_rank_tensors): torch.matmul(p, q.t(), out=tensor) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.synchronize(device) if state.use_error_feedback: # Memorize the local errors. state.error_dict[bucket_index] = input_tensor_cp - input_tensor if not state.warm_start: state.p_memory_dict.clear() state.q_memory_dict.clear() state.maybe_increase_iter(bucket) return [input_tensor] return (allreduce_contiguous_rank1_tensors_fut.then( unpack_rank1_tensors_and_allreduce_ps).then(compute_qs).then( decompress))
def evaluate(args, model, criterions, dataloader): model.eval() epoch_loss = 0 n_class = 12 example_images = [] with torch.no_grad(): hist = np.zeros((n_class, n_class)) miou_images = [] for images, masks, _ in dataloader: images = torch.stack(images) # (batch, channel, height, width) masks = torch.stack( masks).long() # (batch, channel, height, width) images, masks =, outputs = model(images) flag = criterions[0] if flag == "+": loss = criterions[1](outputs, masks) + criterions[2](outputs, masks) elif flag == "-": loss = criterions[1](outputs, masks) - criterions[2](outputs, masks) else: loss = criterions[1](outputs, masks) epoch_loss += loss inputs_np = torch.clone(images).detach().cpu().permute(0, 2, 3, 1).numpy() inputs_np = denormalize_image(inputs_np, mean=(0.4611, 0.4403, 0.4193), std=(0.2107, 0.2074, 0.2157)) example_images.append( wb_mask( inputs_np[0], pred_mask=outputs.argmax(1)[0].detach().cpu().numpy(), true_mask=masks[0].detach().cpu().numpy(), )) outputs = torch.argmax(outputs.squeeze(), dim=1).detach().cpu().numpy() hist = add_hist(hist, masks.detach().cpu().numpy(), outputs, n_class=n_class) # 이미지별 miou 저장 miou_list = get_miou(masks.detach().cpu().numpy(), outputs, n_class=n_class) miou_images.extend(miou_list) # metrics acc, acc_cls, miou, fwavacc = label_accuracy_score(hist) # 리더보드 miou lb_miou = np.nanmean(miou_images) print(f"acc:{acc:.4f}, acc_cls:{acc_cls:.4f}, fwavacc:{fwavacc:.4f}") # hist wandb에 저장 summa = hist.sum(1).reshape(-1, 1) percent = hist / summa plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) sns.heatmap(percent, annot=True, fmt=".2%", annot_kws={"size": 8}) wandb.log({"percent_hist": wandb.Image(plt)}, commit=False) return (epoch_loss / len(dataloader)), lb_miou, miou, example_images
def sample(self): if self.config.ncsn.sampling.ckpt_id is None: ncsn_states = torch.load(os.path.join( 'scones', self.config.ncsn.sampling.log_path, 'checkpoint.pth'), map_location=self.config.device) else: ncsn_states = torch.load(os.path.join( 'scones', self.config.ncsn.sampling.log_path, f'checkpoint_{self.config.ncsn.sampling.ckpt_id}.pth'), map_location=self.config.device) score = get_scorenet(self.config) score = torch.nn.DataParallel(score) sigmas_th = get_sigmas(self.config.ncsn) sigmas = sigmas_th.cpu().numpy() if ("module.sigmas" in ncsn_states[0].keys()): ncsn_states[0]["module.sigmas"] = sigmas_th score.load_state_dict(ncsn_states[0], strict=True) score.eval() baryproj_data_init = (hasattr(self.config, "baryproj") and self.config.ncsn.sampling.data_init) if (baryproj_data_init): if (self.config.baryproj.ckpt_id is None): bproj_states = torch.load(os.path.join( 'scones', self.config.baryproj.log_path, 'checkpoint.pth'), map_location=self.config.device) else: bproj_states = torch.load(os.path.join( 'scones', self.config.baryproj.log_path, f'checkpoint_{self.config.baryproj.ckpt_id}.pth'), map_location=self.config.device) bproj = get_bary(self.config) bproj.load_state_dict(bproj_states[0]) bproj = torch.nn.DataParallel(bproj) bproj.eval() if self.config.compatibility.ckpt_id is None: cpat_states = torch.load(os.path.join( 'scones', self.config.compatibility.log_path, 'checkpoint.pth'), map_location=self.config.device) else: cpat_states = torch.load(os.path.join( 'scones', self.config.compatibility.log_path, f'checkpoint_{self.config.compatibility.ckpt_id}.pth'), map_location=self.config.device) cpat = get_compatibility(self.config) cpat.load_state_dict(cpat_states[0]) if self.config.ncsn.model.ema: ema_helper = EMAHelper(mu=self.config.ncsn.model.ema_rate) ema_helper.register(score) ema_helper.load_state_dict(ncsn_states[-1]) ema_helper.ema(score) source_dataset, _ = get_dataset(self.args, self.config.source) dataloader = DataLoader( source_dataset, batch_size=self.config.ncsn.sampling.sources_per_batch, shuffle=True, data_iter = iter(dataloader) (Xs, labels) = next(data_iter) Xs_global =[Xs] * self.config.ncsn.sampling.samples_per_source, dim=0).to(self.config.device) Xs_global = data_transform(self.config.source, Xs_global) if (hasattr(self.config.ncsn.sampling, "n_sigmas_skip")): n_sigmas_skip = self.config.ncsn.sampling.n_sigmas_skip else: n_sigmas_skip = 0 if not self.config.ncsn.sampling.fid: if self.config.ncsn.sampling.inpainting: ''' NCSN INPAINTING CODE. EITHER PATCH THIS FOR SCONES OR REMOVE IT. data_iter = iter(dataloader) refer_images, _ = next(data_iter) refer_images = width = int(np.sqrt(self.config.sampling.batch_size)) init_samples = torch.rand(width, width,,,, device=self.config.device) init_samples = data_transform(self.config, init_samples) all_samples = anneal_Langevin_dynamics_inpainting(init_samples, refer_images[:width, ...], score, sigmas,, self.config.sampling.n_steps_each, self.config.sampling.step_lr)[:width, ...], os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'refer_image.pth')) refer_images = refer_images[:width, None, ...].expand(-1, width, -1, -1, -1).reshape(-1, *refer_images.shape[ 1:]) save_image(refer_images, os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'refer_image.png'), nrow=width) if not self.config.sampling.final_only: for i, sample in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(all_samples)): sample = sample.view(self.config.sampling.batch_size,,, sample = inverse_data_transform(self.config, sample) image_grid = make_grid(sample, int(np.sqrt(self.config.sampling.batch_size))) save_image(image_grid, os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'image_grid_{}.png'.format(i))), os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'completion_{}.pth'.format(i))) else: sample = all_samples[-1].view(self.config.sampling.batch_size,,, sample = inverse_data_transform(self.config, sample) image_grid = make_grid(sample, int(np.sqrt(self.config.sampling.batch_size))) save_image(image_grid, os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'image_grid_{}.png'.format(self.config.ncsn.sampling.ckpt_id))), os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'completion_{}.pth'.format(self.config.sampling.ckpt_id))) ''' raise NotImplementedError( "Inpainting with SCONES is not currently implemented.") elif self.config.ncsn.sampling.interpolation: ''' NCSN INTERPOLATION CODE. EITHER PATCH THIS FOR SCONES OR REMOVE IT. if self.config.sampling.data_init: data_iter = iter(dataloader) samples, _ = next(data_iter) samples = samples = data_transform(self.config, samples) init_samples = samples + sigmas_th[0] * torch.randn_like(samples) else: init_samples = torch.rand(self.config.sampling.batch_size,,,, device=self.config.device) init_samples = data_transform(self.config, init_samples) all_samples = anneal_Langevin_dynamics_interpolation(init_samples, score, sigmas, self.config.sampling.n_interpolations, self.config.sampling.n_steps_each, self.config.sampling.step_lr, verbose=True, final_only=self.config.sampling.final_only) if not self.config.sampling.final_only: for i, sample in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(all_samples), total=len(all_samples), desc="saving image samples"): sample = sample.view(sample.shape[0],,, sample = inverse_data_transform(self.config, sample) image_grid = make_grid(sample, nrow=self.config.sampling.n_interpolations) save_image(image_grid, os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'image_grid_{}.png'.format(i))), os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'samples_{}.pth'.format(i))) else: sample = all_samples[-1].view(all_samples[-1].shape[0],,, sample = inverse_data_transform(self.config, sample) image_grid = make_grid(sample, self.config.sampling.n_interpolations) save_image(image_grid, os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'image_grid_{}.png'.format(self.config.sampling.ckpt_id))), os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'samples_{}.pth'.format(self.config.sampling.ckpt_id))) ''' raise NotImplementedError( "Interpolation with SCONES is not currently implemented.") else: if self.config.ncsn.sampling.data_init: if (baryproj_data_init): with torch.no_grad(): init_Xt = (bproj(Xs_global) + sigmas_th[n_sigmas_skip] * torch.randn_like(Xs_global)).detach() else: init_Xt = Xs_global + sigmas_th[ n_sigmas_skip] * torch.randn_like(Xs_global) init_Xt.requires_grad = True init_Xt = else: init_Xt = torch.rand( self.config.ncsn.sampling.sources_per_batch * self.config.ncsn.sampling.samples_per_source,,,, device=self.config.device) init_Xt = data_transform(, init_Xt) init_Xt.requires_grad = True init_Xt = all_samples = anneal_Langevin_dynamics( init_Xt, Xs_global, score, cpat, sigmas, self.config.ncsn.sampling.n_steps_each, self.config.ncsn.sampling.step_lr, verbose=True, final_only=self.config.ncsn.sampling.final_only, denoise=self.config.ncsn.sampling.denoise, n_sigmas_skip=n_sigmas_skip) all_samples = torch.stack(all_samples, dim=0) if not self.config.ncsn.sampling.final_only: all_samples = all_samples.view( (-1, self.config.ncsn.sampling.sources_per_batch, self.config.ncsn.sampling.samples_per_source,,, os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'all_samples.npy'), all_samples.detach().cpu().numpy()) sample = all_samples[-1].view( self.config.ncsn.sampling.sources_per_batch * self.config.ncsn.sampling.samples_per_source,,, sample = inverse_data_transform(, sample) image_grid = make_grid( sample, nrow=self.config.ncsn.sampling.sources_per_batch) save_image( image_grid, os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'sample_grid.png')) source_grid = make_grid( Xs, nrow=self.config.ncsn.sampling.sources_per_batch) save_image( source_grid, os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'source_grid.png')) bproj_of_source = make_grid( bproj(Xs), nrow=self.config.ncsn.sampling.sources_per_batch) save_image( bproj_of_source, os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'bproj_sources.png')), 'sources.npy'), Xs.detach().cpu().numpy()) os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'source_labels.npy'), labels.detach().cpu().numpy()), 'bproj.npy'), bproj(Xs).detach().cpu().numpy()), 'samples.npy'), sample.detach().cpu().numpy()) else: batch_size = self.config.ncsn.sampling.sources_per_batch * self.config.ncsn.sampling.samples_per_source total_n_samples = self.config.ncsn.sampling.num_samples4fid n_rounds = total_n_samples // batch_size if self.config.ncsn.sampling.data_init: dataloader = DataLoader( source_dataset, batch_size=self.config.ncsn.sampling.sources_per_batch, shuffle=True, data_iter = iter(dataloader) img_id = 0 for r in tqdm.tqdm( range(n_rounds), desc= 'Generating image samples for FID/inception score evaluation' ): if self.config.ncsn.sampling.data_init: try: init_samples, labels = next(data_iter) init_samples = [init_samples] * self.config.ncsn.sampling.samples_per_source, dim=0) labels = [labels] * self.config.ncsn.sampling.samples_per_source, dim=0) except StopIteration: data_iter = iter(dataloader) init_samples, labels = next(data_iter) init_samples = [init_samples] * self.config.ncsn.sampling.samples_per_source, dim=0) labels = [labels] * self.config.ncsn.sampling.samples_per_source, dim=0) init_samples = init_samples = data_transform(, init_samples) if (baryproj_data_init): with torch.no_grad(): bproj_samples = bproj(init_samples).detach() else: bproj_samples = torch.clone(init_samples).detach() samples = bproj_samples + sigmas_th[ n_sigmas_skip] * torch.randn_like(bproj_samples) samples.requires_grad = True samples = else: samples = torch.rand(batch_size,,,, device=self.config.device) init_samples = torch.clone(samples) samples = data_transform(, samples) samples.requires_grad = True samples = all_samples = anneal_Langevin_dynamics( samples, Xs_global, score, cpat, sigmas, self.config.ncsn.sampling.n_steps_each, self.config.ncsn.sampling.step_lr, verbose=True, final_only=self.config.ncsn.sampling.final_only, denoise=self.config.ncsn.sampling.denoise, n_sigmas_skip=n_sigmas_skip) samples = all_samples[-1] for img in samples: img = inverse_data_transform(, img) save_image( img, os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'image_{}.png'.format(img_id))) img_id += 1 if (self.args.save_labels): save_path = os.path.join(self.args.image_folder, 'labels'), f'sources_{r}.npy'), init_samples.detach().cpu().numpy()), f'source_labels_{r}.npy'), labels.detach().cpu().numpy()), f"bproj_{r}.npy"), bproj_samples.detach().cpu().numpy()), f"samples_{r}.npy"), samples.detach().cpu().numpy())
def step(self, closure: Optional[Callable] = None) -> Optional[float]: """Performs an analog-aware single optimization step. If a group containing analog parameters is detected, the optimization step calls the related RPU controller. For regular parameter groups, the optimization step has the same behaviour as ``torch.optim.SGD``. Arguments: closure (callable, optional): A closure that reevaluates the model and returns the loss. Returns: The loss, if ``closure`` has been passed as a parameter. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches loss = None if closure is not None: loss = closure() for group in self.param_groups: learning_rate = group['lr'] weight_decay = group['weight_decay'] momentum = group['momentum'] dampening = group['dampening'] nesterov = group['nesterov'] # Use analog_tile object. if group.get('analog_tile'): analog_tile = group['analog_tile'] # Update learning rate analog_tile.set_learning_rate(learning_rate) weights = next(param for param in group['params'] if getattr(param, 'is_weight', False)) # Call `update` in the tile. if weights.use_indexed: analog_tile.update_indexed(weights.input, weights.grad_output) else: analog_tile.update(weights.input, weights.grad_output) # Apply post-update step operations (diffuse, decay, etc). analog_tile.post_update_step() continue for param in group['params']: if param.grad is None: continue d_p = param.grad if weight_decay != 0: d_p = d_p.add(param, alpha=weight_decay) if momentum != 0: param_state = self.state[param] if 'momentum_buffer' not in param_state: buf = param_state['momentum_buffer'] = clone(d_p).detach() else: buf = param_state['momentum_buffer'] buf.mul_(momentum).add_(d_p, alpha=1 - dampening) if nesterov: d_p = d_p.add(buf, alpha=momentum) else: d_p = buf param.add_(d_p, alpha=-group['lr']) return loss
import torch
def step(self, closure=None): """Performs a single optimization step. Arguments: closure (callable, optional): A closure that reevaluates the model and returns the loss. """ loss = None if closure is not None: loss = closure() for group in self.param_groups: for w in group['params']: if w.grad is None: continue grad = if grad.is_sparse: raise RuntimeError( 'Adam does not support sparse gradients, ' 'please consider SparseAdam instead') amsgrad = group['amsgrad'] state = self.state[w] # state initialization if len(state) == 0: state['step'] = 0 # exponential moving average of gradient values state['exp_avg'] = torch.zeros_like( # exponential moving average of squared gradient values state['exp_avg_sq'] = torch.zeros_like( # moving average for the non-orthogonal projection scaling state['exp_avg2'] = if amsgrad: # maintains max of all exp. moving avg. # of sq. grad. values state['max_exp_avg_sq'] = torch.zeros_like( exp_avg, exp_avg2, exp_avg_sq = \ state['exp_avg'], state['exp_avg2'], state['exp_avg_sq'], if amsgrad: max_exp_avg_sq = state['max_exp_avg_sq'] beta1, beta2 = group['betas'] state['step'] += 1 if group['weight_decay'] != 0: grad.add_(group['weight_decay'], # if its SGD phase, take an SGD update and continue if group['phase'] == 'SGD': if 'momentum_buffer' not in state: buf = state['momentum_buffer'] = torch.clone( grad).detach() else: buf = state['momentum_buffer'] buf.mul_(beta1).add_(grad) grad = buf grad.mul_(1 - beta1) if group['nesterov']: grad.add_(beta1, buf)['lr'], grad) continue # decay the first and second moment running average coefficient exp_avg.mul_(beta1).add_(1 - beta1, grad) exp_avg_sq.mul_(beta2).addcmul_(1 - beta2, grad, grad) if amsgrad: # maintains the maximum of all 2nd # moment running avg. till now torch.max(max_exp_avg_sq, exp_avg_sq, out=max_exp_avg_sq) # use the max. for normalizing running avg. of gradient denom = max_exp_avg_sq.sqrt().add_(group['eps']) else: denom = exp_avg_sq.sqrt().add_(group['eps']) bias_correction1 = 1 - beta1**state['step'] bias_correction2 = 1 - beta2**state['step'] step_size = group['lr'] * \ (bias_correction2 ** 0.5) / bias_correction1 p = -step_size * (exp_avg / denom) p_view = p.view(-1) pg = if pg != 0: # the non-orthognal scaling estimate scaling = / -pg exp_avg2.mul_(beta2).add_(1 - beta2, scaling) # bias corrected exponential average corrected_exp_avg = exp_avg2 / bias_correction2 # checking criteria of switching to SGD training if state['step'] > 1 and \ corrected_exp_avg.allclose(scaling, rtol=1e-6) and \ corrected_exp_avg > 0: group['phase'] = 'SGD' group['lr'] = corrected_exp_avg.item() if group['verbose']: print('Switching to SGD after ' '{} steps with lr {:.5f} ' 'and momentum {:.5f}.'.format( state['step'], group['lr'], beta1)) return loss
def train_manipulator(model, data_loaders, args): """Train an emotion EBM.""" device = args.device optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=args.wd) model, optimizer, _, start_epoch, is_trained = load_from_ckpnt( args.classifier_ckpnt, model, optimizer, scheduler=None ) if is_trained: return model writer = SummaryWriter('runs/' + args.checkpoint.replace('.pt', '')) # Training loop for epoch in range(start_epoch, args.epochs): print("Epoch: %d/%d" % (epoch + 1, args.epochs)) kbar = pkbar.Kbar(target=len(data_loaders['train']), width=25) model.train() model.disable_batchnorm() model.zero_grad() # model.enable_grads() for step, ex in enumerate(data_loaders['train']): images, _, emotions, neg_images = ex # positive samples pos_samples = # prepare negative samples neg_samples, neg_masks = rand_mask(images.clone().to(device), device) # negative samples neg_ld_samples, neg_list = langevin_updates( model, torch.clone(neg_samples), args.langevin_steps, args.langevin_step_size, neg_masks ) # Compute energy pos_out = model(pos_samples) neg_img_out = model( neg_ld_out = model( # Loss loss_reg = (pos_out**2 + neg_ld_out**2 + neg_img_out**2).mean() # loss_reg = (torch.abs(pos_out) + torch.abs(neg_ld_out) + torch.abs(neg_img_out)).mean() loss_ml = 2*pos_out.mean() - neg_ld_out.mean() - neg_img_out.mean() coeff = loss_ml.detach().clone() / loss_reg.detach().clone() loss = 0.5*loss_reg + loss_ml # if epoch == 0: # loss = loss * 0.05 ''' loss = ( pos_out**2 + neg_out**2 + neg_img_out**2 + neg_img_ld_out**2 + 3*pos_out - neg_out - neg_img_out - neg_img_ld_out ).mean() ''' # Step optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() clip_grad(model.parameters(), optimizer) optimizer.step() kbar.update(step, [("loss", loss)]) # Log loss writer.add_scalar('energy/energy_pos', pos_out.mean().item(), epoch * len(data_loaders['train']) + step) writer.add_scalar('energy/energy_neg', neg_ld_out.mean().item(), epoch * len(data_loaders['train']) + step) writer.add_scalar('loss/loss_reg', loss_reg.item(), epoch * len(data_loaders['train']) + step) writer.add_scalar('loss/loss_ml', loss_ml.item(), epoch * len(data_loaders['train']) + step) writer.add_scalar('loss/loss_total', loss.item(), epoch * len(data_loaders['train']) + step) # Log image evolution if step % 50 != 0: continue writer.add_image( 'random_image_sample', back2color(unnormalize_imagenet_rgb(pos_samples[0], device)), epoch * len(data_loaders['train']) + step ) neg_list = [ back2color(unnormalize_imagenet_rgb(neg, device)) for neg in neg_list ] neg_list = [torch.zeros_like(neg_list[0])] + neg_list vid_to_write = torch.stack(neg_list, dim=0).unsqueeze(0) writer.add_video( 'ebm_evolution', vid_to_write, fps=args.ebm_log_fps, global_step=epoch * len(data_loaders['train']) + step ) writer.add_scalar( 'lr', optimizer.state_dict()['param_groups'][0]['lr'], epoch ) # Save checkpoint { "epoch": epoch + 1, "model_state_dict": model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state_dict": optimizer.state_dict() }, args.classifier_ckpnt ) { "epoch": epoch + 1, "model_state_dict": model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state_dict": optimizer.state_dict() }, "" % (epoch+1) ) print('\nValidation') print(eval_manipulator(model, data_loaders['test'], args)) return model
def func(): new_log_probs = model(inputs) old_log_probs = torch.clone(new_log_probs).detach() f = mean_kl_multinomial(new_log_probs, old_log_probs) return f, list(model.parameters())
def test_memory_format_strides(self, device, dtype): shapes = ( (), (0, ), (1, ), (5), (1, 0), (1, 1), (3, 7), (3, 0, 2), (1, 1, 2), (4, 1, 1), (7, 8, 9), ) channels_last_shapes = ((0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 3, 0), (0, 2, 3, 5), (2, 2, 2, 0), (5, 4, 3, 2), (8, 8, 7, 2), (9, 1, 3, 1), (4, 5, 8, 7)) channels_last_3d_shapes = ( (0, 8, 7, 9, 2), (5, 0, 7, 9, 2), (5, 0, 7, 9, 0), (5, 8, 7, 9, 2), (5, 1, 7, 9, 2), (5, 1, 7, 9, 1), ) pairs = ( (shapes, torch.contiguous_format), (channels_last_shapes, torch.contiguous_format), (channels_last_3d_shapes, torch.contiguous_format), (channels_last_shapes, torch.channels_last), (channels_last_3d_shapes, torch.channels_last_3d), ) for shapes, memory_format in pairs: for shape in shapes: # tests empty expected = torch.empty(shape, device=device, dtype=dtype, memory_format=memory_format) actual = refs.empty(shape, device=device, dtype=dtype, memory_format=memory_format) self.assertEqual(expected.stride(), actual.stride()) # tests clone a = torch.testing.make_tensor(shape, device=device, dtype=dtype) expected = torch.clone(a, memory_format=memory_format) actual = torch.clone(a, memory_format=memory_format) self.assertEqual(expected.stride(), actual.stride()) # tests contiguous a = torch.testing.make_tensor(shape, device=device, dtype=dtype, noncontiguous=True) expected = a.contiguous(memory_format=memory_format) actual = refs.contiguous(a, memory_format=memory_format) self.assertEqual(expected.stride(), actual.stride())
def step(self, closure=None): loss = None if closure is not None and isinstance(closure, collections.Callable): with torch.grad(): loss = closure() param_size = 0 variance_ma_sum = 0.0 # phase 1 - accumulate all of the variance_ma_sum to use in stable weight decay for i, group in enumerate(self.param_groups): for j, p in enumerate(group["params"]): if p.grad is None: continue # if not self.param_size: param_size += p.numel() # apply agc if enabled if self.agc_active: self.agc(p) grad = p.grad if grad.is_sparse: raise RuntimeError("sparse matrix not supported atm") state = self.state[p] momentum = group["momentum"] # State initialization if len(state) == 0: # print("init state") state["step"] = 0 # Exponential moving average of gradient values state["grad_ma"] = torch.zeros_like( p, memory_format=torch.preserve_format) # Exponential moving average of squared gradient values state["variance_ma"] = torch.zeros_like( p, memory_format=torch.preserve_format) if self.lookahead_active: state["lookahead_params"] = torch.zeros_like( state["lookahead_params"].copy_( if self.use_adabelief: state["variance_ma_belief"] = torch.zeros_like( p, memory_format=torch.preserve_format) if self.momentum_pnm: state["neg_grad_ma"] = torch.zeros_like( p, memory_format=torch.preserve_format) # Maintains max of all exp. moving avg. of sq. grad. values state["max_variance_ma"] = torch.zeros_like( p, memory_format=torch.preserve_format) # Cumulative products of beta1 # state["beta1_prod"] = torch.ones_like( #, memory_format=torch.preserve_format # ) # centralize gradients if self.use_gc: grad = centralize_gradient( grad, gc_conv_only=self.gc_conv_only, ) # else: # grad = uncentralized_grad # phase 1, variance computations state["step"] += 1 step = state["step"] lr = group["lr"] beta1, beta2 = group["betas"] grad_ma = state["grad_ma"] bias_correction2 = 1 - beta2**state["step"] # print(f"bias2 = {bias_correction2}") variance_ma = state["variance_ma"] if self.use_adabelief: variance_ma_belief = state["variance_ma_belief"] # print(f"variance_ma, upper loop = {variance_ma}") # update the exp averages if self.use_adabelief: grad_ma.mul_(beta1).add_(grad, alpha=1 - beta1) grad_residual = grad - grad_ma variance_ma_belief.mul_(beta2).addcmul(grad_residual, grad_residual, value=1 - beta2) # print(f"upper loop grad = {grad.shape}") variance_ma.mul_(beta2).addcmul_(grad, grad, value=1 - beta2) # print(f"variance_ma, grad adjusted") variance_ma_debiased = variance_ma / bias_correction2 variance_ma_sum += variance_ma_debiased.sum() # print(f"variance_ma_sum = {variance_ma_sum}") # else: #madgrad # should we dupe variance_ma since stable is assuming adam style] variance? # stable wd # variance_ma_sum += grad_sum_sq.sum() # print(f"variance hat sum = {exp_avg_sq_hat_sum}") # Calculate the sqrt of the mean of all elements in exp_avg_sq_hat # we will run this first epoch only and then memoize if not self.param_size: self.param_size = param_size print(f"params size saved") print(f"total param groups = {i+1}") print(f"total params in groups = {j+1}") if not self.param_size: raise ValueError("failed to set param size") # debugging self.variance_sum_tracking.append(variance_ma_sum.item()) # stable weight decay # if not self.use_madgrad: variance_normalized = math.sqrt(variance_ma_sum / param_size) # variance_mean = variance_ma_sum / param_size if math.isnan(variance_normalized): raise RuntimeError("hit nan for variance_normalized") # print(f"variance_mean = {variance_mean}") # print(f"variance_normalized = {variance_normalized}") # else: # variance_normalized = math.pow((variance_ma / self.param_size), .3333) # print(f"variance mean sqrt = {variance_normalized}") # phase 2 - apply weight decay and step # =========================================== for group in self.param_groups: # print(f"In second phase loop") step = state["step"] # Perform stable weight decay decay = group["weight_decay"] eps = group["eps"] lr = group["lr"] momentum = group["momentum"] beta1, beta2 = group["betas"] # warmup # ====================== if self.use_warmup and not self.warmup_complete: lr = self.warmup_dampening(lr, step) # print(f"lr = {lr}") # chebyshev # =================== if self.use_cheb and self.warmup_complete: lr = self.get_cheb_lr(lr, step) # warmdown # ========== if self.use_warm_down: lr = self.get_warm_down(lr, step) # madgrad outer ck = 1 - momentum lamb = lr * math.pow(step, 0.5) # stable decay and / or norm loss # ================================== if decay: if not self.use_madgrad: # stable weight decay - decay * lr / variance_normalized) else: - decay * lamb / variance_normalized) if self.normloss_active: # apply norm loss unorm = self.unit_norm( correction = (2 * self.normloss_factor * (1 - torch.div(1, unorm + self.eps))) p.mul_(1 - lr * correction) # innner loop, params for p in group["params"]: if p.grad is None: continue state = self.state[p] inner_grad = p.grad if self.use_madgrad: # ================== madgrad ============================ if "grad_sum_sq" not in state: state["grad_sum_sq"] = torch.zeros_like( state["s"] = torch.zeros_like( if momentum != 0: state["x0"] = torch.clone( if momentum != 0.0 and grad.is_sparse: raise RuntimeError( "momentum != 0 is not compatible with sparse gradients" ) # centralize gradients if self.use_gc: inner_grad = centralize_gradient( inner_grad, gc_conv_only=self.gc_conv_only, ) grad_sum_sq = state["grad_sum_sq"] s = state["s"] if momentum == 0: # Compute x_0 from other known quantities rms = grad_sum_sq.pow(1 / 3).add_(eps) x0 =, rms, value=1) else: x0 = state["x0"] # Accumulate second moments # print(f" grad = {grad}") # print(f"lamb = {lamb}") # print(f"gsumsq = {grad_sum_sq}") grad_sum_sq.addcmul_(inner_grad, inner_grad, value=lamb) rms = grad_sum_sq.pow(1 / 3).add_(eps) # Update s, alpha=lamb) # Step if momentum == 0:, rms, value=-1)) else: z = x0.addcdiv(s, rms, value=-1) # p is a moving average of z - ck).add_(z, alpha=ck) else: # adam with pnm core # ============= adamW with pnm option ======================== grad = p.grad beta1, beta2 = group["betas"] grad_ma = state["grad_ma"] variance_ma = state["variance_ma"] if self.use_adabelief: variance_ma_belief = state["variance_ma_belief"] if self.momentum_pnm: max_variance_ma = state["max_variance_ma"] if state["step"] % 2 == 1: grad_ma, neg_grad_ma = ( state["grad_ma"], state["neg_grad_ma"], ) else: grad_ma, neg_grad_ma = ( state["neg_grad_ma"], state["grad_ma"], ) bias_correction1 = 1 - beta1**step bias_correction2 = 1 - beta2**step if self.momentum_pnm: # Maintains the maximum of all 2nd moment running avg. till now torch.max(max_variance_ma, variance_ma, out=variance_ma) # Use the max. for normalizing running avg. of gradient denom = (variance_ma.sqrt() / math.sqrt(bias_correction2)).add_( group["eps"]) # centralize gradients if self.use_gc: inner_grad = centralize_gradient( inner_grad, gc_conv_only=self.gc_conv_only, ) if not self.use_adabelief: grad_ma.mul_(beta1**2).add_(grad, alpha=1 - beta1**2) noise_norm = math.sqrt((1 + beta2)**2 + beta2**2) step_size = lr / bias_correction1 pnmomentum = (grad_ma.mul(1 + self.momentum_pnm).add( neg_grad_ma, alpha=-self.momentum_pnm).mul(1 / noise_norm)) p.addcdiv_(pnmomentum, denom, value=-step_size) # denom = variance_biased_ma.sqrt().add(eps) # step_size = lr / bias_correction1 # update weights #, alpha=-step_size) # p.addcdiv_(grad_ma, denom, value=-step_size) # print(f"\n End optimizer step\n") # end of step processes.... # lookahead # --------------------- if self.lookahead_active: self.lookahead_process_step() self.track_epochs(step) return loss
def test_msa_check_base_tokenization(): # Loop over tests for test_data in generate_test_objects(): # Skip if this is not the MSA transformer if test_data["ModelName"] != "esm_msa1_t12_100M_UR50S": continue # Get a sequence, combo, and target positions for running tests random_sequence, parent_combo, target_positions = build_seq_data( test_data) # Make a base tokenization model = test_data["Model"] base_tokenization = model._build_base_tokenization(random_sequence) # Error if the tokenization dimensionality is off with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="Expected 1 element in first dimension"): model._check_base_tokenization(torch.rand(2, 1, 1), random_sequence, target_positions, parent_combo) with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="Incorrect token dim"): model._check_base_tokenization(torch.rand(1, 1), random_sequence, target_positions, parent_combo) # Error if the combo and mutant positions are off fake_parent = [None] * len(parent_combo) for i, parent_aa in enumerate(parent_combo): allowed_muts = [mut for mut in ALL_AAS if mut != parent_combo[i]] fake_parent[i] = random.choice(allowed_muts) with pytest.raises( AssertionError, match="Unaligned parent combo and mutant positions"): model._check_base_tokenization(base_tokenization, random_sequence, target_positions, fake_parent) # Error if the number of alignments is off bad_tokenization =, base_tokenization), axis=1) with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="Incorrect tokenization of alignments"): model._check_base_tokenization(bad_tokenization, random_sequence, target_positions, parent_combo) # Error if the sequence length is off bad_tokenization2 = (base_tokenization, torch.ones(*base_tokenization.shape, dtype=torch.long)), axis=2) with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="Expect addition of cls. Refseq length off."): model._check_base_tokenization(bad_tokenization2, random_sequence, target_positions, parent_combo) # Error if cls isn't first no_cls = torch.clone(base_tokenization) no_cls[:, :, 0] = model.tok_to_idx[model.eos_string] with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="Expect addition of cls"): model._check_base_tokenization(no_cls, random_sequence, target_positions, parent_combo) # Pass in a bad sequence. We should error. seqlen = len(random_sequence[0][1]) bad_seq = [random.choice(ALL_AAS) for _ in range(seqlen)] random_sequence[0][1] = bad_seq with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="Tokenization does not represent alignment"): model._check_base_tokenization(base_tokenization, random_sequence, target_positions, parent_combo)
loss = lsInfo["conf"] + lsInfo["box"] + lsInfo["cls"] * bool( cfg.model.clsNum - 1) loss = loss / cfg.train.batchSize l1, l2 = Regularization(network) loss += cfg.loss.l2 * l2 """backward""" optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_value_(network.parameters(), 100) # gradient clip optimizer.step() # scheduler.step(loss) #可以使其他的指标 """print""" niter = e * len(trainLoader) + id + 1 with torch.no_grad(): lossS = torch.clone(loss).to('cpu').numpy() lsConf = torch.clone(lsInfo['conf']).to('cpu').numpy() lsBox = torch.clone(lsInfo['box']).to('cpu').numpy() lsCls = torch.clone(lsInfo['cls']).to('cpu').numpy() if id % 30 == 0: print( "[bc:{}/{} e: {}/{} total_bc:{} per:{:.3f}%]".format( id, len(trainLoader), e, cfg.train.epoch, batchNum, float(niter * 100) / batchNum), "loss:[{:.4f} conf:{:.4f} cls:{:.4f} box:{:.4f} l2:{:.4f} lr:{:.7f}" .format(lossS / cfg.train.batchSize, lsConf / cfg.train.batchSize, lsCls / cfg.train.batchSize, lsBox / cfg.train.batchSize, l2, lr)) """tensorboardX to view""" #loss add per iter