Beispiel #1
    def test_bfloat16(self, device):
        # with scalar
        bf = torch.tensor(5.5, dtype=torch.bfloat16, device=device)
        for scalar in (2.2, 5, 100000):   # bf + 100000 is inf
            self.assertEqual((bf + scalar).dtype, torch.bfloat16)
            self.assertEqual(scalar + bf, bf + scalar)

        for scalar in (complex(1, 1), complex(-2, 0), complex(0, -3)):
            self.assertEqual((bf + scalar).dtype, torch.cfloat)
            self.assertEqual(bf + scalar, scalar + bf)

        # with tensor
        for dtype in torch.testing.get_all_dtypes():
            t = torch.tensor(1, dtype=dtype, device=device)
            self.assertEqual(bf + t, t + bf)
            if dtype in (torch.float16, torch.float32, torch.float64, torch.cfloat, torch.cdouble):
                # Handles bfloat16 x float16 -> float32 promotion
                expected_dtype = dtype if dtype != torch.half else torch.float32
            elif dtype in (torch.bool, torch.uint8,
                           torch.int8, torch.int16, torch.int32, torch.int64, torch.bfloat16):
                expected_dtype = torch.bfloat16
                raise AssertionError(f'Missing dtype {dtype} not tested.')

            self.assertEqual(torch.promote_types(dtype, torch.bfloat16), expected_dtype)
            self.assertEqual(torch.promote_types(torch.bfloat16, dtype), expected_dtype)
            self.assertEqual((bf + t).dtype, expected_dtype)
Beispiel #2
 def test_promote_types(self, device):
     self.assertEqual(torch.promote_types(torch.float, torch.double),
     self.assertEqual(torch.promote_types(, torch.uint8),
Beispiel #3
    def test_result_type(self, device, dtypes):
        "Test result_type for tensor vs tensor and scalar vs scalar."

        def _get_dtype(x):
            "Get the dtype of x if x is a tensor. If x is a scalar, get its corresponding dtype if it were a tensor."
            if torch.is_tensor(x):
                return x.dtype
            elif isinstance(x, bool):
                return torch.bool
            elif isinstance(x, int):
                return torch.int64
            elif isinstance(x, float):
                return torch.float32
            elif isinstance(x, complex):
                return torch.complex64
                raise AssertionError(f"Unkonwn type {x}")

        # tensor against tensor
        a_tensor = torch.tensor((0, 1), device=device, dtype=dtypes[0])
        a_single_tensor = torch.tensor(1, device=device, dtype=dtypes[0])
        a_scalar = a_single_tensor.item()
        b_tensor = torch.tensor((1, 0), device=device, dtype=dtypes[1])
        b_single_tensor = torch.tensor(1, device=device, dtype=dtypes[1])
        b_scalar = b_single_tensor.item()
        combo = ((a_tensor, a_single_tensor, a_scalar),
                 (b_tensor, b_single_tensor, b_scalar))
        for a, b in itertools.product(*combo):
            dtype_a = _get_dtype(a)
            dtype_b = _get_dtype(b)
                result = a + b
            except RuntimeError:
                with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
                    torch.promote_types(dtype_a, dtype_b)
                with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
                    torch.result_type(a, b)
                dtype_res = _get_dtype(result)
                if a is a_scalar and b is b_scalar and dtype_a == torch.bool and dtype_b == torch.bool:
                    # special case: in Python, True + True is an integer
                    self.assertEqual(dtype_res, torch.int64,
                                     f"a == {a}, b == {b}")
                    self.assertEqual(dtype_res, torch.result_type(a, b),
                                     f"a == {a}, b == {b}")
                if a is a_scalar and b is b_scalar:  # Python internal type determination is good enough in this case
                if any(a is a0 and b is b0 for a0, b0 in zip(
                        *combo)):  # a and b belong to the same class
                                     torch.promote_types(dtype_a, dtype_b),
                                     f"a == {a}, b == {b}")
Beispiel #4
    def test_many_promotions(self, device):
        # Can also include half on CPU in cases where it will be promoted to a
        # supported dtype
        dtypes1 = torch.testing.get_all_math_dtypes('cuda')
        dtypes2 = torch.testing.get_all_math_dtypes(device)
        ops = [torch.add, torch.sub, torch.mul, torch.div, torch.rsub]
        for dt1, dt2 in itertools.product(dtypes1, dtypes2):
            for op, non_contiguous in itertools.product(ops, [True, False]):
                common_dtype = torch.promote_types(dt1, dt2)
                if common_dtype == torch.half and self.device_type == 'cpu':
                if op == torch.sub and common_dtype != torch.bool:
                    # Subtraction, the `-` operator, with a bool tensor is not supported.
                first = self._get_test_tensor(device, dt1)
                second = self._get_test_tensor(device, dt2, op == torch.div)
                # test ops with non-contiguous tensors
                if non_contiguous:
                    first = first.transpose(0, 2)
                    second = second.transpose(2, 1)
                    self.assertNotEqual(first.stride(), second.stride(),
                                        msg="some non-contiguous issues could be missed if tensors have same strides")

                self.assertEqual(not first.is_contiguous(), non_contiguous)
                self.assertEqual(not second.is_contiguous(), non_contiguous)
                result = op(first, second)
                expected = op(,
                self.assertEqual(result.dtype, expected.dtype, msg='{} with {}, {}'.format(op.__name__, dt1, dt2))
                self.assertEqual(result, expected, msg='{} with {}, {}'.format(op.__name__, dt1, dt2))
Beispiel #5
def _equalize_attributes(actual: Tensor,
                         expected: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
    """Equalizes some attributes of two tensors for value comparison.

    If :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected`
    - are not onn the same memory :attr:`~torch.Tensor.device`, they are moved CPU memory, and
    - do not have the same :attr:`~torch.Tensor.dtype`, they are copied to the :class:`~torch.dtype` returned by

        actual (Tensor): Actual tensor.
        expected (Tensor): Expected tensor.

        Tuple(Tensor, Tensor): Equalized tensors.
    if actual.device != expected.device:
        actual = actual.cpu()
        expected = expected.cpu()

    if actual.dtype != expected.dtype:
        dtype = torch.promote_types(actual.dtype, expected.dtype)
        actual =
        expected =

    return actual, expected
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, func, y0, rtol, atol, first_step=None, safety=0.9, ifactor=10.0, dfactor=0.2,
                 max_num_steps=2 ** 31 - 1, grid_points=None, eps=0., dtype=torch.float64, **kwargs):
        super(RKAdaptiveStepsizeODESolver, self).__init__(dtype=dtype, y0=y0, **kwargs)

        # We use mixed precision. y has its original dtype (probably float32), whilst all 'time'-like objects use
        # `dtype` (defaulting to float64).
        dtype = torch.promote_types(dtype, y0.dtype)
        device = y0.device

        self.func = lambda t, y: func(t.type_as(y), y)
        self.rtol = torch.as_tensor(rtol, dtype=dtype, device=device)
        self.atol = torch.as_tensor(atol, dtype=dtype, device=device)
        self.first_step = None if first_step is None else torch.as_tensor(first_step, dtype=dtype, device=device) = torch.as_tensor(safety, dtype=dtype, device=device)
        self.ifactor = torch.as_tensor(ifactor, dtype=dtype, device=device)
        self.dfactor = torch.as_tensor(dfactor, dtype=dtype, device=device)
        self.max_num_steps = torch.as_tensor(max_num_steps, dtype=torch.int32, device=device)
        grid_points = torch.tensor([], dtype=dtype, device=device) if grid_points is None else
        self.grid_points = grid_points
        self.eps = torch.as_tensor(eps, dtype=dtype, device=device)
        self.dtype = dtype

        # Copy from class to instance to set device
        self.tableau = _ButcherTableau(, dtype=y0.dtype),
                                       beta=[, dtype=y0.dtype) for b in self.tableau.beta],
                             , dtype=y0.dtype),
                             , dtype=y0.dtype))
        self.mid =, dtype=y0.dtype)
Beispiel #7
def _equalize_attributes(a: torch.Tensor,
                         b: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    """Equalizes some attributes of two tensors for value comparison.

    If :attr:`a` and :attr:`b`
    - do not live in the same memory :attr:`~torch.Tensor.device`, they are moved CPU memory, and
    - do not have the same :attr:`~torch.Tensor.dtype`, they are copied to the :class:`~torch.dtype` returned by

        a (torch.Tensor): First tensor.
        b (torch.Tensor): Second tensor.

        Tuple(torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor): Equalized tensors.
    if a.device != b.device:
        a = a.cpu()
        b = b.cpu()

    if a.dtype != b.dtype:
        dtype = torch.promote_types(a.dtype, b.dtype)
        a =
        b =

    return a, b
Beispiel #8
def _equalize_attributes(actual: Tensor, expected: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
    """Equalizes some attributes of two tensors for value comparison.

    If :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected`
    - are not on the same :attr:`~torch.Tensor.device`, they are moved CPU memory, and
    - do not have the same ``dtype``, they are promoted  to a common ``dtype`` (according to

        actual (Tensor): Actual tensor.
        expected (Tensor): Expected tensor.

        Tuple(Tensor, Tensor): Equalized tensors.
    if actual.device != expected.device:
        actual = actual.cpu()
        expected = expected.cpu()

    if actual.dtype != expected.dtype:
        dtype = torch.promote_types(actual.dtype, expected.dtype)
        actual =
        expected =

    if actual.is_sparse and actual.is_coalesced() != expected.is_coalesced():
        actual = actual.coalesce()
        expected = expected.coalesce()

    return actual, expected
Beispiel #9
def _equalize_attributes(actual: Tensor,
                         expected: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
    """Equalizes some attributes of two tensors for value comparison.

    If :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected` are ...
    - ... not on the same :attr:`~torch.Tensor.device`, they are moved CPU memory.
    - ... not of the same ``dtype``, they are promoted  to a common ``dtype`` (according to
    - ... not of the same ``layout``, they are converted to strided tensors.
    - ... both sparse COO tensors but only one is coalesced, the other one is coalesced.

        actual (Tensor): Actual tensor.
        expected (Tensor): Expected tensor.

        Tuple(Tensor, Tensor): Equalized tensors.
    if actual.device != expected.device:
        actual = actual.cpu()
        expected = expected.cpu()

    if actual.dtype != expected.dtype:
        dtype = torch.promote_types(actual.dtype, expected.dtype)
        actual =
        expected =

    if actual.layout != expected.layout:
        # These checks are needed, since Tensor.to_dense() fails on tensors that are already strided
        if actual.layout != torch.strided:
            actual = actual.to_dense()
        if expected.layout != torch.strided:
            expected = expected.to_dense()
    elif actual.is_sparse and actual.is_coalesced() != expected.is_coalesced():
        actual = actual.coalesce()
        expected = expected.coalesce()

    return actual, expected
Beispiel #10
 def test_promote_self(self, device):
     for dtype in torch.testing.get_all_dtypes():
         self.assertEqual(torch.promote_types(dtype, dtype), dtype)
Beispiel #11
def _get_default_rtol_and_atol(actual: Tensor,
                               expected: Tensor) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    dtype = actual.dtype if actual.dtype == expected.dtype else torch.promote_types(
        actual.dtype, expected.dtype)
    return _DTYPE_PRECISIONS.get(dtype, (0.0, 0.0))
Beispiel #12
def _get_default_rtol_and_atol(a: torch.Tensor,
                               b: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    dtype = a.dtype if a.dtype == b.dtype else torch.promote_types(
        a.dtype, b.dtype)
    return _DTYPE_PRECISIONS.get(dtype, (0.0, 0.0))