Beispiel #1
def batched_gather(x: torch.Tensor, indices: torch.IntTensor, dim: int):
    Similar to the gather method of :class:`torch.Tensor`.

        x: the tensor to select.
        indices: the indices to choose.
        dim: the dimension to choose.

        A selected tensor

    if indices.dim() == 1:
        return x[indices]
    elif indices.dim() == 2:
        if x.dim() > indices.dim():
            indices = indices.unsqueeze(-1).repeat_interleave(x.shape[-1],

        return x.gather(dim, indices)

    raise NotImplementedError(
        "Currently do not support more batch dimensions than 1!")
    def forward(
        self,  # type: ignore
        sentences: torch.LongTensor,
        labels: torch.IntTensor = None,
        confidences: torch.Tensor = None,
        additional_features: torch.Tensor = None,
    ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
        # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        TODO: add description

        An output dictionary consisting of:
        loss : torch.FloatTensor, optional
            A scalar loss to be optimised.
        # ===========================================================================================================
        # Layer 1: For each sentence, participant pair: create a Glove embedding for each token
        # Input: sentences
        # Output: embedded_sentences
        sentences_conv = {}
        for key, val in sentences_conv.items():
            sentences_conv[key] = val.cpu().data.numpy().tolist()
        self.track_embedding["Transformation_0"] = {
            "sentences": sentences_conv
        # embedded_sentences: batch_size, num_sentences, sentence_length, embedding_size
        embedded_sentences = self.text_field_embedder(sentences)
        self.track_embedding["Transformation_1"] = {
            "size": list(embedded_sentences.size()),
            "dim": embedded_sentences.dim()

        # Kacper: Basically a padding mask for bert
        mask = get_text_field_mask(sentences, num_wrapping_dims=1).float()
        batch_size, num_sentences, _, _ = list(embedded_sentences.size())

        if self.use_sep:
            # The following code collects vectors of the SEP tokens from all the examples in the batch,
            # and arrange them in one list. It does the same for the labels and confidences.
            # TODO: replace 103 with '[SEP]'
            # Kacper: This is an important step where we get SEP tokens to later do sentence classification
            # Kacper: We take a location of SEP tokens from the sentences to get a mask
            sentences_mask = sentences[
                'bert'] == 103  # mask for all the SEP tokens in the batch
            # Kacper: We use this mask to get the respective embeddings from the output layer of bert
            embedded_sentences = embedded_sentences[
                sentences_mask]  # given batch_size x num_sentences_per_example x sent_len x vector_len
            # returns num_sentences_per_batch x vector_len
            self.track_embedding["Transformation_2"] = {
                "size": list(embedded_sentences.size()),
                "dim": embedded_sentences.dim()
            # Kacper: I dont get it why it became 2 instead of 4? What is the difference between size() and dim()???
            assert embedded_sentences.dim() == 2
            num_sentences = embedded_sentences.shape[0]
            # Kacper: comment below is vague
            # Kacper: I think we batch in one array because we just need to compute a mean loss from all of them
            # for the rest of the code in this model to work, think of the data we have as one example
            # with so many sentences and a batch of size 1
            batch_size = 1
            embedded_sentences = embedded_sentences.unsqueeze(
                dim=0)  # Kacper: We batch all sentences in one array
            self.track_embedding["Transformation_3"] = {
                "size": list(embedded_sentences.size()),
                "dim": embedded_sentences.dim()
            # Kacper: Dropout layer is between filtered embeddings and linear layer
            embedded_sentences = self.dropout(embedded_sentences)
            self.track_embedding["Transformation_4"] = {
                "size": list(embedded_sentences.size()),
                "dim": embedded_sentences.dim()
            # Kacper: we provide the labels for training (for each sentence)
            if labels is not None:
                if self.labels_are_scores:
                    labels_mask = labels != 0.0  # mask for all the labels in the batch (no padding)
                    labels_mask = labels != -1  # mask for all the labels in the batch (no padding)

                labels = labels[
                    labels_mask]  # given batch_size x num_sentences_per_example return num_sentences_per_batch
                assert labels.dim() == 1
                if confidences is not None:
                    confidences = confidences[labels_mask]
                    assert confidences.dim() == 1
                if additional_features is not None:
                    additional_features = additional_features[labels_mask]
                    assert additional_features.dim() == 2

                num_labels = labels.shape[0]
                # Kacper: this might be useful to consider in my code as well
                if num_labels != num_sentences:  # bert truncates long sentences, so some of the SEP tokens might be gone
                    assert num_labels > num_sentences  # but `num_labels` should be at least greater than `num_sentences`
                        f'Found {num_labels} labels but {num_sentences} sentences'
                    labels = labels[:
                                    num_sentences]  # Ignore some labels. This is ok for training but bad for testing.
                    # We are ignoring this problem for now.
                    # TODO: fix, at least for testing

                # do the same for `confidences`
                if confidences is not None:
                    num_confidences = confidences.shape[0]
                    if num_confidences != num_sentences:
                        assert num_confidences > num_sentences
                        confidences = confidences[:num_sentences]

                # and for `additional_features`
                if additional_features is not None:
                    num_additional_features = additional_features.shape[0]
                    if num_additional_features != num_sentences:
                        assert num_additional_features > num_sentences
                        additional_features = additional_features[:

                # similar to `embedded_sentences`, add an additional dimension that corresponds to batch_size=1
                labels = labels.unsqueeze(dim=0)
                if confidences is not None:
                    confidences = confidences.unsqueeze(dim=0)
                if additional_features is not None:
                    additional_features = additional_features.unsqueeze(dim=0)
            # ['CLS'] token
            # Kacper: this shouldnt be the case for our project
            embedded_sentences = embedded_sentences[:, :, 0, :]
            embedded_sentences = self.dropout(embedded_sentences)
            batch_size, num_sentences, _ = list(embedded_sentences.size())
            sent_mask = (mask.sum(dim=2) != 0)
            embedded_sentences = self.self_attn(embedded_sentences, sent_mask)

        if additional_features is not None:
            embedded_sentences =
                (embedded_sentences, additional_features), dim=-1)

        # Kacper: we unwrap the time dimension of a tensor into the 1st dimension (batch),
        # Kacper: apply a linear layer and wrap the the time dimension back
        # Kacper: I would suspect it is happening only for embeddings related to the [SEP] tokens
        label_logits = self.time_distributed_aggregate_feedforward(
        # label_logits: batch_size, num_sentences, num_labels
        self.track_embedding["logits"] = {
            "size": list(label_logits.size()),
            "dim": label_logits.dim()
        with open(path_json, 'w') as json_out:
            json.dump(self.track_embedding_list, json_out)

        if self.labels_are_scores:
            label_probs = label_logits
            label_probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(label_logits, dim=-1)

        # Create output dictionary for the trainer
        # Compute loss and epoch metrics
        output_dict = {"action_probs": label_probs}

        # =====================================================================

        if self.with_crf:
            # Layer 4 = CRF layer across labels of sentences in an abstract
            mask_sentences = (labels != -1)
            best_paths = self.crf.viterbi_tags(label_logits, mask_sentences)
            # # Just get the tags and ignore the score.
            predicted_labels = [x for x, y in best_paths]
            # print(f"len(predicted_labels):{len(predicted_labels)}, (predicted_labels):{predicted_labels}")

            label_loss = 0.0
        if labels is not None:
            # Compute cross entropy loss
            # Kacper: reshape logits to be of the following shape in view()
            flattened_logits = label_logits.view((batch_size * num_sentences),
            # Make labels to be contiguous in memory, reshape it so it is in a one dimension
            flattened_gold = labels.contiguous().view(
                -1)  # Kacper: True labels

            if not self.with_crf:
                # Kacper: We are only interested in this part of the code since we don't use crf
                # Kacper: Get a loss (MSE if sci_sum is True or Crossentropy)
                label_loss = self.loss(flattened_logits.squeeze(),
                if confidences is not None:
                    label_loss = label_loss * confidences.type_as(
                label_loss = label_loss.mean()  # Kacper: Get a mean loss
                # Kacper: Get a probabilities from the logits
                flattened_probs = torch.softmax(flattened_logits, dim=-1)
                # Kacper: We are not interested in this if statement branch (for our project)
                clamped_labels = torch.clamp(labels, min=0)
                log_likelihood = self.crf(label_logits, clamped_labels,
                label_loss = -log_likelihood
                # compute categorical accuracy
                crf_label_probs = label_logits * 0.
                for i, instance_labels in enumerate(predicted_labels):
                    for j, label_id in enumerate(instance_labels):
                        crf_label_probs[i, j, label_id] = 1
                flattened_probs = crf_label_probs.view(
                    (batch_size * num_sentences), self.num_labels)

            if not self.labels_are_scores:
                # Kacper: this will be a case for us as well because labels are numerical for Pubmed data
                evaluation_mask = (flattened_gold != -1)
                # Kacper: CategoricalAccuracy is computed in this case

                # compute F1 per label
                for label_index in range(self.num_labels):
                    label_name = self.vocab.get_token_from_index(
                        namespace='labels', index=label_index)
                    metric = self.label_f1_metrics[label_name]

        if labels is not None:
            output_dict["loss"] = label_loss
        output_dict['action_logits'] = label_logits
        return output_dict
    def forward(
        self,  # type: ignore
        sentences: torch.LongTensor,
        labels: torch.IntTensor = None,
        confidences: torch.Tensor = None,
        additional_features: torch.Tensor = None,
    ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
        # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        TODO: add description

        An output dictionary consisting of:
        loss : torch.FloatTensor, optional
            A scalar loss to be optimised.
        # ===========================================================================================================
        # Layer 1: For each sentence, participant pair: create a Glove embedding for each token
        # Input: sentences
        # Output: embedded_sentences

        # embedded_sentences: batch_size, num_sentences, sentence_length, embedding_size
        embedded_sentences = self.text_field_embedder(sentences)
        mask = get_text_field_mask(sentences, num_wrapping_dims=1).float()
        batch_size, num_sentences, _, _ = embedded_sentences.size()

        if self.use_sep:
            # The following code collects vectors of the SEP tokens from all the examples in the batch,
            # and arrange them in one list. It does the same for the labels and confidences.
            # TODO: replace 103 with '[SEP]'
            sentences_mask = sentences[
                'bert'] == 103  # mask for all the SEP tokens in the batch
            embedded_sentences = embedded_sentences[
                sentences_mask]  # given batch_size x num_sentences_per_example x sent_len x vector_len
            # returns num_sentences_per_batch x vector_len
            assert embedded_sentences.dim() == 2
            num_sentences = embedded_sentences.shape[0]
            # for the rest of the code in this model to work, think of the data we have as one example
            # with so many sentences and a batch of size 1
            batch_size = 1
            embedded_sentences = embedded_sentences.unsqueeze(dim=0)
            embedded_sentences = self.dropout(embedded_sentences)

            if labels is not None:
                if self.labels_are_scores:
                    labels_mask = labels != 0.0  # mask for all the labels in the batch (no padding)
                    labels_mask = labels != -1  # mask for all the labels in the batch (no padding)

                labels = labels[
                    labels_mask]  # given batch_size x num_sentences_per_example return num_sentences_per_batch
                assert labels.dim() == 1
                if confidences is not None:
                    confidences = confidences[labels_mask]
                    assert confidences.dim() == 1
                if additional_features is not None:
                    additional_features = additional_features[labels_mask]
                    assert additional_features.dim() == 2

                num_labels = labels.shape[0]
                if num_labels != num_sentences:  # bert truncates long sentences, so some of the SEP tokens might be gone
                    assert num_labels > num_sentences  # but `num_labels` should be at least greater than `num_sentences`
                        f'Found {num_labels} labels but {num_sentences} sentences'
                    labels = labels[:
                                    num_sentences]  # Ignore some labels. This is ok for training but bad for testing.
                    # We are ignoring this problem for now.
                    # TODO: fix, at least for testing

                # do the same for `confidences`
                if confidences is not None:
                    num_confidences = confidences.shape[0]
                    if num_confidences != num_sentences:
                        assert num_confidences > num_sentences
                        confidences = confidences[:num_sentences]

                # and for `additional_features`
                if additional_features is not None:
                    num_additional_features = additional_features.shape[0]
                    if num_additional_features != num_sentences:
                        assert num_additional_features > num_sentences
                        additional_features = additional_features[:

                # similar to `embedded_sentences`, add an additional dimension that corresponds to batch_size=1
                labels = labels.unsqueeze(dim=0)
                if confidences is not None:
                    confidences = confidences.unsqueeze(dim=0)
                if additional_features is not None:
                    additional_features = additional_features.unsqueeze(dim=0)
            # ['CLS'] token
            embedded_sentences = embedded_sentences[:, :, 0, :]
            embedded_sentences = self.dropout(embedded_sentences)
            batch_size, num_sentences, _ = embedded_sentences.size()
            sent_mask = (mask.sum(dim=2) != 0)
            embedded_sentences = self.self_attn(embedded_sentences, sent_mask)

        if additional_features is not None:
            embedded_sentences =
                (embedded_sentences, additional_features), dim=-1)

        label_logits = self.time_distributed_aggregate_feedforward(
        # label_logits: batch_size, num_sentences, num_labels

        if self.labels_are_scores:
            label_probs = label_logits
            label_probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(label_logits, dim=-1)

        # Create output dictionary for the trainer
        # Compute loss and epoch metrics
        output_dict = {"action_probs": label_probs}

        # =====================================================================

        if self.with_crf:
            # Layer 4 = CRF layer across labels of sentences in an abstract
            mask_sentences = (labels != -1)
            best_paths = self.crf.viterbi_tags(label_logits, mask_sentences)
            # # Just get the tags and ignore the score.
            predicted_labels = [x for x, y in best_paths]
            # print(f"len(predicted_labels):{len(predicted_labels)}, (predicted_labels):{predicted_labels}")

            label_loss = 0.0
        if labels is not None:
            # Compute cross entropy loss
            flattened_logits = label_logits.view((batch_size * num_sentences),
            flattened_gold = labels.contiguous().view(-1)

            if not self.with_crf:
                label_loss = self.loss(flattened_logits.squeeze(),
                if confidences is not None:
                    label_loss = label_loss * confidences.type_as(
                label_loss = label_loss.mean()
                flattened_probs = torch.softmax(flattened_logits, dim=-1)
                clamped_labels = torch.clamp(labels, min=0)
                log_likelihood = self.crf(label_logits, clamped_labels,
                label_loss = -log_likelihood
                # compute categorical accuracy
                crf_label_probs = label_logits * 0.
                for i, instance_labels in enumerate(predicted_labels):
                    for j, label_id in enumerate(instance_labels):
                        crf_label_probs[i, j, label_id] = 1
                flattened_probs = crf_label_probs.view(
                    (batch_size * num_sentences), self.num_labels)

            if not self.labels_are_scores:
                evaluation_mask = (flattened_gold != -1)


                # compute F1 per label
                for label_index in range(self.num_labels):
                    label_name = self.vocab.get_token_from_index(
                        namespace='labels', index=label_index)
                    metric = self.label_f1_metrics[label_name]

        if labels is not None:
            output_dict["loss"] = label_loss
        output_dict['action_logits'] = label_logits
        return output_dict
    def forward(
            self,  # type: ignore
            premise: Dict[str, torch.LongTensor],
            hypothesis: Dict[str, torch.LongTensor],
            label: torch.IntTensor = None) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
        # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        premise : Dict[str, torch.LongTensor]
            From a ``TextField``
        hypothesis : Dict[str, torch.LongTensor]
            From a ``TextField``
        label : torch.IntTensor, optional (default = None)
            From a ``LabelField``

        An output dictionary consisting of:

        label_logits : torch.FloatTensor
            A tensor of shape ``(batch_size, num_labels)`` representing unnormalised log
            probabilities of the entailment label.
        label_probs : torch.FloatTensor
            A tensor of shape ``(batch_size, num_labels)`` representing probabilities of the
            entailment label.
        loss : torch.FloatTensor, optional
            A scalar loss to be optimised.
        embedded_premise = self._text_field_embedder(premise)
        embedded_hypothesis = self._text_field_embedder(hypothesis)
        premise_mask = get_text_field_mask(premise).float()
        hypothesis_mask = get_text_field_mask(hypothesis).float()
        premise_sequence_lengths = get_lengths_from_binary_sequence_mask(
        hypothesis_sequence_lengths = get_lengths_from_binary_sequence_mask(

        if self._premise_encoder:
            embedded_premise = self._premise_encoder(embedded_premise,
        if self._hypothesis_encoder:
            embedded_hypothesis = self._hypothesis_encoder(
                embedded_hypothesis, hypothesis_sequence_lengths)

        projected_premise = self._attend_feedforward(embedded_premise)
        projected_hypothesis = self._attend_feedforward(embedded_hypothesis)
        # Shape: (batch_size, premise_length, hypothesis_length)
        similarity_matrix = self._matrix_attention(projected_premise,

        # Shape: (batch_size, premise_length, hypothesis_length)
        p2h_attention = last_dim_softmax(similarity_matrix, hypothesis_mask)
        # Shape: (batch_size, premise_length, embedding_dim)
        attended_hypothesis = weighted_sum(embedded_hypothesis, p2h_attention)

        # Shape: (batch_size, hypothesis_length, premise_length)
        h2p_attention = last_dim_softmax(
            similarity_matrix.transpose(1, 2).contiguous(), premise_mask)
        # Shape: (batch_size, hypothesis_length, embedding_dim)
        attended_premise = weighted_sum(embedded_premise, h2p_attention)

        premise_compare_input =
            [embedded_premise, attended_hypothesis], dim=-1)
        hypothesis_compare_input =
            [embedded_hypothesis, attended_premise], dim=-1)

        compared_premise = self._compare_feedforward(premise_compare_input)
        compared_premise = compared_premise * premise_mask.unsqueeze(-1)
        # Shape: (batch_size, compare_dim)
        compared_premise = compared_premise.sum(dim=1)

        compared_hypothesis = self._compare_feedforward(
        compared_hypothesis = compared_hypothesis * hypothesis_mask.unsqueeze(
        # Shape: (batch_size, compare_dim)
        compared_hypothesis = compared_hypothesis.sum(dim=1)

        aggregate_input =[compared_premise, compared_hypothesis],
        label_logits = self._aggregate_feedforward(aggregate_input)
        label_probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(label_logits)

        output_dict = {
            "label_logits": label_logits,
            "label_probs": label_probs

        if label is not None:
            if label.dim() == 2:
                _, label = label.max(-1)
            loss = self._loss(label_logits, label.view(-1))
            self._accuracy(label_logits, label)
            output_dict["loss"] = loss

        return output_dict