Beispiel #1
class PyGNeighborSampler:
    def __init__(self, edge_index: Tensor, num_nodes: Optional[int] = None):

        edge_index ='cpu')

        # Obtain a *transposed* `SparseTensor` instance.
        num_nodes = int(edge_index.max()) + 1
        from torch_sparse import SparseTensor
        self.adj_t = SparseTensor(row=edge_index[0],
                                  sparse_sizes=(num_nodes, num_nodes)).t()

    def sample(self, batch, sizes: List[int] = [-1]):
        batch_size: int = len(batch)

        if not isinstance(batch, Tensor):
            batch = torch.tensor(batch)

        adjs = []
        n_id = batch
        for size in sizes:
            adj_t, n_id = self.adj_t.sample_adj(n_id, size, replace=False)
            e_id =
            size = adj_t.sparse_sizes()[::-1]

            row, col, _ = adj_t.coo()
            edge_index = torch.stack([col, row], dim=0)
            adjs.append(EdgeIndex(edge_index, e_id, size))

        adjs = adjs[0] if len(adjs) == 1 else adjs[::-1]
        out = (batch_size, n_id, adjs)
        return out

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}'
Beispiel #2
class NeighborSampler(
    r"""The neighbor sampler from the `"Inductive Representation Learning on
    Large Graphs" <>`_ paper, which allows
    for mini-batch training of GNNs on large-scale graphs where full-batch
    training is not feasible.

    Given a GNN with :math:`L` layers and a specific mini-batch of nodes
    :obj:`node_idx` for which we want to compute embeddings, this module
    iteratively samples neighbors and constructs bipartite graphs that simulate
    the actual computation flow of GNNs.

    More specifically, :obj:`sizes` denotes how much neighbors we want to
    sample for each node in each layer.
    This module then takes in these :obj:`sizes` and iteratively samples
    :obj:`sizes[l]` for each node involved in layer :obj:`l`.
    In the next layer, sampling is repeated for the union of nodes that were
    already encountered.
    The actual computation graphs are then returned in reverse-mode, meaning
    that we pass messages from a larger set of nodes to a smaller one, until we
    reach the nodes for which we originally wanted to compute embeddings.

    Hence, an item returned by :class:`NeighborSampler` holds the current
    :obj:`batch_size`, the IDs :obj:`n_id` of all nodes involved in the
    computation, and a list of bipartite graph objects via the tuple
    :obj:`(edge_index, e_id, size)`, where :obj:`edge_index` represents the
    bipartite edges between source and target nodes, :obj:`e_id` denotes the
    IDs of original edges in the full graph, and :obj:`size` holds the shape
    of the bipartite graph.
    For each bipartite graph, target nodes are also included at the beginning
    of the list of source nodes so that one can easily apply skip-connections
    or add self-loops.

    .. warning::

        :class:`~torch_geometric.loader.NeighborSampler` is deprecated and will
        be removed in a future release.
        Use :class:`torch_geometric.loader.NeighborLoader` instead.

    .. note::

        For an example of using :obj:`NeighborSampler`, see
        <>`_ or

        edge_index (Tensor or SparseTensor): A :obj:`torch.LongTensor` or a
            :obj:`torch_sparse.SparseTensor` that defines the underlying graph
            connectivity/message passing flow.
            :obj:`edge_index` holds the indices of a (sparse) symmetric
            adjacency matrix.
            If :obj:`edge_index` is of type :obj:`torch.LongTensor`, its shape
            must be defined as :obj:`[2, num_edges]`, where messages from nodes
            :obj:`edge_index[0]` are sent to nodes in :obj:`edge_index[1]`
            (in case :obj:`flow="source_to_target"`).
            If :obj:`edge_index` is of type :obj:`torch_sparse.SparseTensor`,
            its sparse indices :obj:`(row, col)` should relate to
            :obj:`row = edge_index[1]` and :obj:`col = edge_index[0]`.
            The major difference between both formats is that we need to input
            the *transposed* sparse adjacency matrix.
        sizes ([int]): The number of neighbors to sample for each node in each
            layer. If set to :obj:`sizes[l] = -1`, all neighbors are included
            in layer :obj:`l`.
        node_idx (LongTensor, optional): The nodes that should be considered
            for creating mini-batches. If set to :obj:`None`, all nodes will be
        num_nodes (int, optional): The number of nodes in the graph.
            (default: :obj:`None`)
        return_e_id (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`False`, will not return
            original edge indices of sampled edges. This is only useful in case
            when operating on graphs without edge features to save memory.
            (default: :obj:`True`)
        transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in
            a sampled mini-batch and returns a transformed version.
            (default: :obj:`None`)
        **kwargs (optional): Additional arguments of
            :class:``, such as :obj:`batch_size`,
            :obj:`shuffle`, :obj:`drop_last` or :obj:`num_workers`.
    def __init__(self,
                 edge_index: Union[Tensor, SparseTensor],
                 sizes: List[int],
                 node_idx: Optional[Tensor] = None,
                 num_nodes: Optional[int] = None,
                 return_e_id: bool = True,
                 transform: Callable = None,

        edge_index ='cpu')

        if 'collate_fn' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['collate_fn']
        if 'dataset' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['dataset']

        # Save for Pytorch Lightning...
        self.edge_index = edge_index
        self.node_idx = node_idx
        self.num_nodes = num_nodes

        self.sizes = sizes
        self.return_e_id = return_e_id
        self.transform = transform
        self.is_sparse_tensor = isinstance(edge_index, SparseTensor)
        self.__val__ = None

        # Obtain a *transposed* `SparseTensor` instance.
        if not self.is_sparse_tensor:
            if (num_nodes is None and node_idx is not None
                    and node_idx.dtype == torch.bool):
                num_nodes = node_idx.size(0)
            if (num_nodes is None and node_idx is not None
                    and node_idx.dtype == torch.long):
                num_nodes = max(int(edge_index.max()), int(node_idx.max())) + 1
            if num_nodes is None:
                num_nodes = int(edge_index.max()) + 1

            value = torch.arange(edge_index.size(1)) if return_e_id else None
            self.adj_t = SparseTensor(row=edge_index[0],
                                      sparse_sizes=(num_nodes, num_nodes)).t()
            adj_t = edge_index
            if return_e_id:
                self.__val__ =
                value = torch.arange(adj_t.nnz())
                adj_t = adj_t.set_value(value, layout='coo')
            self.adj_t = adj_t

        if node_idx is None:
            node_idx = torch.arange(self.adj_t.sparse_size(0))
        elif node_idx.dtype == torch.bool:
            node_idx = node_idx.nonzero(as_tuple=False).view(-1)


    def sample(self, batch):
        if not isinstance(batch, Tensor):
            batch = torch.tensor(batch)

        batch_size: int = len(batch)

        adjs = []
        n_id = batch
        for size in self.sizes:
            adj_t, n_id = self.adj_t.sample_adj(n_id, size, replace=False)
            e_id =
            size = adj_t.sparse_sizes()[::-1]
            if self.__val__ is not None:
                adj_t.set_value_(self.__val__[e_id], layout='coo')

            if self.is_sparse_tensor:
                adjs.append(Adj(adj_t, e_id, size))
                row, col, _ = adj_t.coo()
                edge_index = torch.stack([col, row], dim=0)
                adjs.append(EdgeIndex(edge_index, e_id, size))

        adjs = adjs[0] if len(adjs) == 1 else adjs[::-1]
        out = (batch_size, n_id, adjs)
        out = self.transform(*out) if self.transform is not None else out
        return out

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(sizes={self.sizes})'
Beispiel #3
class HeteroNeighborSampler(
    def __init__(self,
                 edge_index: Union[Tensor, SparseTensor],
                 sizes: List[int],
                 node_idx: Optional[Tensor] = None,
                 num_nodes: Optional[int] = None,
                 return_e_id: bool = True,
            return_e_id (bool):
        self.sizes = sizes
        self.return_e_id = return_e_id
        self.is_sparse_tensor = isinstance(edge_index, SparseTensor)
        self.__val__ = None

        # Obtain a *transposed* `SparseTensor` instance.
        edge_index ='cpu')
        if not self.is_sparse_tensor:
            num_nodes = maybe_num_nodes(edge_index, num_nodes)
            value = torch.arange(edge_index.size(1)) if return_e_id else None

            # Sampling source_to_target
            self.adj_t = SparseTensor(row=edge_index[1],
                                      sparse_sizes=(num_nodes, num_nodes)).t()
            adj_t = edge_index
            if return_e_id:
                self.__val__ =
                value = torch.arange(adj_t.nnz())
                adj_t = adj_t.set_value(value, layout='coo')
            self.adj_t = adj_t

        if node_idx is None:
            node_idx = torch.arange(self.adj_t.sparse_size(0))
        elif node_idx.dtype == torch.bool:
            node_idx = node_idx.nonzero(as_tuple=False).view(-1)

        super(HeteroNeighborSampler, self).__init__(node_idx.view(-1).tolist(),

    def sample(self, batch):
        if not isinstance(batch, Tensor):
            batch = torch.tensor(batch)

        batch_size: int = len(batch)

        adjs = []
        n_id = batch
        for size in self.sizes:
            adj_t, n_id = self.adj_t.sample_adj(n_id, size, replace=False)
            e_id =
            size = adj_t.sparse_sizes()[::-1]
            if self.__val__ is not None:
                adj_t.set_value_(self.__val__[e_id], layout='coo')

            if self.is_sparse_tensor:
                adjs.append(Adj(adj_t, e_id, size))
                row, col, _ = adj_t.coo()
                edge_index = torch.stack([row, col], dim=0)
                adjs.append(EdgeIndex(edge_index, e_id, size))

        return batch_size, n_id, adjs
Beispiel #4
class NeighborSampler(
    r"""The neighbor sampler from the `"Inductive Representation Learning on
    Large Graphs" <>`_ paper, which allows
    for mini-batch training of GNNs on large-scale graphs where full-batch
    training is not feasible.
    Given a GNN with :math:`L` layers and a specific mini-batch of nodes
    :obj:`node_idx` for which we want to compute embeddings, this module
    iteratively samples neighbors and constructs bipartite graphs that simulate
    the actual computation flow of GNNs.
    More specifically, :obj:`sizes` denotes how much neighbors we want to
    sample for each node in each layer.
    This module then takes in these :obj:`sizes` and iteratively samples
    :obj:`sizes[l]` for each node involved in layer :obj:`l`.
    In the next layer, sampling is repeated for the union of nodes that were
    already encountered.
    The actual computation graphs are then returned in reverse-mode, meaning
    that we pass messages from a larger set of nodes to a smaller one, until we
    reach the nodes for which we originally wanted to compute embeddings.
    Hence, an item returned by :class:`NeighborSampler` holds the current
    :obj:`batch_size`, the IDs :obj:`n_id` of all nodes involved in the
    computation, and a list of bipartite graph objects via the tuple
    :obj:`(edge_index, e_id, size)`, where :obj:`edge_index` represents the
    bipartite edges between source and target nodes, :obj:`e_id` denotes the
    IDs of original edges in the full graph, and :obj:`size` holds the shape
    of the bipartite graph.
    For each bipartite graph, target nodes are also included at the beginning
    of the list of source nodes so that one can easily apply skip-connections
    or add self-loops.
    .. note::
        For an example of using :obj:`NeighborSampler`, see
        <>`_ or
        edge_index (LongTensor): The edge indices of the full-graph.
        size ([int]): The number of neighbors to
            sample for each node in each layer. If set to :obj:`sizes[i] = -1`,
            all neighbors are included in layer :obj:`l`.
        node_idx (LongTensor, optional): The nodes that should be considered
            for creating mini-batches. If set to :obj:`None`, all nodes will be
        flow (string, optional): The flow direction of message passing
            (:obj:`"source_to_target"` or :obj:`"target_to_source"`).
            (default: :obj:`"source_to_target"`)
        **kwargs (optional): Additional arguments of
            :class:``, such as :obj:`batch_size`,
            :obj:`shuffle`, :obj:`drop_last` or :obj:`num_workers`.
    def __init__(self, edge_index: torch.Tensor, sizes: List[int],
                 node_idx: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
                 num_nodes: Optional[int] = None,
                 flow: str = "source_to_target", 
                 prune=False, prune_set='train',

        self.N = N = int(edge_index.max() + 1) if num_nodes is None else num_nodes
        edge_attr = torch.arange(edge_index.size(1))
        adj = SparseTensor(row=edge_index[0], col=edge_index[1],
                           value=edge_attr, sparse_sizes=(N, N),
        adj = adj.t() if flow == 'source_to_target' else adj
        self.adj ='cpu')

        if node_idx is None:
            node_idx = torch.arange(N)
        elif node_idx.dtype == torch.bool:
            node_idx = node_idx.nonzero(as_tuple=False).view(-1)

        self.sizes = sizes
        self.flow = flow
        assert self.flow in ['source_to_target', 'target_to_source']

        super(NeighborSampler, self).__init__(node_idx.tolist(),
                                              collate_fn=self.sample, **kwargs)
        if prune == True:
            self.split_idx = split_idx
            self.E = edge_index.size(1)
            self.edge_index = edge_index
            if prune_set == 'train':
                self.train_idx = self.split_idx['train']
                self.train_idx =[self.split_idx['train'], self.split_idx['valid']])
            subadj, _ = self.adj.saint_subgraph(self.train_idx)
            # subadj = self.adj.to_dense()[self.train_idx][:,self.train_idx].view(-1)
            _,_,e_idx = subadj.coo()
            self.train_e_idx = e_idx.squeeze().long()
            self.train_edge_index = self.edge_index[:, self.train_e_idx] 
            self.rest_idx =[self.split_idx['valid'], self.split_idx['test']])
            subadj2, _ = self.adj.saint_subgraph(self.rest_idx)
            _,_,rest_e_idx = subadj2.coo()
            self.rest_e_idx = rest_e_idx.squeeze().long()

    # def prune_naive(self, ratio=0):
    #     mask = torch.randperm(self.E)

    #     edge_index, values = self.adj.coo()
    #     newvalues = torch.zeros(edge_index.size(1))
    #     newvalues[values>0] = 1
    #     num_edges = spmm(edge_index, values, 1, values.size)

    def prune(self, loss, ratio=0, method='ada', glob=False):
        if glob == False:
            if method=='ada':
                diff_loss = torch.abs(loss[self.train_edge_index[0]] - loss[self.train_edge_index[1]])
                # print(int(len(diff_loss)*ratio))
                _, mask = torch.topk(diff_loss, int(len(diff_loss)*ratio), largest=False)
            elif method=='random':
                newE =self.train_edge_index.size(1)
                mask = torch.randperm(newE)[:int(newE*ratio)]
            elif method == 'naive':
                degrees = scatter(torch.ones(self.train_edge_index.size(1)), self.train_edge_index[0])
                thold = (degrees.max()*ratio).long()
                prunemask = (degrees>thold).nonzero()
                mymask = torch.ones(self.train_edge_index.size(1))
                taway = []
                for pru in prunemask:
                    p_eid = (self.train_edge_index[0]==pru.squeeze()).nonzero().squeeze()
                    p = p_eid[torch.randperm(p_eid.size(0))][thold:]
                nonmask =
                mask = torch.ones(self.train_edge_index.size(1), dtype=torch.bool)
                mask[nonmask] = False
            #print('len diff_loss', len(diff_loss))
            #print('len mask', len(mask))
            self.train_e_idx = self.train_e_idx[mask]
            self.train_edge_index = self.train_edge_index[:, mask]
            # self.edge_attr =[[self.train_e_idx, self.rest_e_idx])]
            self.edge_index = self.edge_index[:,[self.train_e_idx, self.rest_e_idx])]

            # print(,
            self.train_e_idx = torch.arange(self.train_e_idx.size(0))
            self.rest_e_idx = torch.arange(self.train_e_idx.size(0),self.train_e_idx.size(0) + self.rest_e_idx.size(0))
            # print(len(self.train_e_idx),len(self.rest_e_idx), self.train_edge_index.size(),self.edge_index.size())
            self.E = self.edge_index.size(1)
            self.adj = SparseTensor(
                row=self.edge_index[0], col=self.edge_index[1],
                value=torch.arange(self.E, device=self.edge_index.device),
                sparse_sizes=(self.N, self.N)) 
    def sample(self, batch):
        if not isinstance(batch, torch.Tensor):
            batch = torch.tensor(batch)

        batch_size: int = len(batch)
        adjs: List[Adj] = []

        n_id = batch
        for size in self.sizes:
            adj, n_id = self.adj.sample_adj(n_id, size, replace=False)
            if self.flow == 'source_to_target':
                adj = adj.t()
            row, col, e_id = adj.coo()
            size = adj.sparse_sizes()
            edge_index = torch.stack([row, col], dim=0)

            adjs.append(Adj(edge_index, e_id, size))

        if len(adjs) > 1:
            return batch_size, n_id, adjs[::-1]
            return batch_size, n_id, adjs[0]

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}(sizes={})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.sizes)