Beispiel #1
    def test_batch_mulaw(self):
        waveform, sample_rate = torchaudio.load(self.test_filepath)  # (2, 278756), 44100

        # Single then transform then batch
        waveform_encoded = transforms.MuLawEncoding()(waveform)
        expected = waveform_encoded.unsqueeze(0).repeat(3, 1, 1)

        # Batch then transform
        waveform_batched = waveform.unsqueeze(0).repeat(3, 1, 1)
        computed = transforms.MuLawEncoding()(waveform_batched)

        # shape = (3, 2, 201, 1394)
        self.assertTrue(computed.shape == expected.shape, (computed.shape, expected.shape))
        self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(computed, expected))

        # Single then transform then batch
        waveform_decoded = transforms.MuLawDecoding()(waveform_encoded)
        expected = waveform_decoded.unsqueeze(0).repeat(3, 1, 1)

        # Batch then transform
        computed = transforms.MuLawDecoding()(computed)

        # shape = (3, 2, 201, 1394)
        self.assertTrue(computed.shape == expected.shape, (computed.shape, expected.shape))
        self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(computed, expected))
Beispiel #2
    def test_mu_law_companding(self):

        sig = self.sig.clone()

        quantization_channels = 256
        sig = self.sig.numpy()
        sig = sig / np.abs(sig).max()
        self.assertTrue(sig.min() >= -1. and sig.max() <= 1.)

        sig_mu = transforms.MuLawEncoding(quantization_channels)(sig)
        self.assertTrue(sig_mu.min() >= 0. and sig.max() <= quantization_channels)

        sig_exp = transforms.MuLawExpanding(quantization_channels)(sig_mu)
        self.assertTrue(sig_exp.min() >= -1. and sig_exp.max() <= 1.)

        sig = self.sig.clone()
        sig = sig / torch.abs(sig).max()
        self.assertTrue(sig.min() >= -1. and sig.max() <= 1.)

        sig_mu = transforms.MuLawEncoding(quantization_channels)(sig)
        self.assertTrue(sig_mu.min() >= 0. and sig.max() <= quantization_channels)

        sig_exp = transforms.MuLawExpanding(quantization_channels)(sig_mu)
        self.assertTrue(sig_exp.min() >= -1. and sig_exp.max() <= 1.)

        repr_test = transforms.MuLawEncoding(quantization_channels)
        repr_test = transforms.MuLawExpanding(quantization_channels)
Beispiel #3
    def test_mu_law_companding(self):

        sig = self.sig.clone()

        quantization_channels = 256
        sig = self.sig.numpy()
        sig = sig / np.abs(sig).max()
        self.assertTrue(sig.min() >= -1. and sig.max() <= 1.)

        sig_mu = transforms.MuLawEncoding(quantization_channels)(sig)
        self.assertTrue(sig_mu.min() >= 0.
                        and sig.max() <= quantization_channels)

        sig_exp = transforms.MuLawExpanding(quantization_channels)(sig_mu)
        self.assertTrue(sig_exp.min() >= -1. and sig_exp.max() <= 1.)

        #diff = sig - sig_exp
        #mse = np.linalg.norm(diff) / diff.shape[0]
        #self.assertTrue(mse, np.isclose(mse, 0., atol=1e-4)) # not always true

        sig = self.sig.clone()
        sig = sig / torch.abs(sig).max()
        self.assertTrue(sig.min() >= -1. and sig.max() <= 1.)

        sig_mu = transforms.MuLawEncoding(quantization_channels)(sig)
        self.assertTrue(sig_mu.min() >= 0.
                        and sig.max() <= quantization_channels)

        sig_exp = transforms.MuLawExpanding(quantization_channels)(sig_mu)
        self.assertTrue(sig_exp.min() >= -1. and sig_exp.max() <= 1.)
Beispiel #4
    def test_mu_law_companding(self):

        quantization_channels = 256

        waveform = self.waveform.clone()
        waveform /= torch.abs(waveform).max()
        self.assertTrue(waveform.min() >= -1. and waveform.max() <= 1.)

        waveform_mu = transforms.MuLawEncoding(quantization_channels)(waveform)
        self.assertTrue(waveform_mu.min() >= 0. and waveform_mu.max() <= quantization_channels)

        waveform_exp = transforms.MuLawDecoding(quantization_channels)(waveform_mu)
        self.assertTrue(waveform_exp.min() >= -1. and waveform_exp.max() <= 1.)
Beispiel #5
    def test_mu_law_companding(self):

        quantization_channels = 256

        waveform = self.waveform.clone()
        if not waveform.is_floating_point():
            waveform =
        waveform /= torch.abs(waveform).max()

        self.assertTrue(waveform.min() >= -1. and waveform.max() <= 1.)

        waveform_mu = transforms.MuLawEncoding(quantization_channels)(waveform)
        self.assertTrue(waveform_mu.min() >= 0. and waveform_mu.max() <= quantization_channels)

        waveform_exp = transforms.MuLawDecoding(quantization_channels)(waveform_mu)
        self.assertTrue(waveform_exp.min() >= -1. and waveform_exp.max() <= 1.)
Beispiel #6
 def test_MuLawEncoding(self):
     tensor = common_utils.get_whitenoise()
     self._assert_consistency(T.MuLawEncoding(), tensor)
 def test_MuLawEncoding(self):
     tensor = torch.rand((1, 10))
     self._assert_consistency(T.MuLawEncoding(), tensor)
        inputs = inputs[:x[-1].astype(int)]
        targets = targets[:x[-1].astype(int)]
        inputs = inputs[:len(inputs) // seq_M * seq_M]
        targets = targets[:len(targets) // seq_M * seq_M]

        h = f(np.arange(1, len(inputs) + 1))


    train_wav = np.concatenate(train_wav)
    train_features = np.vstack(train_features)
    train_targets = np.concatenate(train_targets)

    enc = transforms.MuLawEncoding(channels)
    dec = transforms.MuLawExpanding(channels)

    train_wav = enc(train_wav)
    train_targets = enc(train_targets)

    scaler = StandardScaler()
    train_features = scaler.fit_transform(train_features)

    train_wav = train_wav.reshape(-1, seq_M)
    train_features = np.rollaxis(
        train_features.reshape(-1, seq_M, features_size), 2, 1)
    train_targets = train_targets.reshape(-1, seq_M)

    train_wav = torch.from_numpy(train_wav).long()
    train_features = torch.from_numpy(train_features).float()
Beispiel #9
    depth = args.depth
    radixs = [2] * depth
    N =
    channels = args.channels
    lr =
    steps = args.steps
    c = args.c
    generation_time = args.file_size
    filename = args.outfile

    maxlen = 50000
    print('==> Downloading YesNo Dataset..')
    transform = transforms.Compose(
    data = torchaudio.datasets.YESNO('./data', download=True, transform=transform)
    data_loader = DataLoader(data, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=4, shuffle=True)

    print('==> Building model..')
    net = general_FFTNet(radixs, 128, channels).cuda()

    print(sum(p.numel() for p in net.parameters() if p.requires_grad), "of parameters.")

    optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=lr)
    criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

    print("Start Training.")
    a =

    step = 0