Beispiel #1
def test_fork_join():
    logs = []

    class Log(torch.autograd.Function):
        def forward(ctx, number, tensor):
            ctx.number = number
            return tensor.detach()

        def backward(ctx, grad):
            return None, grad

    a = torch.rand(1, device='cpu', requires_grad=True)
    b = torch.rand(1, device='cuda', requires_grad=True)

    a = Log.apply(1, a)

    a, phony = fork(a)
    b = join(a, phony)

    b = Log.apply(2, b)
    b ='cpu')

    (a + b).backward()

    assert logs == [2, 1]
Beispiel #2
    def recompute(self, batch: Batch) -> None:
        """Applies :class:`Recompute` to the batch in place."""
        input_atomic = self.batch.atomic
        input = tuple(self.batch)

        # batch[0] is always requiring grad, because it has been passed
        # checkpoint with a phony requiring grad.
        batch[0], phony = fork(batch[0])
        phony = Recompute.apply(phony, self.recomputed, self.rng_states,
                                self.function, input_atomic, *input)
        batch[0] = join(batch[0], phony)
Beispiel #3
def test_join_when_fork_not_requires_grad():
    x = torch.rand(2, 1)
    a, b = x.chunk(2)

    assert not a.requires_grad
    a, p = fork(a)
    assert not a.requires_grad
    assert not p.requires_grad

    assert not b.requires_grad
    b = join(b, p)
    assert not b.requires_grad
Beispiel #4
    def save(self, batch: Batch, ns: Namespace, name: str,
             tensor: Optional[Tensor]) -> None:
        """Saves the stashed skip tensor in a portal. The portal is then
        connected to the given micro-batch with :class:`Join`.
        if not self.skip_layout.requires_copy(ns, name):
            super().save(batch, ns, name, tensor)

        # See [Tensor Life of Portal] at Portal.put_tensor() to understand the
        # below tensor_life values. Here are the selected events which retrieve
        # the tensor in portal:
        #  1. [x] blue()
        #     ...
        #  6. [x]   PortalOrange.forward
        #     ...
        #  8. [x]   PortalOrange.forward (recomputed)
        #     ...
        # 11. [x] blue() (recomputed)
        if (ns, name) not in self.portals:
            if is_checkpointing():
                # Under checkpointing, the tensor used by the first
                # PortalOrange should be alive in the portal. This tensor will
                # be used again by the second PortalOrange during the
                # recomputation.
                tensor_life = 3  # Delete at [8. PortalOrange.forward (recomputed)]
                tensor_life = 2  # Delete at [6. PortalOrange.forward]

            portal = Portal(tensor, tensor_life)
            self.portals[(ns, name)] = portal

            # Under recomputation, the portal already exists.
            portal = self.portals[(ns, name)]

            # The existing tensor life already became 0. It should be reset as
            # 1 to delete the tensor after the second PortalBlue immediately.
            tensor_life = 1  # Delete at [11. blue() (recomputed)]

            portal.put_tensor(tensor, tensor_life)

        phony =
        batch[0] = join(batch[0], phony)
Beispiel #5
def test_fork_join_no_grad(monkeypatch):
    def do_not_apply(*args):
        raise AssertionError('Function.apply called')

    monkeypatch.setattr('torch.autograd.Function.apply', do_not_apply)

    x = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True)

    with torch.no_grad():
        x2, p = fork(x)

    assert not p.requires_grad
    assert x2 is x
    x = x2

    with torch.no_grad():
        x2 = join(x, p)

    assert x2 is x
    x = x2
Beispiel #6
    def copy(
        batch: Batch,
        prev_stream: AbstractStream,
        next_stream: AbstractStream,
        ns: Namespace,
        name: str,
    ) -> None:
        """Copies the skip tensor in the corresponding portal. The given
        micro-batch and the portal will be tied with :class:`Fork` and
        assert self.skip_layout.requires_copy(ns, name)

        batch[0], phony = fork(batch[0])

        portal = self.portals[(ns, name)]
        phony = portal.copy(prev_stream, next_stream, phony)

        batch[0] = join(batch[0], phony)
Beispiel #7
def test_serial_checkpoints(device):
    # Copied from
    timeline = []

    class Log(torch.autograd.Function):
        def forward(ctx, name, x):
   = name
            return x.detach()

        def backward(ctx, grad_output):
            name =
            return None, grad_output

    a = torch.rand(1, device=device, requires_grad=True)
    b = torch.rand(1, device=device, requires_grad=True)

    # Increase the next function sequence number.
    _ = a + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5

    a = checkpoint(partial(Log.apply, 'a'), a)

    a, phony = fork(a)
    b = join(b, phony)

    b = checkpoint(partial(Log.apply, 'b'), b)

    c =, b))

    out = c.sum()

    #                        +--> {a} --Checkpoint(Log)--> {a}
    # {out} --Sum--> {c} --Cat     ^-----------------------------+
    #                        +--> {b} --Checkpoint(Log)--> {b} --First--> {b}

    assert timeline == \
        ['a:forward', 'b:forward', 'b:forward', 'b:backward', 'a:forward', 'a:backward']
Beispiel #8
def test_fork_leak():
    leak = None

    class F(torch.autograd.Function):
        def forward(ctx, input):
            return input

        def backward(ctx, grad):
            nonlocal leak
            leak = weakref.ref(ctx)
            return grad

    x = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True)
    x = F.apply(x)
    x, phony = fork(x)
    x = join(x, phony)

    del x, phony

    assert leak() is None
Beispiel #9
def test_fork_join_enable_grad():
    x = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True)

    with torch.enable_grad():
        x2, p = fork(x)

    assert p.requires_grad
    assert x2 is not x
    x = x2

    assert x.requires_grad
    assert p.requires_grad
    assert x.grad_fn.__class__ is Fork._backward_cls
    assert p.grad_fn.__class__ is Fork._backward_cls

    with torch.enable_grad():
        x2 = join(x, p)

    assert x2 is not x
    x = x2

    assert x.requires_grad
    assert x.grad_fn.__class__ is Join._backward_cls
Beispiel #10
def test_blue_orange_not_requires_grad():
    tensor1 = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True)
    tensor2 = torch.rand(1)

    # Same with: output = tensor1*2 + tensor2
    #                +----------------------+
    #                |                      |
    # tensor2 -- PortalBlue -+      +- PortalOrange -+
    #                        |      |                |
    # tensor1 ------------ Join -- Fork --- Mul --- Add -- output
    main = tensor1
    portal = Portal(tensor2, tensor_life=2)
    phony =
    main = join(main, phony)
    main, phony = fork(main)
    sub =
    output = main * 2 + sub


    assert torch.allclose(tensor1.grad, torch.tensor([2.]))
    assert tensor2.grad is None
Beispiel #11
def depend(fork_from: Batch, join_to: Batch) -> None:
    fork_from[0], phony = fork(fork_from[0])
    join_to[0] = join(join_to[0], phony)