def __init__(self): handlers = [ (r'/(.*?\.html)$', PageHandler), # in product environment, use nginx to support static resources # (r'/(.*\.(?:css|jpg|png|js|ico|json))$', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, # {'path':TEMPLATE_PATH}), # (r'/test', TestHandler), (r'/project', ProjectHandler), (r'/file', FileHandler), (r'/message/(.*)/', MessageHandler), (r'/', MainHandler), ] settings = { 'cookie_secret':util.sha1('niot').hexdigest(), 'static_path':TEMPLATE_PATH, # 'static_url_prefix':'resource/', 'debug':False, 'autoreload':True, 'autoescape':'xhtml_escape', 'i18n_path':os.path.join(CURRENT_PATH, 'resource/i18n'), # 'login_url':'', 'xheaders':True, # use headers like X-Real-IP to get the user's IP address instead of # attributeing all traffic to the balancer's IP address. } super(Application, self).__init__(handlers, **settings)
def __init__(self): handlers = [ (r'/(.*?\.html)$', PageHandler), # in product environment, use nginx to support static resources # (r'/(.*\.(?:css|jpg|png|js|ico|json))$', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, # {'path':TEMPLATE_PATH}), # (r'/test', TestHandler), (r'/project', ProjectHandler), (r'/file', FileHandler), (r'/message/(.*)/', MessageHandler), (r'/', MainHandler), ] settings = { 'cookie_secret': util.sha1('niot').hexdigest(), 'static_path': TEMPLATE_PATH, # 'static_url_prefix':'resource/', 'debug': False, 'autoreload': True, 'autoescape': 'xhtml_escape', 'i18n_path': os.path.join(CURRENT_PATH, 'resource/i18n'), # 'login_url':'', 'xheaders': True, # use headers like X-Real-IP to get the user's IP address instead of # attributeing all traffic to the balancer's IP address. } super(Application, self).__init__(handlers, **settings)
def __init__(self): handlers = [ (r'/account/(.*?)/bind', BindHandler), (r'/account/?(.*)$', AccountHandler), # (r'/m_web/(.*)', WeiXinViewHandler), (r'/(.*?\.html)$', PageHandler), (r'/stat$', StatHandler), # in product environment, use nginx to support static resources # (r'/(.*\.(?:css|jpg|png|js|ico|json))$', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, # {'path':TEMPLATE_PATH}), # (r'/weixin$', WeiXinHandler), # register account (r'/register', RegisterHandler), # check version (r'/version', VersionHandler), # get mobile verify code (r'/mobile/(.*)/(.*)$', NotifyHandler), (r'/mobile$', MobileHandler), (r'/sms$', SmsHandler), # pns operator (r'/pns/', PNSHandler), # check ssid property (r'/ssid/(.*)$', WIFIHandler), (r'/cid/(.*)$', CIDHandler), (r'/portal/user$', PortalHandler), # nansha interface # (r'/ns/manager', NSManagerHandler), # add/update/delete nansha employee # (r'/pn/(.*?)/(.*)$', PNAccountHandler), # (r'/pn/?(.*)$', PNHolderHandler), # group interface (r'/', MainHandler), ] settings = { 'cookie_secret':util.sha1('bidong').hexdigest(), 'static_path':STATIC_PATH, # 'static_url_prefix':'resource/', 'debug':False, 'autoreload':True, 'autoescape':'xhtml_escape', 'i18n_path':os.path.join(STATIC_PATH, 'i18n'), # 'login_url':'', 'xheaders':True, # use headers like X-Real-IP to get the user's IP address instead of # attributeing all traffic to the balancer's IP address. } super(Application, self).__init__(handlers, **settings)
def check_signature(self, serve): ''' all request must be check request's issuer ''' signature = self.get_argument('signature') timestamp = self.get_argument('timestamp') nonce = self.get_argument('nonce') token = WEIXIN_CONFIG[serve]['token'] sha1 = util.sha1(''.join(sorted([token, timestamp, nonce]))) if signature != sha1.hexdigest(): raise HTTPError(400)
def __init__(self): handlers = [ (r'/', IMHandler), (r'/notify', NotifyHandler), ] settings = { 'cookie_secret':util.sha1('ims').hexdigest(), # 'static_path':CURRENT_PATH, # 'static_url_prefix':'resource/', 'debug':False, 'autoreload':True, 'autoescape':'xhtml_escape', # 'i18n_path':os.path.join(CURRENT_PATH, 'resource/i18n'), # 'login_url':'', 'xheaders':True, # use headers like X-Real-IP to get the user's IP address instead of # attributeing all traffic to the balancer's IP address. } super(Application, self).__init__(handlers, **settings)
def __init__(self): handlers = [ (r'/account/(.*?)/bind', BindHandler), (r'/account/(.*)/$', AccountHistoryHandler), (r'/account/?(.*)$', AccountHandler), (r'/wx/m_(.*?)/(.*)$', WeiXinViewHandler), (r'/wx/?(.*)$', WeiXinHandler), (r'/(getdbi)\.html$', FactoryHandler), (r'/(.*?\.html)$', PageHandler), # in product environment, use nginx to support static resources # (r'/(.*\.(?:css|jpg|png|js|ico|json))$', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, # {'path':TEMPLATE_PATH}), (r'/holder/(.*)/ap$', APHandler), (r'/holder/(.*)/room$', RoomHandler), (r'/holder/?(.*)$', HolderHandler), (r'/manager/?(.*)$', ManagerHandler), # register account (r'/register', RegisterHandler), # check version (r'/version', VersionHandler), (r'/', MainHandler), ] settings = { 'cookie_secret':util.sha1('bidong').hexdigest(), 'static_path':TEMPLATE_PATH, # 'static_url_prefix':'resource/', 'debug':False, 'autoreload':True, 'autoescape':'xhtml_escape', 'i18n_path':os.path.join(STATIC_PATH, 'i18n'), # 'login_url':'', 'xheaders':True, # use headers like X-Real-IP to get the user's IP address instead of # attributeing all traffic to the balancer's IP address. } super(Application, self).__init__(handlers, **settings)
def __init__(self): handlers = [ (r"/(.*?\.html)$", PageHandler), # in product environment, use nginx to support static resources # (r'/(.*\.(?:css|jpg|png|js|ico|json))$', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, # {'path':TEMPLATE_PATH}), # (r'/test', TestHandler), (r"/project", ProjectHandler), (r"/file", FileHandler), (r"/", MainHandler), ] settings = { "cookie_secret": util.sha1("niot").hexdigest(), "static_path": TEMPLATE_PATH, # 'static_url_prefix':'resource/', "debug": False, "autoreload": True, "autoescape": "xhtml_escape", "i18n_path": os.path.join(CURRENT_PATH, "resource/i18n"), # 'login_url':'', "xheaders": True, # use headers like X-Real-IP to get the user's IP address instead of # attributeing all traffic to the balancer's IP address. } super(Application, self).__init__(handlers, **settings)