class CountService(soaphandler.SoapHandler): """ Service that counts the number of items in a list """ @webservice(_params=xmltypes.Array(xmltypes.String), _returns=xmltypes.Integer) def count(self, list_of_values): length = len(list_of_values) return length
class FibonacciService(soaphandler.SoapHandler): """ Service that provides Fibonacci numbers """ @webservice(_params=xmltypes.Integer,_returns=xmltypes.Array(xmltypes.Integer)) def fib(self,n): a, b = 0, 1 result = [] while b < n: result.append(b) a, b = b, a + b return result
class HelloWorldService2(soaphandler.SoapHandler): """ Service that return an list with Hello and World str elements, not uses input parameters """ @webservice(_params=None, _returns=xmltypes.Array(xmltypes.String)) def sayHello(self): return ["Hello", "World"]