Beispiel #1
    def _show_prototype(self, req, path_info, action):
        """Handler for creating a new prototype."""
        data = {"name": path_info, "action": action}

        proto = None
        if req.method == "POST":
            proto = Prototype(self.env, "")

            for i in itertools.count():
                a = req.args.get("step-%s" % i)
                if a is not None:
                    proto.append((a, req.args["args-%s" % a]))

            if "movedown" in req.args:
                i = int(req.args["movedown"])
                x = proto.pop(i)
                proto.insert(i + 1, x)
            elif "moveup" in req.args:
                i = int(req.args["moveup"])
                x = proto.pop(i)
                proto.insert(i - 1, x)
            elif "remove" in req.args:
                i = int(req.args["remove"])
                del proto[i]
            elif "add" in req.args:
                proto.append((req.args["type"], ""))
            elif "save" in req.args:
                proto.tag = (action == "new" and req.args["name"] or data["name"]).strip()
                if not proto.tag or proto.tag == "new":
                    raise TracError('Invalid prototype name "%s"', proto.tag)
                req.redirect(req.href.admin("tracforge/prototypes", proto.tag))
            elif "cancel" in req.args:
            elif "delete" in req.args:
                proto.tag = data["name"]

            # Try to figure out the name
            if action == "new":
                proto.tag = req.args["name"]
                proto.tag = "(modified) %s" % data["name"]

        # steps = {}
        # for p in self.setup_participants:
        #    for a in p.get_setup_actions():
        #        steps[a] = {
        #            'provider': p,
        #            'description': p.get_setup_action_description(a),
        #        }
        data["steps"] = TracForgeAdminSystem(self.env).get_project_setup_participants()

        if action == "new":  # For a new one, use the specified defaults
            if proto is None:
                proto = Prototype.default(self.env)  # XXX: This should really read from trac.ini somehow
        elif action == "edit":
            if proto is None:
                proto = Prototype(self.env, data["name"])
                if not proto.exists:
                    raise TracError("Unknown prototype %s" % proto.tag)
            raise TracError("Invalid action %s" % action)
        data["proto"] = proto

        add_stylesheet(req, "tracforge/css/prototypes_new.css")
        # add_script(req, 'tracforge/js/interface/iutil.js')
        # add_script(req, 'tracforge/js/jquery.animatedswap.js')
        return "admin_tracforge_prototype.html", data
 def _show_prototype(self, req, path_info, action):
     """Handler for creating a new prototype."""
     data = {
         'name': path_info,
         'action': action,
     proto = None
     if req.method == 'POST':
         proto = Prototype(self.env, '')
         for i in itertools.count():
             a = req.args.get('step-%s'%i)
             if a is not None:
                 proto.append((a, req.args['args-%s'%a]))
         if 'movedown' in req.args:
             i = int(req.args['movedown'])
             x = proto.pop(i)
             proto.insert(i+1, x)
         elif 'moveup' in req.args:
             i = int(req.args['moveup'])
             x = proto.pop(i)
             proto.insert(i-1, x)
         elif 'remove' in req.args:
             i = int(req.args['remove'])
             del proto[i]
         elif 'add' in req.args:
             proto.append((req.args['type'], ''))
         elif 'save' in req.args:
             proto.tag = (action == 'new' and req.args['name'] or data['name']).strip()
             if not proto.tag or proto.tag == 'new':
                 raise TracError('Invalid prototype name "%s"', proto.tag)
             req.redirect(req.href.admin('tracforge/prototypes', proto.tag))
         elif 'cancel' in req.args:
         elif 'delete' in req.args:
             proto.tag =  data['name']
         # Try to figure out the name
         if action == 'new':
             proto.tag = req.args['name']
             proto.tag = '(modified) %s'%data['name']
     #steps = {}
     #for p in self.setup_participants:
     #    for a in p.get_setup_actions():
     #        steps[a] = {
     #            'provider': p,
     #            'description': p.get_setup_action_description(a),
     #        }
     data['steps'] = TracForgeAdminSystem(self.env).get_project_setup_participants()
     if action == 'new': # For a new one, use the specified defaults 
         if proto is None:
             proto = Prototype.default(self.env) # XXX: This should really read from trac.ini somehow
     elif action == 'edit': 
         if proto is None:
             proto = Prototype(self.env, data['name'])
             if not proto.exists:
                 raise TracError('Unknown prototype %s'%proto.tag)
         raise TracError('Invalid action %s'%action)
     data['proto'] = proto
     add_stylesheet(req, 'tracforge/css/prototypes_new.css')
     #add_script(req, 'tracforge/js/interface/iutil.js')
     #add_script(req, 'tracforge/js/jquery.animatedswap.js')
     return 'admin_tracforge_prototype.html', data