def add_program_arguments(parser: ArgParser, profile: str) -> None: """Add program arguments for all cameras. Args: parser: The instance of ArgParser to which this function will add arguments. profile: 'track' or 'align' to indicate which set of arguments to add. """ camera_group = parser.add_argument_group( title='General Camera Options', description='Options that apply to all cameras', ) camera_group.add_argument( '--camera-type', help='type of camera', default='zwo', choices=['zwo', 'webcam'], ) camera_group.add_argument( '--camera-pixel-scale', help='camera pixel scale in arcseconds per pixel', required=True, type=float) webcam_group = parser.add_argument_group( title='Webcam Options', description='Options that apply when camera-type is set to "webcam"', ) WebCam.add_program_arguments(webcam_group, profile) zwo_group = parser.add_argument_group( title='ZWO ASI Camera Options', description='Options that apply when camera-type is set to "zwo"', ) ASICamera.add_program_arguments(zwo_group, profile)
def add_program_arguments(parser: ArgParser, meridian_side_required=False) -> None: """Add program arguments for all mounts. Args: parser: The instance of ArgParser to which this function will add arguments. meridian_side_required: When True, the meridian-side command line argument will be set as required. When False the same argument is optional. """ mount_group = parser.add_argument_group( title='Mount Options', description='Options that apply to telescope mounts', ) mount_group.add_argument('--mount-type', help='select mount type (nexstar or gemini)', default='gemini') mount_group.add_argument( '--mount-path', help='serial device node or hostname for mount command interface', default='/dev/ttyACM0') parser.add_argument('--bypass-position-limits', help='bypass mount axis position limits', action='store_true') mount_group.add_argument( '--meridian-side', help='side of meridian for equatorial mounts to prefer', required=meridian_side_required, choices=tuple( for m in MeridianSide), )
def add_program_arguments( parser: ArgParser, group_description: str = 'Setting all three of these options will override GPS', ) -> None: """Add program arguments pertaining to observer location. Arguments are added such that the location is obtained from a GPS receiver by default, but the user can override this by supplying the location at the command line. Args: parser: The instance of ArgParser to which this function will add arguments. group_description: The description for this argument group. """ observer_group = parser.add_argument_group( title='Observer Location Options', description=group_description, ) observer_group.add_argument( '--lat', help='latitude of observer (+N)', type=float, ) observer_group.add_argument( '--lon', help='longitude of observer (+E)', type=float, ) observer_group.add_argument('--elevation', help='elevation of observer (m)', type=float)
def add_program_arguments(parser: ArgParser) -> None: """Add program arguments relevant to laser pointers. Args: parser: The instance of ArgParser to which this function will add arguments. """ laser_group = parser.add_argument_group( title='Laser Pointer Options', description='Options that apply to laser pointers', ) laser_group.add_argument( '--laser-ftdi-serial', help='serial number of laser pointer FTDI device', )
def add_program_arguments(parser: ArgParser) -> None: """Add program arguments associated with this module. Args: parser: The instance of ArgParser to which this function will add arguments. """ ntp_group = parser.add_argument_group( title='NTP Options', description='Options that apply to NTP time synchronization', ) ntp_group.add_argument( '--check-time-sync', help= 'confirm that system clock is synchronized to within 100 ms of GPS receiver', action='store_true', )
def add_program_arguments(parser: ArgParser, profile: str) -> None: parser.add_argument('--webcam-dev', help='webcam device node path', default='/dev/video0') parser.add_argument('--webcam-exposure', help='webcam exposure time (unspecified units)', default=3200, type=int) parser.add_argument( '--webcam-frame-dump-dir', help='directory to save webcam frames as jpeg files on disk', )
def add_program_arguments(parser: ArgParser) -> None: """Add program arguments relevant to the control system. Args: parser: The instance of ArgParser to which this function will add arguments. """ stop_group = parser.add_argument_group( title='Stopping Condition Options', description='Options that determine when the control system stops', ) stop_group.add_argument( '--stop-timeout', type=float, default=None, help= 'stop after this many seconds if no other stopping condition occurs first', ) stop_group.add_argument( '--stop-when-converged-angle', type=float, default=None, help='stop when mount is within this many degrees of the target', )
def add_program_arguments(parser: ArgParser, profile: str) -> None: """Adds program arguments for ZWO ASI camera configuration. Args: parser: The instance of ArgParser to which this function will add arguments. profile: 'track' or 'align' to indicate which set of arguments to add. Raises: ValueError if profile is set to an invalid string. """ if profile == 'align': parser.add_argument( '--zwo-exposure-time-align', help= 'ZWO camera exposure time used during alignment in seconds', default=0.5, type=float) parser.add_argument('--zwo-gain-align', help='ZWO camera gain used during alignment', default=400, type=int) elif profile == 'track': parser.add_argument( '--zwo-exposure-time', help='ZWO camera exposure time used during tracking in seconds', default=0.03, type=float) parser.add_argument('--zwo-gain', help='ZWO camera gain used during tracking', default=10, type=int) else: ValueError('profile must be "track" or "align"') parser.add_argument('--zwo-binning', help='ZWO camera binning', default=4, type=int) parser.add_argument( '--zwo-name', help= 'ZWO camera name (use to select between multiple connected cameras)', type=str)
def add_program_arguments(parser: ArgParser) -> None: """Add program arguments relevant to targets. Args: parser: The instance of ArgParser to which this function will add arguments. """ target_group = parser.add_argument_group( title='General Target Options', description='Options that apply to all targets', ) target_group.add_argument( '--fuse', help='use sensor fusion of selected target with camera', action='store_true', ) target_group.add_argument( '--fusion-gain', help='gain for sensor fusion', type=float, default=5e-2, ) target_group.add_argument( '--spiral-search', help= 'perform a spiral search until target is detected in camera (sensor fusion mode only)', action='store_true', ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='target types', dest='target_type') subparsers.required = True parser_flightclub = subparsers.add_parser( 'flightclub', help=' trajectory CSV file') parser_flightclub.add_argument('file', help='filename of CSV file') parser_flightclub.add_argument( 'time_t0', help= 'Launch T0 in UTC. Many natural language date formats are supported.', type=str, ) parser_tle = subparsers.add_parser('tle', help='TLE file') parser_tle.add_argument( 'file', help='filename of two-line element (TLE) target ephemeris') subparsers.add_parser('camera', help='follows bright target detected in camera') cameras.add_program_arguments(parser, profile='track') parser_coord_eq = subparsers.add_parser('coord-eq', help='fixed equatorial coordinate') parser_coord_eq.add_argument('ra', help='right ascension [deg]', type=float) parser_coord_eq.add_argument('dec', help='declination [deg]', type=float) parser_coord_topo = subparsers.add_parser( 'coord-topo', help='fixed topocentric coordinate') parser_coord_topo.add_argument('az', help='azimuth [deg]', type=float) parser_coord_topo.add_argument('alt', help='altitude [deg]', type=float) parser_star = subparsers.add_parser('star', help='named star') parser_star.add_argument('name', help='name of star') parser_solarsystem = subparsers.add_parser('solarsystem', help='named solar system body') parser_solarsystem.add_argument('name', help='name of planet or moon') subparsers.add_parser('overhead-pass', help='simulated overhead pass')