Beispiel #1
    def test_get_peers(self):
        self.metainfo.announce = self.trackeraddr+"/announce"

        tp = TrackerProxy(self.metainfo, 6881, self.peer_id)
        assert tp.get_peers(10) == self.peerlist 

        tp = TrackerProxy(self.metainfo, 6881, self.peer_id)
        assert tp.get_peers(2) == self.peerlist[:2] 
        assert tp.get_peers(2) == self.peerlist[2:4] 
        assert tp.get_peers(2) == self.peerlist[4:] 
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, client, filename, port, peer_id):
        self._client = client
        self._filename = filename
        self._port = port
        self._peer_id = peer_id

        # _peers is a list of peers that the TorrentManager is trying
        # to communicate with
        self._peers = []

        # _bitfields is a dictionary mapping peers to a bitfield of the pieces
        # each has
        self._bitfields = {}

            self._metainfo = Metainfo(filename)
        except (IOError, ValueError) as err:
            if isinstance(err, IOError):
                message = err.strerror+' ('+filename+')'
                message = err.message+' ('+filename+')'
            raise TorrentManagerError(message)

        # _have is the bitfield for this torrent. It is initialized to reflect
        # which pieces are already available on disk.
        self._filemanager = FileManager(self._metainfo)
        self._have = self._filemanager.have()

            self._tracker_proxy = TrackerProxy(self._metainfo, self._port,
        except TrackerError as err:
            logger.critical("Could not connect to tracker at {}"
            logger.debug("    TrackerError: {}".format(err.message))
            raise TorrentManagerError(err.message)

        self._needed = {piece: (0, []) for piece
                        in list(self._have.findall('0b0'))}

        self._interested = {}

        self._requesting = {}

        self._partial = []

        self._reactor = Reactor()
        self._reactor.schedule_timer(_TIMER_INTERVAL, self.timer_event)
        self._tick = 1

        print "Starting to serve torrent {} off of Cracker website...".format(filename)

Beispiel #3
    def test_get_peers(self):
        self.metainfo.announce = self.trackeraddr + "/announce"

        tp = TrackerProxy(self.metainfo, 6881, self.peer_id)
        assert tp.get_peers(10) == self.peerlist

        tp = TrackerProxy(self.metainfo, 6881, self.peer_id)
        assert tp.get_peers(2) == self.peerlist[:2]
        assert tp.get_peers(2) == self.peerlist[2:4]
        assert tp.get_peers(2) == self.peerlist[4:]
Beispiel #4
class TorrentManager(object):
    def __init__(self, client, filename, port, peer_id):
        self._client = client
        self._filename = filename
        self._port = port
        self._peer_id = peer_id

        # _peers is a list of peers that the TorrentManager is trying
        # to communicate with
        self._peers = []

        # _bitfields is a dictionary mapping peers to a bitfield of the pieces
        # each has
        self._bitfields = {}

            self._metainfo = Metainfo(filename)
        except (IOError, ValueError) as err:
            if isinstance(err, IOError):
                message = err.strerror+' ('+filename+')'
                message = err.message+' ('+filename+')'
            raise TorrentManagerError(message)

        # _have is the bitfield for this torrent. It is initialized to reflect
        # which pieces are already available on disk.
        self._filemanager = FileManager(self._metainfo)
        self._have = self._filemanager.have()

            self._tracker_proxy = TrackerProxy(self._metainfo, self._port,
        except TrackerError as err:
            logger.critical("Could not connect to tracker at {}"
            logger.debug("    TrackerError: {}".format(err.message))
            raise TorrentManagerError(err.message)

        self._needed = {piece: (0, []) for piece
                        in list(self._have.findall('0b0'))}

        self._interested = {}

        self._requesting = {}

        self._partial = []

        self._reactor = Reactor()
        self._reactor.schedule_timer(_TIMER_INTERVAL, self.timer_event)
        self._tick = 1

        print "Starting to serve torrent {} off of Cracker website...".format(filename)


    def _connect_to_peers(self, n):
        # Get addresses of n peers from the tracker and try to establish
        # a connection with each
        addrs = self._tracker_proxy.get_peers(n)
        for addr in addrs:
            peer = PeerProxy(self, self._peer_id, (addr['ip'], addr['port']),
            self._bitfields[peer] = BitArray(self._metainfo.num_pieces)

    def _remove_peer(self, peer):
        # Clean up references to the peer in various data structures

        pieces = list(self._bitfields[peer].findall('0b1'))
        for piece in pieces:
            if piece in self._needed:
                occurences, peers = self._needed[piece]
                if peer in peers:
                    self._needed[piece] = (occurences-1, peers)

        del self._bitfields[peer]

        if peer in self._interested:
            del self._interested[peer]
        elif peer in self._requesting:
            # If the peer is in the middle of downloading a piece, save
            # the state in the partial list
            index, offset, sha1, _, _ = self._requesting[peer]
            self._partial.append((index, offset, sha1))
            del self._requesting[peer]

    def _rarest(self):
        # Returns a list of tuples which includes a piece index sorted by
        # the number of peers which have the piece in ascending order
        return sorted([(occurences, peers, index)
                       for (index, (occurences, peers)) in self._needed.items()
                       if occurences != 0])

    def _show_interest(self, peer):
        if not peer.is_interested():
            logger.debug("Expressing interest in peer {}"

        if not peer.is_peer_choked():

    def _check_interest(self, peer):
        # If the peer is not already interested or requesting, identify a piece
        # for it to download and show interest to the peer.
        if peer not in self._interested and peer not in self._requesting:
            # Compute the set of needed pieces which the peer has that are not
            # already designated for another peer
            needed = self._have.copy()
            of_interest = list((needed & self._bitfields[peer]).findall('0b1'))
            dont_consider = [i for i, _, _, _ in self._interested.values()]
            dont_consider.extend([i for i, _, _, _, _
                                  in self._requesting.values()])

            if len(of_interest) > 0:
                for index, offset, sha1 in self._partial:
                    if index in of_interest:
                        self._partial.remove((index, offset, sha1))
                        self._interested[peer] = (index, offset, sha1,
                for _, _, index in self._rarest():
                    if index in of_interest and index not in dont_consider:
                        self._interested[peer] = (index, 0, hashlib.sha1(),
            if peer not in self._interested and peer.is_interested():
                logger.debug("Expressing lack of interest in peer {}"

    def _request(self, peer):
        if peer in self._interested:
            index, offset, sha1, _ = self._interested[peer]
            del self._interested[peer]
            self._requesting[peer] = (index, offset, sha1, self._tick, 0)

        index, received_bytes, _, _, _ = self._requesting[peer]

        bytes_to_request = self._bytes_to_request(index, received_bytes)
        logger.debug("Requesting pc: {} off: {} len: {} from {}"
                     .format(index, received_bytes, bytes_to_request,
        peer.request(index, received_bytes, bytes_to_request)

    def _is_last_piece(self, index):
        return index == self._metainfo.num_pieces-1

    def _length_of_last_piece(self):
        return (self._metainfo.total_length -

    def _length_of_piece(self, index):
        if self._is_last_piece(index):
            return self._length_of_last_piece()
            return self._metainfo.piece_length

    def _in_last_block(self, index, offset):
        if self._is_last_piece(index):
            piece_length = self._length_of_last_piece()
            piece_length = self._metainfo.piece_length

        return piece_length-offset < _BLOCK_SIZE

    def _bytes_to_request(self, index, offset):
        if not self._in_last_block(index, offset):
            return _BLOCK_SIZE
            return self._length_of_piece(index) - offset

    def info_hash(self):
        return self._metainfo.info_hash

    # PeerProxy callbacks

    def get_bitfield(self):
        return self._have

    def peer_unconnected(self, peer):"Peer {} is unconnected".format(str(peer.addr())))

    def peer_bitfield(self, peer, bitfield):
        # Validate the bitfield
        length = len(bitfield)
        if (length < self._metainfo.num_pieces or
            (length > self._metainfo.num_pieces and
            logger.debug("Invalid bitfield from peer {}"

        # Set the peer's bitfield and updated needed to reflect which pieces
        # the peer has
        logger.debug("Peer at {} sent bitfield".format(str(peer.addr())))
        self._bitfields[peer] = bitfield[0:self._metainfo.num_pieces]
        pieces = list(self._bitfields[peer].findall('0b1'))
        for piece in pieces:
            if piece in self._needed:
                occurences, peers = self._needed[piece]
                if peer not in peers:
                    self._needed[piece] = (occurences+1, peers)

        # Check whether there may be interest obtaining a piece from this peer

    def peer_has(self, peer, index):
        # Update the peer's bitfield and needed to reflect the availability
        # of the piece
        logger.debug("Peer at {} has piece {}".format(str(peer.addr()), index))
        if index < self._metainfo.num_pieces:
            self._bitfields[peer][index] = 1
            raise IndexError

        if index in self._needed:
            occurences, peers = self._needed[index]
            if peer not in peers:
                self._needed[index] = (occurences+1, peers)

            # Check whether there may be interest obtaining a piece from this
            # peer

    def peer_choked(self, peer):
        logger.debug("Peer {} choked".format(str(peer.addr())))
        if peer in self._interested:
            del self._interested[peer]
        elif peer in self._requesting:
            # When choked in the middle of obtaining a piece, save the
            # progress in the partial list
            index, offset, sha1, _, _ = self._requesting[peer]
            self._partial.append((index, offset, sha1))
            del self._requesting[peer]

    def peer_unchoked(self, peer):
        logger.debug("Peer {} unchoked".format(str(peer.addr())))
        if peer in self._interested:

    def peer_sent_block(self, peer, index, begin, buf):
        if peer not in self._requesting:
            # If a peer is very slow in responding, a block could come after
            # it has timed out.  Just ignore the data at this point and
            # ignore the slow peer
            logger.debug("Received block from peer {} which has timed out"

        piece, received_bytes, sha1, _, _ = self._requesting[peer]
        if piece == index and begin == received_bytes:
            # When the next expected block is received, update the hash value
            # and write the block to file
            self._filemanager.write_block(index, begin, buf)
            self._requesting[peer] = (piece, received_bytes + len(buf),
                                      sha1, self._tick, 0)

            if received_bytes + len(buf) < self._length_of_piece(index):
                # Request the next block in the piece
                # On receipt of the last block in the piece, verify the hash
                # and update the records to reflect receipt of the piece
                if sha1.digest() == self._metainfo.piece_hash(index):
          "Successfully got piece {} from {}"
                                .format(index, str(peer.addr())))
                    del self._needed[index]
                    percent = 100 * (1 - (len(self._needed) /
                    print "{0}: Downloaded {1:1.4f}%".format(self._filename,
                    self._have[index] = 1
          "Unsuccessfully got piece {} from {}"
                                .format(index, str(peer.addr())))
                del self._requesting[peer]

                if self._needed != {}:
                    # Try to find another piece for this peer to get
          "Successfully downloaded entire torrent {}"

    def peer_interested(self, peer):

    def peer_not_interested(self, peer):

    def peer_request(self, peer, index, begin, length):

    def peer_canceled(self, peer, index, begin, length):

    # Reactor callback

    def timer_event(self):
        self._reactor.schedule_timer(_TIMER_INTERVAL, self.timer_event)
        self._tick += 1

        # For any peers that have been interested but unchoked for an
        # excessive period of time, stop being interested, free up assigned
        # piece and connect to another peer
        for peer, (_, _, _, tick) in self._interested.items():
            if tick + 4 == self._tick:
                logger.debug("Timed out on interest for peer {}"
                del self._interested[peer]

        # For any peer that has an outstanding request for an excessive period
        # of time, resend the request message in case it got lost or is being
        # ignored
        for peer, (index, offset, sha1, tick, retries) \
                in self._requesting.items():
            if tick + 5 == self._tick:
                logger.debug("Timed out on request for peer {}"
                if retries < _MAX_RETRIES:
                    self._requesting[peer] = (index, offset, sha1,
                                              self._tick, retries+1)
                    self._partial.append((index, offset, sha1))
                    del self._requesting[peer]
Beispiel #5
    def initialize(self):
        initialize() returns a deferred which fires when initialization
        of the TorrentMgr is complete or an error has occurred.
        if not self._state == self._States.Uninitialized:
            error = "TorrentMgr can't be reinitialized"
            d = Deferred()
            return d

            self._metainfo = Metainfo(self._filename)
        except ValueError as err:
            d = Deferred()
            return d
        except IOError as err:
            d = Deferred()
            return d

        # _peers is a list of peers that the TorrentMgr is trying
        # to communicate with
        self._peers = []

        # _bitfields is a dictionary mapping peers to a bitfield of the pieces
        # each has
        self._bitfields = {}

        # _have is the bitfield for this torrent. It is initialized to reflect
        # which pieces are already available on disk.
        self._filemgr = FileMgr(self._metainfo)
        self._have = self._filemgr.have()

        # _needed is a dictionary of pieces which are still needed.
        # The value for each piece is a tuple of the number of peers which
        # have the piece and a list of those peers.
        self._needed = {piece: (0, []) for piece
                        in list(self._have.findall('0b0'))}

        # _interested is a dictionary of peers to whom interest has been
        # expressed.  The value for each peer is a tuple of the piece that
        # has been reserved for the peer, the number of bytes of the piece that
        # have already been received, the sha1 hash of the bytes received so
        # far and the value of the tick at the time interest was expressed.
        self._interested = {}

        # _requesting is a dictionary of peers to whom a block request has been
        # made.  The value for each peer is a tuple of the piece that is being
        # requested, the number of bytes that have already been received, the
        # shal2 hash of the bytes received so far, the value of the tick at
        # the time the request was made and the number of retries that have
        # been attempted
        self._requesting = {}

        # _partial is a list which tracks pieces that were interrupted while
        # being downloaded.  Each entry is a tuple containing the index of the
        # piece, the number of bytes received so far and the sha1 hash of those
        # bytes.
        self._partial = []

        self._tracker_proxy = TrackerProxy(self._metainfo, self._port,

        def success(result):
            self._state = self._States.Initialized

        def failure(failure):
            logger.critical("Could not connect to tracker at {}"
            message = failure.value.message
            logger.debug("    Tracker Error: {}".format(message))
            raise TorrentMgrError(message)

        return self._tracker_proxy.start().addCallbacks(success, failure)
Beispiel #6
class TorrentMgr(object):
    class _States(object):
        (Uninitialized, Initialized, Started) = range(3)

    def __init__(self, filename, port, peer_id, reactor):
        self._filename = filename
        self._port = port
        self._peer_id = peer_id
        self._reactor = reactor
        self._state = self._States.Uninitialized

    def initialize(self):
        initialize() returns a deferred which fires when initialization
        of the TorrentMgr is complete or an error has occurred.
        if not self._state == self._States.Uninitialized:
            error = "TorrentMgr can't be reinitialized"
            d = Deferred()
            return d

            self._metainfo = Metainfo(self._filename)
        except ValueError as err:
            d = Deferred()
            return d
        except IOError as err:
            d = Deferred()
            return d

        # _peers is a list of peers that the TorrentMgr is trying
        # to communicate with
        self._peers = []

        # _bitfields is a dictionary mapping peers to a bitfield of the pieces
        # each has
        self._bitfields = {}

        # _have is the bitfield for this torrent. It is initialized to reflect
        # which pieces are already available on disk.
        self._filemgr = FileMgr(self._metainfo)
        self._have = self._filemgr.have()

        # _needed is a dictionary of pieces which are still needed.
        # The value for each piece is a tuple of the number of peers which
        # have the piece and a list of those peers.
        self._needed = {piece: (0, []) for piece
                        in list(self._have.findall('0b0'))}

        # _interested is a dictionary of peers to whom interest has been
        # expressed.  The value for each peer is a tuple of the piece that
        # has been reserved for the peer, the number of bytes of the piece that
        # have already been received, the sha1 hash of the bytes received so
        # far and the value of the tick at the time interest was expressed.
        self._interested = {}

        # _requesting is a dictionary of peers to whom a block request has been
        # made.  The value for each peer is a tuple of the piece that is being
        # requested, the number of bytes that have already been received, the
        # shal2 hash of the bytes received so far, the value of the tick at
        # the time the request was made and the number of retries that have
        # been attempted
        self._requesting = {}

        # _partial is a list which tracks pieces that were interrupted while
        # being downloaded.  Each entry is a tuple containing the index of the
        # piece, the number of bytes received so far and the sha1 hash of those
        # bytes.
        self._partial = []

        self._tracker_proxy = TrackerProxy(self._metainfo, self._port,

        def success(result):
            self._state = self._States.Initialized

        def failure(failure):
            logger.critical("Could not connect to tracker at {}"
            message = failure.value.message
            logger.debug("    Tracker Error: {}".format(message))
            raise TorrentMgrError(message)

        return self._tracker_proxy.start().addCallbacks(success, failure)

    def start(self):
        if not self._state == self._States.Initialized:
            raise TorrentMgrError("TorrentMgr must be initialized to be "

        self._reactor.callLater(_TIMER_INTERVAL, self.timer_event)
        self._tick = 1"Starting to serve torrent {}".format(self._filename))
        print "Starting to serve torrent {}".format(self._filename)

        self._state = self._States.Started


    def percent(self):
        if not self._state == self._States.Uninitialized:
            return 100 * (1 - (len(self._needed) /
            raise TorrentMgrError("Can't get percent on uninitialized "

    def info_hash(self):
        if not self._state == self._States.Uninitialized:
            return self._metainfo.info_hash
            raise TorrentMgrError("Can't get hash on uninitialized "

    def name(self):

    def _connect_to_peers(self, n):
        # Get addresses of n peers from the tracker and try to establish
        # a connection with each

        def handle_addrs(addrs):
            for addr in addrs:
                peer = PeerProxy(self, self._peer_id,
                                 (addr['ip'], addr['port']), self._reactor,
                self._bitfields[peer] = BitArray(self._metainfo.num_pieces)

    def _remove_peer(self, peer):
        # Clean up references to the peer in various data structures

        pieces = list(self._bitfields[peer].findall('0b1'))
        for piece in pieces:
            if piece in self._needed:
                occurences, peers = self._needed[piece]
                if peer in peers:
                    self._needed[piece] = (occurences-1, peers)

        del self._bitfields[peer]

        if peer in self._interested:
            del self._interested[peer]
        elif peer in self._requesting:
            # If the peer is in the middle of downloading a piece, save
            # the state in the partial list
            index, offset, sha1, _, _ = self._requesting[peer]
            self._partial.append((index, offset, sha1))
            del self._requesting[peer]

    def _rarest(self):
        # Returns a list of tuples which includes a piece index sorted by
        # the number of peers which have the piece in ascending order
        return sorted([(occurences, peers, index)
                       for (index, (occurences, peers)) in self._needed.items()
                       if occurences != 0])

    def _show_interest(self, peer):
        if not peer.is_interested():
            logger.debug("Expressing interest in peer {}"

        if not peer.is_peer_choked():

    def _check_interest(self, peer):
        # If the peer is not already interested or requesting, identify a piece
        # for it to download and show interest to the peer.
        if not peer in self._interested and not peer in self._requesting:
            # Compute the set of needed pieces which the peer has that are not
            # already designated for another peer
            needed = self._have.copy()
            of_interest = list((needed & self._bitfields[peer]).findall('0b1'))
            dont_consider = [i for i, _, _, _ in self._interested.values()]
            dont_consider.extend([i for i, _, _, _, _
                                  in self._requesting.values()])

            # When there are potential pieces for the peer to download, give
            # preference to a piece that has already been partially
            # downloaded followed by the rarest available piece
            if len(of_interest) > 0:
                for index, offset, sha1 in self._partial:
                    if index in of_interest:
                        self._partial.remove((index, offset, sha1))
                        self._interested[peer] = (index, offset, sha1,

                for _, _, index in self._rarest():
                    if index in of_interest and not index in dont_consider:
                        self._interested[peer] = (index, 0, hashlib.sha1(),

            # If there is no further piece for a peer which was previously
            # interested to download, make it not interested and connect to
            # another peer
            if not peer in self._interested and peer.is_interested():
                logger.debug("Expressing lack of interest in peer {}"

    def _request(self, peer):
        if peer in self._interested:
            index, offset, sha1, _ = self._interested[peer]
            del self._interested[peer]
            self._requesting[peer] = (index, offset, sha1, self._tick, 0)

        index, received_bytes, _, _, _ = self._requesting[peer]

        bytes_to_request = self._bytes_to_request(index, received_bytes)
        logger.debug("Requesting pc: {} off: {} len: {} from {}"
                     .format(index, received_bytes, bytes_to_request,
        peer.request(index, received_bytes, bytes_to_request)

    def _is_last_piece(self, index):
        return index == self._metainfo.num_pieces-1

    def _length_of_last_piece(self):
        return (self._metainfo.total_length -

    def _length_of_piece(self, index):
        if self._is_last_piece(index):
            return self._length_of_last_piece()
            return self._metainfo.piece_length

    def _in_last_block(self, index, offset):
        if self._is_last_piece(index):
            piece_length = self._length_of_last_piece()
            piece_length = self._metainfo.piece_length

        return piece_length-offset < _BLOCK_SIZE

    def _bytes_to_request(self, index, offset):
        if not self._in_last_block(index, offset):
            return _BLOCK_SIZE
            return self._length_of_piece(index) - offset

    # PeerProxy callbacks

    def get_bitfield(self):
        return self._have

    def peer_unconnected(self, peer):"Peer {} is unconnected".format(str(peer.addr())))

    def peer_bitfield(self, peer, bitfield):
        # Validate the bitfield
        length = len(bitfield)
        if (length < self._metainfo.num_pieces or
            (length > self._metainfo.num_pieces and
            logger.debug("Invalid bitfield from peer {}"

        # Set the peer's bitfield and updated needed to reflect which pieces
        # the peer has
        logger.debug("Peer at {} sent bitfield".format(str(peer.addr())))
        self._bitfields[peer] = bitfield[0:self._metainfo.num_pieces]
        pieces = list(self._bitfields[peer].findall('0b1'))
        for piece in pieces:
            if piece in self._needed:
                occurences, peers = self._needed[piece]
                if not peer in peers:
                    self._needed[piece] = (occurences+1, peers)

        # Check whether there may be interest obtaining a piece from this peer

    def peer_has(self, peer, index):
        # Update the peer's bitfield and needed to reflect the availability
        # of the piece
        logger.debug("Peer at {} has piece {}".format(str(peer.addr()), index))
        if index < self._metainfo.num_pieces:
            self._bitfields[peer][index] = 1
            raise IndexError

        if index in self._needed:
            occurences, peers = self._needed[index]
            if not peer in peers:
                self._needed[index] = (occurences+1, peers)

            # Check whether there may be interest obtaining a piece from this
            # peer

    def peer_choked(self, peer):
        logger.debug("Peer {} choked".format(str(peer.addr())))
        if peer in self._interested:
            del self._interested[peer]
        elif peer in self._requesting:
            # When choked in the middle of obtaining a piece, save the
            # progress in the partial list
            index, offset, sha1, _, _ = self._requesting[peer]
            self._partial.append((index, offset, sha1))
            del self._requesting[peer]

    def peer_unchoked(self, peer):
        logger.debug("Peer {} unchoked".format(str(peer.addr())))
        if peer in self._interested:

    def peer_sent_block(self, peer, index, begin, buf):
        if not peer in self._requesting:
            # If a peer is very slow in responding, a block could come after
            # it has timed out.  Just ignore the data at this point and
            # ignore the slow peer
            logger.debug("Received block from peer {} which has timed out"

        piece, received_bytes, sha1, _, _ = self._requesting[peer]
        if piece == index and begin == received_bytes:
            # When the next expected block is received, update the hash value
            # and write the block to file
            self._filemgr.write_block(index, begin, buf)
            self._requesting[peer] = (piece, received_bytes + len(buf),
                                      sha1, self._tick, 0)

            if received_bytes + len(buf) < self._length_of_piece(index):
                # Request the next block in the piece
                # On receipt of the last block in the piece, verify the hash
                # and update the records to reflect receipt of the piece
                if sha1.digest() == self._metainfo.piece_hash(index):
          "Successfully received piece {} from {}"
                                .format(index, str(peer.addr())))
                    del self._needed[index]
                    print "{0}: Downloaded {1:1.4f}%".format(self._filename,
                    self._have[index] = 1
          "Unsuccessfully received piece {} from {}"
                                .format(index, str(peer.addr())))
                del self._requesting[peer]

                if self._needed != {}:
                    # Try to find another piece for this peer to get
          "Successfully downloaded entire torrent {}"

    def peer_interested(self, peer):

    def peer_not_interested(self, peer):

    def peer_request(self, peer, index, begin, length):

    def peer_canceled(self, peer, index, begin, length):

    # Reactor callback

    def timer_event(self):
        self._reactor.callLater(_TIMER_INTERVAL, self.timer_event)
        self._tick += 1

        # For any peers that have been interested but unchoked for an
        # excessive period of time, stop being interested, free up assigned
        # piece and connect to another peer
        for peer, (_, _, _, tick) in self._interested.items():
            if tick + 4 == self._tick:
                logger.debug("Timed out on interest for peer {}"
                del self._interested[peer]

        # For any peer that has an outstanding request for an excessive period
        # of time, resend the request message in case it got lost or is being
        # ignored
        for peer, (index, offset, sha1, tick, retries) \
                in self._requesting.items():
            if tick + 5 == self._tick:
                logger.debug("Timed out on request for peer {}"
                if retries < _MAX_RETRIES:
                    self._requesting[peer] = (index, offset, sha1,
                                              self._tick, retries+1)
                    logger.debug("Giving up on peer {}"
                    self._partial.append((index, offset, sha1))
                    del self._requesting[peer]
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, client, filename, port, peer_id):
        self._client = client
        self._filename = filename
        self._port = port
        self._peer_id = peer_id

        # _peers is a list of peers that the TorrentMgr is trying
        # to communicate with
        self._peers = []

        # _bitfields is a dictionary mapping peers to a bitfield of the pieces
        # each has
        self._bitfields = {}

            self._metainfo = Metainfo(filename)
        except (IOError, ValueError) as err:
            if isinstance(err, IOError):
                message = err.strerror+' ('+filename+')'
                message = err.message+' ('+filename+')'
            raise TorrentMgrError(message)

        # _have is the bitfield for this torrent. It is initialized to reflect
        # which pieces are already available on disk.
        self._filemgr = FileMgr(self._metainfo)
        self._have = self._filemgr.have()

            self._tracker_proxy = TrackerProxy(self._metainfo, self._port,
        except TrackerError as err:
            logger.critical("Could not connect to tracker at {}"
            logger.debug("    TrackerError: {}".format(err.message))
            raise TorrentMgrError(err.message)

        # _needed is a dictionary of pieces which are still needed.
        # The value for each piece is a tuple of the number of peers which
        # have the piece and a list of those peers.
        self._needed = {piece: (0, []) for piece
                        in list(self._have.findall('0b0'))}

        # _interested is a dictionary of peers to whom interest has been
        # expressed.  The value for each peer is a tuple of the piece that
        # has been reserved for the peer, the number of bytes of the piece that
        # have already been received, the sha1 hash of the bytes received so
        # far and the value of the tick at the time interest was expressed.
        self._interested = {}

        # _requesting is a dictionary of peers to whom a block request has been
        # made.  The value for each peer is a tuple of the piece that is being
        # requested, the number of bytes that have already been received, the
        # shal2 hash of the bytes received so far, the value of the tick at
        # the time the request was made and the number of retries that have
        # been attempted
        self._requesting = {}

        # _partial is a list which tracks pieces that were interrupted while
        # being downloaded.  Each entry is a tuple containing the index of the
        # piece, the number of bytes received so far and the sha1 hash of those
        # bytes.
        self._partial = []

        self._reactor = Reactor()
        self._reactor.schedule_timer(_TIMER_INTERVAL, self.timer_event)
        self._tick = 1

        print "Starting to serve torrent {}".format(filename)

Beispiel #8
 def test_announce(self):
     self.metainfo.announce = self.trackeraddr + "/announce"
     tp = TrackerProxy(self.metainfo, 6881, self.peer_id)
     assert tp.get_peers(5) == self.peerlist
Beispiel #9
 def test_warning(self, capsys):
     self.metainfo.announce = self.trackeraddr + "/warning"
     tp = TrackerProxy(self.metainfo, 6881, self.peer_id)
     _, err = capsys.readouterr()
     assert "Warning:" in err
     assert tp.get_peers(5) == self.peerlist
Beispiel #10
 def test_failure(self):
     with pytest.raises(TrackerError) as e:
         self.metainfo.announce = self.trackeraddr + "/failure"
         TrackerProxy(self.metainfo, 6881, self.peer_id)
     assert e.value.message.startswith("Failure reason:")
Beispiel #11
 def test_notracker(self):
     with pytest.raises(TrackerError) as e:
         self.metainfo.announce = "http://localhost"
         TrackerProxy(self.metainfo, 6881, self.peer_id)
     assert e.value.message.startswith("Can't connect to the tracker")
Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self, client, filename, port, peer_id):
        self._client = client
        self._filename = filename
        self._port = port
        self._peer_id = peer_id

        # _peers is a list of peers that the TorrentMgr is trying
        # to communicate with
        self._peers = []

        # _bitfields is a dictionary mapping peers to a bitfield of the pieces
        # each has
        self._bitfields = {}

            self._metainfo = Metainfo(filename)
        except (IOError, ValueError) as err:
            if isinstance(err, IOError):
                message = err.strerror + ' (' + filename + ')'
                message = err.message + ' (' + filename + ')'
            raise TorrentMgrError(message)

        # _have is the bitfield for this torrent. It is initialized to reflect
        # which pieces are already available on disk.
        self._filemgr = FileMgr(self._metainfo)
        self._have = self._filemgr.have()

            self._tracker_proxy = TrackerProxy(self._metainfo, self._port,
        except TrackerError as err:
            logger.critical("Could not connect to tracker at {}".format(
            logger.debug("    TrackerError: {}".format(err.message))
            raise TorrentMgrError(err.message)

        # _needed is a dictionary of pieces which are still needed.
        # The value for each piece is a tuple of the number of peers which
        # have the piece and a list of those peers.
        self._needed = {
            piece: (0, [])
            for piece in list(self._have.findall('0b0'))

        # _interested is a dictionary of peers to whom interest has been
        # expressed.  The value for each peer is a tuple of the piece that
        # has been reserved for the peer, the number of bytes of the piece that
        # have already been received, the sha1 hash of the bytes received so
        # far and the value of the tick at the time interest was expressed.
        self._interested = {}

        # _requesting is a dictionary of peers to whom a block request has been
        # made.  The value for each peer is a tuple of the piece that is being
        # requested, the number of bytes that have already been received, the
        # shal2 hash of the bytes received so far, the value of the tick at
        # the time the request was made and the number of retries that have
        # been attempted
        self._requesting = {}

        # _partial is a list which tracks pieces that were interrupted while
        # being downloaded.  Each entry is a tuple containing the index of the
        # piece, the number of bytes received so far and the sha1 hash of those
        # bytes.
        self._partial = []

        self._reactor = Reactor()
        self._reactor.schedule_timer(_TIMER_INTERVAL, self.timer_event)
        self._tick = 1

        print "Starting to serve torrent {}".format(filename)

Beispiel #13
class TorrentMgr(object):
    def __init__(self, client, filename, port, peer_id):
        self._client = client
        self._filename = filename
        self._port = port
        self._peer_id = peer_id

        # _peers is a list of peers that the TorrentMgr is trying
        # to communicate with
        self._peers = []

        # _bitfields is a dictionary mapping peers to a bitfield of the pieces
        # each has
        self._bitfields = {}

            self._metainfo = Metainfo(filename)
        except (IOError, ValueError) as err:
            if isinstance(err, IOError):
                message = err.strerror + ' (' + filename + ')'
                message = err.message + ' (' + filename + ')'
            raise TorrentMgrError(message)

        # _have is the bitfield for this torrent. It is initialized to reflect
        # which pieces are already available on disk.
        self._filemgr = FileMgr(self._metainfo)
        self._have = self._filemgr.have()

            self._tracker_proxy = TrackerProxy(self._metainfo, self._port,
        except TrackerError as err:
            logger.critical("Could not connect to tracker at {}".format(
            logger.debug("    TrackerError: {}".format(err.message))
            raise TorrentMgrError(err.message)

        # _needed is a dictionary of pieces which are still needed.
        # The value for each piece is a tuple of the number of peers which
        # have the piece and a list of those peers.
        self._needed = {
            piece: (0, [])
            for piece in list(self._have.findall('0b0'))

        # _interested is a dictionary of peers to whom interest has been
        # expressed.  The value for each peer is a tuple of the piece that
        # has been reserved for the peer, the number of bytes of the piece that
        # have already been received, the sha1 hash of the bytes received so
        # far and the value of the tick at the time interest was expressed.
        self._interested = {}

        # _requesting is a dictionary of peers to whom a block request has been
        # made.  The value for each peer is a tuple of the piece that is being
        # requested, the number of bytes that have already been received, the
        # shal2 hash of the bytes received so far, the value of the tick at
        # the time the request was made and the number of retries that have
        # been attempted
        self._requesting = {}

        # _partial is a list which tracks pieces that were interrupted while
        # being downloaded.  Each entry is a tuple containing the index of the
        # piece, the number of bytes received so far and the sha1 hash of those
        # bytes.
        self._partial = []

        self._reactor = Reactor()
        self._reactor.schedule_timer(_TIMER_INTERVAL, self.timer_event)
        self._tick = 1

        print "Starting to serve torrent {}".format(filename)


    def _connect_to_peers(self, n):
        # Get addresses of n peers from the tracker and try to establish
        # a connection with each
        addrs = self._tracker_proxy.get_peers(n)
        for addr in addrs:
            peer = PeerProxy(self,
                             self._peer_id, (addr['ip'], addr['port']),
            self._bitfields[peer] = BitArray(self._metainfo.num_pieces)

    def _remove_peer(self, peer):
        # Clean up references to the peer in various data structures

        pieces = list(self._bitfields[peer].findall('0b1'))
        for piece in pieces:
            if piece in self._needed:
                occurences, peers = self._needed[piece]
                if peer in peers:
                    self._needed[piece] = (occurences - 1, peers)

        del self._bitfields[peer]

        if peer in self._interested:
            del self._interested[peer]
        elif peer in self._requesting:
            # If the peer is in the middle of downloading a piece, save
            # the state in the partial list
            index, offset, sha1, _, _ = self._requesting[peer]
            self._partial.append((index, offset, sha1))
            del self._requesting[peer]

    def _rarest(self):
        # Returns a list of tuples which includes a piece index sorted by
        # the number of peers which have the piece in ascending order
        return sorted([(occurences, peers, index)
                       for (index, (occurences,
                                    peers)) in self._needed.items()
                       if occurences != 0])

    def _show_interest(self, peer):
        if not peer.is_interested():
            logger.debug("Expressing interest in peer {}".format(

        if not peer.is_peer_choked():

    def _check_interest(self, peer):
        # If the peer is not already interested or requesting, identify a piece
        # for it to download and show interest to the peer.
        if peer not in self._interested and peer not in self._requesting:
            # Compute the set of needed pieces which the peer has that are not
            # already designated for another peer
            needed = self._have.copy()
            of_interest = list((needed & self._bitfields[peer]).findall('0b1'))
            dont_consider = [i for i, _, _, _ in self._interested.values()]
                [i for i, _, _, _, _ in self._requesting.values()])

            # When there are potential pieces for the peer to download, give
            # preference to a piece that has already been partially
            # downloaded followed by the rarest available piece
            if len(of_interest) > 0:
                for index, offset, sha1 in self._partial:
                    if index in of_interest:
                        self._partial.remove((index, offset, sha1))
                        self._interested[peer] = (index, offset, sha1,

                for _, _, index in self._rarest():
                    if index in of_interest and index not in dont_consider:
                        self._interested[peer] = (index, 0, hashlib.sha1(),

            # If there is no further piece for a peer which was previously
            # interested to download, make it not interested and connect to
            # another peer
            if peer not in self._interested and peer.is_interested():
                logger.debug("Expressing lack of interest in peer {}".format(

    def _request(self, peer):
        if peer in self._interested:
            index, offset, sha1, _ = self._interested[peer]
            del self._interested[peer]
            self._requesting[peer] = (index, offset, sha1, self._tick, 0)

        index, received_bytes, _, _, _ = self._requesting[peer]

        bytes_to_request = self._bytes_to_request(index, received_bytes)
        logger.debug("Requesting pc: {} off: {} len: {} from {}".format(
            index, received_bytes, bytes_to_request, str(peer.addr())))
        peer.request(index, received_bytes, bytes_to_request)

    def _is_last_piece(self, index):
        return index == self._metainfo.num_pieces - 1

    def _length_of_last_piece(self):
        return (self._metainfo.total_length -
                (self._metainfo.num_pieces - 1) * self._metainfo.piece_length)

    def _length_of_piece(self, index):
        if self._is_last_piece(index):
            return self._length_of_last_piece()
            return self._metainfo.piece_length

    def _in_last_block(self, index, offset):
        if self._is_last_piece(index):
            piece_length = self._length_of_last_piece()
            piece_length = self._metainfo.piece_length

        return piece_length - offset < _BLOCK_SIZE

    def _bytes_to_request(self, index, offset):
        if not self._in_last_block(index, offset):
            return _BLOCK_SIZE
            return self._length_of_piece(index) - offset

    def info_hash(self):
        return self._metainfo.info_hash

    # PeerProxy callbacks

    def get_bitfield(self):
        return self._have

    def peer_unconnected(self, peer):"Peer {} is unconnected".format(str(peer.addr())))

    def peer_bitfield(self, peer, bitfield):
        # Validate the bitfield
        length = len(bitfield)
        if (length < self._metainfo.num_pieces
                or (length > self._metainfo.num_pieces
                    and bitfield[self._metainfo.num_pieces:length].any(1))):
            logger.debug("Invalid bitfield from peer {}".format(

        # Set the peer's bitfield and updated needed to reflect which pieces
        # the peer has
        logger.debug("Peer at {} sent bitfield".format(str(peer.addr())))
        self._bitfields[peer] = bitfield[0:self._metainfo.num_pieces]
        pieces = list(self._bitfields[peer].findall('0b1'))
        for piece in pieces:
            if piece in self._needed:
                occurences, peers = self._needed[piece]
                if peer not in peers:
                    self._needed[piece] = (occurences + 1, peers)

        # Check whether there may be interest obtaining a piece from this peer

    def peer_has(self, peer, index):
        # Update the peer's bitfield and needed to reflect the availability
        # of the piece
        logger.debug("Peer at {} has piece {}".format(str(peer.addr()), index))
        if index < self._metainfo.num_pieces:
            self._bitfields[peer][index] = 1
            raise IndexError

        if index in self._needed:
            occurences, peers = self._needed[index]
            if peer not in peers:
                self._needed[index] = (occurences + 1, peers)

            # Check whether there may be interest obtaining a piece from this
            # peer

    def peer_choked(self, peer):
        logger.debug("Peer {} choked".format(str(peer.addr())))
        if peer in self._interested:
            del self._interested[peer]
        elif peer in self._requesting:
            # When choked in the middle of obtaining a piece, save the
            # progress in the partial list
            index, offset, sha1, _, _ = self._requesting[peer]
            self._partial.append((index, offset, sha1))
            del self._requesting[peer]

    def peer_unchoked(self, peer):
        logger.debug("Peer {} unchoked".format(str(peer.addr())))
        if peer in self._interested:

    def peer_sent_block(self, peer, index, begin, buf):
        if peer not in self._requesting:
            # If a peer is very slow in responding, a block could come after
            # it has timed out.  Just ignore the data at this point and
            # ignore the slow peer
                "Received block from peer {} which has timed out".format(

        piece, received_bytes, sha1, _, _ = self._requesting[peer]
        if piece == index and begin == received_bytes:
            # When the next expected block is received, update the hash value
            # and write the block to file
            self._filemgr.write_block(index, begin, buf)
            self._requesting[peer] = (piece, received_bytes + len(buf), sha1,
                                      self._tick, 0)

            if received_bytes + len(buf) < self._length_of_piece(index):
                # Request the next block in the piece
                # On receipt of the last block in the piece, verify the hash
                # and update the records to reflect receipt of the piece
                if sha1.digest() == self._metainfo.piece_hash(index):
          "Successfully got piece {} from {}".format(
                        index, str(peer.addr())))
                    del self._needed[index]
                    percent = 100 * (
                        1 -
                        (len(self._needed) / float(self._metainfo.num_pieces)))
                    print "{0}: Downloaded {1:1.4f}%".format(
                        self._filename, percent)
                    self._have[index] = 1
          "Unsuccessfully got piece {} from {}".format(
                        index, str(peer.addr())))
                del self._requesting[peer]

                if self._needed != {}:
                    # Try to find another piece for this peer to get
                        "Successfully downloaded entire torrent {}".format(

    def peer_interested(self, peer):

    def peer_not_interested(self, peer):

    def peer_request(self, peer, index, begin, length):

    def peer_canceled(self, peer, index, begin, length):

    # Reactor callback

    def timer_event(self):
        self._reactor.schedule_timer(_TIMER_INTERVAL, self.timer_event)
        self._tick += 1

        # For any peers that have been interested but unchoked for an
        # excessive period of time, stop being interested, free up assigned
        # piece and connect to another peer
        for peer, (_, _, _, tick) in self._interested.items():
            if tick + 4 == self._tick:
                logger.debug("Timed out on interest for peer {}".format(
                del self._interested[peer]

        # For any peer that has an outstanding request for an excessive period
        # of time, resend the request message in case it got lost or is being
        # ignored
        for peer, (index, offset, sha1, tick, retries) \
                in self._requesting.items():
            if tick + 5 == self._tick:
                logger.debug("Timed out on request for peer {}".format(
                if retries < _MAX_RETRIES:
                    self._requesting[peer] = (index, offset, sha1, self._tick,
                                              retries + 1)
                    self._partial.append((index, offset, sha1))
                    del self._requesting[peer]
Beispiel #14
    def initialize(self):
        initialize() returns a deferred which fires when initialization
        of the TorrentMgr is complete or an error has occurred.
        if self._state != self._States.Uninitialized:
            error = "TorrentMgr can't be reinitialized"
            d = Deferred()
            return d

            self._metainfo = Metainfo(self._filename)
        except ValueError as err:
            d = Deferred()
            return d
        except IOError as err:
            d = Deferred()
            return d

        # _peers is a list of peers that the TorrentMgr is trying
        # to communicate with
        self._peers = []

        # _bitfields is a dictionary mapping peers to a bitfield of the pieces
        # each has
        self._bitfields = {}

        # _have is the bitfield for this torrent. It is initialized to reflect
        # which pieces are already available on disk.
        self._filemgr = FileMgr(self._metainfo)
        self._have = self._filemgr.have()

        # _needed is a dictionary of pieces which are still needed.
        # The value for each piece is a tuple of the number of peers which
        # have the piece and a list of those peers.
        self._needed = {
            piece: (0, [])
            for piece in list(self._have.findall('0b0'))

        # _interested is a dictionary of peers to whom interest has been
        # expressed.  The value for each peer is a tuple of the piece that
        # has been reserved for the peer, the number of bytes of the piece that
        # have already been received, the sha1 hash of the bytes received so
        # far and the value of the tick at the time interest was expressed.
        self._interested = {}

        # _requesting is a dictionary of peers to whom a block request has been
        # made.  The value for each peer is a tuple of the piece that is being
        # requested, the number of bytes that have already been received, the
        # shal2 hash of the bytes received so far, the value of the tick at
        # the time the request was made and the number of retries that have
        # been attempted
        self._requesting = {}

        # _partial is a list which tracks pieces that were interrupted while
        # being downloaded.  Each entry is a tuple containing the index of the
        # piece, the number of bytes received so far and the sha1 hash of those
        # bytes.
        self._partial = []

        self._tracker_proxy = TrackerProxy(self._metainfo, self._port,

        def success(result):
            self._state = self._States.Initialized

        def failure(failure):
            logger.critical("Could not connect to tracker at {}".format(
            message = failure.value.message
            logger.debug("    Tracker Error: {}".format(message))
            raise TorrentMgrError(message)

        return self._tracker_proxy.start().addCallbacks(success, failure)
Beispiel #15
 def test_announce(self):
     self.metainfo.announce = self.trackeraddr+"/announce"
     tp = TrackerProxy(self.metainfo, 6881, self.peer_id)
     assert tp.get_peers(5) == self.peerlist
Beispiel #16
 def test_warning(self, capsys):
     self.metainfo.announce = self.trackeraddr+"/warning"
     tp = TrackerProxy(self.metainfo, 6881, self.peer_id)
     _, err = capsys.readouterr()
     assert "Warning:" in err
     assert tp.get_peers(5) == self.peerlist