def newClient(self):
        """Creates a new client.
        client_name: expected input 'string'
        client_email: expected input 'string' with embedded @ symbol
        @raise exception:ClientException error for invalid input 
        client_name = input("Please enter the client's name: ")
        client_email = input("Please enter the client's email address: ")

        if re.match("[0-9]", client_name) is not None:
            raise ClientException("Client name can only contain characters")
        if client_email.find("@") >= 0:
            self.last_client_id += 1
            #creates client
            my_client = Client(self.last_client_id, client_name, client_email)
            #puts created clients in the diction clients
            self.clients[str(my_client.getID())] = my_client
            return my_client
            raise ClientException(
                "Client cannot be created; invalid email address")
    def __init__(self, clients_file_name):

        self.clients_file_name = clients_file_name

        self.clients = {}

        self.last_client_id = 0

        with open(self.clients_file_name, "r") as clients_file:
            self.last_client_id = int(clients_file.readline())
            for line in clients_file:
                line = line.rstrip()

                (clt_id, clt_name, clt_email, clt_pos) = line.split(":")
                client = Client(int(clt_id), clt_name, clt_email)
                if len(clt_pos) > 0:
                    positions = clt_pos.split(",")
                    for position in positions:
                        (symbol, qty, acq_date, mod_date) = position.split("|")
                                symbol, int(qty),
                                    mod_date, Position.DATE_FORMAT).date()))

                self.clients[clt_id] = client
 def setUp(self): = YahooServer('../trades.conf')
     self.alpha = Alphavantage('../alpha.conf')
     mock = ServerMock.MockAlphaServer()
     self.json_regex=re.compile(r"^\{.*\}$", RegexFlag.DOTALL)
     self.url_regex=re.compile(r"https://.*/.*?", RegexFlag.DOTALL)
     self.client = Client(1, "Adil", "*****@*****.**")
    def newClient(self):
        client_name = input("Please enter the client's name: ")
        client_email = input("Please enter the client's email address: ")

        if client_email.find("@") >= 0:
            self.last_client_id += 1
            my_client = Client(self.last_client_id, client_name, client_email)
            self.clients[str(my_client.getID())] = my_client
            return my_client
            raise ClientException(
                "Client cannot be created; invalid email address")
    def setUp(self):
        """Sets URL to connect to the Yahoo and Alphavanatage servers. """ = YahooServer('../trades.conf')
        self.alpha = Alphavantage('../alpha.conf')
        mock = ServerMock.MockAlphaServer()
        self.price_server = PriceServer(mock)

        self.json_regex = re.compile(
            re.DOTALL)  #match everything from the start to the end
        self.url_regex = re.compile(
            r"https://.*/.*?", re.DOTALL)  #match everything including the //

        self.client = Client(1, "Adil",
                             "*****@*****.**")  #example client
    def __init__(self, clients_file_name):
        """Constructor takes argument for clients file name to initialise super variable
        self.clients_file_name, creates a dictionary to store clients and a variable to 
        store the last client id in the dictionary.

        self.clients_file_name = clients_file_name

        self.clients = {}

        self.last_client_id = 0

        with open(self.clients_file_name, "r") as clients_file:
            #Read the last number of client stored in the file
            self.last_client_id = int(clients_file.readline())
            for line in clients_file:
                #remove the extra spaces before and after string
                line = line.rstrip()
                #split properties using ':'
                (clt_id, clt_name, clt_email, clt_pos) = line.split(":")
                #store client in trades.Client class
                client = Client(int(clt_id), clt_name, clt_email)
                if len(clt_pos) > 0:
                    #if positions greater than 1 split using a ','
                    positions = clt_pos.split(",")
                    for position in positions:
                        #do another split of each position property using a '|'
                        (symbol, qty, acq_date, mod_date) = position.split("|")
                        #add client position by calling the addPosition() function and pass arguments
                                symbol, int(qty),
                                    mod_date, Position.DATE_FORMAT).date()))
                #store client in our dictionary named client
                self.clients[clt_id] = client
class MarketDataTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self): = YahooServer('../trades.conf')
        self.alpha = Alphavantage('../alpha.conf')
        mock = ServerMock.MockAlphaServer()
        self.json_regex=re.compile(r"^\{.*\}$", RegexFlag.DOTALL)
        self.url_regex=re.compile(r"https://.*/.*?", RegexFlag.DOTALL)
        self.client = Client(1, "Adil", "*****@*****.**")
    def test_connect_to_Yahoo_server(self):
        self.assertRegex(url, self.url_regex, 'URL of server should match a REGEX')
    @unittest.skip("skipping yahoo json test")
    def test_get_Yahoo_data_as_json(self):
        self.assertTrue('chart' in, 'Data from server looks like a json object')
    @unittest.skip("skipping yahoo text test")
    def test_get_Yahoo_data_as_text(self):
        self.assertRegex(, self.json_regex, 'Text from server looks like a json object')
    def test_connect_to_Alphavantage_server(self):
        url = self.alpha.getURL()
        self.assertRegex(url, 'https://.*/.*?', 'URL of server should match a REGEX')
    @unittest.skip("skipping alpha json test")
    def test_get_Alphavantage_data_as_json(self):
        self.assertTrue('Meta Data' in self.alpha.getDataAsJSON(), 'Data from server looks like a json object')
    @unittest.skip("skipping alpha text test")
    def test_get_Alphavantage_data_as_text(self):
        self.assertRegex(self.alpha.getDataAsText(), self.json_regex, 'Text from server looks like a json object')
    #@unittest.skip("skipping today's price  test")
    def test_tody_price_by_symbol(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.price_server.getTodaySecurityPriceBySymbol("MSFT"), '83.8700', 'todays price')   
    #@unittest.skip("skipping last recorded price  test")
    def test_last_recorded_price_by_symbol(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.price_server.getLastRecordedPriceBySymbol("MSFT"), '83.8700', 'todays price')     
    #@unittest.skip("skipping creating a client test")
    def test_create_client(self):
        client = Client(1, "Adil", "*****@*****.**")
        self.assertEqual("Adil", client.getName(), "Clent created successfully")
    #@unittest.skip("skipping adding a position")
    def test_add_position(self):
        self.client.addPosition(Position("GOOG", 100,
        self.assertEqual(100, self.client.getPosition("GOOG").getQuantity())
        self.client.addPosition(Position("GOOG", 100,
        self.assertEqual(200, self.client.getPosition("GOOG").getQuantity())
 def test_create_client(self):
     client = Client(1, "Adil", "*****@*****.**")
     self.assertEqual("Adil", client.getName(), "Clent created successfully")
class MarketDataTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """Made up of testcase function for market data test."""
    def setUp(self):
        """Sets URL to connect to the Yahoo and Alphavanatage servers. """ = YahooServer('../trades.conf')
        self.alpha = Alphavantage('../alpha.conf')
        mock = ServerMock.MockAlphaServer()
        self.price_server = PriceServer(mock)

        self.json_regex = re.compile(
            re.DOTALL)  #match everything from the start to the end
        self.url_regex = re.compile(
            r"https://.*/.*?", re.DOTALL)  #match everything including the //

        self.client = Client(1, "Adil",
                             "*****@*****.**")  #example client

    def test_connect_to_Yahoo_server(self):
        """Get Yahoo server Url and check against REGEX for a match.
        if there is no match this test is failed
        url =
        self.assertRegex(url, self.url_regex,
                         'URL of server should match a REGEX')

    def test_connect_to_Alphavantage_server(self):
        """Get Yahoo server Url and check against REGEX for a match.
        if there is no match this test is failed
        url = self.alpha.getURL()
        self.assertRegex(url, 'https://.*/.*?',
                         'URL of server should match a REGEX')

    #@unittest.skip("skipping yahoo json test")
    def test_get_Yahoo_data_as_json(self):
        self.assertTrue('chart' in,
                        'Data from server looks like a json object')

    #@unittest.skip("skipping yahoo text test")
    def test_get_Yahoo_data_as_text(self):
        self.assertRegex(, self.json_regex,
                         'Text from server looks like a json object')

    #@unittest.skip("skipping alpha json test")
    def test_get_Alphavantage_data_as_json(self):
        self.assertTrue('Meta Data' in self.alpha.getDataAsJSON(),
                        'Data from server looks like a json object')

    #@unittest.skip("skipping alpha text test")
    def test_get_Alphavantage_data_as_text(self):
        self.assertRegex(self.alpha.getDataAsText(), self.json_regex,
                         'Text from server looks like a json object')

    #@unittest.skip("skipping today's price  test")
    def test_tody_price_by_symbol(self):
        """Checks todays price against '83.8700' for equality
            @raise PriceUnvailable exception
            self.price_server.getTodaySecurityPriceBySymbol("MSFT"), '83.8700',
            'todays price')

    #@unittest.skip("skipping last recorded price  test")
    def test_last_recorded_price_by_symbol(self):
        """Checks todays price against '83.8700' for equality. 
        AN expected failure is possible if no price is recorder for symbol
            self.price_server.getLastRecordedPriceBySymbol("MSFT"), '83.8700',
            'todays price')

    #@unittest.skip("skipping creating a client test")
    def test_create_client(self):
        """Test create client and print success message"""
        client = Client(1, "Adil", "*****@*****.**")
        self.assertEqual("Adil", client.get_name(),
                         "Clent created successfully")

    #@unittest.skip("skipping adding a position")
    def test_add_position(self):
        """Add position to symbol for client and check if quantity matches."""

        self.client.addPosition(Position("GOOG", 100,
        self.assertEqual(100, self.client.getPosition("GOOG").getQuantity())
        self.client.addPosition(Position("GOOG", 100,
        self.assertEqual(200, self.client.getPosition("GOOG").getQuantity())
 def test_create_client(self):
     """Test create client and print success message"""
     client = Client(1, "Adil", "*****@*****.**")
     self.assertEqual("Adil", client.get_name(),
                      "Clent created successfully")