Beispiel #1
    def waiting(self, train, dep_win, arr_win, min_window=1, min_num_p=10):
        Uses algorithm1 on the delay data
        Returns a tuple of lists (departures, arrivals).
        Both departures and arrivals are lists of lists
        containing (delayingtrain,thistrain, algoresult).
        victim = self.data_to_array(train, 'Pl.avg.', 'Fakt.avg.')
        sig_deps = []
        sig_arrs = []

        for key in dep_win:
            delayer = self.data_to_array(key, 'Pl.avg.', 'Fakt.avg.')
            pairs = train_sorting.sort_out_complete_pairs(delayer, victim)
            result = train_algos.algorithm1(pairs[0], pairs[1])
            if result[0] > min_num_p:
                if result[1] < result[2] and result[1] > 0:
                    if abs(result[2] - result[1]) >= min_window:
                        sig_deps.append([key, result])

        for key in arr_win:
            delayer = self.data_to_array(key, 'Pl.ank.', 'Fakt.ank.')
            pairs = train_sorting.sort_out_complete_pairs(delayer, victim)
            result = train_algos.algorithm1(pairs[0], pairs[1])
            if result[0] > min_num_p:
                if result[1] < result[2] and result[1] > 0:
                    if abs(result[2] - result[1]) >= min_window:
                        sig_arrs.append([key, result])
        return sig_deps, sig_arrs
Beispiel #2
def algorithm1_mod4(train1, train2):
    - Performs algorithm 1 described in 'Mining Railway Delay Dependencies in
    Large-Scale Real-World Delay Data' (Flier, Gelashvili, Graffagnino,
    - train1 and train2 must be numpy arrays containing delay times of the
    trains. There can be no missing values, and train1[d], train2[d] must be
    delay data from the same day d. Implicitly train1 and train2 must be of
    equal length.
    - This is a modified version of algorithm1 as described in section 5
    of 'Mining Railway Delay Dependencies in Large-Scale Real-World Delay Data'
    (Flier, Gelashvili, Graffagnino, Nunkesser).

    train1, train2 = train_sorting.sort_two_non_dec(train1, train2)
    train1 = train_sorting.append(train1, float('inf'))
    train2 = train_sorting.append(train2, float(0))

    #set max number of exceptional points
    rbar = 0.025*(len(train1))
    exceptional = Queue.PriorityQueue(maxsize=int(math.floor(rbar)))
    s_i = train_sorting.difference(train1, train2)
    k = 0 #pylint:disable=invalid-name
    k_star = 0
    s = s_i[0]#pylint:disable=invalid-name
    s_star = 0
    l = 0 #pylint:disable=invalid-name
    e_star = 0 # maximal delay
    sol = False

    #The algorithm:
    for i in range(len(train1)):
        if s_i[i] > s:
            if exceptional.full():
                sol = True
                #cannot extend current solution to train1[i], train2[i]
                if k > k_star:
                    #update best solution
                    k_star = k
                    s_star = s
                    e_star = train1[i - 1]

                    #initialize new solution
                    s = s_i[exceptional.get()[1]] #pylint:disable=invalid-name

                    #find first point in new interval
                    while train1[l] < s and l < len(train1):
                        l += 1 #pylint:disable=invalid-name
                    k = i - l + 1
                exceptional.put((s_i[i], i))
                k += 1
            k += 1
    if sol:
        return (k_star, s_star, e_star)
        return algorithm1(train1, train2)
Beispiel #3
CSV_WRITER2 = csv.writer(open('ALGRES/' + FILENAME[11:21] + '_blocking' +
                              '.csv', 'w'), delimiter=',')

#write header
                      'ISDELAYERARRIVING', 'NUMOFPOINTS',
                      'START', 'END'])
                      'ISDELAYERARRIVING', 'NUMOFPOINTS',
                      'START', 'END'])

for train in DATASTRUCTURE:
    for delayer in DATASTRUCTURE[train]:
        delayer_arr = FILENAME[18:21] == 'ARR'
        train_arr = FILENAME[11:14] == 'ARR'
        delay = get_matching_delay(delayer, train, delayer_arr, train_arr)

        #run algorithms
        res1 = algorithm1(array(delay[0]), array(delay[1]))
        res2 = algorithm2(array(delay[0]), array(delay[1]))

        if res1[2] - res1[1] > 90:
            CSV_WRITER1.writerow([train, delayer, int(train_arr),
                                      int(delayer_arr), res1[0], res1[1],
        if res2[2] - res2[1] > 120:
                CSV_WRITER2.writerow([train, delayer, int(train_arr),
                                      int(delayer_arr), res2[0], res2[1],
Beispiel #4
    y_cor = ([int(100*math.log(i+1)*math.cos(random.random()))
              for i in range(25)] +
              for i in range(25)]
             + [int(1000*random.uniform(-0.5, 1)) for i in range(15)]
             + map(lambda x: x + int(random.random()*100),#pylint:disable=bad-builtin,deprecated-lambda
                   [linear[i] - 360 for i in range(40)]))

    return x_cor, y_cor

if __name__ == '__main__':
    PTS = test_data()

    RES1 = algorithm1_mod3(PTS[0], PTS[1])
    RES2 = algorithm1(PTS[0], PTS[1])
    RES3 = algorithm2(PTS[0], PTS[1])
    SCORE1 = delaycounter(PTS[0], PTS[1], (RES1[1], RES1[2]), 'waiting')
    SCORE2 = delaycounter(PTS[0], PTS[1], (RES2[1], RES2[2]), 'waiting')
    SCORE3 = delaycounter(PTS[0], PTS[1], (RES3[1], RES3[2]), 'blocking')
    print SCORE1
    print RES1
    print SCORE2
    print RES2
    print SCORE3
    print RES3
    scatter_trains(PTS[0], PTS[1], RES1)
    scatter_trains(PTS[0], PTS[1], RES2)
    scatter_trains(PTS[0], PTS[1], RES3, False)