                    help='Initial learning rate.')
                    help='Number of epochs to run trainer.')
                    help='decay rate of L2 regulization.')
    help='Batch size. Must divide evenly into the dataset sizes.')
                    help='Directory to put the training data.')

FLAGS = None
FLAGS, unparsed = parser.parse_known_args()

cnn = ConvNet()
accuracy = cnn.train_and_evaluate(FLAGS)

# Output accuracy
print(20 * '*' + 'model' + 20 * '*')
print('accuracy is %f' % (accuracy))
Beispiel #2
mnist_test = MNIST(root=input_dir, train=False, download=True)
test_set = {
    'testX': mnist_test.test_data.type(torch.FloatTensor) / 255,
    'testY': mnist_test.test_labels

# ======================================================================
#  STEP 1: Train a baseline model.
#  This trains a feed forward neural network with one hidden layer.
#  Expected accuracy: 97.83%

if mode == 1:
    cnn = ConvNet(1)
    accuracy = cnn.train_and_evaluate(FLAGS, train_set, test_set)

    # Output accuracy
    print(20 * '*' + 'model 1' + 20 * '*')
    print('accuracy is %f' % (accuracy * 100) + '%')

# ======================================================================
#  STEP 2: Use one convolutional layer.
#  Expected accuracy: 98.80%

if mode == 2:
    cnn = ConvNet(2)
def main():

  class_num = 3

  total_confusion_matrix = numpy.zeros((class_num, class_num), int)
  # k = 5

  # for testing, set k to 1
  # k = 5
  # for i in range(k):

  # ======================================================================
  #  STEP 0: Load pre-trained word embeddings and the SNLI data set

  embedding_path = FLAGS.embedding_path
  # new_embedding_path = embedding_path[:embedding_path.rindex('.pkl')] + '_' + str(i) + '.pkl'

  embedding = pickle.load(open(FLAGS.embedding_path, 'rb'))
  # embedding = pickle.load(open(new_embedding_path, 'rb'))

  thyme_data_dir = FLAGS.thyme_data_dir
  # new_thyme_data_dir = thyme_data_dir[:thyme_data_dir.rindex('.pkl')] + '_' + str(i) + '.pkl'

  thyme = pickle.load(open(FLAGS.thyme_data_dir, 'rb'))
  # thyme = pickle.load(open(new_thyme_data_dir, 'rb'))
  train_set = thyme[0]
  print("number of instances in training set: ", len(train_set[0]))
  dev_set   = thyme[1]
  # combine_train_and_dev(train_set, dev_set)
  # print("number of instances in combined training set: ", len(train_set[0]))
  test_set  = thyme[2]
  closure_test_set = thyme[3]
  # train_label_count = thyme[4]

  train_dataset_size = thyme[4]

  # test_after_set = extract_word(test_set, embedding.id_to_word)

  # ====================================================================
  # Use a smaller portion of training examples (e.g. ratio = 0.1) 
  # for debuging purposes.
  # Set ratio = 1 for training with all training examples.

  ratio = 1

  train_size = train_set[0].shape[0]
  idx = list(range(train_size))
  idx = numpy.asarray(idx, dtype=numpy.int32)

  # Shuffle the train set.
  for _ in range(7):

  # Get a certain ratio of the training set.
  idx = idx[0:int(idx.shape[0] * ratio)]
  sent_embed = train_set[0][idx]

  # pos_embed_source = train_set[1][idx]
  # pos_embed_target = train_set[2][idx]

  # pos_embed_first_entity = train_set[1][idx]
  # pos_embed_second_entity = train_set[2][idx]

  event_bitmap = train_set[1][idx]
  timex3_bitmap = train_set[2][idx]
  # source_bitmap = train_set[3][idx]
  # target_bitmap = train_set[4][idx]

  first_entity_bitmap = train_set[3][idx]
  second_entity_bitmap = train_set[4][idx]

  # boolean_features = train_set[7][idx]
  # label = train_set[8][idx]
  # label = train_set[7][idx]
  label = train_set[5][idx]

  # train_set = [sent_embed, pos_embed_source, pos_embed_target, event_bitmap, timex3_bitmap, source_bitmap, target_bitmap, boolean_features, label]
  # train_set = [sent_embed, pos_embed_source, pos_embed_target, event_bitmap, timex3_bitmap, source_bitmap, target_bitmap, label]
  # train_set = [sent_embed, event_bitmap, timex3_bitmap, source_bitmap, target_bitmap, label]
  # train_set = [sent_embed, event_bitmap, timex3_bitmap, first_entity_bitmap, second_entity_bitmap, label]

  # train_set = [sent_embed, pos_embed_first_entity, pos_embed_second_entity, event_bitmap, timex3_bitmap, source_bitmap, target_bitmap, label]
  # train_set = [sent_embed, pos_embed_source, pos_embed_target, event_bitmap, timex3_bitmap, label]

  # k_fold_dev_sets, k_fold_closure_test_sets = create_k_fold(closure_test_set, 10)

  # inspect2('/home/yuyi/cs6890/project/data/embedding_with_xml_tag.pkl', k_fold_dev_sets[3], entire=True)
  # inspect2('/home/yuyi/cs6890/project/data/embedding_with_xml_tag.pkl', k_fold_closure_test_sets[3], entire=True)

  # sys.exit("exit for bugging...")

  # ======================================================================
  #  STEP 1: Train a baseline model.
  #  This trains a feed forward neural network with one hidden layer.
  #  Expected accuracy: 97.80%

  if mode == 1:
    cnn = ConvNet(1)
    accuracy = cnn.train_and_evaluate(FLAGS, embedding, train_set, dev_set, test_set, train_label_count)

    # Output accuracy.
    print(20 * '*' + 'model 1' + 20 * '*')
    print('accuracy is %f' % (accuracy))

  # ======================================================================
  #  STEP 2: Use one convolutional layer.
  #  Expected accuracy: 98.78%

  if mode == 2:
    cnn = ConvNet(2)

    # confusion_matrix = cnn.train_and_evaluate(FLAGS, embedding, train_set, dev_set, test_set, closure_test_set, train_label_count)

    confusion_matrix = cnn.train_and_evaluate(FLAGS, embedding, train_set, dev_set, test_set, closure_test_set, train_dataset_size)
    print(20 * '*' + 'model 2' + 20 * '*')
    print('confusion matrix: ')
Beispiel #4
# ======================================================================
#  STEP 0: Load data from the MNIST database.
#  This loads our training and test data from the MNIST database files.
#  We have sorted the data for you in this so that you will not have to
#  change it.

data_sets = input_data.read_data_sets(FLAGS.input_data_dir)

# ======================================================================
#  STEP 1: Train a baseline model.
#  This trains a feed forward neural network with one hidden layer.
#  Expected accuracy >= 97.80%

if mode == 1:
    cnn = ConvNet(1)
    accuracy = cnn.train_and_evaluate(FLAGS, data_sets.train, data_sets.test)

    # Output accuracy.
    print(20 * '*' + 'model 1' + 20 * '*')
    print('accuracy is %f' % (accuracy))

# ======================================================================
#  STEP 2: Use two convolutional layers.
#  Expected accuracy >= 99.06%

if mode == 2:
    cnn = ConvNet(2)
    accuracy = cnn.train_and_evaluate(FLAGS, data_sets.train, data_sets.test)
Beispiel #5
# train_set = [sent_embed, pos_embed_source, pos_embed_target, event_bitmap, timex3_bitmap, source_bitmap, target_bitmap, boolean_features, label]
# train_set = [sent_embed, pos_embed_source, pos_embed_target, event_bitmap, timex3_bitmap, source_bitmap, target_bitmap, label]
train_set = [sent_embed, event_bitmap, timex3_bitmap, source_bitmap, target_bitmap, label]

# train_set = [sent_embed, pos_embed_first_entity, pos_embed_second_entity, event_bitmap, timex3_bitmap, source_bitmap, target_bitmap, label]
# train_set = [sent_embed, pos_embed_source, pos_embed_target, event_bitmap, timex3_bitmap, label]

# ======================================================================
#  STEP 1: Train a baseline model.
#  This trains a feed forward neural network with one hidden layer.
#  Expected accuracy: 97.80%

if mode == 1:
  cnn = ConvNet(1)
  accuracy = cnn.train_and_evaluate(FLAGS, embedding, train_set, dev_set, test_set, train_label_count)

  # Output accuracy.
  print(20 * '*' + 'model 1' + 20 * '*')
  print('accuracy is %f' % (accuracy))

# ======================================================================
#  STEP 2: Use one convolutional layer.
#  Expected accuracy: 98.78%

if mode == 2:
  cnn = ConvNet(2)