def classifier(x, dropout): """ AlexNet fully connected layers definition Args: x: tensor of shape [batch_size, width, height, channels] dropout: probability of non dropping out units Returns: fc3: 1000 linear tensor taken just before applying the softmax operation it is needed to feed it to tf.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits() softmax: 1000 linear tensor representing the output probabilities of the image to classify """ pool5 = cnn(x) dim = pool5.get_shape().as_list() flat_dim = dim[1] * dim[2] * dim[3] # 6 * 6 * 256 flat = tf.reshape(pool5, [-1, flat_dim]) with tf.name_scope('alexnet_classifier') as scope: with tf.name_scope('alexnet_classifier_fc1') as inner_scope: wfc1 = tu.weight([flat_dim, 4096], name='wfc1') wfc_1 = tu.weight([flat_dim, 4096], name='wfc_1') bfc1 = tu.bias(0.0, [4096], name='bfc1') alpha_full_1 = compute_alpha(wfc1) wfc_1 = tenary_opration(wfc1) flat = tf.multiply(flat, alpha_full_1) fc1 = tf.add(tf.matmul(flat, wfc_1), bfc1) fc1 = tu.batch_norm(fc1) fc1 = selu(fc1) fc1 = tf.nn.dropout(fc1, dropout) with tf.name_scope('alexnet_classifier_fc2') as inner_scope: wfc2 = tu.weight([4096, 4096], name='wfc2') wfc_2 = tu.weight([4096, 4096], name='wfc_2') bfc2 = tu.bias(0.0, [4096], name='bfc2') alpha6 = compute_alpha(wfc2) wfc_2 = tenary_opration(wfc2) fc1 = tf.multiply(fc1, alpha6) fc2 = tf.add(tf.matmul(fc1, wfc_2), bfc2) fc2 = tu.batch_norm(fc2) fc2 = selu(fc2) fc2 = tf.nn.dropout(fc2, dropout) with tf.name_scope('alexnet_classifier_output') as inner_scope: wfc3 = tu.weight([4096, 1000], name='wfc3') bfc3 = tu.bias(0.0, [1000], name='bfc3') # wfc3 = tenary_opration(wfc3) fc3 = tf.add(tf.matmul(fc2, wfc3), bfc3) softmax = tf.nn.softmax(fc3) return fc3, softmax
def forward(self, batch): # feature_maps is for visualization with self.feature_maps = [] # B, C, H, W # batch: [B0, 1, 112, 112] # => padded_batch [B0, 1, 112, 112] if self.num_modalities > 0: B0, C, H, W, MOD = batch.shape batch_bm = batch.permute([0, 4, 1, 2, 3]) batch_bm = batch.view([B0 * MOD, C, H, W]) # Merge the modality dim into the batch dim. # Then go through ordinary preprocessing (splitting of depth, merging depth into batch). # After extracting features, merge MOD sets of feature maps into one set. batch = batch_bm else: # MOD = 0 means there's not the modality dimension # (i.e. images are in one modality only). Didn't use MOD = 1 to distingush from # the case that there's a modality dimension containing only one modality. MOD = 0 B0 = batch.shape[0] B, C, H, W = batch.shape # nonzero_mask: if '3': [B, 14, 14]; if '2': [B, 36, 36]. nonzero_mask = self.get_mask(batch) if self.backbone_type.startswith('res'): batch_base_feats = self.backbone.ext_features(batch) elif self.backbone_type.startswith('eff'): feats_dict = self.backbone.extract_endpoints(batch) # [10, 16, 288, 288], [10, 24, 144, 144] batch_base_feats = ( feats_dict['reduction_1'], feats_dict['reduction_2'], \ # [10, 40, 72, 72], [10, 112, 36, 36], [10, 1280, 18, 18] feats_dict['reduction_3'], feats_dict['reduction_4'], feats_dict['reduction_5'] ) # Corresponding stages in efficient-net paper, Table 1: 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 # vfeat_fpn: [B (B0*MOD), 1296, 1792] vfeat_fpn, vmask, H2, W2 = self.in_fpn_forward(batch_base_feats, nonzero_mask, B) vfeat_origshape = vfeat_fpn.transpose(1, 2).view(B, -1, H2, W2) self.feature_maps.append(vfeat_origshape) if self.num_modalities > 0: # vfeat_fpn_MOD: [B0, MOD, 1296, 1792] vfeat_fpn_MOD = vfeat_fpn.view(B0, MOD, -1, self.trans_in_dim) # vfeat_fpn: [B0, 1296, 1792] # vfeat_fpn = self.mod_fuse_conv(vfeat_fpn_MOD).squeeze(1) vfeat_fpn = vfeat_fpn_MOD.max(dim=1)[0] # No need to normalize features here. Each feature vector in vfeat_fpn # will be layer-normed in SegtranInputFeatEncoder. # if self.in_fpn_layers == '234', xy_shape = (36, 36) # if self.in_fpn_layers == '34', xy_shape = (14, 14) xy_shape = torch.Size((H2, W2)) # xy_indices: [14, 14, 20, 3] xy_indices = get_all_indices(xy_shape, device=self.device) scale_H = H // H2 scale_W = W // W2 # Has to be exactly divided. if (scale_H * H2 != H) or (scale_W * W2 != W): breakpoint() if not self.scales_printed: print("\nImage scales: %dx%d. Voxels: %s" % (scale_H, scale_W, list(vfeat_fpn.shape))) self.scales_printed = True scale = torch.tensor([[scale_H, scale_W]], device=self.device) # xy_indices: [1296, 2] # Rectify the scales on H, W. xy_indices = xy_indices.view([-1, 2]).float() * scale # voxels_pos: [B0, 1296, 2], "2" is coordinates. voxels_pos = xy_indices.unsqueeze(0).repeat((B0, 1, 1)) # pos_embed = self.featemb(voxels_pos) # vfeat_fused: [2, 784, 1792] vfeat_fused = self.voxel_fusion(vfeat_fpn, voxels_pos, vmask.unsqueeze(2)) for i in range(self.num_translayers): self.feature_maps.append( self.voxel_fusion.translayers[i].attention_scores) # vfeat_fused: [2, 32, 32, 1792] vfeat_fused = vfeat_fused.view([B0, H2, W2, self.trans_out_dim]) # vfeat_fused: [5, 32, 32, 1792] => [5, 1792, 32, 32] vfeat_fused = vfeat_fused.permute([0, 3, 1, 2]) for i in range(self.num_translayers): layer_vfeat = self.voxel_fusion.layers_vfeat[i] layer_vfeat = layer_vfeat.view( [B0, H2, W2, self.translayer_dims[i + 1]]) # layer_vfeat: [5, 32, 32, 1792] => [5, 1792, 32, 32] layer_vfeat = layer_vfeat.permute([0, 3, 1, 2]) self.feature_maps.append(layer_vfeat) if self.do_out_fpn: vfeat_fused_fpn = self.out_fpn_forward(batch_base_feats, vfeat_fused, B0) if self.posttrans_use_bn: vfeat_fused_fpn = batch_norm(vfeat_fused_fpn) trans_scores_small = self.out_conv(vfeat_fused_fpn) else: # scores: [B0, 2, 36, 36] # if vfeat_fpn is already 28*28 (in_fpn_layers=='234'), # then out_conv does not do upsampling. if self.posttrans_use_bn: vfeat_fused = batch_norm(vfeat_fused) trans_scores_small = self.out_conv(vfeat_fused) # full_scores: [B0, 2, 112, 112] trans_scores_up = F.interpolate(trans_scores_small, size=(H, W), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) return trans_scores_up
def cnn(x): """ AlexNet convolutional layers definition Args: x: tensor of shape [batch_size, width, height, channels] Returns: pool5: tensor with all convolutions, pooling and lrn operations applied """ with tf.name_scope('alexnet_cnn') as scope: with tf.name_scope('alexnet_cnn_conv1') as inner_scope: wcnn1 = tu.weight([11, 11, 3, 96], name='wcnn1') bcnn1 = tu.bias(0.0, [96], name='bcnn1') conv1 = tf.add(tu.conv2d(x, wcnn1, stride=(4, 4), padding='SAME'), bcnn1) #conv1 = tu.batch_norm(conv1) conv1 = tu.relu(conv1) norm1 = tu.batch_norm(conv1) pool1 = tu.max_pool2d(norm1, kernel=[1, 3, 3, 1], stride=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='VALID') with tf.name_scope('alexnet_cnn_conv2') as inner_scope: wcnn2 = tu.weight([5, 5, 96, 256], name='wcnn2') bcnn2 = tu.bias(1.0, [256], name='bcnn2') conv2 = tf.add( tu.conv2d(pool1, wcnn2, stride=(1, 1), padding='SAME'), bcnn2) #conv2 = tu.batch_norm(conv2) conv2 = tu.relu(conv2) norm2 = tu.batch_norm(conv2) pool2 = tu.max_pool2d(norm2, kernel=[1, 3, 3, 1], stride=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='VALID') with tf.name_scope('alexnet_cnn_conv3') as inner_scope: wcnn3 = tu.weight([3, 3, 256, 384], name='wcnn3') bcnn3 = tu.bias(0.0, [384], name='bcnn3') conv3 = tf.add( tu.conv2d(pool2, wcnn3, stride=(1, 1), padding='SAME'), bcnn3) conv3 = tu.batch_norm(conv3) conv3 = tu.relu(conv3) with tf.name_scope('alexnet_cnn_conv4') as inner_scope: wcnn4 = tu.weight([3, 3, 384, 384], name='wcnn4') bcnn4 = tu.bias(1.0, [384], name='bcnn4') conv4 = tf.add( tu.conv2d(conv3, wcnn4, stride=(1, 1), padding='SAME'), bcnn4) conv4 = tu.batch_norm(conv4) conv4 = tu.relu(conv4) with tf.name_scope('alexnet_cnn_conv5') as inner_scope: wcnn5 = tu.weight([3, 3, 384, 256], name='wcnn5') bcnn5 = tu.bias(1.0, [256], name='bcnn5') conv5 = tf.add( tu.conv2d(conv4, wcnn5, stride=(1, 1), padding='SAME'), bcnn5) conv5 = tu.batch_norm(conv5) conv5 = tu.relu(conv5) pool5 = tu.max_pool2d(conv5, kernel=[1, 3, 3, 1], stride=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='VALID') return pool5
def cnn(x): """ AlexNet convolutional layers definition Args: x: tensor of shape [batch_size, width, height, channels] Returns: pool5: tensor with all convolutions, pooling and lrn operations applied """ with tf.name_scope('alexnet_cnn') as scope: with tf.name_scope('alexnet_cnn_conv1') as inner_scope: wcnn1 = tu.weight([11, 11, 3, 96], name='wcnn1') bcnn1 = tu.bias(0.0, [96], name='bcnn1') # alpha1 = compute_alpha(wcnn1) # wcnn1 = tenary_opration(wcnn1) # wcnn1_1 = tf.multiply(alpha1, wcnn1) conv1 = tf.add(tu.conv2d(x, wcnn1, stride=(4, 4), padding='SAME'), bcnn1) conv1 = tu.batch_norm(conv1) conv1 = selu(conv1) # norm1 = tu.lrn(conv1, depth_radius=2, bias=1.0, alpha=2e-05, beta=0.75) pool1 = tu.max_pool2d(conv1, kernel=[1, 3, 3, 1], stride=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='VALID') with tf.name_scope('alexnet_cnn_conv2') as inner_scope: wcnn2 = tu.weight([5, 5, 96, 256], name='wcnn2') wcnn_2 = tu.weight([5, 5, 96, 256], name='wcnn_2') bcnn2 = tu.bias(1.0, [256], name='bcnn2') alpha2 = compute_alpha(wcnn2) pool1 = tf.multiply(pool1, alpha2) wcnn_2 = tenary_opration(wcnn2) # wcnn_2 = tf.multiply(alpha2, wcnn2) conv2 = tf.add( tu.conv2d(pool1, wcnn_2, stride=(1, 1), padding='SAME'), bcnn2) conv2 = tu.batch_norm(conv2) conv2 = selu(conv2) # norm2 = tu.lrn(conv2, depth_radius=2, bias=1.0, alpha=2e-05, beta=0.75) pool2 = tu.max_pool2d(conv2, kernel=[1, 3, 3, 1], stride=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='VALID') with tf.name_scope('alexnet_cnn_conv3') as inner_scope: wcnn3 = tu.weight([3, 3, 256, 384], name='wcnn3') wcnn_3 = tu.weight([3, 3, 256, 384], name='wcnn_3') bcnn3 = tu.bias(0.0, [384], name='bcnn3') alpha3 = compute_alpha(wcnn3) wcnn_3 = tenary_opration(wcnn3) pool2 = tf.multiply(pool2, alpha3) conv3 = tf.add( tu.conv2d(pool2, wcnn_3, stride=(1, 1), padding='SAME'), bcnn3) conv3 = tu.batch_norm(conv3) conv3 = selu(conv3) with tf.name_scope('alexnet_cnn_conv4') as inner_scope: wcnn4 = tu.weight([3, 3, 384, 384], name='wcnn4') wcnn_4 = tu.weight([3, 3, 383, 384], name='wcnn_4') bcnn4 = tu.bias(1.0, [384], name='bcnn4') alpha4 = compute_alpha(wcnn4) wcnn_4 = tenary_opration(wcnn4) conv3 = tf.multiply(conv3, alpha4) conv4 = tf.add( tu.conv2d(conv3, wcnn_4, stride=(1, 1), padding='SAME'), bcnn4) conv4 = tu.batch_norm(conv4) conv4 = selu(conv4) with tf.name_scope('alexnet_cnn_conv5') as inner_scope: wcnn5 = tu.weight([3, 3, 384, 256], name='wcnn5') wcnn_5 = tu.weight([3, 3, 384, 256], name='wcnn_5') bcnn5 = tu.bias(1.0, [256], name='bcnn5') alpha5 = compute_alpha(wcnn5) wcnn_5 = tenary_opration(wcnn5) conv4 = tf.multiply(conv4, alpha5) conv5 = tf.add( tu.conv2d(conv4, wcnn_5, stride=(1, 1), padding='SAME'), bcnn5) conv5 = tu.batch_norm(conv5) conv5 = selu(conv5) pool5 = tu.max_pool2d(conv5, kernel=[1, 3, 3, 1], stride=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='VALID') return pool5
def eval_robustness(args, net, refnet, dataloader, mask_prepred_mapping_func=None): AUG_DEG = args.robust_aug_degrees if not isinstance(AUG_DEG, AUG_DEG = (AUG_DEG, AUG_DEG) if args.robustness_augs: augs = [ args.robustness_augs ] is_resize = [ False ] else: augs = [ transforms.ColorJitter(brightness=AUG_DEG), transforms.ColorJitter(contrast=AUG_DEG), transforms.ColorJitter(saturation=AUG_DEG), transforms.Resize((192, 192)), transforms.Resize((432, 432)), transforms.Pad(0) # Placeholder. Replace input images with random noises. ] is_resize = [ False, False, False, True, True, False ] num_augs = len(augs) num_iters = args.robust_sample_num // args.batch_size # on_pearsons: pearsons between old and new feature maps on_pearsons = np.zeros((num_augs, net.num_vis_layers)) # lr_old_pearsons/lr_new_pearsons: pearsons between left-half and right-half of the feature maps lr_old_pearsons = np.zeros((net.num_vis_layers)) old_stds = np.zeros((net.num_vis_layers)) lr_new_pearsons = np.zeros((num_augs, net.num_vis_layers)) new_stds = np.zeros((num_augs, net.num_vis_layers)) aug_counts = np.zeros(num_augs) + 0.0001 print("Evaluating %d augs on %d layers of feature maps, %d samples" %(num_augs, net.num_vis_layers, args.robust_sample_num)) do_BN = True orig_allcls_dice_sum = np.zeros(args.num_classes - 1) aug_allcls_dice_sum = np.zeros((num_augs, args.num_classes - 1)) orig_sample_count = 0 aug_sample_counts = np.zeros(num_augs) + 0.0001 # Compare the feature maps from the same network. if refnet is None: refnet = net for it in tqdm(range(num_iters)): aug_idx = it % num_augs aug_counts[aug_idx] += 1 aug = augs[aug_idx] dataloader.dataset.image_trans_func2 = transforms.Compose( [ aug ] + \ dataloader.dataset.image_trans_func.transforms ) batch = next(iter(dataloader)) image_batch, image2_batch, mask_batch = batch['image'].cuda(), batch['image2'].cuda(), batch['mask'].cuda() image_batch = F.interpolate(image_batch, size=args.patch_size, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) image2_batch = F.interpolate(image2_batch, size=args.patch_size, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) if mask_prepred_mapping_func: mask_batch = mask_prepred_mapping_func(mask_batch) orig_input_size = mask_batch.shape[2:] if it == 0: print("Input size: {}, orig image size: {}".format(image_batch.shape[2:], orig_input_size)) if aug_idx == 5: image2_batch.normal_() with torch.no_grad(): scores_raw = refnet(image_batch) scores_raw = F.interpolate(scores_raw, size=orig_input_size, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) batch_allcls_dice = calc_batch_metric(scores_raw, mask_batch, args.num_classes, 0.5) orig_allcls_dice_sum += batch_allcls_dice.sum(axis=0) orig_sample_count += len(batch_allcls_dice) orig_features = copy.copy(refnet.feature_maps) orig_bn_features = list(orig_features) net.feature_maps = [] scores_raw2 = net(image2_batch) batch_allcls_dice = calc_batch_metric(scores_raw2, mask_batch, args.num_classes, 0.5) aug_allcls_dice_sum[aug_idx] += batch_allcls_dice.sum(axis=0) aug_sample_counts[aug_idx] += len(batch_allcls_dice) aug_features = copy.copy(net.feature_maps) aug_bn_features = list(aug_features) net.feature_maps = [] for layer_idx in range(net.num_vis_layers): if is_resize[aug_idx] and orig_features[layer_idx].shape != aug_features[layer_idx].shape: try: aug_features[layer_idx] = F.interpolate(aug_features[layer_idx], size=orig_features[layer_idx].shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) except: breakpoint() if do_BN and orig_features[layer_idx].dim() == 4: orig_bn_features[layer_idx] = batch_norm(orig_features[layer_idx]) aug_bn_features[layer_idx] = batch_norm(aug_features[layer_idx]) pear = pearson(orig_bn_features[layer_idx], aug_bn_features[layer_idx]) on_pearsons[aug_idx, layer_idx] += pear lr_old_pearsons[layer_idx] += lr_pearson(orig_bn_features[layer_idx]) lr_new_pearsons[aug_idx, layer_idx] += lr_pearson(aug_bn_features[layer_idx]) # 4D feature maps. Assume dim 1 is the channel dim. if orig_features[layer_idx].dim() == 4: chan_num = orig_features[layer_idx].shape[1] old_std = orig_features[layer_idx].transpose(0, 1).reshape(chan_num, -1).std(dim=1).mean() new_std = aug_features[layer_idx].transpose(0, 1).reshape(chan_num, -1).std(dim=1).mean() else: old_std = orig_features[layer_idx].std() new_std = aug_features[layer_idx].std() old_stds[layer_idx] += old_std new_stds[aug_idx, layer_idx] += new_std aug_counts = np.expand_dims(aug_counts, 1) aug_sample_counts = np.expand_dims(aug_sample_counts, 1) on_pearsons /= aug_counts lr_old_pearsons /= num_iters lr_new_pearsons /= aug_counts old_stds /= num_iters new_stds /= aug_counts orig_allcls_avg_metric = orig_allcls_dice_sum / orig_sample_count aug_allcls_avg_metric = aug_allcls_dice_sum / aug_sample_counts print('Orig dices: ', end='') for cls in range(1, args.num_classes): orig_dice = orig_allcls_avg_metric[cls-1] print('%.3f ' %(orig_dice), end='') print() for aug_idx in range(num_augs): print('Aug %d dices: ' %aug_idx, end='') for cls in range(1, args.num_classes): aug_dice = aug_allcls_avg_metric[aug_idx, cls-1] print('%.3f ' %(aug_dice), end='') print() for layer_idx in range(net.num_vis_layers): print("%d: Orig LR P %.3f, Std %.3f" %(layer_idx, lr_old_pearsons[layer_idx], old_stds[layer_idx])) for aug_idx in range(num_augs): print(augs[aug_idx]) for layer_idx in range(net.num_vis_layers): print("%d: ON P %.3f, LR P %.3f, Std %.3f" %(layer_idx, on_pearsons[aug_idx, layer_idx], # old/new pearson lr_new_pearsons[aug_idx, layer_idx], # left/right pearson new_stds[aug_idx, layer_idx]))