Beispiel #1
def install(enable=False,
    """Installs the nb_conda_kernels configuration data.

    enable: bool
        Enable nb_conda_kernels; that is, make the changes to
        the Jupyter notebook configuration so that it will is
        available for Jupyter notebooks.
    disable: bool
        Disable nb_conda_kernels.
    status: bool
        Print the installation status, but make no changes.
    Exactly one of enable/disable/status must be supplied.

    verbose: bool
        If true, print more verbose output during operation.

    prefix: None
        The prefix of the Python environment where the Jupyter
        configuration is to be created and/or modified. It is
        equivalent to supplying
            path = join(prefix, 'etc', 'jupyter')
    path: None
        The directory where the Jupyter configuration file is
        to be created and/or modified. The name of the file is
        hardcoded to jupyter_notebook_config.json.
    Either prefix or path may be supplied, but not both. If
    neither is supplied, then the first path found in
    whose directory is within sys.prefix will be selected. If
    there is no such path, the first path will be selected.
    if verbose:
    verbose = log.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG
    if status:"Determining the status of nb_conda_kernels...")
    else:"{}ing nb_conda_kernels...".format(
            ENDIS[enable][:-2].capitalize()))"CONDA_PREFIX: {}".format(sys.prefix))

    is_enabled_entry = False
    # Disable the entry-point based mechanism. Most if this code will need
    # to be removed, because the kernel discovery mechanism was changed
    # before jupyter_client 6 was released. For now we're dropping back to
    # the jupyter_client 5 model until we leverage the new mechanism.
    has_entrypoints = False  # int(jc_version.split('.', 1)[0]) >= 6
    log.debug('Entry points:')
    for ep in iter_entry_points(group=JCKP):
        log.debug('  - {}'.format(ep))
        if str(ep).split('=', 1)[-1].strip() == NCKDCKP:
            is_enabled_entry = True
    if not is_enabled_entry and has_entrypoints:
        log.error(('NOTE: nb_conda_kernels is missing its entry point '
                   'for jupyter_client.kernel_providers, which is needed '
                   'for correct operation this version of Jupyter.'))
    if is_enabled_entry and not has_entrypoints:
            '  NOTE: entry points not used in Jupyter {}'.format(jc_version))
        is_enabled_entry = False

    all_paths = [abspath(p) for p in jupyter_config_path()]
    default_path = join(sys.prefix, 'etc', 'jupyter')
    search_paths = all_paths[::-1]
    if path or prefix:
        if prefix:
            path = join(prefix, 'etc', 'jupyter')
        path = abspath(path)
        prefix_s = sys.prefix + os.sep
        for path in search_paths:
            if path.startswith(prefix_s):
            path = default_path
    if path != default_path or path not in all_paths:"Target path: {}".format(path))
    if path not in all_paths:
        log.warning('WARNING: the configuration for the current environment\n'
                    'is not affected by the target configuration path.')

    # Determine the effective configuration by going through the search path
    # in reverse order. Moving forward we will be modifying only the JupyterApp
    # key in the jupyter_config.json file. However for legacy reasons we are
    # also looking at NotebookApp keys and the jupyter_notebook_config.json file,
    # and cleaning those out as we can.
    log.debug('Configuration files:')
    fpaths = set()
    is_enabled_all = {}
    is_enabled_local = {}
    for path_g in search_paths:
        flag = '-' if path != path_g else ('*' if path in all_paths else 'x')
        value = ''
        for fbase in (JC, JNC):
            fpath = join(path_g, fbase + '.json')
            cfg = BaseJSONConfigManager(config_dir=path_g).get(fbase)
            dirty = False
            for key in (JA, NBA):
                spec = cfg.get(key, {}).get(KSMC)
                if status or path_g != path:
                    # No changes in status mode, or if we're not in the target path
                    expected = spec
                elif enable and fbase == JC and key == JA and not is_enabled_entry:
                    # Add the spec if we are enabling, the entry point is not active,
                    # and we're using the new file (jupyter_config.json) and key (JupyterApp)
                    expected = CKSM
                    # In all other cases, clear the spec out for cleanup
                    expected = None
                if spec != expected:
                    if expected is None:
                        if not cfg[key]:
                        cfg.setdefault(key, {})[KSMC] = expected
                    spec = expected
                    dirty = True
                if spec:
                    if path_g in all_paths:
                        is_enabled_all[key] = spec == CKSM
                    if path_g == path:
                        is_enabled_local[key] = spec == CKSM
                        fpaths.add(join(path_g, fbase + '.json'))
            if dirty:
                BaseJSONConfigManager(config_dir=path).set(fbase, cfg)
            if dirty or exists(fpath):
                value += '\n      ' + fbase + '.json'
                if dirty:
                    value += ' (MODIFIED)'
                value += ': '
                value += '\n        '.join(
                    json.dumps(cfg, indent=2).splitlines())
        log.debug('  {} {}: {}'.format(flag, shorten(path_g), value
                                       or '<no files>'))
    is_enabled_all = bool(is_enabled_all.get(NBA, is_enabled_all.get(JA)))
    is_enabled_local = bool(is_enabled_local.get(NBA,

    if is_enabled_all != is_enabled_local or (is_enabled_entry and disable):
        sev = 'WARNING' if status else 'ERROR'
        if is_enabled_entry and disable:
            msg = [
                '{}: the entrypoint mechanism cannot be disabled'.format(sev),
                'with changes to jupyter_config.json. To disable it,',
                'remove the nb_conda_kernels package.'
            fpaths = []
        elif path not in all_paths:
            msg = fpaths = []
        elif status:
            msg = [
                '{}: the local configuration of nb_conda_kernels'.format(sev),
                'conflicts with the global configuration. Please examine'
            what = ENDIS[is_enabled_local][:-1]
            msg = [
                '{}: the attempt to {} nb_conda_kernels failed due to'.format(
                    sev, what),
                'conflicts with global configuration files. Please examine'
        if fpaths:
            msg.append('the following file{} for potential conflicts:'.format(
                's' if len(fpaths) > 1 else ''))
            for fpath in fpaths:
                msg.append('    ' + shorten(fpath, False))
            if not verbose:
                msg.append('Use the --verbose flag for more information.')
        if msg:
            (log.warning if status else log.error)('\n'.join(msg))

    is_enabled_all = is_enabled_all or is_enabled_entry'Status: {}'.format(ENDIS[is_enabled_all]))
    return 0 if status or is_enabled_all == is_enabled_local else 1
Beispiel #2
def install(enable=False,
    """Installs the nb_conda_kernels configuration data.

    enable: bool
        Enable nb_conda_kernels; that is, make the changes to
        the Jupyter notebook configuration so that it will is
        available for Jupyter notebooks.
    disable: bool
        Disable nb_conda_kernels.
    status: bool
        Print the installation status, but make no changes.
    Exactly one of enable/disable/status must be supplied.

    verbose: bool
        If true, print more verbose output during operation.

    prefix: None
        The prefix of the Python environment where the Jupyter
        configuration is to be created and/or modified. It is
        equivalent to supplying
            path = join(prefix, 'etc', 'jupyter')
    path: None
        The directory where the Jupyter configuration file is
        to be created and/or modified. The name of the file is
        hardcoded to jupyter_notebook_config.json.
    Either prefix or path may be supplied, but not both. If
    neither is supplied, then the first path found in
    whose directory is within sys.prefix will be selected. If
    there is no such path, the first path will be selected.
    if verbose:
    verbose = log.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG
    if status:"Determining the status of nb_conda_kernels...")
    else:"{}ing nb_conda_kernels...".format(

    is_enabled_entry = False
    has_entrypoints = int(jc_version.split('.', 1)[0]) >= 6
    log.debug('Entry points:')
    for ep in iter_entry_points(group=JCKP):
        log.debug('  - {}'.format(ep))
        if str(ep).split('=', 1)[-1].strip() == NCKDCKP:
            is_enabled_entry = True
    if not is_enabled_entry and has_entrypoints:
        log.error(('NOTE: nb_conda_kernels is missing its entry point '
                   'for jupyter_client.kernel_providers, which is needed '
                   'for correct operation with Jupyter 6.0.'))
    if is_enabled_entry and not has_entrypoints:
            '  NOTE: entry points not used in Jupyter {}'.format(jc_version))
        is_enabled_entry = False

    all_paths = jupyter_config_path()
    if path or prefix:
        if prefix:
            path = join(prefix, 'etc', 'jupyter')
        if path not in all_paths:
            log.warn('WARNING: the requested path\n    {}\n'
                     'is not on the Jupyter config path'.format(path))
        prefix_s = sys.prefix + os.sep
        for path in all_paths[::-1]:
            if path.startswith(prefix_s):
            log.warn('WARNING: no path within sys.prefix was found')

    cfg = BaseJSONConfigManager(config_dir=path).get(JNC)
    is_enabled_local = cfg.get(NBA, {}).get(KSMC, None) == CKSM

    if not status and is_enabled_local != (enable and not is_enabled_entry):
        if enable:
            log.debug('Adding to local configuration')
            cfg.setdefault(NBA, {})[KSMC] = CKSM
            log.debug('Removing from local configuration')
            if not cfg[NBA]:
        log.debug("Writing config in {}...".format(path))
        BaseJSONConfigManager(config_dir=path).set(JNC, cfg)
        is_enabled_local = enable

    # Retrieve the global configuration the same way that the Notebook
    # app does: by looking through jupyter_notebook_config.json in
    # every directory in jupyter_config_path(), in reverse order.
    all_paths = jupyter_config_path()
    log.debug('{} entries:'.format(JNCJ))
    is_enabled_all = False
    search_paths = all_paths[::-1]
    if path not in all_paths:
    for path_g in search_paths:
        cfg_g = BaseJSONConfigManager(config_dir=path_g).get(JNC)
        flag = '-' if path != path_g else ('*' if path in all_paths else 'x')
        if exists(join(path_g, JNCJ)):
            value = '\n    '.join(json.dumps(cfg_g, indent=2).splitlines())
            if NBA in cfg_g and KSMC in cfg_g[NBA]:
                is_enabled_all = cfg_g[NBA][KSMC] == CKSM
            value = '<no file>'
        log.debug('  {} {}: {}'.format(flag, path_g, value))

    if is_enabled_all != is_enabled_local:
        logsev = log.warn if status else log.error
        logstr = 'WARNING' if status else 'ERROR'
        mode_g = ENDIS[is_enabled_all].upper()
        mode_l = ENDIS[is_enabled_local].upper()
        logsev(('{}: The global setting does not match the local setting:\n'
                '    Global: {}\n'
                '    Local:  {}\n'
                'This is typically caused by another configuration file in\n'
                'the path with a conflicting setting.').format(
                    logstr, mode_g, mode_l))
        if not verbose:
            logsev("Use the --verbose flag for more information.")
        if not status:
            return 1

    is_enabled_all = is_enabled_all or (has_entrypoints and is_enabled_entry)'Status: {}'.format(ENDIS[is_enabled_all]))
    return 0