Beispiel #1
class PhysicalQuadratureChannel(PhysicalChannel):
    Something used to implement a standard qubit channel with two analog channels and a microwave gating channel.
    IChannel = Str()
    QChannel = Str()
    #During initilization we may just have a string reference to the channel
    gateChan = Either(Str, Instance(PhysicalMarkerChannel))
    ampFactor = Float(1.0)
    phaseSkew = Float(0.0)
    SSBFreq = Float(0.0)
    correctionT = Property(depends_on=['ampFactor', 'phaseSkew'])

    def _get_correctionT(self):
        return np.array([[self.ampFactor, self.ampFactor*tan(self.phaseSkew*pi/180)], [0, 1/cos(self.phaseSkew*pi/180)]])
class ProjectFileSelector(HasStrictTraits):
    path_list = List(Str)

    selected = Either(Str, List(Str))

    view = KromView(
        Item("path_list", show_label=False,
             editor=ListStrEditor(title='Project(s) to load',
                                  editable=False, multi_select=True)),
        title="Select the project(s) to load",

    def _selected_default(self):
        return []
Beispiel #3
class CProfileTableView(ModelView):

    title = Str

    data_items = Property(depends_on='model.data_items,sort_column,ascending')

    adapter = Any

    column_clicked = Event
    sort_column = Either(None, Int)
    ascending = Bool(False)

    def _column_clicked_changed(self, event):
        if event is None:
            self.sort_column = None
        elif self.sort_column == event.column:
            self.ascending = not self.ascending
            self.sort_column = event.column
            self.ascending = False

    def _adapter_default(self):
        return CProfileTabularAdapter()

    def _get_data_items(self):
        items = [TableItem(*args) for args in self.model.data_items]
        if self.sort_column is None:
            return items
        attr = self.adapter.columns[self.sort_column][1]
        return sorted(items, key=attrgetter(attr), reverse=self.ascending)

    def default_traits_view(self):
        return View(
            title='CProfile Live',
Beispiel #4
class CSVCell(HasTraits):
    txt = Any
    fmt = Either(Str, Callable)

    def render(self):
        txt = self.txt
        if txt is None:
            return ''

        fmt = self.fmt
        if fmt is None:
            fmt = str

        if isinstance(fmt, str):
            return fmt.format(txt)
            return fmt(txt)
Beispiel #5
class BaseItem(HasTraits):
    value = Any
    fmt = Either(Str, Callable)
    fontsize = Int(10)
    fontname = Str#'Helvetica'
    italic = False

    def __init__(self, value=None, *args, **kw):
        self.value = value
        super(BaseItem, self).__init__(*args, **kw)

    def render(self):
        v = self.value

        if not isinstance(v, Paragraph):
            fmt = self.fmt
            if fmt is None:
                fmt = u'{}'
            if isinstance(fmt, (str, six.text_type)):
                v = fmt.format(v)
                v = fmt(v)

        v = self._set_font(v, self.fontsize, self.fontname)

        return v

    def _set_font(self, v, size, name):
        if isinstance(v, Paragraph):
            for frag in v.frags:

                if (hasattr(frag, 'super') and frag.super) or (hasattr(frag, 'sub') and frag.sub):
                    frag.fontSize = size - 2
                    frag.fontSize = size
        elif name:
            v = self._new_paragraph(u'<font size="{}" name="{}">{}</font>'.format(size, name, v))
            v = self._new_paragraph(u'<font size="{}">{}</font>'.format(size, v))

        return v

    def _new_paragraph(self, t, s='Normal'):
        style = STYLES[s]
        p = Paragraph(t, style)
        return p
class Splitter(LayoutContainer):
    """ A split area in a Task layout.

    #: The orientation of the splitter.
    orientation = Enum("horizontal", "vertical")

    #: The sub-items of the splitter, which are PaneItems, Tabbed layouts, and
    #: other Splitters.
    items = List(
Beispiel #7
class EventDescription(HasPrivateTraits):

    #x,y coordinate used to identify map locations on actions 1, 2, 3
    coordinates = Either(None, Tuple)

    #used to identify placement of lost planet
    lost_planet_coords = Tuple

    #used to identify upgrade path in ACT3
    upgrade = Enum(None, 'planetary institute', 'research lab',
                   'action academy', 'knowledge academy')

    #list of x,y map coordinates used to identify satellites in ACT4
    feds_satellites = List(Tuple)

    #index of tech track to move up ACT5 or SPEC_BESCOD
    tech_track = Enum(None, 'terraforming', 'navigation', 'AI', 'gaiaforming',
                      'economy', 'science')

    #index of power action choice for ACT6
    power_action = Instance(Interaction)

    #the special action chosen for ACT7
    special_action = Instance(Interaction)

    #the bonus tile selected for ACT8
    bonus_tile = Instance(BonusTile)

    #the federation token picked in ACT5 or ACT6:QA2
    federation_choice = Instance(FederationTile)

    #the technology tile picked in ACT3:RL, ACT3:AC, or ACT6:QA1 or ITAR:SPEC
    tech_tile_choice = Instance(TechTile)

    #the technology tile to replace with an advanced tech tile pick
    #in ACT3:RL, ACT3:AC or ACT6:QA1 or ITAR:SPEC
    tech_replace_choice = Instance(TechTile)

    #which power tokens to utilize in ACT2, ACT4, SPEC_BON5
    which_power_tokens_choice = Dict(Str, Int)

    bonus_declined = Bool

    cancel_choice = Bool
class Text3D(ModuleFactory):
    """ Positions text at a 3D location in the scene.

        **Function signature**::

            text3d(x, y, z, text, ...)

        x, y, and z are the position of the origin of the text. The
        text is positioned in 3D, in figure coordinates.

    _target = Instance(modules.Text3D, ())

    scale = Either(CFloat(1),
                   CArray(shape=(3, )),
                   help="""The scale of the text, in figure units.
                                Either a float, or 3-tuple of floats.""")

    orientation = CArray(shape=(3, ),
                         desc="""the angles giving the orientation of the
                        text. If the text is oriented to the camera,
                        these angles are referenced to the axis of the
                        camera. If not, these angles are referenced to
                        the z axis.""")

    orient_to_camera = Bool(True,
                            desc="""if the text is kept oriented to the
                        camera, or is pointing in a specific direction,
                        regardless of the camera position.""")

    def __init__(self, x, y, z, text, **kwargs):
        """ Override init as for different positional arguments."""
        if not 'scale' in kwargs:
            kwargs['scale'] = 1
        super(Text3D, self).__init__(None, **kwargs)
        self._target.text = text
        self._target.position = (x, y, z)

    def _scale_changed(self):
        scale = self.scale
        if isinstance(scale, numbers.Number):
            scale = scale * np.ones((3, ))
        self._target.scale = scale
Beispiel #9
class Interaction(HasPrivateTraits):
    action_id = Either(Str, None)

    desc = Property

    def _get_desc(self):
        return ''

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not type(self) == type(other):
            return False
        return self.action_id == other.action_id

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.action_id)

    def __init__(self, action_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Beispiel #10
class ODESolver(HasTraits):
    ode = Instance(ODE)
    initial_state = Either(Float, Array)
    t = Array
    solution = Property(Array, 
            depends_on='initial_state, t, ode')

    def _get_solution(self):
        return self.solve()

    def solve(self):
        """ Solve the ODE and return the values 
        of the solution vector at specified times t. 
        from scipy.integrate import odeint
        return odeint(self.ode.eval, self.initial_state, 
class TaskWindowLayout(LayoutContainer):
    """ The layout of a TaskWindow.

    #: The ID of the active task. If unspecified, the first task will be
    #: active.
    active_task = Str()

    #: The tasks contained in the window. If an ID is specified, the task will
    #: use its default layout. Otherwise, it will use the specified TaskLayout
    items = List(Either(Str, Instance(TaskLayout)), pretty_skip=True)

    #: The position of the window.
    position = Tuple(-1, -1)

    #: The size of the window.
    size = Tuple(800, 600)

    #: Whether or not the application is maximized.
    size_state = Enum("normal", "maximized")

    def get_active_task(self):
        """ Returns the ID of the active task in the layout, or None if there is
            no active task.
        if self.active_task:
            return self.active_task
        elif self.items:
            first = self.items[0]
            return first if isinstance(first, str) else
        return None

    def get_tasks(self):
        """ Returns the IDs of the tasks in the layout.
        return [(item if isinstance(item, str) else
                for item in self.items]

    def is_equivalent_to(self, layout):
        """ Returns whether two layouts are equivalent, i.e. whether they
            contain the same tasks.
        return isinstance(layout, TaskWindowLayout) and set(
            self.get_tasks()) == set(layout.get_tasks())
Beispiel #12
class MemoryModel(BaseModel):

    data_items = List
    selected_index = Either(None, Int)
    selected_item = Property(depends_on='selected_index')

    def _TRANSFORMS_default(self):
        return {
            'RSS': 1. / (1024**2),
            'VMS': 1. / (1024**2),

    def _UNITS_default(self):
        return {
            'RSS': 'MB',
            'VMS': 'MB',

    def _get_selected_item(self):
        if self.selected_index is not None:
            values = self.data_items[self.selected_index]
            return [Details(f, v) for f, v in zip(self.fields, values)]
        return []

    def _add_data_item(self, name, values):
        exitsing = self.plot_data.get_data(name)
        if name in self.TRANSFORMS:
            values = np.array(values) * self.TRANSFORMS[name]
        if exitsing is None:
            new = values
            new = np.hstack([exitsing, values])
        self.plot_data.set_data(name, new)

    def add_data(self, records):
        if self.plottable_item_indices is None:
        data = zip(*records)
        for index in self.plottable_item_indices:
            self._add_data_item(self.fields[index], data[index])
        self.updated = True
class HelpDocPreferencesPage(PreferencesPage):
    """ Base class for preferences pages for help documents.
    #### 'PreferencesPage' interface ##########################################

    # The page's category.
    category = 'Documents'

    # The page's help identifier (optional).
    help_id = ''

    # The page name (this is what is shown in the preferences dialog.
    name = Str

    def _name_default(self):
        return self.label

    # The path to the preferences node that contains the preferences.
    preferences_path = Str

    #### Preferences ###########################################################

    # The UI label for the help doc, which appears in menus or dialogs.
    label = Str

    # The full path to the document on disk.
    filename = File

    # The program to use to view the document. 'browser' means the platform
    # default web browser.
    viewer = Either('browser', File)

    traits_view = View(
            Item('viewer', show_label=True),
            Label("Viewer can be 'browser' or a path to a program."),
        Item('filename', show_label=True),
            "Filename can be absolute, or relative to the Python directory."),
Beispiel #14
class NormalRateSimulator(RateSimulator):
    RateMean = Float(0.05, visible_to_user=True, label="平均收益率")
    RateSigma = Float(0.3, visible_to_user=True, label="平均波动率")
    HistoryRate = Instance(np.ndarray, visible_to_user=True, label="历史收益率")
    NoP = Range(low=1,
    DropIllegal = Bool(True, visible_to_user=True, label="舍弃非法值")
    NPeriod = Int(10, visible_to_user=True, label="模拟期数")
    NSample = Int(100, visible_to_user=True, label="模拟样本数")
    Seed = Either(None, Int(0), visible_to_user=True, label="随机数种子")

    def simulate(self):
        if self.HistoryRate is not None:
            RateMean = np.nanprod(1 + self.HistoryRate)**(
                self.NoP / self.HistoryRate.shape[0]) - 1  # 收益率的历史均值
            RateSigma = np.nanstd(self.HistoryRate,
                                  ddof=1) * self.NoP**0.5  # 收益率的历史波动率
            RateMean = self.RateMean
            RateSigma = self.RateSigma
        Rate = np.random.normal(loc=RateMean,
                                size=(self.NPeriod, self.NSample))
        if not self.DropIllegal:
            return Rate
        Mask = (Rate <= -1)
        nIllegal = np.sum(Mask)
        while nIllegal > 0:
            self._Logger.debug("There are %d illegal samples, try again!" %
                               (nIllegal, ))
            Rate[Mask] = np.random.normal(loc=RateMean,
                                          size=(nIllegal, ))
            Mask = (Rate <= 1)
            nIllegal = np.sum(Mask)
        return Rate
Beispiel #15
def CVType(type, **metadata):
    """ Factory that creates an Either type or ContextValue trait.

    This also sets up one-way synchronization to the editor if no
    other synchronization is specified.

    type : trait type
        The trait type that is expected for constant values.
        Additional metadata for the trait.

    cv_type_trait : trait
        A trait which can either hold a constant of the specified
        type or an instance of the ContextValue class.
    metadata.setdefault('sync_value', 'to')
    return Either(type, InstanceOfContextValue, **metadata)
Beispiel #16
class TaskWindowLayout(LayoutContainer):
    """ The layout of a TaskWindow.

    # The ID of the active task. If unspecified, the first task will be active.
    active_task = Str

    # The tasks contained in the window. If an ID is specified, the task will
    # use its default layout. Otherwise, it will use the specified TaskLayout.
    items = List(Either(Str, TaskLayout), pretty_skip=True)

    # The position of the window.
    position = Tuple(-1, -1)

    # The size of the window.
    size = Tuple(800, 600)

    def get_active_task(self):
        """ Returns the ID of the active task in the layout, or None if there is
            no active task.
        if self.active_task:
            return self.active_task
        elif self.items:
            first = self.items[0]
            return first if isinstance(first, basestring) else
        return None

    def get_tasks(self):
        """ Returns the IDs of the tasks in the layout.
        return [(item if isinstance(item, basestring) else
                for item in self.items]

    def is_equivalent_to(self, layout):
        """ Returns whether two layouts are equivalent, i.e. whether they
            contain the same tasks.
        return isinstance(layout, TaskWindowLayout) and \
            set(self.get_tasks()) == set(layout.get_tasks())
Beispiel #17
class BaseItem(HasTraits):
    value = Any
    fmt = Either(Str, Callable)
    fontsize = Int(8)
    fontname = 'Helvetica'
    italic = False

    def render(self):
        v = self.value

        if not isinstance(v, Paragraph):
            fmt = self.fmt
            if fmt is None:
                fmt = u'{}'
            if isinstance(fmt, (str, unicode)):
                v = fmt.format(v)
                v = fmt(v)

        v = self._set_font(v, self.fontsize, self.fontname)

        return v

    def _set_font(self, v, size, name):
        if isinstance(v, Paragraph):
            for frag in v.frags:
                if frag.super or frag.sub:
                    frag.fontSize = size - 2
                    frag.fontSize = size
            v = self._new_paragraph(
                u'<font size="{}" name="{}">{}</font>'.format(size, name, v))

        return v

    def _new_paragraph(self, t, s='Normal'):
        style = STYLES[s]
        p = Paragraph(t, style)
        return p
Beispiel #18
class ScalarDisplaySettings(DatasetReferenceOptionsStructure):
    def _get_scalar_sets(self):
        return [None]+self.ds_ref.node_scalars.keys()
    #def update_scalars(self):
    #	self.scalar_sets=self.ds_ref.node_scalars.keys()

    def reset_configuration(self):
        self.node_color=''; self.surf_color=''; self.node_size='';''; self.connmat='';
class ODESolver(HasTraits):
    ode = Instance(ODE)
    initial_state = Either(Float, Array)
    t = Array
    solution = Property(Array, depends_on='initial_state, t, ode.changed')
    view = View(Item(name='ode', show_label=False, style='custom'), 
                Item(name='solution', style='readonly'), 
                title='ODE Solver')
    def _get_solution(self):
        return self.solve()

    def solve(self):
        """ Solve the ODE and return the values 
        of the solution vector at specified times t. 
        from scipy.integrate import odeint
        return odeint(self.ode.eval, self.initial_state, 
class PaneItem(LayoutItem):
    """ A pane in a Task layout.

    #: The ID of the item. If the item refers to a TaskPane, this is the ID of
    #: that TaskPane.
    id = Either(Str, Int, default="", pretty_skip=True)

    #: The width of the pane in pixels. If not specified, the pane will be
    #: sized according to its size hint.
    width = Int(-1)

    #: The height of the pane in pixels. If not specified, the pane will be
    #: sized according to its size hint.
    height = Int(-1)

    def __init__(self, id="", **traits):
        super(PaneItem, self).__init__(**traits) = id

    def pargs(self):
        return []
Beispiel #21
class Schema(atom):
    ref000 = Either(Str, Instance(Reference, ()))
    title = Str
    description = Str
    required = List(Str)
    type000 = Str

    properties = Instance(Properties, ())
    #allOf = ???
    #additionalProperties = ???
    #maxProperties = Str
    #minProperties = Str
    items = Instance(Item, ())

    # Further schema documentation
    discriminator = Str
    readOnly = Bool
    xml = Instance(XMLObject, ())
    externalDocs = Instance(ExternalDocs, ())
    example = Any

    _name_mappings = {"ref000": "$ref"}
Beispiel #22
class ActionConditional(AutomatedRunConditional):
    Executes a specified action. The action string is executed as pyscript snippet. actions
    therefore may be any valid measuremnt pyscript code. for example::

        # call a gosub

        # open a valve

    action = Either(Str, Callable)
    resume = Bool  # resume==True the script continues execution else break out of measure_iteration

    def _from_dict_hook(self, cd):
        for tag in ('action', 'resume'):
            if tag in cd:
                setattr(self, tag, cd[tag])

    def perform(self, script):
        perform the specified action.

        use ``MeasurementPyScript.execute_snippet`` to perform desired action

        :param script: MeasurementPyScript
        action = self.action
        if isinstance(action, str):
            except BaseException:
                self.warning('Invalid action: "{}"'.format(action))

        elif hasattr(action, '__call__'):
Beispiel #23
class myTabularEditor(TabularEditor):
    key_pressed = Str
    rearranged = Str
    pasted = Str
    autoscroll = Bool(False)
    # copy_cache = Str

    # link_copyable = Bool(True)
    pastable = Bool(True)

    paste_function = Str
    drop_factory = Either(Str, Callable)
    col_widths = Str
    drag_external = Bool(False)
    drag_enabled = Bool(True)

    bgcolor = Color
    row_height = Int
    mime_type = Str('pychron.tabular_item')

    # scroll_to_row_hint = 'top'

    def _get_klass(self):
        return _TabularEditor
Beispiel #24
class ToolBar(ConstraintsWidget):
    """ A tool bar can be used to hold and display actions.

    #: ToolBars expand freely in width by default
    hug_width = 'ignore'

    #: A read-only cached property which holds the list of toolbar
    #: children which are actions or widgets.
    contents = Property(
        List(Either(Instance(Action), Instance(ConstraintsWidget))),

    #: Overridden parent class trait
    abstract_obj = Instance(AbstractTkToolBar)

    def _get_contents(self):
        """ The property getter for the 'contents' attribute.

        filt = lambda child: isinstance(child, (Action, ConstraintsWidget))
        return filter(filt, self.children)
Beispiel #25
class StreamlineFactory(DataModuleFactory):
    """Applies the Streamline mayavi module to the given VTK data object."""
    _target = Instance(modules.Streamline, ())

    linetype = Trait('line', 'ribbon', 'tube',
            desc="""the type of line-like object used to display the

    seedtype = Trait('sphere',
            {'sphere':0, 'line':1, 'plane':2, 'point':3},
            desc="""the widget used as a seed for the streamlines.""")

    seed_visible = Bool(True,
            desc="Control the visibility of the seed.",

    seed_scale = CFloat(1.,
            desc="Scales the seed around its default center",

    seed_resolution = Either(None, CInt,
            desc='The resolution of the seed. Determines the number of '
                 'seed points')

    integration_direction = Trait('forward', 'backward', 'both',
            desc="The direction of the integration.",

    def _seedtype_changed(self):
        # XXX: this also acts for seed_scale and seed_resolution, but no
        # need to define explicit callbacks, as all the callbacks are
        # being called anyhow.
        self._target.seed.widget = widget = \

        if  not self.seed_scale==1.:
            widget.enabled = True
            if self.seedtype == 'line':
                p1 = widget.point1
                p2 = widget.point2
                center = (p1 + p2)/2.
                widget.point1 = center + self.seed_scale*(p1 - center)
                widget.point2 = center + self.seed_scale*(p2 - center)
            elif self.seedtype == 'plane':
                p1 = widget.point1
                p2 = widget.point2
                center = (p1 + p2)/2.
                o = widget.origin
                widget.point1 = center + self.seed_scale*(p1 - center)
                widget.point2 = center + self.seed_scale*(p2 - center)
                widget.origin = center + self.seed_scale*(o - center)
            elif self.seedtype == 'sphere':
                widget.radius *= self.seed_scale

            # XXX: Very ugly, but this is only way I have found to
            # propagate changes.
            widget.enabled = self.seed_visible

        if self.seed_resolution is not None:
            widget.enabled = True
            if self.seedtype in ('plane', 'line'):
                widget.resolution = self.seed_resolution
            elif self.seedtype == 'sphere':
                widget.phi_resolution = widget.theta_resolution = \

            # XXX: Very ugly, but this is only way I have found to
            # propagate changes.
            widget.enabled = self.seed_visible
Beispiel #26
class VectorsFactory(DataModuleFactory):
    """Applies the Vectors mayavi module to the given data object
        source (Mayavi source, or VTK dataset).

    _target = Instance(modules.Vectors, ())

    scale_factor = CFloat(1., adapts='glyph.glyph.scale_factor',
                            desc="""the scaling applied to the glyphs. The
                                    size of the glyph is by default in drawing

    scale_mode = Trait('vector', {'none':'data_scaling_off',
                            help="""the scaling mode for the glyphs
                            ('vector', 'scalar', or 'none').""")

    resolution = CInt(8, desc="The resolution of the glyph created. For "
                        "spheres, for instance, this is the number of "
                        "divisions along theta and phi.")

    mask_points = Either(None, CInt,
                        desc="If supplied, only one out of 'mask_points' "
                        "data point is displayed. This option is useful "
                        "to reduce the number of points displayed "
                        "on large datasets")

    def _resolution_changed(self):
        glyph = self._target.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source
        if hasattr(glyph, 'theta_resolution'):
            glyph.theta_resolution = self.resolution
        if hasattr(glyph, 'phi_resolution'):
            glyph.phi_resolution = self.resolution
        if hasattr(glyph, 'resolution'):
            glyph.resolution = self.resolution
        if hasattr(glyph, 'shaft_resolution'):
            glyph.shaft_resolution = self.resolution
        if hasattr(glyph, 'tip_resolution'):
            glyph.tip_resolution = self.resolution

    def _mask_points_changed(self):
        if self.mask_points is not None:
            self._target.glyph.mask_input_points = True
            self._target.glyph.mask_points.on_ratio = self.mask_points

    def _scale_mode_changed(self):
        self._target.glyph.scale_mode = self.scale_mode_

    mode = Trait('2darrow', glyph_mode_dict,
                    desc="""the mode of the glyphs.""")

    def _mode_changed(self):
        v = self._target
        # Workaround for different version of VTK:
        if hasattr(v.glyph.glyph_source, 'glyph_source'):
            g = v.glyph.glyph_source
            g = v.glyph
        if self.mode == 'point':
            g.glyph_source = tvtk.PointSource(radius=0, number_of_points=1)
            g.glyph_source = g.glyph_list[self.mode_]
        if self.mode_ == 0:
            g.glyph_source.glyph_type = self.mode[2:]
Beispiel #27
class ModelInfo(HasTraits):
    """Model-specific level of information about a specific model."""
    model_name = Str(desc=dedent("""
        The name of the model. (Automatically populated from module name).
    task_model = Bool(True,
        If True, model the task using a design file matching the model name.
    smooth_fwhm = Either(
        The size of the Gaussian smoothing kernel for spatial filtering.
    surface_smoothing = Bool(
        If True, filter cortical voxels using Gaussian weights computed along
        the surface mesh.
    interpolate_noise = Bool(
        If True, identify locally noisy voxels and replace replace their values
        using interpolation during spatial filtering. Warning: this option is
        still being refined.
    hpf_cutoff = Either(
        The cutoff value (in seconds) for the temporal high-pass filter.
    percent_change = Bool(
        If True, convert data to percent signal change units before model fit.
    nuisance_components = Dict(Enum("wm", "csf", "edge", "noise"),
        Anatomical sources and number of components per source to include.
    save_residuals = Bool(
        If True, write out an image with the residual time series in each voxel
        after model fitting.
    hrf_derivative = Bool(
        If True, include the temporal derivative of the HRF model.
    # TODO parameter names to filter the design and generate default contrasts?
    contrasts = List(
        Tuple(Str, List(Str), List(Float)),
        Definitions for model parameter contrasts. Each item in the list should
        be a tuple with the fields: (1) the name of the contrast, (2) the names
        of the parameters included in the contrast, and (3) the weights to
        apply to the parameters.
Beispiel #28
class TableColumn(HasPrivateTraits):
    """ Represents a column in a table editor.

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Trait definitions:
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    #: Column label to use for this column:
    label = Str(UndefinedLabel)

    #: Type of data contained by the column:
    # XXX currently no other types supported, but potentially there could be...
    type = Enum("text", "bool")

    #: Text color for this column:
    text_color = Color("black")

    #: Text font for this column:
    text_font = Either(None, Font)

    #: Cell background color for this column:
    cell_color = Color("white", allow_none=True)

    #: Cell background color for non-editable columns:
    read_only_cell_color = Color(0xF4F3EE, allow_none=True)

    #: Cell graph color:
    graph_color = Color(0xDDD9CC)

    #: Horizontal alignment of text in the column:
    horizontal_alignment = Enum("left", ["left", "center", "right"])

    #: Vertical alignment of text in the column:
    vertical_alignment = Enum("center", ["top", "center", "bottom"])

    #: Horizontal cell margin
    horizontal_margin = Int(4)

    #: Vertical cell margin
    vertical_margin = Int(3)

    #: The image to display in the cell:
    image = Image

    #: Renderer used to render the contents of this column:
    renderer = Any  # A toolkit specific renderer

    #: Is the table column visible (i.e., viewable)?
    visible = Bool(True)

    #: Is this column editable?
    editable = Bool(True)

    #: Is the column automatically edited/viewed (i.e. should the column editor
    #: or popup be activated automatically on mouse over)?
    auto_editable = Bool(False)

    #: Should a checkbox be displayed instead of True/False?
    show_checkbox = Bool(True)

    #: Can external objects be dropped on the column?
    droppable = Bool(False)

    #: Context menu to display when this column is right-clicked:
    menu = Instance(Menu)

    #: The tooltip to display when the mouse is over the column:
    tooltip = Str()

    #: The width of the column (< 0.0: Default, 0.0..1.0: fraction of total table
    #: width, > 1.0: absolute width in pixels):
    width = Float(-1.0)

    #: The width of the column while it is being edited (< 0.0: Default,
    #: 0.0..1.0: fraction of total table width, > 1.0: absolute width in
    #: pixels):
    edit_width = Float(-1.0)

    #: The height of the column cell's row while it is being edited
    #: (< 0.0: Default, 0.0..1.0: fraction of total table height,
    #: > 1.0: absolute height in pixels):
    edit_height = Float(-1.0)

    #: The resize mode for this column.  This takes precedence over other settings
    #: (like **width**, above).
    #: - "interactive": column can be resized by users or programmatically
    #: - "fixed": users cannot resize the column, but it can be set programmatically
    #: - "stretch": the column will be resized to fill the available space
    #: - "resize_to_contents": column will be sized to fit the contents, but then cannot be resized
    resize_mode = Enum("interactive", "fixed", "stretch", "resize_to_contents")

    #: The view (if any) to display when clicking a non-editable cell:
    view = AView

    #: Optional maximum value a numeric cell value can have:
    maximum = Float(trait_value=True)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #:  Returns the actual object being edited:
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def get_object(self, object):
        """ Returns the actual object being edited.
        return object

    def get_label(self):
        """ Gets the label of the column.
        return self.label

    def get_width(self):
        """ Returns the width of the column.
        return self.width

    def get_edit_width(self, object):
        """ Returns the edit width of the column.
        return self.edit_width

    def get_edit_height(self, object):
        """ Returns the height of the column cell's row while it is being
        return self.edit_height

    def get_type(self, object):
        """ Gets the type of data for the column for a specified object.
        return self.type

    def get_text_color(self, object):
        """ Returns the text color for the column for a specified object.
        return self.text_color_

    def get_text_font(self, object):
        """ Returns the text font for the column for a specified object.
        return self.text_font

    def get_cell_color(self, object):
        """ Returns the cell background color for the column for a specified
        if self.is_editable(object):
            return self.cell_color_
        return self.read_only_cell_color_

    def get_graph_color(self, object):
        """ Returns the cell background graph color for the column for a
            specified object.
        return self.graph_color_

    def get_horizontal_alignment(self, object):
        """ Returns the horizontal alignment for the column for a specified
        return self.horizontal_alignment

    def get_vertical_alignment(self, object):
        """ Returns the vertical alignment for the column for a specified
        return self.vertical_alignment

    def get_image(self, object):
        """ Returns the image to display for the column for a specified object.
        return self.image

    def get_renderer(self, object):
        """ Returns the renderer for the column of a specified object.
        return self.renderer

    def is_editable(self, object):
        """ Returns whether the column is editable for a specified object.
        return self.editable

    def is_auto_editable(self, object):
        """ Returns whether the column is automatically edited/viewed for a
            specified object.
        return self.auto_editable

    def is_droppable(self, object, value):
        """ Returns whether a specified value is valid for dropping on the
            column for a specified object.
        return self.droppable

    def get_menu(self, object):
        """ Returns the context menu to display when the user right-clicks on
            the column for a specified object.

    def get_tooltip(self, object):
        """ Returns the tooltip to display when the user mouses over the column
            for a specified object.
        return self.tooltip

    def get_view(self, object):
        """ Returns the view to display when clicking a non-editable cell.
        return self.view

    def get_maximum(self, object):
        """ Returns the maximum value a numeric column can have.
        return self.maximum

    def on_click(self, object):
        """ Called when the user clicks on the column.

    def on_dclick(self, object):
        """ Called when the user clicks on the column.

    def cmp(self, object1, object2):
        """ Returns the result of comparing the column of two different objects.

        This is deprecated.
        return (self.key(object1) > self.key(object2)) - (
            self.key(object1) < self.key(object2)

    def __str__(self):
        """ Returns the string representation of the table column.
        return self.get_label()
Beispiel #29
class _MarketTable(_TSTable):
    Cycle = Either(Int(60),
                   Enum("day", "week", "month", "quarter", "halfyear", "year"),
    CycleUnit = Enum("s", "d", arg_type="SingleOption", label="周期单位", order=1)

    def __QS_initArgs__(self):
        self.Cycle = 60

    def getDateTime(self,
        if iid is None: iid = "000001.SH"
        CycleStr = self._genCycleStr(args.get("周期", self.Cycle),
                                     args.get("周期单位", self.CycleUnit))
        if start_dt is None: start_dt = dt.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
        if end_dt is None: end_dt =
        CodeStr = "SetSysParam(pn_cycle()," + CycleStr + ");"
        CodeStr += "return select " + "['date'] "
        CodeStr += "from markettable datekey inttodate(" + start_dt.strftime(
            "%Y%m%d") + ") "
        CodeStr += "to (inttodate(" + end_dt.strftime(
            "%Y%m%d") + ")+0.9999) of '{ID}' end;"
        ErrorCode, Data, Msg = self._FactorDB._TSLPy.RemoteExecute(
            CodeStr.format(ID="".join(reversed(iid.split(".")))), {})
        if ErrorCode != 0:
            raise __QS_Error__("TinySoft 执行错误: " + Msg.decode("gbk"))
        DTs = np.array([
            for iData in Data
        return DTs[(DTs >= start_dt) & (DTs <= end_dt)].tolist()

    def _genCycleStr(self, cycle, cycle_unit):
        if isinstance(cycle, str): return "cy_" + cycle + "()"
        elif cycle_unit == "s": return ("cy_trailingseconds(%d)" % cycle)
        elif cycle_unit == "d": return ("cy_trailingdays(%d)" % cycle)
        else: raise __QS_Error__("不支持的和周期单位: '%s'!" % (cycle_unit, ))

    def __QS_genGroupInfo__(self, factors, operation_mode):
        CycleStrGroup = {}
        for iFactor in factors:
            iCycleStr = self._genCycleStr(iFactor.Cycle, iFactor.CycleUnit)
            if iCycleStr not in CycleStrGroup:
                CycleStrGroup[iCycleStr] = {
                    "FactorNames": [iFactor.Name],
                    "RawFactorNames": {iFactor._NameInFT},
                    "StartDT": operation_mode._FactorStartDT[iFactor.Name],
                    "args": iFactor.Args.copy()
                CycleStrGroup[iCycleStr]["StartDT"] = min(
        EndInd = operation_mode.DTRuler.index(operation_mode.DateTimes[-1])
        Groups = []
        for iCycleStr in CycleStrGroup:
            StartInd = operation_mode.DTRuler.index(
            Groups.append((self, CycleStrGroup[iCycleStr]["FactorNames"],
                           operation_mode.DTRuler[StartInd:EndInd + 1],
        return Groups

    def __QS_prepareRawData__(self, factor_names, ids, dts, args={}):
        CycleStr = self._genCycleStr(args.get("周期", self.Cycle),
                                     args.get("周期单位", self.CycleUnit))
        Fields = self._FactorDB._FactorInfo["DBFieldName"].loc[
        CodeStr = "SetSysParam(pn_cycle()," + CycleStr + ");"
        CodeStr += "return select " + "['date'],['" + "'],['".join(
            Fields) + "'] "
        CodeStr += "from markettable datekey inttodate(" + dts[0].strftime(
            "%Y%m%d") + ") "
        CodeStr += "to (inttodate(" + dts[-1].strftime(
            "%Y%m%d") + ")+0.9999) of '{ID}' end;"
        Data = {}
        for iID in ids:
            iCodeStr = CodeStr.format(ID="".join(reversed(iID.split("."))))
            ErrorCode, iData, Msg = self._FactorDB._TSLPy.RemoteExecute(
                iCodeStr, {})
            if ErrorCode != 0:
                raise __QS_Error__("TinySoft 执行错误: " + Msg.decode("gbk"))
            if iData: Data[iID] = pd.DataFrame(iData).set_index([b"date"])
        if not Data: return pd.Panel(Data)
        Data = pd.Panel(Data).swapaxes(0, 2)
        Data.major_axis = [
            for iDT in Data.major_axis
        Data.items = [(iCol.decode("gbk") if isinstance(iCol, bytes) else iCol)
                      for i, iCol in enumerate(Data.items)]
        Data = Data.loc[Fields]
        Data.items = factor_names
        return Data

    def __QS_calcData__(self, raw_data, factor_names, ids, dts, args={}):
        if raw_data.shape[2] == 0:
            return pd.Panel(items=factor_names, major_axis=dts, minor_axis=ids)
        return raw_data.loc[:, dts, ids]

    def readDayData(self, factor_names, ids, start_date, end_date, args={}):
        RawData = self.__QS_prepareRawData__(factor_names,
                                             dts=[start_date, end_date],
        if RawData.shape[2] == 0:
            return pd.Panel(items=factor_names, major_axis=[], minor_axis=ids)
        return RawData.loc[:, :, ids]
Beispiel #30
            self._disable_update = False
        if trait_change_notify:
        return self

    # Non-public interface.
    def _m_data_changed(self, ds):
        if not hasattr(ds, 'mlab_source'):
            ds.add_trait('mlab_source', Instance(MlabSource))
        ds.mlab_source = self

ArrayOrNone = Either(None, CArray, comparison_mode=NO_COMPARE)
ArrayNumberOrNone = Either(None, CArrayOrNumber, comparison_mode=NO_COMPARE)

# `MGlyphSource` class.
class MGlyphSource(MlabSource):
    This class represents a glyph data source for Mlab objects and
    allows the user to set the x, y, z, scalar/vector attributes.

    # The x, y, z and points of the glyphs.
    x = ArrayNumberOrNone
    y = ArrayNumberOrNone