def InitialiseParticles(TriData):
    LastTimeStep = Table(TriData[TriData['time'] == max(TriData['time'])])

    # Determine the entries you want darkflighted
    # entries = np.arange(len(LastTimeStep['weight'])).tolist()
    # entries = LastTimeStep['weight'].argsort()[-1000:].tolist() # top 1000 most weighted

    Pos_ECEF_all = np.vstack(
        (LastTimeStep['X_geo'], LastTimeStep['Y_geo'], LastTimeStep['Z_geo']))
    entries = (np.unique(Pos_ECEF_all, return_index=True, axis=1)[1]).tolist()
    entries = np.array(entries)[LastTimeStep['mass'][entries] > 0.01].tolist(
    )  # Remove negative mass terms

    M = LastTimeStep['mass'][entries]
    # rho = LastTimeStep['rho'][entries]
    rho = (1.5 / LastTimeStep['kappa'][entries])**(3 / 2.0)
    # rho = [(1.5/x)**(3/2.0) for x in LastTimeStep['kappa'][entries]]
    A = LastTimeStep['A'][entries]
    W = LastTimeStep['weight'][entries]

    # cd_hypersonic = LastTimeStep['cd'][entries]
    c_ml = LastTimeStep['sigma'][entries] * cd_hypersonic(A)[0]

    Pos_ECEF0 = np.vstack(
        (LastTimeStep['X_geo'][entries], LastTimeStep['Y_geo'][entries],
    Vel_ECEF0 = np.vstack(
        (LastTimeStep['X_geo_DT'][entries], LastTimeStep['Y_geo_DT'][entries],
    t0 = Time(LastTimeStep['datetime'][entries], format='isot', scale='utc').jd

    [Pos_ECI0, Vel_ECI0] = ECEF2ECI(Pos_ECEF0, Vel_ECEF0, t0)

    return {
        'time_jd': t0,
        'pos_eci': Pos_ECI0,
        'vel_eci': Vel_ECI0,
        'mass': M,
        'rho': rho,
        'shape': A,
        'c_ml': c_ml,
        'weight': W
Beispiel #2
    # Gather Earth parameters
    Pos_earth = np.vstack((sim.particles['earth'].xyz))
    Vel_earth = np.vstack((sim.particles['earth'].vxyz))

    ''' Generate particles '''
    [t0, pos_xyz, vel_geo, ra_geo, dec_geo, vel_err, ra_err, dec_err] = parent
    Vel_geo = np.random.normal(vel_geo, vel_err, size=N_particles[rank])
    Ra_geo = np.deg2rad(np.random.normal(ra_geo, ra_err, size=N_particles[rank]))
    Dec_geo = np.deg2rad(np.random.normal(dec_geo, dec_err, size=N_particles[rank]))

    Vel_xyz = -np.vstack((Vel_geo * np.cos(Ra_geo) * np.cos(Dec_geo),
                          Vel_geo * np.sin(Ra_geo) * np.cos(Dec_geo),
                          Vel_geo * np.sin(Dec_geo)))

    [pos_ECI, Vel_ECI] = ECEF2ECI(pos_xyz, Vel_xyz, t0)
    pos_BCI = Pos_earth + HCRS2HCI(pos_ECI) / AU
    Vel_BCI = Vel_earth + HCRS2HCI(Vel_ECI) / AU*(365.2422*24*60*60)

    for j in range(N_particles[rank]):
        sim.add(x=pos_BCI[0,0], y=pos_BCI[1,0], z=pos_BCI[2,0],
            vx=Vel_BCI[0,j], vy=Vel_BCI[1,j], vz=Vel_BCI[2,j])

    # Integrator options
    sim.integrator = "ias15"
    # sim.integrator = "mercurius"
    # sim.integrator = "hermes"
    # sim.testparticle_type = 1

    # sim.integrator = "whfast"#; sim.dt = 0.000005
Beispiel #3
    if errors:
        mc = 1000  # Number of particles
        ParticleFolder = os.path.join(PointDir,
                                      str(mc) + '_particles_per_timestep')

        [Pos_ECEF, t_rel, N_cams,
         Cov_ECEF] = PointTriangulation(AllData, ParticleFolder, mc)
        [Pos_ECEF, t_rel, N_cams] = PointTriangulation(AllData)

    # Coordinate transforms
    T_jd = t0.jd + t_rel / (24 * 60 * 60)
    Pos_LLH = ECEF2LLH(Pos_ECEF)
    Pos_ECI = ECEF2ECI(Pos_ECEF, Pos_ECEF, T_jd)[0]

    # Raw velocity calculations
    vel_eci = norm(Pos_ECI[:, 1:] - Pos_ECI[:, :-1],
                   axis=0) / (t_rel[1:] - t_rel[:-1])
    vel_geo = norm(Pos_ECEF[:, 1:] - Pos_ECEF[:, :-1],
                   axis=0) / (t_rel[1:] - t_rel[:-1])
    gamma = np.arcsin((Pos_LLH[2][1:] - Pos_LLH[2][:-1]) /
                      (vel_geo * (t_rel[1:] - t_rel[:-1])))
    vel_eci = np.hstack((vel_eci, np.nan))
    vel_geo = np.hstack((vel_geo, np.nan))
    gamma = np.hstack((gamma, np.nan))

    t_isot_col = Column(name='datetime',
                        data=Time(T_jd, format='jd', scale='utc').isot)
    t_rel_col = Column(name='time', data=t_rel * u.second)
def propagateOrbit(stateVec,
    The propagateOrbit function calculates the origin of the meteor by reverse
    propergating the position and velocity out of the atmosphere using the
    equinoctial element model.

    import time
    starttime = time.time()


    Pos_geo = stateVec.position
    Vel_geo = stateVec.vel_xyz
    t0 = stateVec.epoch
    M = stateVec.mass
    CA = stateVec.cs_area
    ''' Convert from geo to ECI coordinates '''
    [Pos_ECI, Vel_ECI] = ECEF2ECI(Pos_geo, Vel_geo, t0)
    ''' Calculate the initial meteor's state in ECI coords '''
    X0 = np.vstack((Pos_ECI, Vel_ECI, M, CA))
    OrbitType = 'Heliocentric'  # Initial assumption

    # Integrate with RK4 until outside Earth's sphere of influence
    if verbose:
        print('Rewinding from Bright Flight...')
    [t, X] = Propagate_ECI(t0, X0, Perturbations)

    [Pos_ECI, Vel_ECI] = [X[:3], X[3:6]]
    t_soi = [t[-1]]

    if norm(Pos_ECI[:, -1:]) < R_SOI:  # Geocentric
        OrbitType = 'Geocentric'

        # Convert to geocentric orbital elements
        COE = PosVel2OrbitalElements(Pos_ECI, Vel_ECI, 'Earth', 'Classical')
        ra_corr = np.nan
        dec_corr = np.nan
        v_g = np.nan

    else:  # Heliocentric

        # Convert the ECI position and velocity to HCI coordinates
        [Pos_HCI, Vel_HCI] = ECI2HCI(Pos_ECI, Vel_ECI, t)

        # Convert to heliocentric orbital elements
        X = np.vstack((Pos_HCI, Vel_HCI))

        if verbose:
            print('\rNow entering a Sun centred orbit...')
        [t, X] = Propagate_HCI(t, X, t0)

        [Pos_HCI, Vel_HCI] = [X[:3], X[3:6]]

        COE = PosVel2OrbitalElements(Pos_HCI, Vel_HCI, 'Sun', 'Classical')
        [Pos_eci, Vel_eci] = HCI2ECI(Pos_HCI[:, -1:], Vel_HCI[:, -1:], t[-1])
        ra_corr = float(np.arctan2(-Vel_eci[1], -Vel_eci[0]))
        dec_corr = float(np.arcsin(-Vel_eci[2] / norm(Vel_eci)))
        v_g = norm(Vel_eci)

        if COE[0, -1] < 0 and COE[1, -1] > 1:
            OrbitType = 'Hyperbolic'

    print('\r' + OrbitType + ' orbit determined')
    if verbose:
        print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - starttime))

    # Create the orbit object
    DeterminedOrbit = OrbitObject(OrbitType, COE[0, -1] * u.m, COE[1, -1],
                                  COE[2, -1] * u.rad, COE[3, -1] * u.rad,
                                  COE[4, -1] * u.rad, COE[5, -1] * u.rad,
                                  ra_corr * u.rad, dec_corr * u.rad,
                                  v_g * u.m / u.second)

    # Plots if required
    if Plot:
        if Pert.shape[1] > 1:
            # Plot the perturbations over time
            # global Pert

        # Plot dt

        # Plot the orbit in 3D
        PlotOrbit3D([DeterminedOrbit], t0, Sol)

        # Plot the individual orbital elements
        PlotOrbitalElements(COE, t, t_soi, Sol)

    ephem_dict = None
    if ephem:  # Also return the ephemeris dict
        t_max = np.argmin(t)
        t_jd = t[:t_max]
        pos_hci = Pos_HCI[:, :t_max]
        ephem_dict = generate_ephemeris(pos_hci, t_jd)

#    from scipy.integrate import simps
#    global Pert#, time_tot, pert_tot
#    time_tot = (t.max() - t.min()) * u.d
#    if (Perturbations - 10) == True:
#        pert_tot = (-24*60*60 * simps(Pert[1,1:] + Pert[0,1:], t[1:Pert.shape[1]])) * (u.m / u.second)
#    else:
#        pert_tot = 0

    return DeterminedOrbit, ephem_dict  #, time_tot, pert_tot
def read_config(ifile):

    Config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
    traj_dict = {}
    obs_dict = {}
    extract = lambda header, name: ast.literal_eval(Config.get(header, name))

    # Event identity
    event_name = Config.get('identity', 'name')

    # trajectory conditions
    t0_isot = Config.get('dynamic_properties', 'initial_datetime')
    traj_dict['t0'] = Time(t0_isot, format='isot', scale='utc').jd  # time

    lat0 = np.deg2rad(Config.getfloat('dynamic_properties',
    lon0 = np.deg2rad(
        Config.getfloat('dynamic_properties', 'initial_longitude'))
    hei0 = Config.getfloat('dynamic_properties', 'initial_height')
    pos_ecef = LLH2ECEF(np.vstack((lat0, lon0, hei0)))

    speed0 = Config.getfloat('dynamic_properties', 'initial_velocity')
    slope0 = np.deg2rad(Config.getfloat('dynamic_properties', 'initial_slope'))
    bearing0 = np.deg2rad(
        Config.getfloat('dynamic_properties', 'initial_bearing'))
    vel_enu = -speed0 * np.vstack(
        (np.sin(bearing0) * np.cos(slope0), np.cos(bearing0) * np.cos(slope0),
    vel_ecef = ENU2ECEF(lon0, lat0).dot(vel_enu)

    [pos_eci, vel_eci] = ECEF2ECI(pos_ecef, vel_ecef, traj_dict['t0'])
    traj_dict['pos_eci'] = pos_eci.flatten()  # position
    traj_dict['vel_eci'] = vel_eci.flatten()  # velocity

    # Physical conditions
    traj_dict['m0'] = Config.getfloat('physical_properties',
                                      'initial_mass')  # mass
    traj_dict['rho'] = Config.getfloat('physical_properties',
                                       'density')  # density
    traj_dict['A'] = Config.getfloat('physical_properties', 'shape')  # shape
    traj_dict['c_ml'] = Config.getfloat(
        'physical_properties', 'ablation_coeff')  # ablation coefficient
    traj_dict['mu'] = Config.getfloat('physical_properties',
                                      'spin_state')  # spin state
    traj_dict['tau'] = Config.getfloat(
        'physical_properties', 'luminous_efficiency')  # luminous efficiency
    traj_dict['dm_height'] = extract(
        'physical_properties', 'mass_loss_height')  # mass loss height [n]
    traj_dict['dm_percent'] = extract(
        'physical_properties', 'mass_loss_percent')  # mass loss percent [n]

    # Observatory conditions
    obs_dict['obs_name'] = extract('observatory_properties',
                                   'obs_name')  # observatory names [m]
    obs_dict['obs_location'] = extract(
        'observatory_properties', 'obs_location')  # observatory locations [m]
    obs_lat = np.deg2rad(extract('observatory_properties', 'obs_latitude'))
    obs_lon = np.deg2rad(extract('observatory_properties', 'obs_longitude'))
    obs_hei = np.array(extract('observatory_properties', 'obs_height'))
    obs_dict['obs_llh'] = np.vstack(
        (obs_lat, obs_lon, obs_hei)).T  # observatory locations [m,3]
    obs_dict['obs_dt'] = np.array(
                'obs_timing_offset'))  # timing offsets [m]
    obs_dict['obs_dang'] = np.array(
                'obs_calibration_offset'))  # calibration offsets [m]
    obs_dict['measurement_err'] = Config.getfloat(
        'measurement_uncertainty')  # Measurement uncertainty for simulation
    obs_dict['picking_err'] = Config.getfloat(
        'picking_uncertainty')  # Picking uncertainty from point-picker

    return event_name, traj_dict, obs_dict
def EarthDynamics(t, X, WindData, t0, return_abs_mag=False):
    The state rate dynamics are used in Runge-Kutta integration method to 
    calculate the next set of equinoctial element values.
    ''' State Rates '''
    # State parameter vector decomposed
    Pos_ECI = np.vstack((X[:3]))
    Vel_ECI = np.vstack((X[3:6]))
    M = X[6]
    rho = X[7]
    A = X[8]
    c_ml = X[9]  # c_massloss = sigma*cd_hyp
    t_jd = t0 + t / (24 * 60 * 60)  # Absolute time [jd]
    ''' Primary Gravitational Acceleration '''
    a_grav = gravity_vector(Pos_ECI)
    ''' Atmospheric Drag Perturbation - Better Model Needed '''
    Pos_ECEF = ECI2ECEF_pos(Pos_ECI, t_jd)
    Pos_LLH = ECEF2LLH(Pos_ECEF)
    # Atmospheric velocity
    if type(WindData) == Table:  #1D vertical profile
        maxwindheight = max(WindData['# Height'])
        if float(Pos_LLH[2]) > maxwindheight:
            [v_atm, rho_a, temp] = AtmosphericModel([], Pos_ECI, t_jd)
            [v_atm, rho_a, temp] = AtmosphericModel(WindData, Pos_ECI, t_jd)

    else:  #3D wind profile
        maxwindheight = max(WindData[2, :, :, :])
        if float(Pos_LLH[2]) > maxwindheight:
            [v_atm, rho_a, temp] = AtmosphericModel([], Pos_ECI, t_jd)
            [Wind_ENU, rho_a, temp] = WRF3D(WindData, Pos_LLH)
            Wind_ECEF = ENU2ECEF(Pos_LLH[1], Pos_LLH[0]).dot(Wind_ENU)
            v_atm = ECEF2ECI(Pos_ECEF, Wind_ECEF, t_jd)[1]

    # Velocity relative to the atmosphere
    v_rel = Vel_ECI - v_atm
    v = norm(v_rel)

    # New drag equations - function that fits the literature
    cd = dragcoeff(v, temp, rho_a, A)[0]

    # Total drag perturbation
    a_drag = -cd * A * rho_a * v * v_rel / (2 * M**(1. / 3) * rho**(2. / 3))
    ''' Total Perturbing Acceleration '''
    a_tot = a_grav + a_drag

    # Mass-loss equation
    dm_dt = -c_ml * A * rho_a * v**3 * M**(2. / 3) / (2 * rho**(2. / 3))

    # See (Sansom, 2019) as reference
    if return_abs_mag:  # sigma = c_ml / cd
        lum = -X[10] * (v**2 / 2 + cd / c_ml) * dm_dt * 1e7
        return -2.5 * np.log10(lum / 1.5e10)
    ''' State Rate Equation '''
    X_dot = np.zeros(X.shape)
    X_dot[:3] = Vel_ECI.flatten()
    X_dot[3:6] = a_tot.flatten()
    X_dot[6] = dm_dt

    return X_dot
def InitialiseCFG(TriData, mass, rho, shape, mc):

    # Position
    lat = np.deg2rad(Config.getfloat('met', 'lat0'))
    lon = np.deg2rad(Config.getfloat('met', 'lon0'))
    hei = Config.getfloat('met', 'z0')
    if mc:
        lat_err = np.deg2rad(Config.getfloat('met', 'dlat'))
        lon_err = np.deg2rad(Config.getfloat('met', 'dlon'))
        hei_err = Config.getfloat('met', 'dz')
        lat = np.random.normal(lat, lat_err, mc)
        lon = np.random.normal(lon, lon_err, mc)
        hei = np.random.normal(hei, hei_err, mc)
    Pos_LLH0 = np.vstack((lat, lon, hei))
    Pos_ECEF0 = LLH2ECEF(Pos_LLH0)

    # Velocity
    vel = Config.getfloat('met', 'vtot0')
    zen = np.deg2rad(Config.getfloat('met', 'zenangle'))
    azi = np.deg2rad(Config.getfloat('met', 'azimuth0'))
    if mc:
        vel_err = Config.getfloat('met', 'dvtot')
        zen_err = np.deg2rad(Config.getfloat('met', 'dzenith'))
        azi_err = np.deg2rad(Config.getfloat('met', 'dazimuth0'))
        vel = np.random.normal(vel, vel_err, mc)
        zen = np.random.normal(zen, zen_err, mc)
        azi = np.random.normal(azi, azi_err, mc)
    Vel_ENU0 = vel * np.vstack(
        (np.sin(zen) * np.sin(azi), np.sin(zen) * np.cos(azi), -np.cos(zen)))
    if mc:
        Vel_ECEF0 = np.hstack([
            ENU2ECEF(lon[i], lat[i]).dot(Vel_ENU0[:, i:i + 1])
            for i in range(mc)
        Vel_ECEF0 = ENU2ECEF(lon, lat).dot(Vel_ENU0)

    # Time - no time in config file..
    t0 = Time(Config.get('met', 'exposure_time'), format='isot',
    # t0 = np.array([2451545.0]) # 2000-01-01T12:00:00
    if mc:
        t0 = t0 * np.ones(mc)

    # Physical
    if type(mass) == float:
        M = np.array([mass])
    elif type(mass) == np.ndarray:
        M = mass
        # M = [0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0]
        M = np.array([0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0])
        # M = np.concatenate((M, 1.5*M, 1.25*M, 1.75*M))
    if not rho:
        rho = Config.getfloat('met', 'rdens0')
    if mc:
        if type(mass) == float:
            M = np.array([mass])
            M = np.array([Config.getfloat('met', 'mass0')])
        m_err = Config.get('montecarlo', 'dmass')
        if m_err[-1] == '%':
            m_err = M * float(m_err[:-1]) / 100
            m_err = float(m_err)
        rho_err = Config.getfloat('montecarlo', 'drdens')
        M = truncnorm.rvs(loc=M, scale=m_err, a=0, b=np.inf, size=mc)
        rho = truncnorm.rvs(loc=rho, scale=rho_err, a=0, b=np.inf, size=mc)

    ParameterDict = InitialiseParams(rho, shape)
    A = ParameterDict['shape']
    c_ml = ParameterDict['c_ml']

    [Pos_ECI0, Vel_ECI0] = ECEF2ECI(Pos_ECEF0, Vel_ECEF0, t0)

    return {
        'time_jd': t0,
        'pos_eci': Pos_ECI0,
        'vel_eci': Vel_ECI0,
        'mass': M,
        'rho': rho,
        'shape': A,
        'c_ml': c_ml,
        'weight': np.ones(len(M))
def Initialise(TriData, velType, mass, rho, shape):
    LastTimeStep = TriData[TriData['datetime'] == max(TriData['datetime'])]

    # Set the velcity model
    if velType == 'eks':
        v_col = 'D_DT_EKS'
    elif velType == 'grits':
        v_col = 'D_DT_fitted'
    elif velType == 'raw':
        v_col = 'D_DT_geo'
        print('Unknown velocity model: ', velType,
              "\nPlease choose between 'eks', 'grits', or 'raw'")

    # Set the masses
    if type(mass) == float:
        M = np.array([mass])
    elif type(mass) == np.ndarray:
        M = mass
        M = np.logspace(np.log10(0.005), np.log10(5), num=16)

    # Dynamical parameters ------------------------------------------------------
    t0 = Time(LastTimeStep['datetime'][0], format='isot', scale='utc').jd
    Pos_ECEF0 = np.vstack(
        (LastTimeStep['X_geo'], LastTimeStep['Y_geo'], LastTimeStep['Z_geo']))
    if velType == 'raw':
            Vel_ECEF0 = np.vstack(
                (LastTimeStep['DX_DT_geo'], LastTimeStep['DY_DT_geo'],
        except KeyError:
            SecondLastTimeStep = TriData[-2]
                Vel_ECEF0 = np.vstack((SecondLastTimeStep['DX_DT_geo'],
            except KeyError:
                Pos_ECEF1 = np.vstack(
                    (SecondLastTimeStep['X_geo'], SecondLastTimeStep['Y_geo'],
                t1 = Time(SecondLastTimeStep['datetime'],
                Vel_ECEF0 = (Pos_ECEF0 - Pos_ECEF1) / ((t0 - t1) *
                                                       (24 * 60 * 60))
        try:  # Assuming straight line fit:
            ra_ecef = np.deg2rad(
            dec_ecef = np.deg2rad(
            vel = LastTimeStep[v_col]
            Vel_ECEF0 = -vel * np.vstack(
                (np.cos(ra_ecef) * np.cos(dec_ecef),
                 np.sin(ra_ecef) * np.cos(dec_ecef), np.sin(dec_ecef)))
        except KeyError:
            SecondLastTimeStep = TriData[-2]
            Pos_ECEF1 = np.vstack(
                (SecondLastTimeStep['X_geo'], SecondLastTimeStep['Y_geo'],
            radiant = (Pos_ECEF0[:, :1] - Pos_ECEF1) / norm(Pos_ECEF0[:, :1] -
            vel = LastTimeStep[v_col]
            Vel_ECEF0 = vel * radiant

        except KeyError:
            print('Velocity error: ' + v_col + " column doesn't exist.")

    # Physical parameters ------------------------------------------------------
    # try: # Check if a least_squares file was given
    #     beta = float(LastTimeStep['beta'].data)
    #     sigma = float(LastTimeStep['sigma'].data)

    #     [v_wind, rho_a, temp] = AtmosphericModel(False, Pos_ECI0[:,:1], t0)

    #     # Velocity relative to the still atmosphere
    #     v = norm(Vel_ECEF0[:,0]); A, cd = [], []#; M_temp = M
    #     drag_diff = lambda cdd,m: dragcoeff(v, temp, rho_a, rho, m, rho**(2./3) * m**(1./3) / (cdd * beta))[0] - cdd
    #     for m in M:
    #         try: # Tests if the mass is possible for the given beta/sigma values.
    #             cd.append( brentq(drag_diff, 0.001, 10, args=(m), xtol=0.0001) )
    #             A.append( rho**(2./3) * m**(1./3) / (cd[-1] * beta) )
    #             print('M: {0:.2f}kg, A: {1:.2f}, cd: {2:.2f}'.format(m, A[-1], cd[-1]))
    #         except ValueError:
    #             print(m,'kg is non-physical with these beta/sigma values.')
    #             M = M[M!=m] # remove the unrealistic mass value

    #     cd = np.array(cd)
    #     A = np.array(A)
    #     c_ml = sigma * cd
    #     rho = rho * np.ones(len(M))

    ParameterDict = InitialiseParams(rho, shape)
    A = ParameterDict['shape'] * np.ones(len(M))
    c_ml = ParameterDict['c_ml'] * np.ones(len(M))
    rho = rho * np.ones(len(M))

    Pos_ECEF0 = Pos_ECEF0 * np.ones(len(M))
    Vel_ECEF0 = Vel_ECEF0 * np.ones(len(M))

    [Pos_ECI0, Vel_ECI0] = ECEF2ECI(Pos_ECEF0, Vel_ECEF0, t0)

    return {
        'time_jd': t0,
        'pos_eci': Pos_ECI0,
        'vel_eci': Vel_ECI0,
        'mass': M,
        'rho': rho,
        'shape': A,
        'c_ml': c_ml,
        'weight': np.ones(len(M))
def EarthDynamics(t, X, WindData, t0, return_abs_mag=False):
    The state rate dynamics are used in Runge-Kutta integration method to 
    calculate the next set of equinoctial element values.
    ''' State Rates '''
    # State parameter vector decomposed
    Pos_ECI = np.vstack((X[:3]))
    Vel_ECI = np.vstack((X[3:6]))
    M = X[6]
    rho = X[7]
    A = X[8]
    c_ml = X[9]  # c_massloss = sigma*cd_hyp
    t_jd = t0 + t / (24 * 60 * 60)  # Absolute time [jd]
    ''' Primary Gravitational Acceleration '''
    a_grav = gravity_vector(Pos_ECI)
    ''' Atmospheric Drag Perturbation - Better Model Needed '''
    # Atmospheric velocity
    if type(WindData) == Table:  #1D vertical profile
        [v_atm, rho_a, temp] = AtmosphericModel(WindData, Pos_ECI, t_jd)

    else:  #3D wind profile
        Pos_ECEF = ECI2ECEF_pos(Pos_ECI, t_jd)
        Pos_LLH = ECEF2LLH(Pos_ECEF)

        [Wind_ENU, rho_a, temp] = WRF3D(WindData, Pos_LLH)

        Wind_ECEF = ENU2ECEF(Pos_LLH[1], Pos_LLH[0]).dot(Wind_ENU)
        v_atm = ECEF2ECI(Pos_ECEF, Wind_ECEF, t_jd)[1]

    # Velocity relative to the atmosphere
    v_rel = Vel_ECI - v_atm
    v = norm(v_rel)

    # # Constants for drag coeff
    # d = 2 * np.sqrt(A / rho**(2./3) * M**(2./3))
    # mu_a = viscosity(temp) # Air Viscosity (Pa.s)
    # mach = v / SoS(temp) # Mach Number
    # re = reynolds(v, rho_a, mu_a, d) # Reynolds Number
    # kn = knudsen(mach, re) # Knudsen Number
    # cd = dragcoef(re, mach, kn)#, A) # Drag Coefficient
    # # cd = 2.0 # Approximation

    # New drag equations - function that fits the literature
    cd = dragcoeff(v, temp, rho_a, A)[0]
    # cd = 1

    # # New drag equations 2
    # mach = v / SoS(temp) # Mach Number
    # cd = dragcoefff(mach, A)

    # Total drag perturbation
    a_drag = -cd * A * rho_a * v * v_rel / (2 * M**(1. / 3) * rho**(2. / 3))
    ''' Total Perturbing Acceleration '''
    a_tot = a_grav + a_drag

    # Mass-loss equation
    dm_dt = -c_ml * A * rho_a * v**3 * M**(2. / 3) / (2 * rho**(2. / 3))

    # See (Sansom, 2019) as reference
    if return_abs_mag:  # sigma = c_ml / cd
        lum = -X[10] * (v**2 / 2 + cd / c_ml) * dm_dt * 1e7
        return -2.5 * np.log10(lum / 1.5e10)
    ''' State Rate Equation '''
    X_dot = np.zeros(X.shape)
    X_dot[:3] = Vel_ECI.flatten()
    X_dot[3:6] = a_tot.flatten()
    X_dot[6] = dm_dt

    return X_dot
def propagateOrbit(stateVec,
    The propagateOrbit function calculates the origin of the meteor by reverse
    propergating the position and velocity out of the atmosphere using the
    equinoctial element model.
    import time
    starttime = time.time()


    Pos_geo = stateVec.position
    Vel_geo = stateVec.vel_xyz
    t0 = stateVec.epoch
    M = stateVec.mass
    CA = stateVec.cs_area
    ''' Convert from geo to ECI coordinates '''
    [Pos_ECI, Vel_ECI] = ECEF2ECI(Pos_geo, Vel_geo, t0)
    ''' Calculate the initial meteors equinoctial elements in ECI coords '''
    EOE = PosVel2OrbitalElements(Pos_ECI, Vel_ECI, 'Earth', 'Equinoctial')
    ''' Numerically integrate until its beyond the Earth's SOI '''
    # Earth's levels of satellites
    R_ATM = 500.0e3 + R_e
    Above_ATM = False
    R_LEO = 2000.0e3 + R_e
    Above_LEO = False
    R_GEO = 35786.0e3 + R_e
    Above_GEO = False
    R_MOON = 384400.0e3
    Above_MOON = False

    # Earth's sphere of influence (SOI)
    R_SOI = a_earth * (mu_e / mu_s)**0.4  # ~3*R_MOON

    # Setup initial values
    Y = np.vstack((EOE, M, CA))
    w = 1 + Y[1] * np.cos(Y[5]) + Y[2] * np.sin(Y[5])
    r = Y[0] / w  # Initial radius
    rmax = r  # Maximum radius reached
    OrbitType = 'Heliocentric'  # Initial assumption

    # Check the time step is negative
    dt = -0.1 / (24 * 60 * 60)  # 1sec (JD)
    t = np.array([t0])  # Start the time at epoch (JD)

    # Integrate with RK4 until outside Earth's sphere of influence
    if verbose:
        print('Rewinding from Bright Flight...')
    while r < R_SOI:

        # Runge Kutta Integration (Dormand-Prince)
        [Y_new, t_new, dt_new] = ODE45(EarthDynamics, Y[:, -1:], t[-1], dt,

        # Save EOE's and time steps
        Y = np.hstack((Y, Y_new))
        t = np.hstack((t, t_new))
        dt = dt_new

        # Calculate the current distance from Earth (m)
        w = 1 + Y_new[1] * np.cos(Y_new[5]) + Y_new[2] * np.sin(Y_new[5])
        r = Y_new[0] / w

        # Record the maximum radius reached
        if r > rmax: rmax = r

        # Print progress
        sys.stdout.write('\r%.3f%%' % (r / (10 * R_SOI) * 100))

        if r > R_ATM and Above_ATM == False:
            if verbose:
                print('\rPassing ATM.')
            Above_ATM = True

        if r > R_LEO and Above_LEO == False:
            if verbose:
                print('\rPassing LEO.')
            Above_LEO = True

        if r > R_GEO and Above_GEO == False:
            if verbose:
                print('\rNow passing GEO!')
            Above_GEO = True

        if r > R_MOON and Above_MOON == False:
            if verbose:
                print('\rWe\'re over the Moon!!')
            Above_MOON = True

        if r < rmax / 2.:  # Make sure it isn't coming back
            OrbitType = 'Geocentric'

    t_soi = [t[-1]]
    #    t_soi = [t[-1],  # Save time for plotting reference
    ##        Time('2010-06-13T13:35:00.0',format='isot',scale='utc').jd,
    #        Time('2010-06-09T06:04:00.0',format='isot',scale='utc').jd]

    if OrbitType == 'Geocentric':

        # Convert to geocentric orbital elements
        [Pos_ECI, Vel_ECI] = OrbitalElements2PosVel(Y, 'Earth', 'Equinoctial')
        COE = PosVel2OrbitalElements(Pos_ECI, Vel_ECI, 'Earth', 'Classical')
        ra_corr = np.nan
        dec_corr = np.nan
        v_g = np.nan

    elif OrbitType == 'Heliocentric':
        if verbose:
            print('\rNow entering a Sun centred orbit...')

        # Convert the equinoctial elements to position and velocity
        [Pos_ECI, Vel_ECI] = OrbitalElements2PosVel(Y, 'Earth', 'Equinoctial')

        # Convert the ECI position and velocity to HCI coordinates
        [Pos_HCI, Vel_HCI] = ECI2HCI(Pos_ECI, Vel_ECI, t)
        ''' Numerically integrate until we get 10*R_SOI and back again '''
        # Convert to heliocentric orbital elements
        EOE = PosVel2OrbitalElements(Pos_HCI, Vel_HCI, 'Sun', 'Equinoctial')
        Y = np.vstack((EOE, np.vstack((M, CA)) * np.ones(
            (1, np.shape(EOE)[1]))))

        # Integrate with RK4 until outside 10 times the sphere of influence
        ReachTenSOI = False
        # t0 = Time('2010-06-09T06:04:00.0', format='isot', scale='utc').jd # Time of TCM4
        while t0 != t[-1]:

            # Runge Kutta Integration (Dormand-Prince)
            [Y_new, t_new, dt_new] = ODE45(SunDynamics, Y[:, -1:], t[-1], dt,

            # Save EOE's and time steps
            Y = np.hstack((Y, Y_new))
            t = np.hstack((t, t_new))
            dt = dt_new

            # Record the current HCI position and velocity
             Vel_hci] = OrbitalElements2PosVel(Y_new, 'Sun', 'Equinoctial')
            Pos_HCI = np.hstack((Pos_HCI, Pos_hci))
            Vel_HCI = np.hstack((Vel_HCI, Vel_hci))

            # Calculate the current distance from Earth
            r = norm(EarthPosition(t[-1]) - Pos_hci)

            # Print progress
            sys.stdout.write('\r%.3f%%' % (r / (10 * R_SOI) * 100))

            if r > 10 * R_SOI and ReachTenSOI == False:
                if verbose:
                        '\rWe reached 10*R_SOI, now we go... \nBack to the future!!!'
                ReachTenSOI = True
                dt = abs(dt)  # Ensure the time step is now positive
                Perturbations = Perturbations + 10  # Encode the time step info

            if abs(t0 - t[-1]) < abs(
                    dt):  # This ensures we end intergration on epoch
                dt = (t0 - t[-1])

            if abs(t[-1] -
                   t0) > 3272.7:  # This is 3272.7 days of flight time (max)
                print('\rExceeded maximum flight time:')
                    'Did not escape 10 times Earth\'s sphere of influence.\n')

        COE = PosVel2OrbitalElements(Pos_HCI, Vel_HCI, 'Sun', 'Classical')
        [Pos_eci, Vel_eci] = HCI2ECI(Pos_hci, Vel_hci, t[-1])
        ra_corr = float(np.arctan2(-Vel_eci[1], -Vel_eci[0]))
        dec_corr = float(np.arcsin(-Vel_eci[2] / norm(Vel_eci)))
        v_g = norm(Vel_eci)

        if COE[0, -1] < 0 and COE[1, -1] > 1:
            OrbitType = 'Hyperbolic'

    print('\r' + OrbitType + ' orbit determined!')
    if verbose:
        print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - starttime))

    # Create the orbit object
    DeterminedOrbit = OrbitObject(OrbitType, COE[0, -1] * u.m, COE[1, -1],
                                  COE[2, -1] * u.rad, COE[3, -1] * u.rad,
                                  COE[4, -1] * u.rad, COE[5, -1] * u.rad,
                                  ra_corr * u.rad, dec_corr * u.rad,
                                  v_g * u.m / u.second)

    # Plots if required
    if Plot:
        if len(Pert) > 0:
            # Plot the perturbations over time
            # global Pert

        # Plot dt

        # Plot the orbit in 3D
        PlotOrbit3D([DeterminedOrbit], t0, Sol)

        # Plot the individual orbital elements
        PlotOrbitalElements(COE, t, t_soi, Sol)

    ephem_dict = None
    if ephem:  # Also return the ephemeris dict
        t_max = np.argmin(t)
        t_jd = t[:t_max]
        pos_hci = Pos_HCI[:, :t_max]
        ephem_dict = generate_ephemeris(pos_hci, t_jd)

#    from scipy.integrate import simps
#    global Pert#, time_tot, pert_tot
#    time_tot = (t.max() - t.min()) * u.d
#    if (Perturbations - 10) == True:
#        pert_tot = (-24*60*60 * simps(Pert[1,1:] + Pert[0,1:], t[1:Pert.shape[1]])) * (u.m / u.second)
#    else:
#        pert_tot = 0

    return DeterminedOrbit, ephem_dict  #, time_tot, pert_tot
Beispiel #11
def propagateOrbit(stateVec,
    The CelpechaOrbit function calculates the origin of the meteor by correcting the 
    magnitude and direction of the velocity vector to exclude Earth's influencing

    Pos_geo = stateVec.position
    Vel_geo = stateVec.vel_xyz
    t0 = stateVec.epoch
    ''' Convert from geo to ECI coordinates '''
    [Pos_ECI, Vel_ECI] = ECEF2ECI(Pos_geo, Vel_geo, t0)
    ''' Calculate V_g, the geocentric velocity outside Earth's influence '''
    V_inf = norm(Vel_ECI)
    print('V inf : {0:.1f}'.format(V_inf))
    V_esc = np.sqrt(2 * mu_e / norm(Pos_ECI))
    V_g = np.sqrt(V_inf**2 - V_esc**2)
    ''' Calculate the zenith attraction due to Earth's influence '''
    # Calculate the velocity vector in the ENU frame
    ra = float(np.arctan2(Pos_ECI[1], Pos_ECI[0]))
    dec = float(np.arcsin(Pos_ECI[2] / norm(Pos_ECI)))
    C_ENU2ECI = np.array(
        [[-np.sin(ra), -np.sin(dec) * np.cos(ra),
          np.cos(dec) * np.cos(ra)],
         [np.cos(ra), -np.sin(dec) * np.sin(ra),
          np.cos(dec) * np.sin(ra)], [0, np.cos(dec),

    Vel_ENU =, Vel_ECI)

    # Calculate the azimuth and zenith angles
    a_c = np.arctan2(-Vel_ENU[0], -Vel_ENU[1])
    z_c = np.arccos(-Vel_ENU[2] / V_inf)

    # Make zenith correction due to Earth's influence
    dz_c = 2 * np.arctan((V_inf - V_g) * np.tan(z_c / 2) / (V_inf + V_g))
    z_g = z_c + dz_c
    a_g = a_c
    ''' Combine the zenith and velocity corrections '''
    Vel_ENU = V_g * np.vstack(
        (-np.sin(z_g) * np.sin(a_g), -np.sin(z_g) * np.cos(a_g), -np.cos(z_g)))
    Vel_ECI =, Vel_ENU)
    ''' Convert from ECI to HCI coordinates '''
    [Pos_HCI, Vel_HCI] = ECI2HCI(Pos_ECI, Vel_ECI, t0)

    ra_corr = float(np.arctan2(-Vel_ECI[1], -Vel_ECI[0]))
    dec_corr = float(np.arcsin(-Vel_ECI[2] / norm(Vel_ECI)))

    COE = PosVel2OrbitalElements(Pos_HCI, Vel_HCI, 'Sun', 'Classical')
    DeterminedOrbit = OrbitObject('Heliocentric', COE[0, -1] * u.m, COE[1, -1],
                                  COE[2, -1] * u.rad, COE[3, -1] * u.rad,
                                  COE[4, -1] * u.rad, COE[5, -1] * u.rad,
                                  ra_corr * u.rad, dec_corr * u.rad,
                                  V_g * u.m / u.second)

    # Plots if required
    if Plot:
        # Plot the orbit in 3D
        PlotOrbit3D([DeterminedOrbit], t0, Sol)

    ephem_dict = None
    if ephem:  # Also return the ephemeris dict
        t_max = np.argmin(t)
        t_jd = t[:t_max]
        pos_hci = Pos_HCI[:, :t_max]
        ephem_dict = generate_ephemeris(pos_hci, t_jd)

    return DeterminedOrbit, ephem_dict