Beispiel #1
def lc_eval(p, t, texp=None):
    Returns flux at given times, given parameters.

    :param p:
        Parameter vector, of length 4 + 6*Nplanets
        p[0:4] = [rhostar, q1, q2, dilution]
        p[4+i*6:10+i*6] = [period, epoch, b, rprs, e, w] for i-th planet

    :param t:
        Times at which to evaluate model.

    :param texp:
        Exposure time.  If not provided, assumed to be median t[1:]-t[:-1]

    if texp is None:
        texp = np.median(t[1:] - t[:-1])

    n_planets = (len(p) - 4) // 6

    rhostar, q1, q2, dilution = p[:4]

    central = Central(q1=q1, q2=q2)
    central.density = rhostar
    s = System(central, dilution=dilution)

    tot = 0
    close_to_transit = np.zeros_like(t).astype(bool)

    for i in range(n_planets):
        period, epoch, b, rprs, e, w = p[4 + i * 6:10 + i * 6]
        r = central.radius * rprs
        #body = Body(flux=0, radius=r, mass=0, period=period, t0=epoch,
        #           e=e, omega=w, b=b)
        body = Body(radius=r,

        tfold = t_folded(t, period, epoch)

    return s.light_curve(t, texp=texp)
Beispiel #2
def transit_lc(p, t, texp=None):
    Returns flux using :transit: at given times, given parameters:

    :param p:
        Parameter vector, of length 4 + 6*Nplanets
        p[0:4] = [rhostar, q1, q2, dilution]
        p[4+i*6:10+i*6] = [period, epoch, b, rprs, e, w] for i-th planet

    :param t:
        Times at which to evaluate model.

    :param texp:
        Exposure time.  If not provided, assumed to be median t[1:]-t[:-1]


    if texp is None:  #if we aren't given an exposure time, calculate it
        texp = np.median(t[1:] - t[:-1])

    n_planets = (len(p) -
                 4) // 6  #number of planets based on input param array

    rhostar, q1, q2, dilution = p[:4]  #assigning star's params from input

    # u1 = 2*math.sqrt(q1)*q2 #convert q1,q2 to u1,u2 from Kipping (2013)
    # u2 = math.sqrt(q1)*(1.-2*q2)

    central = Central(q1=q1, q2=q2)  #setting the central body of the system
    central.density = rhostar
    s = System(central, dilution=dilution)

    for i in range(
            n_planets):  #iteratively adds the planets passed in from params
        period, epoch, b, rprs, e, w = p[4 + i * 6:10 + i * 6]
        r = central.radius * rprs
        body = Body(radius=r,

    return s.light_curve(t, texp=texp)  #returns a numpy array of flux
def lc_eval(p, t, texp=None):
    Returns flux at given times, given parameters.

    :param p:
        Parameter vector, of length 4 + 6*Nplanets
        p[0:4] = [rhostar, q1, q2, dilution]
        p[4+i*6:10+i*6] = [period, epoch, b, rprs, e, w] for i-th planet

    :param t:
        Times at which to evaluate model.

    :param texp:
        Exposure time.  If not provided, assumed to be median t[1:]-t[:-1]

    if texp is None:
        texp = np.median(t[1:] - t[:-1])
    n_planets = (len(p) - 4)//6
    rhostar, q1, q2, dilution = p[:4]

    central = Central(q1=q1, q2=q2)
    central.density = rhostar
    s = System(central, dilution=dilution)

    tot = 0
    close_to_transit = np.zeros_like(t).astype(bool)

    for i in range(n_planets):
        period, epoch, b, rprs, e, w = p[4+i*6:10+i*6]
        r = central.radius * rprs
        #body = Body(flux=0, radius=r, mass=0, period=period, t0=epoch,
        #           e=e, omega=w, b=b)
        body = Body(radius=r, mass=0, period=period, t0=epoch,
                   e=e, omega=w, b=b)

        tfold = t_folded(t, period, epoch)

    return s.light_curve(t, texp=texp)
def transit_lc(p, t, texp=None):
    Returns flux using :transit: at given times, given parameters:

    :param p:
        Parameter vector, of length 4 + 6*Nplanets
        p[0:4] = [rhostar, q1, q2, dilution]
        p[4+i*6:10+i*6] = [period, epoch, b, rprs, e, w] for i-th planet

    :param t:
        Times at which to evaluate model.

    :param texp:
        Exposure time.  If not provided, assumed to be median t[1:]-t[:-1]


    if texp is None:  # if we aren't given an exposure time, calculate it
        texp = np.median(t[1:] - t[:-1])

    n_planets = (len(p) - 4) // 6  # number of planets based on input param array

    rhostar, q1, q2, dilution = p[:4]  # assigning star's params from input

    # u1 = 2*math.sqrt(q1)*q2 #convert q1,q2 to u1,u2 from Kipping (2013)
    # u2 = math.sqrt(q1)*(1.-2*q2)

    central = Central(q1=q1, q2=q2)  # setting the central body of the system
    central.density = rhostar
    s = System(central, dilution=dilution)

    for i in range(n_planets):  # iteratively adds the planets passed in from params
        period, epoch, b, rprs, e, w = p[4 + i * 6 : 10 + i * 6]
        r = central.radius * rprs
        body = Body(radius=r, mass=0, period=period, t0=epoch, e=e, omega=w, b=b)

    return s.light_curve(t, texp=texp)  # returns a numpy array of flux