def main():
    client = traw.Client()  # Credentials loaded through ENV vars

    # Get all priorities
    priorities = client.priorities()  # Returns a models.Priority generator
    priority_1 = next(priorities)
    print(  # Low
    priority_2 = next(priorities)
    print(  # Medium
    priority_3 = next(priorities)
    print(  # High
    priority_4 = next(priorities)
    print(  # Critical

    # Given a priority ID, you can get the priority object
    priority_from_api = client.priority(1)
    print(  # Low

    # Since you cannot programatically add priorities through the API,
    # attempting to call `client.priority()` will raise an exception rather
    # than returning an empty/new Priority object
    except NotImplementedError as exc:
            str(exc))  # Not implemented directly. You must pass in int object
def main():
    client = traw.Client()  # Credentials loaded through ENV vars

    # Get all available case types:
    case_types = client.case_types()  # Returns a case_types generator
    case_type_1 = next(case_types)
    print(  # Acceptance
    print(case_type_1.is_default)  # False
    print(isinstance(case_type_1, traw.models.CaseType))  # True

    case_type_2 = next(case_types)
    print(  # Accessibility
    print(case_type_2.is_default)  # False
    print(isinstance(case_type_2, traw.models.CaseType))  # True

    # etc

    # Get a specific case type by case_type_id
    specific_case_type = client.case_type(7)  # Corresponds to the `Other` CT
    print(  # Other
    print(specific_case_type.is_default)  # True

    # Since you cannot programatically add Case Types through the API,
    # attempting to call `client.case_type()` will raise an exception rather
    # than returning an empty/new CaseType object
    except NotImplementedError as exc:
            str(exc))  # Not implemented directly. You must pass in int object
def main():
    client = traw.Client()  # Credentials loaded through ENV vars

    # Templates are retrieved by the project they are associated with
    automation_project = client.project(15)

    # Get all available templates:
    templates = client.templates(
        automation_project)  # Returns a templates generator
    template_1 = next(templates)
    print(  # Default Test Case
    print(template_1.is_default)  # True
    print(isinstance(template_1, traw.models.Template))  # True

    template_2 = next(templates)
    print(  # Automation Test Case
    print(template_2.is_default)  # False
    print(isinstance(template_2, traw.models.Template))  # True

    # etc

    # Since you can only retrieve templates based on project,
    # attempting to call `client.templates()` will raise an exception
    except NotImplementedError as exc:
        # Not implemented directly. You must pass in models.Project or int object
def main():
    client = traw.Client()  # Credentials loaded through ENV vars

    # Get all Statuses
    statuses = client.statuses()  # Returns a models.Status generator
    status_1 = next(statuses)
    print(  # passed
    print(status_1.label)  # Passed
    status_2 = next(statuses)
    print(  # blocked
    print(status_2.label)  # Blocked
    status_3 = next(statuses)
    print(  # untested
    print(status_3.label)  # Untested
    status_4 = next(statuses)
    print(  # retest
    print(status_4.label)  # Retest
    status_5 = next(statuses)
    print(  # failed
    print(status_5.label)  # Failed
    status_6 = next(statuses)
    print(  # custom_status_auto_passed
    print(status_6.label)  # Passed-Automation

    # etc

    # Given a status ID, you can get the status object
    failed_auto_st = client.status(7)
    print(  # custom_status_auto_failed
    print(failed_auto_st.label)  # Failed-Automation

    # Given a status label, you can get the status object
    # By default it ignores case
    blocked_auto_st = client.status('blocked-automation')
    print(  # custom_status_auto_blocked
    print(blocked_auto_st.label)  # Blocked-Automation

    # You can specify strict casing if necessary:
        client.status('blocked-automation', strict=True)
    except TRAWClientError as exc:
        # Could not locate a models.Status with label of blocked-automation

    strict_status = client.status('Blocked-Automation', strict=True)
    print(  # custom_status_auto_blocked
    print(strict_status.label)  # Blocked-Automation

    # Since you cannot programatically add statuses through the API,
    # attempting to call `client.status()` will raise an exception rather
    # than returning an empty/new Status object
    except NotImplementedError as exc:
            str(exc))  # Not implemented directly. You must pass in int object
def main():
    client = traw.Client()  # Credentials loaded through ENV vars

    # Locate the project you will be adding milestones to
    project = client.project(15)

    # Create the parent milestone
    new_parent_ms = client.milestone()  # Creates a new, empty milestone object = "{0}'s Yearly Test Results".format(
    new_parent_ms.description = "{0}'s testing results for the year".format(
    new_parent_ms.start_on = dt(year=2018, month=1,
                                day=1)  # Start on 2018/01/01
    new_parent_ms.due_on = dt(year=2018, month=12, day=31)  # Due on 2018/12/31

    # Associate this milestone with a project
    new_parent_ms.project = project

    # Add the new milestone to TestRail, replacing it with the Milestone returned
    # from the TestRail API.
    parent_ms = client.add(new_parent_ms)
    assert isinstance(parent_ms, traw.models.Milestone)

    # Create a sub milestone for the first quarter of 2018
    new_sub_ms = client.milestone()  # Creates a new, empty milestone object = "{0}'s 1st Quarter Test Results".format(
    new_sub_ms.description = "{0}'s testing results for the first quarter".format(
    new_sub_ms.start_on = dt(year=2018, month=1, day=1)  # Start on 2018/01/01
    new_sub_ms.due_on = dt(year=2018, month=3, day=31)  # Due on 2018/03/31

    # Associate this milestone with a project
    new_sub_ms.project = project

    # Add the parent milestone, transforming this into a sub_milestone object
    new_sub_ms = new_sub_ms.add_parent(parent_ms)

    # Add the new milestone to TestRail, replacing it with the Milestone returned
    # from the TestRail API.
    sub_ms = client.add(new_sub_ms)
    assert isinstance(sub_ms, traw.models.SubMilestone)

    # The sub_ms's parent should match the one we created
    assert ==
def main():
    client = traw.Client()  # Credentials loaded through ENV vars

    # Tests are retrieved by the run they are associated with
    # Get an example run using the Run ID
    auto_run =

    # Get all tests for this run:
    tests = list(client.tests(auto_run))  # Expand the generator to a list
    print(len(tests))  # 40 tests

    test_1 = tests[0]
    print(test_1.title)  # Example Test Case Title
    print(test_1.status.label)  # Passed

    test_2 = tests[1]
    print(test_2.title)  # Example Test Case Title #2
    print(test_2.status.label)  # Failed

    # Get all tests with a status of `Failed` or 'Retest'
    failed_status = client.status('failed')
    retest_status = client.status('retest')
    failed_and_retest = list(client.tests(auto_run, with_status=[failed_status, retest_status]))

    print(len(failed_and_retest))  # 10

    # Get a test from its test id
    example_test = client.test(5792090)
    print(  # 5792090
    print(example_test.status.label)  # Failed
    print(  # Regression
    print(  # Medium
    print(example_test.estimate)  # datetime.timedelta object -> datetime.timedelta(0, 4200)
    print(list(example_test.refs))  # ['REF001', 'REF002']

    # Since you cannot programatically add Tests through the API,
    # attempting to call `client.test()` will raise an exception rather
    # than returning an empty/new Test object
    except NotImplementedError as exc:
        # Not implemented directly. You must pass in int object
Beispiel #7
def main():
    client = traw.Client()  # Credentials loaded through ENV vars

    # Create a new project object
    new_project = client.project() = "ACME Contract Testing"
    new_project.announcement = "For testing associated with the Acme Contract"
    new_project.show_announcement = True
    new_project.suite_mode = 1  # Single Suite mode

    # Add the project to testrail, replacing it with the Milestone returned
    # from the TestRail API.
    active_project = client.add(new_project)
    project_id =

    # Verify some parameters
    assert == "ACME Contract Testing"
    assert active_project.announcement == "For testing associated with the Acme Contract"
    assert active_project.is_completed is False

    # Lets say the project is now complete.
    # Update the name, announcement, and completion status = "ACME Contract Testing - Complete"
    active_project.announcement = (
        "For testing associated with the Acme Contract,"
        "completed 2018/01/02")
    active_project.is_completed = True

    # POST the updated project to Testrail, replacing it with the Project returned
    # from the API
    closed_project = client.update(active_project)

    assert == "ACME Contract Testing - Complete"
    assert closed_project.announcement == (
        "For testing associated with the Acme Contract,"
        "completed 2018/01/02")
    assert closed_project.is_completed is True

    # Lets say its now a few years later, and we want to remove this old project
    # NOTE: your user must have admin privs to delete a project
    old_project = client.project(project_id)
Beispiel #8
def full_client():
    with mock.patch('traw.api.Session') as sess_mock:
        sess_mock.return_value = sess_mock

        yield traw.Client(username=USER, password=PASS, url=URL)
Beispiel #9
def client():
    with mock.patch('traw.client.API') as api_mock:
        api_mock.return_value = api_mock

        yield traw.Client(username=USER, password=PASS, url=URL)
def main():
    client = traw.Client()  # Credentials loaded through ENV vars

    # TestRail returns config groups based on project, with each config group
    # containing specific configs. To get a config group, you must first get
    # the corresponding project by project ID:
    automation_project = client.project(15)

    # Get all config groups for our project. This method returns a generator, so
    # Use `list` to get a complete list of config groups
    config_groups = list(client.config_groups(automation_project))
    print(len(config_groups))  # 1

    config_group = config_groups[0]
    print(str(config_group))  # ConfigGroup-4
    print(  # 'Supported Browsers'
    print(config_group.project)  # Project-15
    print(len(list(config_group.configs)))  # 2 configs

    # Get/examine configs for each config group
    configs = config_groups[0].configs
    config_1 = next(configs)
    print(  # Chrome
    print(config_1.config_group)  # ConfigGroup-4, a reference back to the CG
    print(config_1.project)  # Project-15, a reference back to the project

    config_2 = next(configs)
    print(  # Firefox
    print(config_2.config_group)  # ConfigGroup-4, a reference back to the CG
    print(config_2.project)  # Project-15, a reference back to the project

    # You can retrieve a ConfigGroup  using project + config group ID
    print(client.config_group(automation_project, 4))  # ConfigGroup-4

    # You can create new config groups and configs and add them to TestRail
    new_config_group = client.config_group()  # Returns a new/empty config group

    # Set the name and associate it with a project = "Supported Operating Systems"
    new_config_group.project = automation_project

    # Add the new config group to TestRail, and collect the returned object
    created_config_group = client.add(new_config_group)

    # Note that the returned config group matches the one you added and now has
    # and ID, but no associated configs
    print( ==  # True
    print(  # 5
    print(list(created_config_group.configs))  # []

    # Create new configs, associate them with a config group, and add them to TR
    new_config_1 = client.config() = "Windows"
    new_config_1.config_group = created_config_group
    created_config_1 = client.add(new_config_1)
    print(created_config_1)  # Windows

    new_config_2 = client.config() = "Linux"
    new_config_2.config_group = created_config_group
    created_config_2 = client.add(new_config_2)
    print(created_config_2)  # Linux

    new_config_3 = client.config() = "mac OS"
    new_config_3.config_group = created_config_group
    created_config_3 = client.add(new_config_3)
    print(created_config_3)  # mac OS

    # Re-acquire the config group from the TestRail API
    updated_config_group = client.config_group(created_config_group.project,

    # Note that it now has three configs:
    cg_configs = list(updated_config_group.configs)
    print(cg_configs)  # [Config-25, Config-26, Config-24]

    print(cg_configs[0].name)  # Linux
    print(cg_configs[1].name)  # mac OS
    print(cg_configs[2].name)  # Windows

    # Should you need to update a config group or config
    to_be_updated_config = cg_configs[0] = "Linux: Ubuntu"  # From 'Linux' to 'Linux: Ubuntu'
    updated_config = client.update(to_be_updated_config)
    print(  # 'Linux: Ubuntu'

    # Re-acquire the config group from the TestRail API
    updated_config_group = client.config_group(updated_config_group.project,

    cg_configs = updated_config_group.configs
    print(next(cg_configs).name)  # Linux: Ubuntu
    print(next(cg_configs).name)  # mac OS
    print(next(cg_configs).name)  # Windows

    # Finally, should you want to delete a config/config group

    # And it is no longer in TestRail
    except TRAWClientError as exc:
        # Could not locate a models.ConfigGroup with id of 4 for project with ID 15