def policy_and_value_net(n_actions, n_controls, vocab_size, bottom_layers_fn, two_towers): """A policy and value net function.""" # Layers. # Now, with the current logits, one head computes action probabilities and the # other computes the value function. # NOTE: The LogSoftmax instead of the Softmax because of numerical stability. @tl.layer() def FlattenControlsIntoTime(x, **unused_kwargs): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Splits logits for actions in different controls and flattens controls.""" return np.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], -1, n_actions)) if vocab_size is None: # In continuous policies every element of the output sequence corresponds to # an observation. n_preds_per_input = n_controls kwargs = {} else: # In discrete policies every element of the output sequence corresponds to # a symbol in the discrete representation, and each control takes 1 symbol. n_preds_per_input = 1 kwargs = {"vocab_size": vocab_size} if two_towers: layers = [ tl.Dup(), tl.Parallel( [ bottom_layers_fn(**kwargs), tl.Dense(n_preds_per_input * n_actions), FlattenControlsIntoTime(), # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter tl.LogSoftmax() ], [ bottom_layers_fn(**kwargs), tl.Dense(n_preds_per_input), tl.Flatten() ], ) ] else: layers = [ bottom_layers_fn(**kwargs), tl.Dup(), tl.Parallel( [ tl.Dense(n_preds_per_input * n_actions), FlattenControlsIntoTime(), # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter tl.LogSoftmax() ], [tl.Dense(n_preds_per_input), tl.Flatten()], ) ] return tl.Model(layers)
def TransformerDecoder(vocab_size=None, d_model=512, d_ff=2048, n_layers=6, n_heads=8, d_attention_key=None, d_attention_value=None, attention_type=tl.DotProductCausalAttention, dropout=0.1, share_qk=False, max_len=2048, mode='train'): """Returns a Transformer decoder model. The input to the model is either continuous or discrete - controlled by vocab_size. Does not shift the input to the right, i.e. the output for timestep t is based on inputs up to timestep t inclusively. Args: vocab_size: int or None: vocab size if running on discrete input, None otherwise. d_model: int: depth of embedding d_ff: int: depth of feed-forward layer n_layers: int: number of encoder/decoder layers n_heads: int: number of attention heads d_attention_key: int: depth of key vector for each attention head (default is d_model // n_heads) d_attention_value: int: depth of value vector for each attention head (default is d_model // n_heads) attention_type: subclass of tl.BaseCausalAttention: attention class to use dropout: float: dropout rate (how much to drop out) share_qk: bool, whether to share queries and keys in decoder attention max_len: int: maximum symbol length for positional encoding mode: str: 'train' or 'eval' Returns: A Transformer decoder as a layer that maps from a continuous or discrete tensor to a continuous tensor. """ if vocab_size is None: input_layer = tl.Dense else: input_layer = functools.partial(tl.Embedding, vocab_size=vocab_size) return tl.Model( # vecs input_layer(d_model), # vecs tl.Dropout(rate=dropout, mode=mode), tl.PositionalEncoding(max_len=max_len), [ DecoderBlock( # pylint: disable=g-complex-comprehension d_model, d_ff, n_heads, d_attention_key, d_attention_value, attention_type, dropout, share_qk, i, mode) for i in range(n_layers) ], # vecs tl.LayerNorm(), # vecs )
def FrameStackMLP(n_frames=4, hidden_sizes=(64, ), output_size=64, mode='train'): """MLP operating on a fixed number of last frames.""" del mode return tl.Model( FrameStack(n_frames=n_frames), [[tl.Dense(d_hidden), tl.Relu()] for d_hidden in hidden_sizes], tl.Dense(output_size), )
def Resnet50(d_hidden=64, n_output_classes=1001, mode='train'): """ResNet. Args: d_hidden: Dimensionality of the first hidden layer (multiplied later). n_output_classes: Number of distinct output classes. mode: Whether we are training or evaluating or doing inference. Returns: The list of layers comprising a ResNet model with the given parameters. """ return tl.Model( tl.ToFloat(), tl.Conv(d_hidden, (7, 7), (2, 2), 'SAME'), tl.BatchNorm(mode=mode), tl.Relu(), tl.MaxPool(pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2)), ConvBlock(3, [d_hidden, d_hidden, 4 * d_hidden], (1, 1), mode=mode), IdentityBlock(3, [d_hidden, d_hidden, 4 * d_hidden], mode=mode), IdentityBlock(3, [d_hidden, d_hidden, 4 * d_hidden], mode=mode), ConvBlock(3, [2 * d_hidden, 2 * d_hidden, 8 * d_hidden], (2, 2), mode=mode), IdentityBlock(3, [2 * d_hidden, 2 * d_hidden, 8 * d_hidden], mode=mode), IdentityBlock(3, [2 * d_hidden, 2 * d_hidden, 8 * d_hidden], mode=mode), IdentityBlock(3, [2 * d_hidden, 2 * d_hidden, 8 * d_hidden], mode=mode), ConvBlock(3, [4 * d_hidden, 4 * d_hidden, 16 * d_hidden], (2, 2), mode=mode), IdentityBlock(3, [4 * d_hidden, 4 * d_hidden, 16 * d_hidden], mode=mode), IdentityBlock(3, [4 * d_hidden, 4 * d_hidden, 16 * d_hidden], mode=mode), IdentityBlock(3, [4 * d_hidden, 4 * d_hidden, 16 * d_hidden], mode=mode), IdentityBlock(3, [4 * d_hidden, 4 * d_hidden, 16 * d_hidden], mode=mode), IdentityBlock(3, [4 * d_hidden, 4 * d_hidden, 16 * d_hidden], mode=mode), ConvBlock(3, [8 * d_hidden, 8 * d_hidden, 32 * d_hidden], (2, 2), mode=mode), IdentityBlock(3, [8 * d_hidden, 8 * d_hidden, 32 * d_hidden], mode=mode), IdentityBlock(3, [8 * d_hidden, 8 * d_hidden, 32 * d_hidden], mode=mode), tl.AvgPool(pool_size=(7, 7)), tl.Flatten(), tl.Dense(n_output_classes), tl.LogSoftmax(), )
def MLP(n_hidden_layers=2, d_hidden=512, activation_fn=tl.Relu, n_output_classes=10, mode="train"): """A multi-layer feedforward (perceptron) network.""" del mode return tl.Model( tl.Flatten(), [[tl.Dense(d_hidden), activation_fn()] for _ in range(n_hidden_layers)], tl.Dense(n_output_classes), tl.LogSoftmax(), )
def TransformerEncoder(vocab_size, n_classes=10, d_model=512, d_ff=2048, n_layers=6, n_heads=8, dropout=0.1, max_len=2048, mode='train'): """Returns a Transformer encoder model. The input to the model is a tensor of tokens. Args: vocab_size: int: vocab size n_classes: how many classes on output d_model: int: depth of embedding d_ff: int: depth of feed-forward layer n_layers: int: number of encoder/decoder layers n_heads: int: number of attention heads dropout: float: dropout rate (how much to drop out) max_len: int: maximum symbol length for positional encoding mode: str: 'train' or 'eval' Returns: A Transformer model as a layer that maps from a tensor of tokens to activations over a set of output classes. """ embedder = [ tl.Embedding(d_model, vocab_size), tl.Dropout(rate=dropout, name='emb_dropout', mode=mode), tl.PositionalEncoding(max_len=max_len), ] return tl.Model([ # tokens tl.Dup(), # toks toks tl.Parallel(embedder, tl.PaddingMask()), # vecs mask [ EncoderBlock(d_model, d_ff, n_heads, dropout, i, mode) for i in range(n_layers) ], # vecs mask tl.Parallel([], tl.Drop()), # ____ 0 tl.LayerNorm(), # vecs tl.Mean(axis=1), # Average on length. # vecs tl.Dense(n_classes), # vecs tl.LogSoftmax(), # vecs ])
def NeuralGPU(d_feature=96, steps=16, vocab_size=2, mode='train'): """Implementation of Neural GPU: Args: d_feature: Number of memory channels (dimensionality of feature embedding). steps: Number of times depthwise recurrence steps. vocab_size: Vocabulary size. mode: Whether we are training or evaluating or doing inference. Returns: A NeuralGPU Stax model. """ del mode core = ConvDiagonalGRU(units=d_feature) return tl.Model( tl.Embedding(d_feature=d_feature, vocab_size=vocab_size), [core] * steps, tl.Dense(vocab_size), tl.LogSoftmax(), )
def AtariCnn(n_frames=4, hidden_sizes=(32, 32), output_size=128, mode='train'): """An Atari CNN.""" del mode # TODO(jonni): Include link to paper? # Input shape: (B, T, H, W, C) # Output shape: (B, T, output_size) return tl.Model( tl.ToFloat(), tl.Div(divisor=255.0), # Set up n_frames successive game frames, concatenated on the last axis. FrameStack(n_frames=n_frames), # (B, T, H, W, 4C) tl.Conv(hidden_sizes[0], (5, 5), (2, 2), 'SAME'), tl.Relu(), tl.Conv(hidden_sizes[1], (5, 5), (2, 2), 'SAME'), tl.Relu(), tl.Flatten(n_axes_to_keep=2), # B, T and rest. tl.Dense(output_size), tl.Relu(), )
def WideResnet(n_blocks=3, widen_factor=1, n_output_classes=10, bn_momentum=0.9, mode='train'): """WideResnet from Args: n_blocks: int, number of blocks in a group. total layers = 6n + 4. widen_factor: int, widening factor of each group. k=1 is vanilla resnet. n_output_classes: int, number of distinct output classes. bn_momentum: float, momentum in BatchNorm. mode: Whether we are training or evaluating or doing inference. Returns: The list of layers comprising a WideResnet model with the given parameters. """ return tl.Model( tl.ToFloat(), tl.Conv(16, (3, 3), padding='SAME'), WideResnetGroup(n_blocks, 16 * widen_factor, bn_momentum=bn_momentum, mode=mode), WideResnetGroup(n_blocks, 32 * widen_factor, (2, 2), bn_momentum=bn_momentum, mode=mode), WideResnetGroup(n_blocks, 64 * widen_factor, (2, 2), bn_momentum=bn_momentum, mode=mode), tl.BatchNorm(momentum=bn_momentum, mode=mode), tl.Relu(), tl.AvgPool(pool_size=(8, 8)), tl.Flatten(), tl.Dense(n_output_classes), tl.LogSoftmax(), )
def ReformerLM(vocab_size, d_model=512, d_ff=2048, d_attention_key=64, d_attention_value=64, n_layers=6, n_heads=8, dropout=0.1, max_len=2048, n_chunks=0, n_attention_chunks=1, attention_type=tl.DotProductCausalAttention, share_qk=False, mode='train'): """Reversible transformer language model (only uses a decoder, no encoder). Args: vocab_size: int: vocab size d_model: int: depth of *each half* of the two-part features d_ff: int: depth of feed-forward layer d_attention_key: int: depth of key vector for each attention head d_attention_value: int: depth of value vector for each attention head n_layers: int: number of decoder layers n_heads: int: number of attention heads dropout: float: dropout rate (how much to drop out) max_len: int: maximum symbol length for positional encoding n_chunks: int: number of chunks (must match input pipeline) n_attention_chunks: int: number of chunks for attention attention_type: class: attention class to use, such as DotProductAttention. share_qk: bool, whether to share queries and keys. mode: str: 'train' or 'eval' Returns: the layer. """ if n_chunks == 0: n_chunks = 1 concatenate_input_chunks = [] concatenate_output_chunks = tl.Concatenate(n_items=n_chunks, axis=-2) else: concatenate_input_chunks = tl.Concatenate(n_items=n_chunks) concatenate_output_chunks = [] positional_embedder = [ tl.Embedding(d_model, vocab_size), BroadcastedDropout(rate=dropout, mode=mode), # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter tl.PositionalEncoding(max_len=max_len), ] return tl.Model( concatenate_input_chunks, tl.ShiftRight(), positional_embedder, tl.Dup(), tl.ReversibleSerial([ # pylint: disable=g-complex-comprehension DecoderBlock(d_model, d_ff, d_attention_key, d_attention_value, n_heads, n_attention_chunks, attention_type, dropout, share_qk, mode) for _ in range(n_layers) ] + [ SplitForOutput(n_sections=n_chunks, axis=-2), # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter ]), Map([ # TODO(kitaev): Test whether dropout should go before or after the # LayerNorm, and whether dropout broadcasting is needed here. tl.LayerNorm(), BroadcastedDropout(rate=dropout, mode=mode), # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter tl.Dense(vocab_size), tl.LogSoftmax(), ], n_sections=n_chunks), concatenate_output_chunks, )
def model_fn(mode="train"): return layers.Model( layers.Dropout(mode=mode, rate=0.1), layers.BatchNorm(mode=mode), models.MLP(d_hidden=16, n_output_classes=n_classes, mode=mode))
def Transformer(input_vocab_size, output_vocab_size=None, d_model=512, d_ff=2048, n_layers=6, n_heads=8, dropout=0.1, max_len=2048, mode='train'): """Returns a Transformer model. This model expects an input pair: target, source. Args: input_vocab_size: int: vocab size of the source. output_vocab_size: int (optional): vocab size of the target. If None, the source and target are assumed to have the same vocab. d_model: int: depth of embedding d_ff: int: depth of feed-forward layer n_layers: int: number of encoder/decoder layers n_heads: int: number of attention heads dropout: float: dropout rate (how much to drop out) max_len: int: maximum symbol length for positional encoding mode: str: 'train' or 'eval' Returns: A Transformer model as a layer that maps from a target, source pair to activations over a vocab set. """ in_embed = [ # tokens tl.Embedding(d_model, input_vocab_size), # vecs tl.Dropout(rate=dropout, mode=mode), # vecs tl.PositionalEncoding(max_len=max_len), # vecs ] if output_vocab_size is None: output_vocab_size = input_vocab_size out_embed = in_embed else: out_embed = [ # tokens tl.Embedding(d_model, output_vocab_size), # vecs tl.Dropout(rate=dropout, mode=mode), # vecs tl.PositionalEncoding(max_len=max_len), # vecs ] encoder_stack = ( # masks vectors --> masks vectors [ EncoderBlock(d_model, d_ff, n_heads, dropout, i, mode) for i in range(n_layers) ]) encoder_decoder_stack = ( # vecs_d masks vecs_e --> vecs_d masks vecs_e [ EncoderDecoder(d_model, d_ff, n_heads, dropout, i, mode) for i in range(n_layers) ]) # Input: encoder_side_tokens, decoder_side_tokens return tl.Model( # tokens_e tokens_d tl.Parallel([], tl.Dup()), # toks_e toks_d toks_d (for loss) tl.Swap(), # toks_d toks_e .... # Encode. tl.Parallel( # toks_d toks_e [], [ tl.Dup(), # ______ toks_e toks_e tl.Parallel(in_embed, tl.PaddingMask()), # ______ vecs_e masks encoder_stack, # ______ vecs_e masks tl.LayerNorm(), # ______ vecs_e ..... tl.Swap() ]), # ______ masks vecs_e # Decode. # toks_d masks vecs_e tl.ShiftRight(), # toks_d ..... ...... out_embed, # vecs_d ..... ...... tl.Dup(), # vecs_d vecs_d ..... ...... tl.Parallel([], tl.EncoderDecoderMask()), # ______ masks ...... encoder_decoder_stack, # vecs_d masks vecs_e tl.Parallel([], tl.Drop(), tl.Drop()), # vecs_d tl.LayerNorm(), # vecs_d tl.Dense(output_vocab_size), # vecs_d tl.LogSoftmax(), # vecs_d )
def TransformerLM(vocab_size, d_model=512, d_ff=2048, n_layers=6, n_heads=8, d_attention_key=None, d_attention_value=None, attention_type=tl.DotProductCausalAttention, dropout=0.1, share_qk=False, max_len=2048, n_chunks=0, mode='train'): """Returns a Transformer language model. The input to the model is a tensor of tokens. (This model uses only the decoder part of the overall Transformer.) Args: vocab_size: int: vocab size d_model: int: depth of embedding d_ff: int: depth of feed-forward layer n_layers: int: number of encoder/decoder layers n_heads: int: number of attention heads d_attention_key: int: depth of key vector for each attention head (default is d_model // n_heads) d_attention_value: int: depth of value vector for each attention head (default is d_model // n_heads) attention_type: subclass of tl.BaseCausalAttention: attention class to use dropout: float: dropout rate (how much to drop out) share_qk: bool, whether to share queries and keys in decoder attention max_len: int: maximum symbol length for positional encoding n_chunks: int: number of chunks (must match input pipeline) mode: str: 'train', 'eval' or 'predict', predict mode is for fast inference Returns: A Transformer language model as a layer that maps from a tensor of tokens to activations over a vocab set. """ if n_chunks == 0: concatenate_chunks = split_chunks = [] else: concatenate_chunks = tl.Concatenate(n_items=n_chunks) split_chunks = tl.Split(n_sections=n_chunks, axis=-2) embedder = [ tl.Embedding(d_model, vocab_size), tl.Dropout(rate=dropout, name='embedding', mode=mode), tl.PositionalEncoding(max_len=max_len, mode=mode), ] return tl.Model( # tokens (or chunked tuple of tokens) concatenate_chunks, # tokens tl.ShiftRight(mode=mode), # toks embedder, # vecs [ DecoderBlock( # pylint: disable=g-complex-comprehension d_model, d_ff, n_heads, d_attention_key, d_attention_value, attention_type, dropout, share_qk, i, mode) for i in range(n_layers) ], # vecs tl.LayerNorm(), # vecs tl.Dense(vocab_size), # vecs tl.LogSoftmax(), # vecs split_chunks, # vecs (or chunked tuple of vecs) )