def fetchSiteKeys(self, source, desig): """All site keys for market or submarket indicated by desig. If desig indicates a market, return all sitekeys. Otherwise, try to delegate to canonSiteKey""" # sql = "select ms.sitekey from marketsites ms, markets m, marketnames mn where ms.code=m.code and m.code=mn.code and and ms.source=%s" # seems better, but still not perfectly normalized # but for a market with multiple site keys, returns all db = trbotdb.connect(CONNECTKEY) c = db.cursor() # desig is a market indicator, e.g., IAD, miami sql = "select distinct ms.sitekey from marketsites ms, markets m, marketnames mn where ms.code=m.code and m.code=mn.code and ( or mn.code=%s) and ms.source=%s" c.execute(sql, (desig,desig,source)) v = [row[0] for row in c.fetchall()] if v: trbotdb.disconnect(db) return v canon = self.canonSiteKey(source, desig) if canon: return canon return []
def canonSiteKey(self, source, desig): """If desig is a sitekey itself, return just it as singleton list (possibly canonicalized)""" # desig is a sitekey, e.g., nova, ftlauderdale sql = "select distinct ms.sitekey from marketsites ms where ms.sitekey=%s and ms.source=%s" db = trbotdb.connect(CONNECTKEY) c = db.cursor() c.execute(sql, (desig,source)) v = [row[0] for row in c.fetchall()] if v: trbotdb.disconnect(db) # always only one value return [v[0]] return []