Beispiel #1
    def map_rule_predicates(self, rule):
            Finds all predicates in the head and the body and constructs
             a predicate map (a.k.a. and adjacency list) according to 
             the above description
            Must be given a rule at the top-level, where child keys 
             are ["head", "body"]
            Otherwise performs no operations
        if isinstance(rule,
                      clingo.ast.AST) and rule.type == clingo.ast.ASTType.Rule:
            # Reset head and body predicate lists such that this class
            #  may be reused for all rules in the program
            self.head_predicates = set()
            self.body_predicates = set()

            super(ASTPredicateMapper, self).visit(rule["head"],
            super(ASTPredicateMapper, self).visit(rule["body"],

            for head_predicate in self.head_predicates:

                if head_predicate not in self.predicate_map.keys():
                    self.predicate_map[head_predicate] = set()

    def explore(self, x, data=TreeData()):
            Recursively traverse AST of the rule.
            Record encountered comparisons and functions for use in
                checking for potential rewritings of the rule
        if isinstance(x, clingo.ast.AST):
            # Record non-equality comparisons for use in rewritability checking
            if x.type == clingo.ast.ASTType.Comparison:
                if x['comparison'] != clingo.ast.ComparisonOperator.Equal:
                        x['left'], x['right'], x['comparison'])

            # Record body functions for use in rewritability checking
            elif x.type == clingo.ast.ASTType.Function:
                if not data.head:

            # Record aggregate literals for use in rewritability checking
            elif x.type == clingo.ast.ASTType.Literal and \
                    x['atom'].type == clingo.ast.ASTType.BodyAggregate:

            return self.explore_children(x, data)

        elif isinstance(x, list):
            return [self.explore(y, data) for y in x]
        elif x is None:
            return x
            raise TypeError("unexpected type")
Beispiel #3
    def visit_Pool(self, pool, data=TreeData()):
        if self.operational_pool_hash is None:
            # Encountered a pool while we are not actively replacing a pool with a specific one of its arguments

            instantiations = []
            for arg in pool['arguments']:
                # Store a flag (string hash) of the argument we wish to use to replace its parent pool;
                # Add a rule with that argument in place of its parent pool to a list of instantiations
                self.operational_pool_hash = pool_and_arg_hash(pool, arg)
                instantiations.append(super(ASTPoolInstantiator, self).visit(self.astCopier.deep_copy(self.stm)))

            # Class-recursive part; instantiate all instantiations, in case multiple pools exist within the rule
            self.astPoolInstantiator = ASTPoolInstantiator()
            for instantiation in instantiations:
                for instantiation_instantiation in self.astPoolInstantiator.instantiate_pools(instantiation):
            # Encountered a pool while we are actively replacing a pool with a specific one of its arguments
            #   If this is that specific pool, replace it with its visited argument
            #   Otherwise, visit the pool's children as normal
            for arg in pool['arguments']:
                if self.operational_pool_hash == pool_and_arg_hash(pool, arg):
                    return super(ASTPoolInstantiator, self).visit(arg, data)

            return super(ASTPoolInstantiator, self).visit_children(pool, data)
Beispiel #4
    def visit_Function(self, function, data=TreeData()):
        predicate = Predicate(function['name'], len(function['arguments']))
        if data.head:

        return super(ASTPredicateMapper, self).visit_children(function, data)
Beispiel #5
 def visit(
     self, x, data=TreeData()
 ):  # 'data' needed in arguments list so ASTVisitor will call this visit
     if isinstance(x, clingo.ast.AST):
         x = clingo.ast.AST(x.type, **dict(x))
         return super(ASTCopier, self).visit(x, data)
         return super(ASTCopier, self).visit(x, data)
Beispiel #6
 def visit_ConditionalLiteral(self, conditional_literal, data=TreeData()):
         If we encounter a conditional literal in the head, we are 
             within either an Aggregate, Head Aggregate, or a Disjoint.
         In all cases, we have a conditional literal of the form
                         literal : conditions
                 where conditions are a set of literals.
         We want predicates in the literal to be marked as in the head,
             and predicates in the conditions to be marked as in the
     if data.head:
         conditional_literal['literal'] = super(ASTPredicateMapper, self).visit(conditional_literal['literal'], data)
         conditional_literal['condition'] = super(ASTPredicateMapper, self).visit(conditional_literal['condition'],
         return conditional_literal
         return super(ASTPredicateMapper, self).visit_children(conditional_literal, data)
Beispiel #7
 def visit(self, x, data=TreeData()):
     if isinstance(x, clingo.ast.AST):
         attr = "visit_" + str(x.type)
         if hasattr(self, attr):
             return getattr(self, attr)(x, data)
             after = self.visit_children(x, data)
             return after
     elif isinstance(x, list):
         return [self.visit(y, data) for y in x]
     elif x is None:
         return x
         raise TypeError("unexpected type (%s)" % type(x))
 def explore_children(self, x, data=TreeData()):
     for key in x.child_keys:
         attr = self.explore(x[key], TreeData(data.head or key == "head"))
         x[key] = attr
     return x
Beispiel #9
 def visit_ShowSignature(self, show_signature, data=TreeData()):
     fixed_show_signature = ShowSignature(show_signature)
     return super(ASTReplacer, self).visit_children(fixed_show_signature, data)
Beispiel #10
 def visit_Definition(self, definition, data=TreeData()):
     fixed_definition = Definition(definition)
     return super(ASTReplacer, self).visit_children(fixed_definition, data)
Beispiel #11
 def visit_ConditionalLiteral(self, conditional_literal, data=TreeData()):
     fixed_conditional_literal = ConditionalLiteral(conditional_literal)
     return super(ASTReplacer, self).visit_children(fixed_conditional_literal, data)
Beispiel #12
 def visit_children(self, x, data=TreeData()):
     for key in x.child_keys:
         getattr_tmp=getattr(x, key)
         child_x = self.visit(getattr_tmp, data)
         x[key] = child_x
     return x