class TrelloClientTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    Tests for TrelloClient API. Note these test are in order to preserve dependencies, as an API 
    integration cannot be tested independently.

    def setUp(self):
        self.client = TrelloClient(TRELLO_API_KEY, TRELLO_TOKEN)
        self.boards = BoardProvider(self.client)
        self.lists = ListProvider(self.client) = CardProvider(self.client)

    def tearDown(self):
        # self._trello.logout()

    def test_recurse(self):
        """ Gets all boards and all lists on those boards """
        print "Recursively seeking all boards, lists and cards available to this user"
        for b in self.boards.get_all():
            print b
            # now loop through the lists
            for l in self.lists.get_lists(
                print "  %s" % l
                # now loop through the lists
                for c in
                    print "    %s" % c
 def setUp(self):
     self.client = TrelloClient(TRELLO_API_KEY, TRELLO_TOKEN)
     self.boards = BoardProvider(self.client)
     self.lists = ListProvider(self.client) = CardProvider(self.client)