def main():
    # first let's build a system:
    sys = DeltaRobotTrep(L_base, L_platform, R_base, R_platform)

    dt = 0.05
    tf = 10.0

    # setup initial conditions
    _ = sys.forward(*(-0.2 * np.ones(3)))
    _ = sys.inverse(0.0, 0.0, 1.2)
    q0 = sys.q

    # add external force:
    trep.forces.BodyWrench(sys, sys.platform_center,
                           (0, 0, "external_z", 0, 0, 0))

    def f_func(t):
        if t > 3.0:
            return 50
            return 0
        # amp = 20
        # period = 1.0
        # return amp*np.sin(t*2*pi/period) + 40

    mvi = trep.MidpointVI(sys)
    mvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)
    q = [mvi.q2]
    t = [mvi.t2]
    while mvi.t1 < tf:
        mvi.step(mvi.t2 + dt, u1=[f_func(mvi.t2)])
    sys = DeltaRobotTrep(L_base, L_platform, R_base, R_platform)
    visual.visualize_3d([visual.VisualItem3D(sys, t, q)])
Beispiel #2
# There is no guarantee that the configuration we just set is
# consistent with the system's constraints.  We can call
# System.satisfy_constraints() to have trep find a configuration that
# is consistent.  This just uses a root-finding method to solve h(q) =
# 0 starting from the current configuration.  There is no guarantee
# that it will always converge and no guarantee the final
# configuration is close to the original one.

# Now we'll extract the current configuration into a tuple to use as
# initial conditions for a variational integrator.
q0 = system.q

# Create and initialize the variational integrator
mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system)
mvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)

# This is our simulation loop.  We save the results in two lists.
q = [mvi.q2]
t = [mvi.t2]
while mvi.t1 < tf:
    mvi.step(mvi.t2 + dt)

# After the simulation is finished, we can visualize the results.  The
# viewer can automatically draw a primitive representation for
# arbitrary systems from the tree structure.  print_instructions() has
# the viewer print out basic usage information to the console.
visual.visualize_3d([visual.VisualItem3D(system, t, q)])
Beispiel #3
        #         if mvi.t1 < (400*click):
        #             u = tuple([-19*kt, 19*kt])
        #         else:
        #             u = tuple([0,0])

        u = tuple([0 * kt, 0 * kt])
        mvi.step(mvi.t2 + dt, u, (), 5000)
        steps = steps + 1

    # while tcur < tf
    # stance for 100 clicks

    # flight

    # make sure tf is ~0.2 s

    return (T, Q)

hopper_stance.q = qtrep_init

# simulate
print 'Simulating...'
(tsim, qsim) = simulate_system(hopper_stance)
print 'Done!'

# visual.visualize_3d([ visual.VisualItem3D(hopper_stance, tview, qtrep_view) ], camera_pos = [(1,0,0)])
visual.visualize_3d([visual.VisualItem3D(hopper_stance, tsim, qsim)],
                    camera_pos=[(1, 0, 0)])
Beispiel #4

def generate_cont_sim(system, q0):
    n = len(system.configs)

    def f(x, t):
        q = x.tolist()[:n]
        dq = x.tolist()[n:]
        system.set_state(q=q, dq=dq, ddqk=qk_dd_func(system, t), t=t)
        ddq = system.ddq
        return np.concatenate((dq, ddq))

    x0 = np.concatenate((system.q, system.dq))
    # Generate a list of time values we want to calculate the configuration for.
    t = [dt * i for i in range(int(tf / dt))]
    # Run the numerical integrator
    x = odeint(f, x0, t)
    # Extract the configuration out of the resulting trajectory.
    q = [xi.tolist()[:n] for xi in x]
    return t, q

# t,q = generate_vi_sim(system, q0)
tc, qc = generate_cont_sim(system, q0)

# Display
    [visual.VisualItem3D(system, tc, qc)],
    camera_pos=[5.76000000e+00, -9.30731567e-17, -1.28000000e+00])