Beispiel #1
def compare_yamls(yaml1, yaml2):
    validate_type('yaml1', yaml1, str)
    validate_type('yaml2', yaml2, str)
    i = 0
    for line1, line2 in zip(yaml1.strip().split('\n'), yaml2.strip().split('\n')):
        i += 1
        assert line1 == line2, 'yamls are not equal starting from line %s:\n%s\n    Golden    <->    Generated\n%s' % (i, line1.strip(), line2.strip())
def compare_yamls(yaml1, yaml2):
    validate_type('yaml1', yaml1, str)
    validate_type('yaml2', yaml2, str)
    i = 0
    for line1, line2 in zip(yaml1.strip().split('\n'), yaml2.strip().split('\n')):
        i += 1
        if line1 != line2:
            raise Exception('yamls are not equal starting from line %s:\n%s\n\t<->\n%s' % (i, line1.strip(), line2.strip()))
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(
            mac_dst_override_mode=None,  # see  STLStreamDstMAC_xx
        Stream object


                  name  : string
                       Name of the stream. Required if this stream is dependent on another stream,
                       and another stream needs to refer to this stream by name.

                  packet :  STLPktBuilder see :class:
                       Template packet and field engine program. Example:
                       packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt/pad)

                  mode :  :class:`trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_streams.STLTXCont` or :
                  class:`trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_streams.STLTXSingleBurst`  or  :

                  enabled : bool
                      Indicates whether the stream is enabled.

                  self_start : bool
                      If False, another stream activates it.

                  isg : float
                     Inter-stream gap in usec. Time to wait until the stream
                     sends the first packet.

                  flow_stats : :class:`trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_streams.STLFlowStats`
                      Per stream statistic object. See: STLFlowStats

                  next : string
                      Name of the stream to activate.

                  stream_id :
                        For use by HLTAPI.

                  action_count : uint16_t
                        If there is a next stream, number of loops before stopping.
                        Default: 0(unlimited).

                  random_seed: uint16_t
                       If given, the seed for this stream will be this value.
                       Useful if you need a deterministic random value.

                  mac_src_override_by_pkt : bool
                        Template packet sets src MAC.

                  mac_dst_override_mode=None : STLStreamDstMAC_xx
                        Template packet sets dst MAC.

                  dummy_stream : bool
                        For delay purposes, will not be sent.

        # type checking
        validate_type('mode', mode, STLTXMode)
        validate_type('packet', packet, (type(None), CTrexPktBuilderInterface))
        validate_type('flow_stats', flow_stats,
                      (type(None), STLFlowStatsInterface))
        validate_type('enabled', enabled, bool)
        validate_type('self_start', self_start, bool)
        validate_type('isg', isg, (int, float))
        validate_type('stream_id', stream_id, (type(None), int))
        validate_type('random_seed', random_seed, int)
        validate_type('dummy_stream', dummy_stream, bool)

        if (type(mode) == STLTXCont) and (next is not None):
            raise STLError("Continuous stream cannot have a next stream ID")

        # tag for the stream and next - can be anything = name = next

        # save for easy construct code from stream object
        self.mac_src_override_by_pkt = mac_src_override_by_pkt
        self.mac_dst_override_mode = mac_dst_override_mode = stream_id

        self.fields = {}

        int_mac_src_override_by_pkt = 0
        int_mac_dst_override_mode = 0

        if mac_src_override_by_pkt is None:
            int_mac_src_override_by_pkt = 0
            if packet:
                if packet.is_default_src_mac() is False:
                    int_mac_src_override_by_pkt = 1

            int_mac_src_override_by_pkt = int(mac_src_override_by_pkt)

        if mac_dst_override_mode is None:
            int_mac_dst_override_mode = 0
            if packet:
                if packet.is_default_dst_mac() is False:
                    int_mac_dst_override_mode = STLStreamDstMAC_PKT
            int_mac_dst_override_mode = int(mac_dst_override_mode)

        self.is_default_mac = not (int_mac_src_override_by_pkt
                                   or int_mac_dst_override_mode)

        self.fields['flags'] = (int_mac_src_override_by_pkt & 1) + \
            ((int_mac_dst_override_mode & 3) << 1) + (int(dummy_stream) << 3)

        self.fields['action_count'] = action_count

        # basic fields
        self.fields['enabled'] = enabled
        self.fields['self_start'] = self_start
        self.fields['isg'] = isg

        if random_seed != 0:
            self.fields['random_seed'] = random_seed  # optional

        # mode
        self.fields['mode'] = mode.to_json()
        self.mode_desc = str(mode)

        # packet
        self.fields['packet'] = {}
        self.fields['vm'] = {}

        if not packet:
            packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt=Ether() / IP())
            if dummy_stream:
                self.packet_desc = 'Dummy'

        self.scapy_pkt_builder = packet
        # packet builder

        # packet and VM
        self.fields['packet'] = packet.dump_pkt()
        self.fields['vm'] = packet.get_vm_data()

        self.pkt = base64.b64decode(self.fields['packet']['binary'])

        # this is heavy, calculate lazy
        self.packet_desc = None

        if not flow_stats:
            self.fields['flow_stats'] = STLFlowStats.defaults()
            self.fields['flow_stats'] = flow_stats.to_json()
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, pps=None, bps_L1=None, bps_L2=None, percentage=None):
        Speed can be given in packets per second(pps), L2/L1 bps, or port percent
        Use only one unit.
        you can enter pps =10000 oe bps_L1=10

            pps : float
               Packets per second

            bps_L1 : float
               Bits per second L1(with IPG)

            bps_L2 : float
               Bits per second L2(Ethernet-FCS)

            percentage : float
               Link interface percent(0-100). Example: 10 is 10% of the port link setup

        .. code-block:: python

            # STLTXMode Example

            mode = STLTXCont(pps = 10)

            mode = STLTXCont(bps_L1 = 10000000) #10mbps L1

            mode = STLTXCont(bps_L2 = 10000000) #10mbps L2

            mode = STLTXCont(percentage = 10)   #10%


        args = [pps, bps_L1, bps_L2, percentage]

        # default
        if all([x is None for x in args]):
            pps = 1.0

        self.fields = {'rate': {}}

        if pps is not None:
            validate_type('pps', pps, [float, int])

            self.fields['rate']['type'] = 'pps'
            self.fields['rate']['value'] = pps

        elif bps_L1 is not None:
            validate_type('bps_L1', bps_L1, [float, int])

            self.fields['rate']['type'] = 'bps_L1'
            self.fields['rate']['value'] = bps_L1

        elif bps_L2 is not None:
            validate_type('bps_L2', bps_L2, [float, int])

            self.fields['rate']['type'] = 'bps_L2'
            self.fields['rate']['value'] = bps_L2

        elif percentage is not None:
            validate_type('percentage', percentage, [float, int])
            if not (percentage > 0 and percentage <= 100):
                raise STLArgumentError('percentage', percentage)

            self.fields['rate']['type'] = 'percentage'
            self.fields['rate']['value'] = percentage
Beispiel #5
 def add_profile(self, client_id, filename, **k):
     validate_type('filename', filename, str)
     profile = STLProfile.load(filename, **k)
     self.add_streams(client_id, profile.get_streams())