Beispiel #1
    def triangulate(self, area=None, mode='pzq27eQ'):
        Perform an initial triangulation.

        @param area is a max area constraint
        @param mode a string of TRIANGLE switches. Refer to the TRIANGLE doc for more info about mode:

        @note invoke this after setting the boundary points, segments, and optionally hole positions.

        if not self.has_points and not self.has_segmts:
            print('%s: Error. Must set points, segments, and optionally holes prior to calling "triangulate"' \
                  % (__file__))

        # mode string
        # z: start indexing with zero
        # q<angle>: quality mesh
        # e: edge
        # p: planar straight line graph
        # Q: quiet mode

        self.mode = mode
        if area:
            self.area = area
            mode += 'a%f' % area

        if len(self.hndls) <= 1: self.hndls.append(
        triangulate.triangulate(mode, self.hndls[0], self.hndls[1], self.h_vor)
        self.has_trgltd = True
Beispiel #2
    def triangulate(self, area=None, mode='pzq27eQ'):

        Perform an initial triangulation. Invoke this after setting
        the boundary points, segments, and optionally hole positions.
        Here, area is a max area constraint and mode a string of TRIANGLE
        switches. Check the TRIANGLE doc for more info about mode:

        if not self.has_points and not self.has_segmts:
            print('%s: Error. Must set points, segments, and optionally holes prior to calling "triangulate"' \
                  % (__file__))

        # mode string
        # z: start indexing with zero
        # q<angle>: quality mesh
        # e: edge
        # p: planar straight line graph
        # Q: quiet mode

        self.mode = mode
        if area:
            self.area = area
            mode += 'a%f'% area

        if len(self.hndls) <= 1: self.hndls.append( )
        triangulate.triangulate(mode, self.hndls[0], self.hndls[1], self.h_vor)
        self.has_trgltd = True
Beispiel #3
def triangle_graph(regions: List[Polygon], graph: Graph) -> List[Triangle]:
    Triangulate regions, connecting into a tree (acyclic digraph) for lookups from triangles to
    the original polygon tiling.
    :param regions:  list of regions to be triangulated
    :param graph: graph to be populated with edge from the original polygons to the triangles in their triangulations.
    :return: list of all triangles in all regions
    logging.debug("Triangulating subdivision of %d regions" % len(regions))
    triangles = []
    for i, region in enumerate(regions):
        logging.debug("Triangulating region %d" % i)
        graph.add_node(region, original=True)

        if isinstance(region, Triangle):
        elif region.n == 3:
            region.__class__ = Triangle
            # triangulation = region.triangulate()
            triangulation = triangulate(region)
            for triangle in triangulation:
                graph.add_node(triangle, original=False)
                graph.add_edge(triangle, region)

    return triangles
def TestMesh():
    tri = trig.TriTrap()
    tris = trig.triangulate(tri, 20, 21)
    tris = trig.cull_triangles(tris, point_in_triangle_checker(tris))

    mesh = mc.mesh_creator(tris)
    # plot(mesh)
    return mesh
def main(file_name, option):
    global file_name_old
    file_name_old = file_name

    # if there is an error, try to catch it in the exception block
        vertices = open_file.get_vertices(file_name_old)
        enumerated_vertices = []
        for cordinates in vertices:
            new_cordinate = cordinates.split(",")
            for i in range(0, len(new_cordinate)):
                new_cordinate[i] = float(new_cordinate[i])

    except Exception as error:
        print error
        print "Please try a different input"

    optimization_triangulation.triangulate(enumerated_vertices, option)
Beispiel #6
def next_layer(regions: List[Triangle], boundary: Triangle, digraph: DiGraph) -> List[Triangle]:
    Compute the next layer in the data structure by removing O(n) points, retriangulating,
    connecting new triangles in DAG to triangles with which they might overlap.  We don't
    compute actual intersections to save time.
    :param regions: the current layer in the algorithm 
    :param boundary: the bounding triangle (so that the boundary is never removed)
    :param digraph: digraph search tree for later location
    :return: list of triangles in the next layer
    # Since a tiling is represented as list of polygons, points may
    # appear multiple times in the tiling.  We produce a mapping to
    # bring all information together
    point2regions = defaultdict(set)
    for i, region in enumerate(regions):
        for point in region.pts:

    # Graph on the vertices of the tiling
    graph = Graph()
    for region in regions:
        for u, v in zip(region.pts, np.roll(region.pts, 1)):
            graph.add_edge(u, v)

    # Find independent set to remove constant fraction of triangles
    ind_set = planar_independent_set(graph, black_list=boundary.pts)

    # Find the affected regions to be joined together, triangulate, and connect into DAG
    unaffected = set(range(len(regions)))
    new_regions = list()
    for point in ind_set:
        # Remove point and join triangles.
        affected_ixs = point2regions[point]
        affected = [regions[i] for i in affected_ixs]
        new_poly = remove_point_triangulation(affected, point)

        # Retriangulate
        # new_triangles = new_poly.triangulate()
        new_triangles = triangulate(new_poly)
        new_regions += new_triangles

        # Connect into DAG for lookups
        for tri in new_triangles:
            for ix in affected_ixs:
                digraph.add_node(tri, original=False)
                digraph.add_edge(tri, regions[ix])

    new_regions += [regions[i] for i in unaffected]
    return new_regions
Beispiel #7
    def refine(self, area_ratio=2.0):
        Apply a refinement to the triangulation. Should be called after
        performing an initial triangulation. Here, area_ratio represents
        the max triangle area reduction factor.

        if not self.has_trgltd:
            print('%s: Error. Must triangulate prior to calling "refine"' \
                  % (__file__))


        mode = self.mode + 'cr'
        if self.area:
            self.area /= area_ratio
            mode += 'a%f' % self.area

        triangulate.triangulate(mode, self.hndls[-2], self.hndls[-1],
Beispiel #8
    def refine(self, area_ratio=2.0):

        Apply a refinement to the triangulation. Should be called after
        performing an initial triangulation. Here, area_ratio represents
        the max triangle area reduction factor.

        if not self.has_trgltd:
            print('%s: Error. Must triangulate prior to calling "refine"' \
                  % (__file__))

        self.hndls.append( )

        mode = self.mode + 'cr'
        if self.area:
            self.area /= area_ratio
            mode += 'a%f' % self.area

        triangulate.triangulate(mode, self.hndls[-2],
                                self.hndls[-1], self.h_vor)
def getCoordinates(MAC):
    global x
    global y
    global coordinates
    SignalPower = enterMAC(MAC, IP_first)
    Signal1_raw = float(SignalPower)
    SignalPower = enterMAC(MAC, IP_second)
    Signal2_raw = float(SignalPower)
    SignalPower = enterMAC(MAC, IP_third)
    Signal3_raw = float(SignalPower)
#    SignalPower = enterMAC(MAC, IP_fourth)
#    Signal4_raw = float(SignalPower)
    Signal1, Signal2, Signal3 = [x if x > 0 else 0.01 for x in (Signal1_raw, Signal2_raw, Signal3_raw)]
    coordinates = triangulate([(340.0, 70.0, Signal1), (50.0, 100.0, Signal2), (250.0, 200.0, Signal3) ])      #this config depends on actual dimensions of where sensors are placed
    x=coordinates[0] + randint(-4,4)
    y=coordinates[1] + randint(-4,4)
Beispiel #10
def main():
    nv = 20
    shape = [400, 400]
    # make points
    points = []
    for i in range(nv + 3):
        points.append(Point(random.randint(0, shape[0]), random.randint(0, shape[1])))
    # sort
    points = sorted(points, key=lambda x: x.x)
    triangles = triangulate(points)
    # triangles = []

    # 画图
    draw_img(shape, points, triangles)

Beispiel #11
def getCoordinates(MAC):
    SignalPower = enterMAC(MAC, IP_first)
    Signal1_raw = float(SignalPower)
    SignalPower = enterMAC(MAC, IP_second)
    Signal2_raw = float(SignalPower)
    SignalPower = enterMAC(MAC, IP_third)
    Signal3_raw = float(SignalPower)
    SignalPower = enterMAC(MAC, IP_fourth)
    Signal4_raw = float(SignalPower)
    Signal1, Signal2, Signal3, Signal4 = [x if x > 0 else 0.01 for x in (Signal1_raw, Signal2_raw, Signal3_raw, Signal4_raw)]
    coordinates = triangulate([(0.0, 140.0, Signal1), (250.0, 40.0, Signal2), (50.0, 100.0, Signal3), (50.0, 50.0, Signal4) ])      #this config depends on actual dimensions of where sensors are placed
    global coordinates
    global x
    global y
Beispiel #12
def wrap_triangle(poly: Polygon) -> Tuple[Triangle, List[Triangle]]:
    Finds a large triangle that surrounds the polygon, and tiles the gap
    between the triangle the polygon.
    :param poly: polygon to be surrounded
    :return: tuple of the bounding triangle and the triangles in the gap 
    """Wraps the polygon in a triangle and triangulates the gap"""
    bounding_triangle = Triangle.enclosing_triangle(poly)

    # We need to expand the triangle a little bit so that the polygon side isn't on top of
    # one of the triangle sides (otherwise Triangle library segfaults).
    bounding_triangle = bounding_triangle.scale(1.1)

    # bounding_region = bounding_triangle.triangulate(hole=poly)
    bounding_region = triangulate(bounding_triangle, hole=poly)
    return bounding_triangle, bounding_region
Beispiel #13
import random

from triangulate import triangulate
from draw import drawTriangles

max_x = 2000
max_y = 2000
nodes = 50

graph = []

for node in range(0, nodes):
    x = random.randrange(0, max_x)
    y = random.randrange(0, max_y)

    graph.append((x, y))

enclosing_triangle = {(-2000, -100), (4000, -100), (1000, 4000)}

triangles = triangulate(graph, enclosing_triangle)
Beispiel #14
def visual_odometry(setup):
    Runs full VO pipeline, visualizes the resulting motion estimate and
    returns the pose change (start-to-end).

    setup  - VO setup object, all required details for the VO algorithm.

    Tba  - 4x4 np.array, homogeneous pose matrix, change in robot pose
           from 'after' frame to 'before' frame.
    matchDir  = setup.projectRoot + setup.matchDir
    trackDir  = setup.projectRoot + setup.trackDir
    ransacDir = setup.projectRoot + setup.ransacDir

    # Set up stereo camera matrices.
    Kl = setup.Kl
    Kr = setup.Kr 
    Tl = np.eye(4)
    Tr = np.eye(4)
    Tr[0, 3] = setup.baseline

    Tba = np.eye(4)
    trans = np.zeros((3, 1))

    # Set up figure windows, if we want them.
    fig_imagept = None
    fig_traject = None

    if setup.plotPoints:
        fig_imagept = plt.figure()
    if setup.plotTrajectory:
        fig_traject = plt.figure()

    # Main loop, estimating incremental motion.
    for i in range(setup.startInd, setup.stopInd + 1):
        # Report progress.
        print("At frame %d of %d." % (i, setup.stopInd))

        # Load points file.
            points = \
                loadmat("%s/%s%04d.mat" % (matchDir, setup.interPrefix, i))
            ransac = \
                loadmat("%s/%s%04d.mat" % (ransacDir, setup.ransacPrefix, i))
            # Inlying matches / stereo points pairs.
            idxs = np.array(ransac["inliers"])
            points = np.array(points["common"])[idxs - 1, :]
            # No such file, so skip it and move on to the next one.

        # Typically a RANSAC loop would run here, but we have preprocessed the
        # data in advance.

        # Build covariance matrices - these are matrices of image plane variances
        # derived from the epipolar matching function. They provide information on
        # the quality of the match.
        Sil = np.empty((2, 2, points.shape[0]))
        Sfl = np.empty((2, 2, points.shape[0]))

        for j in range(points.shape[0]):
            Sil[:, :, j] = np.array([[points[j,  5], 0], [0, points[j,  6]]])
            Sfl[:, :, j] = np.array([[points[j, 11], 0], [0, points[j, 12]]])
        Sir = Sil.copy()
        Sfr = Sfl.copy()

        # Triangulate points before and after - then use the triangulated points
        # for motion estimation. Note that the array Sb is 3x3xn, and contains a
        # 3x3 covariance matrix for each landmark point in Pb.
        Pi = np.empty((3, points.shape[0]))
        Pf = np.empty((3, points.shape[0]))
        Si = np.empty((3, 3, points.shape[0]))
        Sf = np.empty((3, 3, points.shape[0]))

        for j in range(points.shape[0]):
            # Initial
            _, _, Pi[:, [j]], Si[:, :, j] = \
                triangulate(Kl, Kr, Tl, Tr, 
                            points[j, 1:3].reshape(2, 1),
                            points[j, 3:5].reshape(2, 1),
                            Sil[:, :, j], Sir[:, :, j])

            # Final
            _, _, Pf[:, [j]], Sf[:, :, j] = \
                triangulate(Kl, Kr, Tl, Tr, 
                            points[j,  7:9].reshape(2, 1),
                            points[j, 9:11].reshape(2, 1),
                            Sfl[:, :, j], Sfr[:, :, j])
            #print(Pi[:, j])
            #print(Pf[:, j])

        # Estimate incremental motion.

        Tfi = estimate_motion_ils(Pi, Pf, Si, Sf, 100)

        Tba = Tba@Tfi


        # Append new increment to path for plotting.
        trans = np.append(trans, Tba[0:3, 3].reshape((3, 1)), axis = 1)

        # Show trajectory.
        if setup.plotTrajectory:
            ax = fig_traject.add_subplot(111, projection = '3d')
            ax.plot(trans[0, :], trans[1, :], trans[2, :], 'b-')

        # Overlay motion on image.
        if setup.plotPoints:
            I = plt.imread("%s/l-rect-%08d_track.ppm" % (trackDir, i))
            # Overlay tracks on image.
            for k in range(points.shape[0]):
                plt.plot([points[k, 1], points[k, 7]], \
                         [points[k, 2], points[k, 8]] , c = 'b')
            plt.scatter(points[:, 1], points[:, 2], s = 20, c = 'r', marker = 'x')
            plt.scatter(points[:, 7], points[:, 8], s = 20, c = 'g', marker = 'o')
    return Tba
Beispiel #15
 def triangulate(self, i):
     track = self.tracks[i]
     Rs = [ self.Rs[j] for j in track.camera_ids ]
     ts = [ self.ts[j] for j in track.camera_ids ]
     return triangulate.triangulate(self.K, Rs, ts, track.measurements)
Beispiel #16
 def showPreview(self):
     self.triangles, self.pointsA, self.pointsB, self.hull, constraints = triangulate.triangulate( self.pairsLayer(), self.pairsLayerRestrictToSelection(),self.constraintsLayer(), self.constraintsLayerRestrictToSelection(), self.bufferValue() )
    def doRun(self):

        self._abort = False

        if self.debug:
            args = ['gdalinfo',
            sucess, result = self.runCommand(args, 'get GDAL version')

        self.progress.emit("Starting RasterBender", float(0))

        # Step 1 : create the delaunay mesh #

        self.progress.emit( "Loading delaunay mesh...", float(0) )

        # Create the delaunay triangulation
        triangles, pointsA, pointsB, hull, constraints = triangulate.triangulate( self.pairsLayer, self.pairsLimitToSelection, self.constraintsLayer, self.constraintsLimitToSelection, self.bufferValue )

        # Step 2. Opening the dataset #

        self.progress.emit( "Opening the dataset... This shouldn't be too long...", float(0) )

        #Open the dataset

        # Read the source data into numpy arrays
        dsSource = osgeo.gdal.Open( self.sourcePath, osgeo.gdal.GA_ReadOnly )

        # Get the transformation
        pixW = float(dsSource.RasterXSize-1) #width in pixel
        pixH = float(dsSource.RasterYSize-1) #width in pixel
        rezX = dsSource.GetGeoTransform()[1] #horizontal resolution
        rezY = dsSource.GetGeoTransform()[5] #vertical resolution # this should give -1 if the raster has no geotransform, but it does not...
        mapW = float(dsSource.RasterXSize)*rezX #width in map units
        mapH = float(dsSource.RasterYSize)*rezY #width in map units
        offX = dsSource.GetGeoTransform()[0] #offset in map units
        offY = dsSource.GetGeoTransform()[3] #offset in map units

        self.log('pixW:{} pixH:{} rezX:{} rezY:{} mapW:{} mapH:{} offX:{} offY:{}'.format(pixW,pixH,rezX,rezY,mapW,mapH,offX,offY), True )

        dsSource = None # close the source

        # We copy the origin to the destination raster
        # Every succequent drawing will happen on this raster, so that areas that don't move are already ok.

        # We get the informations of the source layer to use the same format for output
        args = ['gdalinfo',
                # '-json', # -json doesn't exist in GDAL<2.0

        sucess, result = self.runCommand(args, 'get the file infos')
        # output_format = json.loads(result)['driverShortName'] # -json doesn't exist in GDAL<2.0, so we use this:
        if not sucess: return
        output_format = None
        geotransform_found = False
        for line in result.split('\n'):
            if line[0:8]=='Driver: ':
                output_format = line[8:].split('/')[0]
            if line[0:13]=='Pixel Size = ':

        # And we create a copy
        args = ['gdal_translate', 
        # If we has an input format, we set it using -of parameter
        if output_format:
            self.log('Output format was found : {}'.format(output_format), True)
            self.log('Output format was not found.', True)
        if geotransform_found:
            self.log('Geotransform was found.', True)
            # If we have no geotransform, we use GCPs to match 1 pixel = 1 map unit.
            rezY = -rezY # hack, see above
            self.log('Geotransform was not found. We created GCPs', True)

        sucess, result = self.runCommand(args, 'copy the file')
        if not sucess: return

        def qgsPointToXY(qgspoint):
            Returns a point in pixels coordinates given a point in map coordinates
            return ( (qgspoint.x() - offX) / rezX + 1.0 , (qgspoint.y() - offY) / rezY + 1.0 )

        # We loop through every triangle to create a GDAL affine transformation
        count = len(triangles)
        for i,triangle in enumerate(triangles):

            if self._abort:
                self.error.emit( "Aborted on triangle %i out of %i..."  % (i+1, count))

            self.progress.emit( "Computing triangle %i out of %i..." % (i+1, count), float(i)/float(count) )

            # aX are the pixels points of the initial triangles
            a0 = qgsPointToXY(pointsA[triangle[0]])
            a1 = qgsPointToXY(pointsA[triangle[1]])
            a2 = qgsPointToXY(pointsA[triangle[2]])
            # bx are the map points of the destination triangle
            b0 = pointsB[triangle[0]]
            b1 = pointsB[triangle[1]]
            b2 = pointsB[triangle[2]]


            # Step 1 : we do an affine transformation by providing 3 -gcp points

            # here we compute the parameters for srcwin, so that we don't compute the transformation on the whole raster
            # we have a 2 pixels margins, hence the +/- 2 and the enclosing max/min (to avoid overbound)

            xMin = min(a0[0],a1[0],a2[0])
            yMin = min(a0[1],a1[1],a2[1])
            xMax = max(a0[0],a1[0],a2[0])
            yMax = max(a0[1],a1[1],a2[1])

            xoff = xMin-2
            yoff = yMin-2
            xsize = xMax-xMin+4
            ysize = yMax-yMin+4

            tempTranslated = QTemporaryFile()
            if self.debug: tempTranslated.setAutoRemove(False)

            args = ['gdal_translate',
                '-gcp', a0[0]-xoff,a0[1]-yoff,b0[0],b0[1],
                '-gcp', a1[0]-xoff,a1[1]-yoff,b1[0],b1[1],
                '-gcp', a2[0]-xoff,a2[1]-yoff,b2[0],b2[1], 
                '-srcwin', xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, 

            sucess, result = self.runCommand(args, 'create the temporaray file %i out of %i' % (i+1, count))
            if not sucess: return

            # Step 2 : we draw the transformed layer on the target layer by providing a cutline (corresponding to the destination triangle)

            # We create a vector polygon to feed into GDAL's -cutline argument
            clip = QgsGeometry.fromPolygon([[b0,b1,b2,b0]]).buffer(.5*abs(rezX)+.5*abs(rezY),2)

            # Since it must be a GDAL format, we have to create a .csv file (hah, command line tools...)
            tempWKT = QTemporaryFile( os.path.join(QDir.tempPath(),'XXXXXX.csv') )
            if self.debug: tempWKT.setAutoRemove(False)
            content = 'WKT\tID\n"%s"\t1' % (clip.exportToWkt())

            args = [ 'gdalwarp',
                '-cutline', tempWKT.fileName(),
                '-cblend', '1', 
                '-dstnodata', '-999',
                '-r', self.samplingMethod,

            sucess, result = self.runCommand(args, 'patch the triangle %i out of %i' % (i+1, count))
            if not sucess: return

# Camera poses (left, right).
Twl = np.eye(4)
Twl[:3, :3] = dcm_from_rpy([-np.pi/2, 0, 0])  # Tilt for visualization.
Twr = Twl.copy()
Twr[0, 3] = 0.4  # Baseline.

# Image plane points (left, right).
pl = np.array([[241], [237.0]])
pr = np.array([[230], [238.5]])

# Image plane uncertainties (covariances).
Sl = np.eye(2)
Sr = np.eye(2)

[Pl, Pr, P, S] = triangulate(Kl, Kr, Twl, Twr, pl, pr, Sl, Sr)

# Visualize...
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection = '3d')

ax.plot(np.array([Twl[0, 3], Pl[0, 0]]), 
        np.array([Twl[1, 3], Pl[1, 0]]),
        np.array([Twl[2, 3], Pl[2, 0]]), 'b-')
ax.plot(np.array([Twr[0, 3], Pr[0, 0]]),
        np.array([Twr[1, 3], Pr[1, 0]]),
        np.array([Twr[2, 3], Pr[2, 0]]), 'r-')
ax.plot(np.array([Pl[0, 0], Pr[0, 0]]),
        np.array([Pl[1, 0], Pr[1, 0]]),
        np.array([Pl[2, 0], Pr[2, 0]]), 'g-')
ax.plot([P[0, 0]], [P[1, 0]], [P[2, 0]], 'bx', markersize = 8)
Beispiel #19
            fields = line.split()
            dists = np.array(map(lambda x: int(x, 16) / 1000.0, fields[2:5]))
            for i in range(len(dists)):
                if dists[i] == 0:
        except ValueError:

        if any(dists == 0):
            print("Skipping because of zero: ", dists)
        results = triangulate(dists, points, position[-1, :])
        X = results.x
        X = [np.clip(X[0], 1.0, 33.0), np.clip(X[1], 1.0, 15.0)]
        zone = find_area(X, polygons)
        color_area(X, polygons, coloredareas)
        loc_error = np.abs(
        # print(results)

        position[:-1, :] = position[1:, :]
        position[-1, :] = X
        print("{:<.02f}".format(time()), "position:", X, "from distance:",

        mean_pos = position.mean(axis=0)
        stderr = 2 * position.std(axis=0) + 0.2 = mean_pos
Beispiel #20
def final():
    camera = libcpm.Camera()

    # cpp matcher:
    pmatcher = libcpm.PatchMatch()
    pmatcher.init(camera, 20)

    # python matcher:
    #bgs0, bgs1 = [], []
    #for k in range(20):
    #m1 = camera.get_for_py(0)
    #m1 = np.array(m1, copy=True)
    #m2 = camera.get_for_py(1)
    #m2 = np.array(m2, copy=True)
    #matcher = Matcher(BackgroundSegmentor(bgs0), BackgroundSegmentor(bgs1))

    runner = get_parallel_runner('../data/cpm.npy')

    viewer = libcpm.StereoCameraViewer(camera)

    C1, C0, d1, d0 = load_camera_from_calibr(
    queue = deque(maxlen=2)

    ctx = zmq.Context()
    sok = ctx.socket(zmq.PUSH)
    global args

    def cpp_matcher(m1, m2, o1, o2):
        o1 = libcpm.Mat(o1)
        o2 = libcpm.Mat(o2)
        out = pmatcher.match_with_hm(m1, m2, o1, o2)
        return np.asarray(out).reshape(14, 4)  #14 x 2image x (x,y)

    pts3ds = []
    cnt = 0
    while True:
        cnt += 1
        print 'begin---', time.time()
        m1 = camera.get_for_py(0)
        m1r = np.array(m1, copy=False)
        m2 = camera.get_for_py(1)
        m2r = np.array(m2, copy=False)

        m1s = cv2.resize(m1r, (368, 368))
        m2s = cv2.resize(m2r, (368, 368))
        print 'after resize---', time.time()

        o1, o2 = runner(m1s, m2s)
        print 'after cpm---', time.time()

        #pts14x4 = matcher.match(m1r, m2r, o1, o2)
        pts14x4 = cpp_matcher(m1, m2, o1, o2)

        #to_save = (m1s, m2s, o1, o2, pts14x4)
        #fout = open('full-recording/{:04d}.dat'.format(cnt), 'wb')

        print 'after match---', time.time()
        p2d = np.mean(queue, axis=0)
        p3ds = np.zeros((14, 3))
        for c in range(14):
            p3d = triangulate(C0, C1, p2d[c, :2], p2d[c, 2:])
            p3ds[c, :] = p3d
        print p3ds
        print 'after send---', time.time()
        print '-----------------'
Beispiel #21
def main():

    #command line argument
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                        help="Either no_img, or plot_img")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    PLOT = args.plot

    # load images, which are stored in a folder named 'rectified' in the same directory as this file
    data_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    ic = io.collection.ImageCollection(data_dir + '/rectified/*.png')
    half_idx = len(ic) // 2
    #load a few frames for testing
	left_ic = ic[0+513:500+513]
	right_ic = ic[half_idx+513:half_idx+500+513]
	ic = None
    left_ic = ic[:half_idx]
    right_ic = ic[half_idx:]
    # images have shape (480, 640, 3)
    csv_file = open("points.csv", mode='w')
    csv_features_file = open("features.csv", mode='w')
    csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file,
    csv_feature_writer = csv.writer(csv_features_file,
    # initial camera pose
    C = np.diag(np.ones(4))
    # store the last valid frames in case of skipping frames
    prevl = []
    prevr = []
    pts = np.array([])
    for i in range(len(left_ic) - 1):
        print("Iteration ", i, "/", len(left_ic) - 1)
        # current frame
        imgl1 = left_ic[i]
        imgr1 = right_ic[i]
        imgl2 = left_ic[i + 1]
        imgr2 = right_ic[i + 1]
        if PLOT.lower() == 'no_img':
            matchesl1, matchesr1, matchesl2, matchesr2 = match_features(
                imgl1, imgr1, imgl2, imgr2)
        if PLOT.lower() == 'plot_img':
            matchesl1, matchesr1, matchesl2, matchesr2 = match_features_plot(
                imgl1, imgr1, imgl2, imgr2)
        if (matchesl1.shape[0] >= 3):
            # get matches
            F, inliers_a1, inliers_b1, inliers_a2, inliers_b2, = ransac_F_Matrix(
                matchesl1, matchesr1, matchesl2, matchesr2)
            std_threshold = 2
            # triangulate to find real-world points
            coords3d1 = triangulate(inliers_a1, inliers_b1)
            coords3d2 = triangulate(inliers_a2, inliers_b2)
            if (len(coords3d1) == 0 or len(coords3d2) == 0):
                print("skipping frame \n")
            z1 = coords3d1[:, 2]
            z2 = coords3d2[:, 2]
            if (i == 0):
                pts = np.append(pts, z1)
            pts = np.append(pts, z2)
            if (len(pts) > 100):
                pts = pts[:100]
            mean = np.mean(pts)
            std = np.std(pts)

            mean1 = np.mean(z1)
            mean2 = np.mean(z2)

            zstd1 = mean1 / std
            zstd2 = mean2 / std

            print("std:", zstd1, zstd2)
            # both frames k and k+1 invalid, skip
            if (zstd1 >= std_threshold and zstd2 >= std_threshold):
                print("skipping frame \n")
            # frame k invalid, frame k+1 valid
            elif (zstd1 >= std_threshold and zstd2 < std_threshold):
                # use last valid frame if exists, otherwise skip
                if (prevl != [] and prevr != []):
                    matchesl1, matchesr1, matchesl2, matchesr2 = match_features(
                        prevl, prevr, imgl2, imgr2)
                    F, inliers_a1, inliers_b1, inliers_a2, inliers_b2, = ransac_F_Matrix(
                        matchesl1, matchesr1, matchesl2, matchesr2)
                    coords3d1 = triangulate(inliers_a1, inliers_b1)
                    coords3d2 = triangulate(inliers_a2, inliers_b2)
                    print("skipping frame \n")
            # frame k valid, frame k+1 invalid
            elif (zstd1 < std_threshold and zstd2 >= std_threshold):
                prevl = copy.deepcopy(imgl1)
                prevr = copy.deepcopy(imgr1)
                print("skipping frame \n")
            # both frames valid
                prevl = []
                prevr = []

            inliers = coords3d1.shape[0]
            coords_abs = C.T @ np.append(
                coords3d1, np.ones((inliers, 1)), axis=1).T
            csv_feature_writer.writerows(coords_abs[0:3, :].T)
            C_new = update_camera_pose(coords3d1, coords3d2, C)
            pose_distance = np.linalg.norm(C_new[0:3, 3] - C[0:3, 3])
            rejection_threshold = 0.5  #meters
            print("Pose", C[0:3, 3])
            print("Pose Distance", pose_distance)
            if (pose_distance < rejection_threshold):
                C = C_new
                print("pose rejected")

        plot_C[i] = C[0:3, 3].T

Beispiel #22
def reconstruct(scandir='../scans_undistort/manny/grab_0_u/', thresh=0.015):
    def _intersect_matlab(a, b):
        a1, ia = np.unique(a, return_index=True)
        b1, ib = np.unique(b, return_index=True)
        aux = np.concatenate((a1, b1))
        c = aux[:-1][aux[1:] == aux[:-1]]
        return c, ia[np.isin(a1, c)], ib[np.isin(b1, c)]

    def _find_index_good(goodpixels):
        assert (np.shape(goodpixels) == (H, W))
        # return a 1D index array of goodpixels
        ret = [[], []]

        for i in range(H):
            for j in range(W):
                if goodpixels[i][j]:

        return np.array(ret)

    # read calibration data saved from last calibration run
    with open("../cache/C0_CALIB.pkl", "rb") as c0:  # right
        R_mat, R_rvec, R_tvec, R_dist = pickle.load(c0)

    with open("../cache/C1_CALIB.pkl", "rb") as c1:  # left
        L_mat, L_rvec, L_tvec, L_dist = pickle.load(c1)

    # set calibration data selection index
    SELECT = 2

    # start reconstruction
    R_h, R_h_good = dc.decode(scandir + 'frame_C0_', 0, 19, thresh)
    R_v, R_v_good = dc.decode(scandir + 'frame_C0_', 20, 39, thresh)
    L_h, L_h_good = dc.decode(scandir + 'frame_C1_', 0, 19, thresh)
    L_v, L_v_good = dc.decode(scandir + 'frame_C1_', 20, 39, thresh)

    # save image size info
    assert (np.shape(R_h) == np.shape(L_v))
    H, W = np.shape(R_h)

    # combine horizontal and vertical by bit shift + and operation
    L_h_shifted = np.left_shift(L_h.astype(int), 10)
    R_h_shifted = np.left_shift(R_h.astype(int), 10)
    L_C = np.bitwise_or(L_h_shifted, L_v.astype(int))
    R_C = np.bitwise_or(R_h_shifted, R_v.astype(int))

    L_good = np.logical_and(L_v_good, L_h_good)
    R_good = np.logical_and(R_v_good, R_h_good)

    # now perform background substraction
    R_color = dc.im2double(
        cv2.imread(scandir + 'color_C0_01.png', cv2.IMREAD_COLOR))
    R_background = dc.im2double(
        cv2.imread(scandir + 'color_C0_00.png', cv2.IMREAD_COLOR))
    L_color = dc.im2double(
        cv2.imread(scandir + 'color_C1_01.png', cv2.IMREAD_COLOR))
    L_background = dc.im2double(
        cv2.imread(scandir + 'color_C1_00.png', cv2.IMREAD_COLOR))

    R_colormap = abs(R_color - R_background)**2 > thresh
    L_colormap = abs(L_color - L_background)**2 > thresh

    R_ok = np.logical_or(R_colormap[:, :, 0], R_colormap[:, :, 1])
    R_ok = np.logical_or(R_colormap[:, :, 2], R_ok)
    L_ok = np.logical_or(L_colormap[:, :, 0], L_colormap[:, :, 1])
    L_ok = np.logical_or(L_colormap[:, :, 2], L_ok)

    R_good = np.logical_and(R_ok, R_good)
    L_good = np.logical_and(L_ok, L_good)

    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(15, 20))
    ax1.imshow(L_C * L_good, cmap='jet')
    ax2.imshow(R_C * R_good, cmap='jet')

    # find coordinates of pixels that were successfully decoded
    # R_coord, L_coord in 1D indices
    R_coord = _find_index_good(R_good)
    L_coord = _find_index_good(L_good)

    # pull out CODE values at successful pixels
    # (notice this is a little bit different from MATLAB)
    R_C_good = R_C[R_good]
    L_C_good = L_C[L_good]

    # perform intersection
    matched, iR, iL = _intersect_matlab(R_C_good, L_C_good)

    # get pixel coordinates of pixels matched
    # change R_coord, L_coord to 2D first
    xR = R_coord[:, iR]
    xL = L_coord[:, iL]

    # Now, triangulate the matched pixels using the first calibration result
    camL = (L_mat, L_rvec[SELECT], L_tvec[SELECT])
    camR = (R_mat, R_rvec[SELECT], R_tvec[SELECT])

    X = tr.triangulate(xL, xR, camL, camR)

    # Display triangulation result
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = Axes3D(fig)
    ax.scatter(X[0, :], X[1, :], X[2, :])
    ax.view_init(45, 0)

    ax.set_xlabel('x axis')
    ax.set_ylabel('y axis')
    ax.set_zlabel('z axis')

    # save to MATLAB file for easier 3D viewing
    import'../cache/reconstructed.mat', mdict={'X': X})

    # return reconstruction result for meshing
    return [X, xL, xR, L_color, R_color]
Beispiel #23
K1 = intrinsics['K1']
K2 = intrinsics['K2']
K1 = np.transpose(K1)
K2 = np.transpose(K2)
E = essentialMatrix(F, K1, K2)
#Find Camera Projection Matrix
Rt1 = np.concatenate((np.identity(3), np.zeros(
    (3, 1))), axis=1)  #Assuming not rotation or translation in first image
P1 = np.matmul(K1, Rt1)
Rt2s = camera2(E)
P2s = np.zeros(Rt2s.shape)
Xs = np.zeros((x1.shape[0], 4, 4))  #x y z
depth_cnt = np.zeros((4))
dets = np.zeros((4))

for i in range(4):
    Rt2s[:, 3, i] = Rt2s[:, 3, i] / Rt2s[2, 3, i]
    P2s[:, :, i] = np.matmul(K2, Rt2s[:, :, i])
    Xs[:, :, i] = triangulate(P1, x1, P2s[:, :, i], x2)
    depth_cnt[i] = np.sum(np.greater(Xs[:, 2, i], 0))  #looks just at Z
    dets[i] = np.linalg.det(Rt2s[:, 0:3, i])
correct_P2 = np.argmax(depth_cnt)
#correct_P2 = 1
X = Xs[:, :, correct_P2]

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2], c='r', marker='o')
error = reProjError(P1, x1, P2s[:, :, correct_P2], x2, X)
    def run(self):

        self._abort = False

        self.progress.emit("Starting RasterBender", float(0), float(0))

        # Step 1 : create the delaunay mesh #

        self.progress.emit( "Loading delaunay mesh...", float(0), float(0) )

        # Create the delaunay triangulation
        triangles, pointsA, pointsB, hull, constraints = triangulate.triangulate( self.pairsLayer, self.pairsLimitToSelection, self.constraintsLayer, self.constraintsLimitToSelection, self.bufferValue )

        # Step 2. Opening the dataset #

        self.progress.emit( "Opening the dataset... This shouldn't be too long...", float(0), float(0) )

        #Open the dataset

        # Read the source data into numpy arrays
        dsSource = gdal.Open( self.sourcePath, gdal.GA_ReadOnly )

        sourceDataR = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(dsSource.GetRasterBand(1))
        sourceDataG = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(dsSource.GetRasterBand(2))
        sourceDataB = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(dsSource.GetRasterBand(3))

        # Get the transformation
        pixW = float(dsSource.RasterXSize-1) #width in pixel
        pixH = float(dsSource.RasterYSize-1) #width in pixel
        mapW = float(dsSource.RasterXSize)*dsSource.GetGeoTransform()[1] #width in map units
        mapH = float(dsSource.RasterYSize)*dsSource.GetGeoTransform()[5] #width in map units
        offX = dsSource.GetGeoTransform()[0] #offset in map units
        offY = dsSource.GetGeoTransform()[3] #offset in map units

        # Open the target into numpy array
        #dsTarget = gdal.Open(self.targetPath, gdal.GA_Update )
        driver = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        dsTarget = driver.CreateCopy( self.targetPath, dsSource, 0 )
        #dsTarget.SetGeoTransform( dsSource.GetGeoTransform() )
        dsTarget = None #close

        def xyToQgsPoint(x, y):
            return QgsPoint( offX + mapW * (x/pixW), offY + mapH * (y/pixH) )
        def qgsPointToXY(qgspoint):
            return ( int((qgspoint.x() - offX) / mapW * pixW ) , int((qgspoint.y() - offY) / mapH * pixH ) )

        # Step 3A. Looping through the blocks #

        #Loop through every block
        blockCountX = dsSource.RasterXSize//self.blockSize+1
        blockCountY = dsSource.RasterYSize//self.blockSize+1
        blockCount = blockCountX*blockCountY
        blockI = 0

        displayTotal = dsSource.RasterXSize*dsSource.RasterYSize
        displayStep = min((self.blockSize**2)/20,10000) # update gui every n steps

        self.progress.emit( "Starting computation... This can take a while..." , float(0), float(0))        

        for blockNumY in range(0, blockCountY ):
            blockOffsetY = blockNumY*self.blockSize
            blockH = min( self.blockSize, dsSource.RasterYSize-blockOffsetY )
            if blockH <= 0: continue

            for blockNumX in range(0, blockCountX ):
                blockOffsetX = blockNumX*self.blockSize
                blockW = min( self.blockSize, dsSource.RasterXSize-blockOffsetX )
                if blockW <= 0: continue

                blockI += 1
                pixelCount = blockW*blockH
                pixelI = 0

                blockRectangle = QgsRectangle(  xyToQgsPoint(blockOffsetX, blockOffsetY), 
                                                xyToQgsPoint(blockOffsetX+blockW, blockOffsetY+blockH) ) # this is the shape of the block, used for optimization

                # We check if the block intersects the hull, if not, we skip it
                if not hull.intersects( blockRectangle ):
                    self.progress.emit( "Block %i out of %i is out of the convex hull, we skip it..."  % (blockI, blockCount), float(0), float(blockI/float(blockCount) ) )

                # We create the trifinder for the block
                blockTrifinder = trifinder.Trifinder( pointsB, triangles, blockRectangle )

                targetDataR = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(dsSource.GetRasterBand(1),blockOffsetX,blockOffsetY,blockW,blockH)
                targetDataG = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(dsSource.GetRasterBand(2),blockOffsetX,blockOffsetY,blockW,blockH)
                targetDataB = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(dsSource.GetRasterBand(3),blockOffsetX,blockOffsetY,blockW,blockH)

                # Step 3B. Looping through the pixels #

                # Loop through every pixel
                for y in range(0, blockH):
                    for x in range(0, blockW):
                        # If abort was called, we finish the process
                        if self._abort:
                            self.error.emit( "Aborted on pixel %i out of %i on block %i out of %i..."  % (pixelI, pixelCount, blockI, blockCount ), float(0), float(0))


                        # Ever now and then, we update the status
                        if pixelI%displayStep == 0:
                            self.progress.emit("Working on pixel %i out of %i on block %i out of %i... Trifinder has %i triangles"  % (pixelI, pixelCount, blockI, blockCount,len(blockTrifinder.triangles) ), float(pixelI)/float(pixelCount),float(blockI)/float(blockCount) )
                        # We find in which triangle the point lies using the trifinder.
                        p = xyToQgsPoint(blockOffsetX+x, blockOffsetY+y)
                        tri = blockTrifinder.find( p )
                        if tri is None:
                            # If it's in no triangle, we don't change it

                        # If it's in a triangle, we transform the coordinates
                        newP =  p, 
                                                                            pointsB[tri[0]], pointsB[tri[1]], pointsB[tri[2]],
                                                                            pointsA[tri[0]], pointsA[tri[1]], pointsA[tri[2]] )


                        newX, newY = qgsPointToXY(  newP  )

                        # TODO : this would maybe get interpolated results
                        #ident = sourceRaster.dataProvider().identify( pt, QgsRaster.IdentifyFormatValue)
                        #targetDataR[y][x] = ident.results()[1]
                        #targetDataG[y][x] = ident.results()[2]
                        #targetDataB[y][x] = ident.results()[3]

                            if newY<0 or newX<0: raise IndexError() #avoid looping
                            targetDataR[y][x] = sourceDataR[newY][newX]
                            targetDataG[y][x] = sourceDataG[newY][newX]
                            targetDataB[y][x] = sourceDataB[newY][newX]
                        except IndexError, e:
                            targetDataR[y][x] = 0
                            targetDataG[y][x] = 0
                            targetDataB[y][x] = 0

                # Write to the image

                dsTarget = gdal.Open(self.targetPath, gdal.GA_Update )

                gdalnumeric.BandWriteArray(dsTarget.GetRasterBand(1), targetDataR, blockOffsetX, blockOffsetY)  
                gdalnumeric.BandWriteArray(dsTarget.GetRasterBand(2), targetDataG, blockOffsetX, blockOffsetY)  
                gdalnumeric.BandWriteArray(dsTarget.GetRasterBand(3), targetDataB, blockOffsetX, blockOffsetY)

                dsTarget = None
def triangulate_marker_points(frameL, frameR, HistInfo, camCalFile,
                              sterCalFile, outL, outR, template_L,
                              template_points_L, template_R, template_points_R,
                              frameCount, prevMarkerParams, trialName):
    # will draw detections on copy of frameL and frameR
    outImL = frameL.copy()
    outImR = frameR.copy()
    prevFrame = frameCount > 0
    # extract features, match from L to R
    for histList in HistInfo:
        # get the marker detection info
        hist_em = histList[0]
        # number of modes in GMM
        N = histList[1]
        # select channel
        N_select = histList[2]
        # key describing markers, "marker" or "tool"
        key = histList[3]

        if (prevFrame):
            # extract prev params
            prevParamsL = prevMarkerParams[0]
            prevParamsR = prevMarkerParams[1]
            prevParamsL = []
            prevParamsR = []

    # key specific stuff
        if key == "background":
            # min gray level value
            val_Thresh = 60
            probImLAll = computeMarkerProb(frameL, hist_em, N, val_Thresh)
            probImRAll = computeMarkerProb(frameR, hist_em, N, val_Thresh)
            # channel we want for marker detection
            probImL = probImLAll[N_select]
            probImR = probImRAll[N_select]
            # if first frame save the left and right background probability images
            if (frameCount == 0):
                cv2.imwrite("left_template.jpg", probImL)
                cv2.imwrite("right_template.jpg", probImR)
            # find template in image
            # match marker template to probability image, always listed in same order so don't need to match
            matchesL, bestParamsL = markerMatch(probImL, template_L,
                                                template_points_L, prevFrame,
            matchesR, bestParamsR = markerMatch(probImR, template_R,
                                                template_points_R, prevFrame,
            # drawing color
            color = (255, 255, 0)
            # triangulate 3D background fiducial points
            marker_points = triangulate(camCalFile, sterCalFile, matchesL,
            # save image detection points
            marker_matches = [matchesL, matchesR]

        elif key == "tool":
            # find marker matches between the two frames
            matchesL, matchesR, Kp_L, Kp_R = blobMatch(frameL, frameR,
                                                       histList, frameCount)
            # drawing color
            color = (0, 255, 0)
            # triangulate 3D tool fiducial points
            tool_points = triangulate(camCalFile, sterCalFile, matchesL,

        # draw detections on image
        for ptL, ptR in zip(matchesL, matchesR):
            outImL =, (int(ptL[0]), int(ptL[1])), 5, color,
            outImR =, (int(ptR[0]), int(ptR[1])), 5, color,
        # outIm = cv2.drawKeypoints(outIm, Kp_L, np.array([]), color, cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS)

    # return triangulated marker points
    return marker_points.transpose(), tool_points.transpose(), [
        bestParamsL, bestParamsR
    ], marker_matches
    def run(self):

        self._abort = False

        self.progress.emit("Starting RasterBender", float(0), float(0))

        # Step 1 : create the delaunay mesh #

        self.progress.emit("Loading delaunay mesh...", float(0), float(0))

        # Create the delaunay triangulation
        triangles, pointsA, pointsB, hull, constraints = triangulate.triangulate(
            self.pairsLayer, self.pairsLimitToSelection, self.constraintsLayer,
            self.constraintsLimitToSelection, self.bufferValue)

        # Step 2. Opening the dataset #

            "Opening the dataset... This shouldn't be too long...", float(0),

        #Open the dataset

        # Read the source data into numpy arrays
        dsSource = gdal.Open(self.sourcePath, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)

        sourceDataR = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(dsSource.GetRasterBand(1))
        sourceDataG = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(dsSource.GetRasterBand(2))
        sourceDataB = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(dsSource.GetRasterBand(3))

        # Get the transformation
        pixW = float(dsSource.RasterXSize - 1)  #width in pixel
        pixH = float(dsSource.RasterYSize - 1)  #width in pixel
        mapW = float(dsSource.RasterXSize) * dsSource.GetGeoTransform()[
            1]  #width in map units
        mapH = float(dsSource.RasterYSize) * dsSource.GetGeoTransform()[
            5]  #width in map units
        offX = dsSource.GetGeoTransform()[0]  #offset in map units
        offY = dsSource.GetGeoTransform()[3]  #offset in map units

        # Open the target into numpy array
        #dsTarget = gdal.Open(self.targetPath, gdal.GA_Update )
        driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
        dsTarget = driver.CreateCopy(self.targetPath, dsSource, 0)
        #dsTarget.SetGeoTransform( dsSource.GetGeoTransform() )
        dsTarget = None  #close

        def xyToQgsPoint(x, y):
            return QgsPoint(offX + mapW * (x / pixW), offY + mapH * (y / pixH))

        def qgsPointToXY(qgspoint):
            return (int((qgspoint.x() - offX) / mapW * pixW),
                    int((qgspoint.y() - offY) / mapH * pixH))

        # Step 3A. Looping through the blocks #

        #Loop through every block
        blockCountX = dsSource.RasterXSize // self.blockSize + 1
        blockCountY = dsSource.RasterYSize // self.blockSize + 1
        blockCount = blockCountX * blockCountY
        blockI = 0

        displayTotal = dsSource.RasterXSize * dsSource.RasterYSize
        displayStep = min((self.blockSize**2) / 20,
                          10000)  # update gui every n steps

        self.progress.emit("Starting computation... This can take a while...",
                           float(0), float(0))

        for blockNumY in range(0, blockCountY):
            blockOffsetY = blockNumY * self.blockSize
            blockH = min(self.blockSize, dsSource.RasterYSize - blockOffsetY)
            if blockH <= 0: continue

            for blockNumX in range(0, blockCountX):
                blockOffsetX = blockNumX * self.blockSize
                blockW = min(self.blockSize,
                             dsSource.RasterXSize - blockOffsetX)
                if blockW <= 0: continue

                blockI += 1
                pixelCount = blockW * blockH
                pixelI = 0

                blockRectangle = QgsRectangle(
                    xyToQgsPoint(blockOffsetX, blockOffsetY),
                    xyToQgsPoint(blockOffsetX + blockW, blockOffsetY + blockH)
                )  # this is the shape of the block, used for optimization

                # We check if the block intersects the hull, if not, we skip it
                if not hull.intersects(blockRectangle):
                        "Block %i out of %i is out of the convex hull, we skip it..."
                        % (blockI, blockCount), float(0),
                        float(blockI / float(blockCount)))

                # We create the trifinder for the block
                blockTrifinder = trifinder.Trifinder(pointsB, triangles,

                targetDataR = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(
                    dsSource.GetRasterBand(1), blockOffsetX, blockOffsetY,
                    blockW, blockH)
                targetDataG = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(
                    dsSource.GetRasterBand(2), blockOffsetX, blockOffsetY,
                    blockW, blockH)
                targetDataB = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(
                    dsSource.GetRasterBand(3), blockOffsetX, blockOffsetY,
                    blockW, blockH)

                # Step 3B. Looping through the pixels #

                # Loop through every pixel
                for y in range(0, blockH):
                    for x in range(0, blockW):
                        # If abort was called, we finish the process
                        if self._abort:
                                "Aborted on pixel %i out of %i on block %i out of %i..."
                                % (pixelI, pixelCount, blockI, blockCount),
                                float(0), float(0))

                        pixelI += 1

                        # Ever now and then, we update the status
                        if pixelI % displayStep == 0:
                                "Working on pixel %i out of %i on block %i out of %i... Trifinder has %i triangles"
                                % (pixelI, pixelCount, blockI, blockCount,
                                float(pixelI) / float(pixelCount),
                                float(blockI) / float(blockCount))

                        # We find in which triangle the point lies using the trifinder.
                        p = xyToQgsPoint(blockOffsetX + x, blockOffsetY + y)
                        tri = blockTrifinder.find(p)
                        if tri is None:
                            # If it's in no triangle, we don't change it

                        # If it's in a triangle, we transform the coordinates
                        newP =, pointsB[tri[0]],
                                             pointsB[tri[1]], pointsB[tri[2]],
                                             pointsA[tri[0]], pointsA[tri[1]],

                        newX, newY = qgsPointToXY(newP)

                        # TODO : this would maybe get interpolated results
                        #ident = sourceRaster.dataProvider().identify( pt, QgsRaster.IdentifyFormatValue)
                        #targetDataR[y][x] = ident.results()[1]
                        #targetDataG[y][x] = ident.results()[2]
                        #targetDataB[y][x] = ident.results()[3]

                            if newY < 0 or newX < 0:
                                raise IndexError()  #avoid looping
                            targetDataR[y][x] = sourceDataR[newY][newX]
                            targetDataG[y][x] = sourceDataG[newY][newX]
                            targetDataB[y][x] = sourceDataB[newY][newX]
                        except IndexError, e:
                            targetDataR[y][x] = 0
                            targetDataG[y][x] = 0
                            targetDataB[y][x] = 0

                # Write to the image

                dsTarget = gdal.Open(self.targetPath, gdal.GA_Update)

                                           targetDataR, blockOffsetX,
                                           targetDataG, blockOffsetX,
                                           targetDataB, blockOffsetX,

                dsTarget = None