Beispiel #1
        def prepare_commit_queue_for_channel(commit_queue):
            This routine prepares the raw commit queue for commit by updating the elements' properties and
            re-signing them. Also, it removes the channel entry itself from the queue [:-1], because its
            meaningless to put it in the blobs, as it must be updated with the new infohash after commit.

            :param commit_queue:
            for node in commit_queue:
                # Avoid updating entries that must be deleted:
                # soft delete payloads require signatures of unmodified entries
                if issubclass(type(node),
                              db.CollectionNode) and node.status != TODELETE:
                    # Update recursive count of actual non-collection contents
                    node.num_entries = select(
                        # For each subnode, if it is a collection, add the count of its contents to the recursive sum.
                        # Otherwise, add just 1 to the sum (to count the subnode itself).
                        (g.num_entries if g.metadata_type ==
                         COLLECTION_NODE else 1)
                        for g in node.actual_contents).sum()
                    node.timestamp = clock.tick()
            # This perverted comparator lambda is necessary to ensure that delete entries are always
            # sorted to the end of the list, as required by the channel serialization routine.
            return sorted(
                key=lambda x: int(x.status == TODELETE) - 1 / x.timestamp)
Beispiel #2
        def add_torrent_to_channel(self, tdef, extra_info=None):
            Add a torrent to your channel.
            :param tdef: The torrent definition file of the torrent to add
            :param extra_info: Optional extra info to add to the torrent
            new_entry_dict = dict(tdef_to_metadata_dict(tdef), status=NEW)
            if extra_info:
                new_entry_dict['tags'] = extra_info.get('description', '')

            # See if the torrent is already in the channel
            old_torrent = db.TorrentMetadata.get(public_key=self.public_key,
            torrent_metadata = old_torrent
            if old_torrent:
                # If it is there, check if we were going to delete it
                if old_torrent.status == TODELETE:
                    new_timestamp = clock.tick()
                    # As we really don't know what status this torrent had _before_ it got its TODELETE status,
                    # we _must_ set its status to UPDATED, for safety
                    old_torrent.status = UPDATED
                torrent_metadata = db.TorrentMetadata.from_dict(
                    dict(origin_id=self.id_, **new_entry_dict))
            return torrent_metadata
Beispiel #3
 def update_timestamps_recursive(node):
     if issubclass(type(node), db.CollectionNode):
         for child in node.contents:
     if node.status in [COMMITTED, UPDATED, NEW]:
         node.status = UPDATED
         node.timestamp = clock.tick()
Beispiel #4
        def update_properties(self, update_dict):
            signed_attribute_changed = False
            for k, value in update_dict.items():
                if getattr(self, k) != value:
                    setattr(self, k, value)
                    signed_attribute_changed = signed_attribute_changed or (k in self.payload_arguments)

            if signed_attribute_changed:
                if self.status != NEW:
                    self.status = UPDATED
                # ACHTUNG! When using the key argument, the thing will still use _local_ timestamp counter!
                self.timestamp = clock.tick()

            return self
Beispiel #5
        def consolidate_channel_torrent(self):
            Delete the channel dir contents and create it anew.
            Use it to consolidate fragmented channel torrent directories.
            :param key: The public/private key, used to sign the data

            # Remark: there should be a way to optimize this stuff with SQL and better tree traversal algorithms
            # Cleanup entries marked for deletion

            # Note: It should be possible to stop alling get_contents_to_commit here
            commit_queue = self.get_contents_to_commit()
            for entry in commit_queue:
                if entry.status == TODELETE:

            folder = Path(self._channels_dir) / self.dirname
            # We check if we need to re-create the channel dir in case it was deleted for some reason
            if not folder.is_dir():
            for filename in os.listdir(folder):
                file_path = folder / filename
                # We only remove mdblobs and leave the rest as it is
                if filename.endswith(BLOB_EXTENSION) or filename.endswith(
                        BLOB_EXTENSION + '.lz4'):

            # Channel should get a new starting timestamp and its contents should get higher timestamps
            start_timestamp = clock.tick()

            def update_timestamps_recursive(node):
                if issubclass(type(node), db.CollectionNode):
                    for child in node.contents:
                if node.status in [COMMITTED, UPDATED, NEW]:
                    node.status = UPDATED
                    node.timestamp = clock.tick()


            return self.commit_channel_torrent(
Beispiel #6
        def update_channel_torrent(self, metadata_list):
            Channel torrents are append-only to support seeding the old versions
            from the same dir and avoid updating already downloaded blobs.
            :param metadata_list: The list of metadata entries to add to the torrent dir.
            ACHTUNG: TODELETE entries _MUST_ be sorted to the end of the list to prevent channel corruption!
            :return The newly create channel torrent infohash, final timestamp for the channel and torrent date
            # As a workaround for delete entries not having a timestamp in the DB, delete entries should
            # be placed after create/modify entries:
            # | create/modify entries | delete entries | <- final timestamp

            # Create dir for the metadata files
            channel_dir = Path(self._channels_dir / self.dirname).absolute()
            if not channel_dir.is_dir():

            existing_contents = sorted(channel_dir.iterdir())
            last_existing_blob_number = get_mdblob_sequence_number(existing_contents[-1]) if existing_contents else None

            index = 0
            while index < len(metadata_list):
                # Squash several serialized and signed metadata entries into a single file
                data, index = entries_to_chunk(metadata_list, self._CHUNK_SIZE_LIMIT, start_index=index)
                # Blobs ending with TODELETE entries increase the final timestamp as a workaround for delete commands
                # possessing no timestamp.
                if metadata_list[index - 1].status == TODELETE:
                    blob_timestamp = clock.tick()
                    blob_timestamp = metadata_list[index - 1].timestamp

                # The final file in the sequence should get a timestamp that is higher than the timestamp of
                # the last channel contents entry. This final timestamp then should be returned to the calling function
                # to be assigned to the corresponding channel entry.
                # Otherwise, the local channel version will never become equal to its timestamp.
                if index >= len(metadata_list):
                    blob_timestamp = clock.tick()
                # Check that the mdblob we're going to create has a greater timestamp than the existing ones
                assert last_existing_blob_number is None or (blob_timestamp > last_existing_blob_number)

                blob_filename = Path(channel_dir, str(blob_timestamp).zfill(12) + BLOB_EXTENSION + '.lz4')
                assert not blob_filename.exists()  # Never ever write over existing files.
                last_existing_blob_number = blob_timestamp

            with db_session:
                thumb_exists = db.ChannelThumbnail.exists(
                    lambda g: g.public_key == self.public_key and g.origin_id == self.id_ and g.status != TODELETE
                descr_exists = db.ChannelDescription.exists(
                    lambda g: g.public_key == self.public_key and g.origin_id == self.id_ and g.status != TODELETE

                flags = CHANNEL_THUMBNAIL_FLAG * (int(thumb_exists)) + CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION_FLAG * (int(descr_exists))

            # Note: the timestamp can end up messed in case of an error

            # Make torrent out of dir with metadata files
            torrent, infohash = create_torrent_from_dir(channel_dir, self._channels_dir / (self.dirname + ".torrent"))
            torrent_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(torrent[b'creation date'])

            return {
                "infohash": infohash,
                "timestamp": last_existing_blob_number,
                "torrent_date": torrent_date,
                "reserved_flags": flags,
            }, torrent
Beispiel #7
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            Initialize a metadata object.
            All this dance is required to ensure that the signature is there and it is correct.
            skip_key_check = False

            # Process special keyworded arguments
            # "sign_with" argument given, sign with it
            private_key_override = None
            if "sign_with" in kwargs:
                kwargs["public_key"] = kwargs["sign_with"].pub().key_to_bin()[10:]
                private_key_override = kwargs.pop("sign_with")

            # Free-for-all entries require special treatment
            if "public_key" in kwargs and kwargs["public_key"] == b"":
                # We have to give the entry an unique sig to honor the DB constraints. We use the entry's id_
                # as the sig to keep it unique and short. The uniqueness is guaranteed by DB as it already
                # imposes uniqueness constraints on the id_+public_key combination.
                if "id_" in kwargs:
                    kwargs["signature"] = None
                    skip_key_check = True
                    # Trying to create an FFA entry without specifying the id_ should be considered an error,
                    # because assigning id_ automatically by clock breaks anonymity.
                    # FFA entries should be "timeless" and anonymous.
                    raise InvalidChannelNodeException(
                        "Attempted to create %s free-for-all (unsigned) object without specifying id_ : "
                        % str(self.__class__.__name__)

            # For putting legacy/test stuff in
            skip_key_check = kwargs.pop("skip_key_check", skip_key_check)

            if "timestamp" not in kwargs:
                kwargs["timestamp"] = clock.tick()

            if "id_" not in kwargs:
                kwargs["id_"] = int(random.getrandbits(63))

            if not private_key_override and not skip_key_check:
                # No key/signature given, sign with our own key.
                if ("signature" not in kwargs) and (
                        ("public_key" not in kwargs) or (kwargs["public_key"] ==[10:])
                    private_key_override = self._my_key

                # Key/signature given, check them for correctness
                elif ("public_key" in kwargs) and ("signature" in kwargs):
                    except InvalidSignatureException as e:
                        raise InvalidSignatureException(
                            f"Attempted to create {str(self.__class__.__name__)} object with invalid signature/PK: "
                            + (hexlify(kwargs["signature"]) if "signature" in kwargs else "empty signature ")
                            + " / "
                            + (hexlify(kwargs["public_key"]) if "public_key" in kwargs else " empty PK")
                        ) from e

            if private_key_override:
                # Get default values for Pony class attributes. We have to do it manually because we need
                # to know the payload signature *before* creating the object.
                kwargs = generate_dict_from_pony_args(self.__class__, skip_list=["signature", "public_key"], **kwargs)
                payload = self._payload_class(
                kwargs["public_key"] = payload.public_key
                kwargs["signature"] = payload.signature

            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)