def test_sheet_import_simple(self):
        parse_records = parse_records_with(
                si.Field('Name', 'name', p.parse_text),

        assert parse_records([['Name']]) == []  # no data
        assert parse_records([['name']]) == []  # different header format
        assert parse_records([[' name ']]) == []  # different header format
        assert parse_records([['Name'], ['Ed']]) == [{
            'name': 'Ed'
        }]  # one row, one column
        assert parse_records([['Name'], ['Ed', '']]) == [{
            'name': 'Ed'
        }]  # one row, extra column
        assert parse_records([['Name'], ['Ed'], ['Joe']]) \
            == [{'name': 'Ed'}, {'name': 'Joe'}]  # two rows

        # invalid header
        invalid_headers = (
            [],  # No data
            [['Some other name']],  # Wrong header name
        for case in invalid_headers:
            assert_import_errors({'Expected "Name" in header cell A1.'},
                                 lambda: parse_records(case))
    def test_sheet_import_as_report_sheet(self):
        importer = si.SheetImporter((
            si.Field('Name', 'name', p.chain(p.parse_text,
            si.Field('Job', 'job', p.parse_text),

        TestReportSheet = importer.as_report_sheet()
        assert TestReportSheet.pre_data_rows == importer.data_start_row
    def test_sheet_import_data_validation(self):
        parse_records = parse_records_with(
                si.Field('Name', 'name',
                         p.chain(p.parse_text, p.validate_not_empty)),
                si.Field('Age', 'age', p.parse_int),

        assert parse_records([['Name', 'Age']]) == []
        assert parse_records([['Name', 'Age'], ['Ed', '27']]) == [{
            'name': 'Ed',
            'age': 27

        ed_n_joe = [
                'name': 'Ed',
                'age': 27
                'name': 'Joe',
                'age': 32

        # Test with and without extra columns or formatting
        assert parse_records([['Name', 'Age'], ['Ed', '27'],
                              ['Joe', '32']]) == ed_n_joe
        assert parse_records([['Name', 'Age'], ['Ed', '27.0'],
                              ['Joe', '32.00']]) == ed_n_joe
        assert parse_records([['Name', 'Age'], ['Ed', ' 27 '],
                              ['Joe', ' 32.0 ']]) == ed_n_joe
        assert parse_records([['Name', 'Age'], ['Ed', '27', '2'],
                              ['Joe', '32', '3']]) == ed_n_joe

        # invalid header and/or data
        assert_import_errors({'Expected "Age" in header cell B1.'},
                             lambda: parse_records([['Name', 'SSN']]))
            {'Expected "Age" in header cell B1.'
             },  # header errors beat data errors
            lambda: parse_records([['Name', 'SSN'], ['', '2']]))
                'Unexpected value in cell A2: must not be empty',
                'Unexpected value in cell B2: must be an integer'
            }, lambda: parse_records([['Name', 'Age'], ['', '3.9']]))
                'Unexpected value in cell A3: must not be empty',
                'Unexpected value in cell B3: must be an integer'
            }, lambda: parse_records([['Name', 'Age'], ['Ed', '27'],
                                      ['', '3.9']]))
    def test_sheet_import_data_start_row(self):
        parse_records = parse_records_with(
            si.SheetImporter([si.Field('Is Cool', 'is_cool', p.parse_yes_no)],

            ['Is Cool'],
        ]) == [{
            'is_cool': True
        }, {
            'is_cool': False

        assert_import_errors({'Expected "Is Cool" in header cell A3.'},
                             lambda: parse_records([['Is Cool']]))
    def test_sheet_import_no_fields(self):
        parse_records = parse_records_with(si.SheetImporter([]))

        assert parse_records([]) == []
        assert parse_records([[]]) == []
        assert parse_records([['data']]) == []
 def test_non_string_header(self):
     parse_records = parse_records_with(
         si.SheetImporter([si.Field('Age', 'age', p.parse_int)]))
     assert_import_errors({'Expected "Age" in header cell A1.'},
                          lambda: parse_records([[29]]))