Beispiel #1
def test_squash_changes_does_not_prune_on_missing_trie_node(
    inserts, updates = inserts_and_updates
    node_db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(node_db)
    with trie.squash_changes() as trie_batch:
        for key, value in inserts:
            trie_batch[key] = value

    missing_nodes = dict(node_db)

    with trie.squash_changes() as trie_batch:
        for key, value in updates:
            # repeat until change is complete
            change_complete = False
            while not change_complete:
                # Catch any missing nodes during trie change, and fix them up.
                # This is equivalent to Trinity's "Beam Sync".

                previous_db = trie_batch.db.copy()
                    if value is None:
                        del trie_batch[key]
                        trie_batch[key] = value
                except MissingTrieNode as exc:
                    # When an exception is raised, we must never change the database
                    current_db = trie_batch.db.copy()
                    assert current_db == previous_db

                    node_db[exc.missing_node_hash] = missing_nodes.pop(
                    change_complete = True
Beispiel #2
def test_hexary_trie_saving_final_root(name, updates, expected, deleted,
    db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(db=db)
    with trie.squash_changes() as memory_trie:
        for key, value in updates:
            if value is None:
                del memory_trie[key]
                memory_trie[key] = value

        for key in deleted:
            del memory_trie[key]

    # access all of the values in the trie, triggering reads for all the database keys
    # that support the final state
    flagged_usage_db = KeyAccessLogger(db)
    flag_trie = HexaryTrie(flagged_usage_db, root_hash=trie.root_hash)
    for key, val in expected.items():
        assert flag_trie[key] == val

    # assert that no unnecessary database values were created
    unread = flagged_usage_db.unread_keys()
    straggler_data = {k: (db[k], decode_node(db[k])) for k in unread}
    assert len(unread) == 0, straggler_data

    actual_root = trie.root_hash
    assert actual_root == final_root
Beispiel #3
def _make_trie_root_and_nodes(items: Tuple[bytes, ...]) -> TrieRootAndData:
    kv_store = {}  # type: Dict[Hash32, bytes]
    trie = HexaryTrie(kv_store, BLANK_ROOT_HASH)
    with trie.squash_changes() as memory_trie:
        for index, item in enumerate(items):
            index_key = rlp.encode(index, sedes=rlp.sedes.big_endian_int)
            memory_trie[index_key] = item
    return trie.root_hash, kv_store
Beispiel #4
def _make_trie_root_and_nodes_isometric_on_order(
        items: Tuple[bytes, ...]) -> Tuple[bytes, Dict[bytes, bytes]]:
    kv_store = {}  # type: Dict[bytes, bytes]
    trie = HexaryTrie(kv_store, BLANK_ROOT_HASH)
    with trie.squash_changes() as memory_trie:
        for item in items:
            memory_trie[item] = item
    return trie.root_hash, kv_store
Beispiel #5
def test_squash_a_trie_handles_setting_new_root(prune):
    db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(db, prune=prune)
    with trie.squash_changes() as trie_batch:
        trie[b'\x00'] = b'33\x00'
        old_root_hash = trie.root_hash

    # The ref-count doesn't get reset at the end of the batch, but the pending prune count does
    # Make sure the logic here can handle that

    with trie.squash_changes() as trie_batch:
        trie_batch[b'\x00\x00\x00'] = b'\x00\x00\x00'

        assert trie_batch.root_hash != old_root_hash
        assert trie_batch.root_hash != trie.root_hash

    assert trie.root_hash != old_root_hash
    assert trie[b'\x00\x00\x00'] == b'\x00\x00\x00'
Beispiel #6
def trie_from_keys(keys, min_value_length=1):
    trie = HexaryTrie({})
    contents = {}
    with trie.squash_changes() as batch:
        for key in keys:
            # flood 3's at the end of the value to make it longer. b'3' is encoded to 0x33,
            #   so the bytes and HexBytes representation look the same. Just a convenience.
            value = (b'v' + key).ljust(min_value_length, b'3')
            batch[key] = value
            contents[key] = value

    return trie, contents
Beispiel #7
def test_hexary_trie_traverse(name, updates, expected, deleted, final_root):
    # Create trie with fixture data
    db = {}
    traversal_trie = HexaryTrie(db=db)
    with traversal_trie.squash_changes() as trie:
        for key, value in updates:
            if value is None:
                del trie[key]
                trie[key] = value

        for key in deleted:
            del trie[key]

    # Traverse full trie, starting with the root. Compares traverse() and traverse_from() results

    # values found while traversing
    found_values = set()

    def traverse_via_cache(parent_prefix, parent_node, child_extension):
        if parent_node is None:
            # Can't traverse_from to the root node
            node = traversal_trie.traverse(())
        elif not len(child_extension):
            assert False, "For all but the root node, the child extension must not be empty"
            logging_db = KeyAccessLogger(db)
            single_access_trie = HexaryTrie(logging_db)
            node = single_access_trie.traverse_from(parent_node,
            # Traversing from parent to child should touch at most one node (the child)
            # It might touch 0 nodes, if the child was embedded inside the parent
            assert len(logging_db.read_keys) in {0, 1}

            # Validate that traversal from the root gives you the same result:
            slow_node = traversal_trie.traverse(parent_prefix +
            assert node == slow_node

        if node.value:

        for new_child in node.sub_segments:
            # traverse into children
            traverse_via_cache(parent_prefix + child_extension, node,

    # start traversal at root
    traverse_via_cache((), None, ())

    # gut check that we have traversed the whole trie by checking all expected values are visited
    for _, expected_value in expected.items():
        assert expected_value in found_values
Beispiel #8
def test_squash_a_pruning_trie_keeps_unchanged_short_root_node():
    db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(db, prune=True)
    trie[b'any'] = b'short'
    root_hash = trie.root_hash
    with trie.squash_changes() as trie_batch:
        trie_batch[b'any'] = b'short'
        assert trie.root_hash == root_hash
        assert root_hash in trie_batch.db
        assert root_hash in db
    assert trie.root_hash == root_hash
    assert root_hash in trie.db
    assert root_hash in db
Beispiel #9
def _make_trie(keys):
    Make a new HexaryTrie, insert all the given keys, with the value equal to the key.
    Return the raw database and the HexaryTrie.
    # Create trie
    node_db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(node_db)
    with trie.squash_changes() as trie_batch:
        for k in keys:
            trie_batch[k] = k

    return node_db, trie
Beispiel #10
def test_hexary_trie_batch_save_keeps_last_root_data():
    db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(db)
    trie.set(b'what floats on water?', b'very small rocks')
    old_root_hash = trie.root_hash

    with trie.squash_changes() as memory_trie:
        memory_trie.set(b'what floats on water?', b'a duck')

    assert trie[b'what floats on water?'] == b'a duck'

    old_trie = HexaryTrie(db, root_hash=old_root_hash)
    assert old_trie[b'what floats on water?'] == b'very small rocks'
Beispiel #11
def test_squash_changes_raises_correct_error_on_underlying_missing_data():
    db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(db, prune=True)
    trie.set(b'what floats on water?', b'very small rocks')
    old_root_hash = trie.root_hash

    # what if the root node hash is missing from the beginning?
    del db[old_root_hash]

    # the appropriate exception should be raised, when squashing changes
    with trie.squash_changes() as memory_trie:
        with pytest.raises(MissingTrieNode):
            memory_trie[b'what floats on water?']
Beispiel #12
def test_hexary_trie_empty_squash_does_not_read_root():
    db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(db=db)
    trie[b'AAA'] = b'LONG' * 32
    trie[b'BBB'] = b'LONG' * 32
    trie[b'\xffEE'] = b'LONG' * 32

    flagged_usage_db = KeyAccessLogger(db)
    flag_trie = HexaryTrie(flagged_usage_db, root_hash=trie.root_hash)
    with flag_trie.squash_changes():
        # root node should not be read if no changes are made during squash

    assert len(flagged_usage_db.read_keys) == 0
Beispiel #13
def test_hexary_trie_batch_save_drops_last_root_data_when_pruning():
    db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(db, prune=True)
    trie.set(b'what floats on water?', b'very small rocks')
    old_root_hash = trie.root_hash

    with trie.squash_changes() as memory_trie:
        memory_trie.set(b'what floats on water?', b'a duck')

    assert trie[b'what floats on water?'] == b'a duck'

    old_trie = HexaryTrie(db, root_hash=old_root_hash)
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
Beispiel #14
def trie_from_keys(keys, minimum_value_length=0, prune=False):
    Make a new HexaryTrie, insert all the given keys, with the value equal to the key.
    Return the raw database and the HexaryTrie.
    # Create trie
    node_db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(node_db, prune=prune)
    with trie.squash_changes() as trie_batch:
        for k in keys:
            # Flood 3's at the end of the value to make it longer. b'3' is encoded to 0x33,
            #   so the bytes and HexBytes representation look the same. Just a convenience.
            trie_batch[k] = k.ljust(minimum_value_length, b'3')

    return node_db, trie
Beispiel #15
def test_hexary_trie_ref_count(name, updates, expected, deleted, final_root):
    db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(db=db)
    with trie.squash_changes() as memory_trie:
        for key, value in updates:
            if value is None:
                del memory_trie[key]
                memory_trie[key] = value


        for key in deleted:
            del memory_trie[key]
Beispiel #16
def test_squash_changes_can_still_access_underlying_deleted_data():
    db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(db, prune=True)
    trie.set(b'what floats on water?', b'very small rocks')
    old_root_hash = trie.root_hash

    with trie.squash_changes() as memory_trie:
        memory_trie.set(b'what floats on water?', b'a duck')

        # change to a root hash that the memory trie doesn't have anymore
        memory_trie.root_hash = old_root_hash

        assert memory_trie[b'what floats on water?'] == b'very small rocks'
Beispiel #17
def test_hexary_trie_batch_save_drops_last_root_data_when_pruning():
    db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(db, prune=True)
    trie.set(b'what floats on water?', b'very small rocks')
    old_root_hash = trie.root_hash

    with trie.squash_changes() as memory_trie:
        memory_trie.set(b'what floats on water?', b'a duck')

    assert trie[b'what floats on water?'] == b'a duck'

    old_trie = HexaryTrie(db, root_hash=old_root_hash)
    with pytest.raises(MissingTraversalNode) as excinfo:

    assert encode_hex(old_root_hash) in str(excinfo.value)
Beispiel #18
def test_hexary_trie_squash_all_changes(updates, deleted):
    db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(db=db)
    expected = {}
    root_hashes = set()
    with trie.squash_changes() as memory_trie:
        for _index, (key, value) in enumerate(updates):
            if value is None:
                del memory_trie[key]
                expected.pop(key, None)
                memory_trie[key] = value
                expected[key] = value

        for _index, key in enumerate(deleted):
            del memory_trie[key]
            expected.pop(key, None)

    final_root_hash = trie.root_hash

    # access all of the values in the trie, triggering reads for all the database keys
    # that support the final state
    flagged_usage_db = KeyAccessLogger(db)
    flag_trie = HexaryTrie(flagged_usage_db, root_hash=final_root_hash)
    for key, val in expected.items():
        assert flag_trie[key] == val

    # assert that no unnecessary database values were created
    unread = flagged_usage_db.unread_keys()
    straggler_data = {k: (db[k], decode_node(db[k])) for k in unread}
    assert len(unread) == 0, straggler_data

    # rebuild without squashing, to compare root hash
    verbose_trie = HexaryTrie({})
    for key, value in updates:
        if value is None:
            del verbose_trie[key]
            verbose_trie[key] = value

    for _index, key in enumerate(deleted):
        del verbose_trie[key]

    assert final_root_hash == verbose_trie.root_hash
Beispiel #19
def test_squash_changes_raises_correct_error_on_new_deleted_data():
    db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(db, prune=True)
    trie.set(b'what floats on water?', b'very small rocks')

    with trie.squash_changes() as memory_trie:
        memory_trie.set(b'what floats on water?', b'a duck')
        middle_root_hash = memory_trie.root_hash

        memory_trie.set(b'what floats on water?', b'ooooohh')

        # change to a root hash that the memory trie doesn't have anymore
        memory_trie.root_hash = middle_root_hash

        with pytest.raises(MissingTrieNode):
            memory_trie[b'what floats on water?']
Beispiel #20
def test_squash_changes_reverts_trie_root_on_exception():
    db = {}
    trie = HexaryTrie(db, prune=True)
    trie.set(b'\x00', b'B' * 32)
    trie.set(b'\xff', b'C' * 32)
    old_root_hash = trie.root_hash

    # delete the node that will be used during trie fixup
    del db[trie.root_node.raw[0xf]]

    with pytest.raises(MissingTrieNode):
        with trie.squash_changes() as memory_trie:
                memory_trie[b'\x11'] = b'new val'
            except MissingTrieNode:
                assert False, "Only the squash_changes context exit should raise this exception"

            del memory_trie[b'\xff']

    assert trie.root_hash == old_root_hash
Beispiel #21
def _insert_squash_test():
    trie = HexaryTrie(db={})
    with trie.squash_changes() as memory_trie:
        for k, v in sorted(TEST_DATA.items()):
            memory_trie[k] = v
    return trie