Beispiel #1
def _register_handlers():
    Walk thru the handlers specified in ``settings.NOTIFICATION_HANDLERS`` and
    register them internally.

    Any built-in event handlers need to be defined above this function.
    from trigger.conf import settings

    for handler_path in settings.NOTIFICATION_HANDLERS:
        # Get the module and func name
            h_module, h_funcname = handler_path.rsplit('.', 1)
        except ValueError:
            raise exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured("%s isn't a handler module" % handler_path)

        # Import the module and get the module object
            mod = import_module(h_module)
        except ImportError as err:
            raise exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured('Error importing handler %s: "%s"' % (h_module, err))

        # Get the handler function
            handler = getattr(mod, h_funcname)
        except AttributeError:
            raise exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured('Handler module "%s" does not define a "%s" function' % (h_module, h_funcname))

        # Register the handler function
        if handler not in _registered_handlers:

Beispiel #2
def find_data_loader(loader):
    Given a ``loader`` string/list/tuple, try to unpack, load it, and return the
    callable loader object.

    If ``loader`` is specified as string, treat it as the fully-qualified
    Python path to the callable Loader object.

    Optionally, if `loader`` is a list/tuple, the first item in the tuple should be the
    Loader's module path, and subsequent items are passed to the Loader object
    during initialization. This could be useful in initializing a custom Loader
    for a database backend, for example.

    :param loader:
        A string represnting the Python path to a Loader object, or list/tuple
        of loader path and args to pass to the Loader.
    if isinstance(loader, (tuple, list)):
        loader, args = loader[0], loader[1:]
        args = []

    log.msg("BUILDING LOADER: %s; WITH ARGS: %s" % (loader, args))
    err_template = "Error importing data source loader %s: '%s'"
    if isinstance(loader, basestring):
        module, attr = loader.rsplit('.', 1)
            mod = import_module(module)
        except ImportError as err:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(err_template % (loader, err))

            DataLoader = getattr(mod, attr)
        except AttributeError as err:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(err_template % (loader, err))

        if hasattr(DataLoader, 'load_data_source'):
            func = DataLoader(*args)
            # Try loading module the old-fashioned way where string is full
            # path to callabale.
            if args:
                raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                    "Error importing data source loader %s: Can't pass arguments to function-based loader!"
                    % loader)
            func = DataLoader

        if not func.is_usable:
            import warnings
                "Your NETDEVICES_LOADERS setting includes %r, but your Python installation doesn't support that type of data loading. Consider removing that line from NETDEVICES_LOADERS."
                % loader)
            return None
            return func
        raise ImproperlyConfigured(
            'Loader does not define a "load_data" callable data source loader.'
Beispiel #3
def find_data_loader(loader):
    Given a ``loader`` string/list/tuple, try to unpack, load it, and return the
    callable loader object.

    If ``loader`` is specified as string, treat it as the fully-qualified
    Python path to the callable Loader object.

    Optionally, if `loader`` is a list/tuple, the first item in the tuple should be the
    Loader's module path, and subsequent items are passed to the Loader object
    during initialization. This could be useful in initializing a custom Loader
    for a database backend, for example.

    :param loader:
        A string represnting the Python path to a Loader object, or list/tuple
        of loader path and args to pass to the Loader.
    if isinstance(loader, (tuple, list)):
        loader, args = loader[0], loader[1:]
        args = []

    log.msg("BUILDING LOADER: %s; WITH ARGS: %s" % (loader, args))
    err_template = "Error importing data source loader %s: '%s'"
    if isinstance(loader, basestring):
        module, attr = loader.rsplit('.', 1)
            mod = import_module(module)
        except ImportError as err:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(err_template % (loader, err))

            DataLoader = getattr(mod, attr)
        except AttributeError as err:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(err_template % (loader, err))

        if hasattr(DataLoader, 'load_data_source'):
            func = DataLoader(*args)
            # Try loading module the old-fashioned way where string is full
            # path to callabale.
            if args:
                raise ImproperlyConfigured("Error importing data source loader %s: Can't pass arguments to function-based loader!" % loader)
            func = DataLoader

        if not func.is_usable:
            import warnings
            warnings.warn("Your NETDEVICES_LOADERS setting includes %r, but your Python installation doesn't support that type of data loading. Consider removing that line from NETDEVICES_LOADERS." % loader)
            return None
            return func
        raise ImproperlyConfigured('Loader does not define a "load_data" callable data source loader.')
Beispiel #4
    def xmlrpc_add_handler(self, mod_name, task_name, force=False):
        Add a handler object from a remote call.
        module = None
        if mod_name in sys.modules:
            # Check if module is already loaded
            if force:
                log.msg("Forcing reload of handler: %r" % task_name)
                # Allow user to force reload of module
                module = reload(sys.modules[mod_name])
                # If not forcing reload, don't bother with the rest
                log.msg("%r already loaded" % mod_name)
                return None
            log.msg("Trying to add handler: %r" % task_name)
                module = importlib.import_module(mod_name, __name__)
            except NameError as msg:
                log.msg('NameError: %s' % msg)

        if not module:
            log.msg("    Unable to load module: %s" % mod_name)
            return None
            handler = getattr(module, 'xmlrpc_' + task_name)
            # XMLRPC methods will not accept kwargs. Instead, we pass 2 position
            # args: args and kwargs, to a shell method (dummy) that will explode
            # them when sending to the user defined method (handler).
            def dummy(self, args, kwargs):
                return handler(*args, **kwargs)

            # TODO (jathan): Make this work!!
            # This just simply does not work.  I am not sure why, but it results in a
            # "<Fault 8001: 'procedure config_device not found'>" error!
            # # Bind the dummy shell method to TriggerXMLRPCServer. The function's
            # # name will be used to map it to the "dummy" handler object.
            # dummy.__name__ = task_name
            # self.addHandler(dummy)

            # This does work.
            # Bind the dummy shell method to TriggerXMLRPCServer as 'xmlrpc_' + task_name
            setattr(TriggerXMLRPCServer, 'xmlrpc_' + task_name, dummy)
Beispiel #5
def _register_handlers():
    Walk thru the handlers specified in ``settings.NOTIFICATION_HANDLERS`` and
    register them internally.

    Any built-in event handlers need to be defined above this function.
    from trigger.conf import settings

    for handler_path in settings.NOTIFICATION_HANDLERS:
        # Get the module and func name
            h_module, h_funcname = handler_path.rsplit('.', 1)
        except ValueError:
            raise exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured("%s isn't a handler module" %

        # Import the module and get the module object
            mod = import_module(h_module)
        except ImportError as err:
            raise exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured(
                'Error importing handler %s: "%s"' % (h_module, err))

        # Get the handler function
            handler = getattr(mod, h_funcname)
        except AttributeError:
            raise exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured(
                'Handler module "%s" does not define a "%s" function' %
                (h_module, h_funcname))

        # Register the handler function
        if handler not in _registered_handlers: