def GetZoomValues(self, model, thread): rad = 300 camera = self.sceneManager.GetRegisteredCamera( trinity.WaitForResourceLoads() rad = model.GetBoundingSphereRadius() center = model.boundingSphereCenter localBB = model.GetLocalBoundingBox() if localBB[0] is None or localBB[1] is None: log.LogError( "Failed to get bounding info for ship. Odds are the ship wasn't loaded properly." ) localBB = (trinity.TriVector(0, 0, 0), trinity.TriVector(0, 0, 0)) model.translationCurve = trinity.TriVectorCurve() negativeCenter = (-center[0], -localBB[0].y + 180.0, -center[2]) model.translationCurve.value = negativeCenter cameraparent = self.GetCameraParent() if cameraparent.translationCurve is not None: keyValue = cameraparent.translationCurve.keys[1].value if self.staticEnv: keyValue = (keyValue[0], -localBB[0].y + 180.0, keyValue[2]) cameraparent.translationCurve.keys[0].value = keyValue key1Value = cameraparent.translationCurve.keys[1].value key1Value = (key1Value[0], -localBB[0].y + 180.0, key1Value[2]) cameraparent.translationCurve.keys[1].value = key1Value cameraparent.translationCurve.start = blue.os.GetSimTime() zoomMultiplier = 1.0 aspectRatio = trinity.GetAspectRatio() if aspectRatio > 1.6: zoomMultiplier = aspectRatio / 1.6 self.minZoom = (rad + camera.frontClip + 50) * zoomMultiplier self.maxZoom = 2050.0 self.layer.maxZoom = self.maxZoom self.layer.minZoom = self.minZoom return (rad + camera.frontClip) * 2
def TryPickSphereBorder(self): matches = [] scannerWnd = Scanner.GetIfOpen() if scannerWnd: x, y = uicore.ScaleDpi(uicore.uilib.x), uicore.ScaleDpi(uicore.uilib.y) ray, start = GetRayAndPointFromScreen(x, y) pickRadiusRay, pickRadiusStart = GetRayAndPointFromScreen(x - 30, y) camera = sm.GetService('sceneManager').GetRegisteredCamera('systemmap') if camera is None: return viewDir = geo2.QuaternionTransformVector(camera.rotationAroundParent, (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) viewDir = geo2.Vec3Normalize(viewDir) targetPlaneNormal = geo2.Vector(*viewDir) scanSvc = sm.StartService('scanSvc') probeData = scanSvc.GetProbeData() probes = scannerWnd.GetProbeSpheres() for probeID, probeControl in probes.iteritems(): if probeID not in probeData or probeData[probeID].state != const.probeStateIdle: continue targetPlanePos = geo2.Vector(probeControl.locator.worldTransform[3][0], probeControl.locator.worldTransform[3][1], probeControl.locator.worldTransform[3][2]) rad = list(probeControl.sphere.scaling)[0] * SYSTEMMAP_SCALE pos = RayToPlaneIntersection(start, ray, targetPlanePos, targetPlaneNormal) picRadiusPos = RayToPlaneIntersection(pickRadiusStart, pickRadiusRay, targetPlanePos, targetPlaneNormal) pickRad = (trinity.TriVector(*picRadiusPos) - trinity.TriVector(*pos)).Length() diffFromPickToSphereBorder = (trinity.TriVector(*targetPlanePos) - trinity.TriVector(*pos)).Length() if rad + pickRad > diffFromPickToSphereBorder > rad - pickRad: matches.append((abs(rad - diffFromPickToSphereBorder), probeControl)) if matches: matches = uiutil.SortListOfTuples(matches) return matches[0]
def ArrangeSelection(self, x, y, z): slimItems = self.GetSelObjects() if len(slimItems) < 2: return minV = trinity.TriVector(slimItems[0].dunX, slimItems[0].dunY, slimItems[0].dunZ) maxV = minV.CopyTo() commandArgs = [] centreAxis = trinity.TriVector() for slimItem in slimItems: centreAxis.x = centreAxis.x + slimItem.dunX centreAxis.y = centreAxis.y + slimItem.dunY centreAxis.z = centreAxis.z + slimItem.dunZ centreAxis.Scale(1.0 / len(slimItems)) stepCount = float(len(slimItems)) totalOffset = trinity.TriVector(x * stepCount, y * stepCount, z * stepCount) totalOffset.Scale(-0.5) counter = 0 for slimItem in slimItems: offset = trinity.TriVector(x, y, z) offset.Scale(counter) pos = centreAxis + totalOffset + offset counter += 1 dungeonHelper.SetObjectPosition(slimItem.dunObjectID, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
def RotateSelected(self, yaw, pitch, roll): slimItems = self.GetSelObjects() if len(slimItems) == 0: return nq = trinity.TriQuaternion() nq.SetYawPitchRoll(yaw / 180.0 * pi, pitch / 180.0 * pi, roll / 180.0 * pi) posCtr = trinity.TriVector() for slimItem in slimItems: posCtr += trinity.TriVector(slimItem.dunX, slimItem.dunY, slimItem.dunZ) posCtr.Scale(1.0 / len(slimItems)) for slimItem in slimItems: q = trinity.TriQuaternion() rot = getattr(slimItem, 'dunRotation', None) if rot is not None: yaw, pitch, roll = rot q.SetYawPitchRoll(yaw / 180.0 * pi, pitch / 180.0 * pi, roll / 180.0 * pi) q.Multiply(nq) y, p, r = q.GetYawPitchRoll() y = y / pi * 180.0 p = p / pi * 180.0 r = r / pi * 180.0 translation = trinity.TriVector(slimItem.dunX, slimItem.dunY, slimItem.dunZ) translation -= posCtr translation.TransformQuaternion(nq) translation += posCtr dungeonHelper.SetObjectPosition(slimItem.dunObjectID, translation.x, translation.y, translation.z) dungeonHelper.SetObjectRotation(slimItem.dunObjectID, y, p, r)
def GetPickIntersectionPoint(x=None, y=None): """ Returns the point on the planet at (x, y) screen coordinates. This is done by casting a ray based on the screen coordinates (x, y) and the viewport and then finally calculating the intersection of that ray and a sphere (the planet). Method defaults to the current mouse coordinates if x and y arguments are None Returns None if the planet was not clicked. Arguments: x - the x coordinates in screen space y - the y coordinares in screen space """ if None in (x, y): x, y = int(uicore.uilib.x * uicore.desktop.dpiScaling), int( uicore.uilib.y * uicore.desktop.dpiScaling) device = trinity.device proj, view, vp = uix.GetFullscreenProjectionViewAndViewport() ray, start = device.GetPickRayFromViewport(x, y, vp, view.transform, proj.transform) lineVec = trinity.TriVector(*ray) lineP0 = trinity.TriVector(*start) sphereP0 = trinity.TriVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) sphereRad = 1000.0 pInt = GetSphereLineIntersectionPoint(lineP0, lineVec, sphereP0, sphereRad) if not pInt: return ret = SurfacePoint(pInt.x, pInt.y, pInt.z) ret.SetRadius(1.0) return ret
def GetBoundingBoxInLocalSpace(self): if self.geometry.meshCount > 0: min, max = self.geometry.GetBoundingBox(0) for i in xrange(self.geometry.meshCount - 1): cMin, cMax = self.geometry.GetBoundingBox(i + 1) min.Minimize(cMin) max.Maximize(cMax) return (min, max) return (trinity.TriVector(), trinity.TriVector())
def GetMyPos(): bp = sm.GetService('michelle').GetBallpark() if bp and bp.ego: ego = bp.balls[bp.ego] myPos = trinity.TriVector(ego.x, ego.y, ego.z) elif eve.session.stationid: s = sm.GetService('map').GetStation(eve.session.stationid) myPos = trinity.TriVector(s.x, s.y, s.z) else: myPos = trinity.TriVector() return myPos
def CalculateHexagonParameters(self): mmin = trinity.TriVector(-1.0, 0.0, -0.866025447845459) mmax = trinity.TriVector(1.0, 0.0, 0.866025447845459) maxx = mmax.z / math.sin(math.radians(60.0)) topRightX = math.cos(math.radians(60.0)) * maxx self.tileMin = Point(-maxx, mmin.z) self.tileMax = Point(maxx, mmax.z) self.hexPoints = (Point(topRightX, self.tileMax.y), Point(self.tileMax.x, 0.0), Point(topRightX, self.tileMin.y), Point(-topRightX, self.tileMin.y), Point(self.tileMin.x, 0.0), Point(-topRightX, self.tileMax.y)) self.tileWidth = maxx * 2.0 * 0.75 self.tileHeight = mmax.z * 2.0
def Assemble(self): timecurves.ResetTimeCurves(self.model, * 12345L) timecurves.ScaleTime(self.model, 5.0 + % 20 / 20.0) x = 0.8 + 0.2 * random.random() y = 0.8 + 0.2 * random.random() z = 0.8 + 0.2 * random.random() self.model.scaling.SetXYZ(self.model.scaling.x * x, self.model.scaling.y * y, self.model.scaling.z * z) selfPos = trinity.TriVector(self.x * 1e-05, self.y * 1e-05, self.z * 1e-05) fwd = trinity.TriVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) selfPos.Normalize() self.model.rotationCurve = None self.model.rotation.SetRotationArc(fwd, selfPos)
def GetPickIntersectionPoint(x = None, y = None): if None in (x, y): x, y = int(uicore.uilib.x * uicore.desktop.dpiScaling), int(uicore.uilib.y * uicore.desktop.dpiScaling) device = trinity.device proj, view, vp = uix.GetFullscreenProjectionViewAndViewport() ray, start = device.GetPickRayFromViewport(x, y, vp, view.transform, proj.transform) lineVec = trinity.TriVector(*ray) lineP0 = trinity.TriVector(*start) sphereP0 = trinity.TriVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) sphereRad = 1000.0 pInt = GetSphereLineIntersectionPoint(lineP0, lineVec, sphereP0, sphereRad) if not pInt: return ret = planet.SurfacePoint(pInt.x, pInt.y, pInt.z) ret.SetRadius(1.0) return ret
def UpdateDirectionVector(): bp = GetBallPark() myball = bp.GetBall(eve.session.shipid) if not myball: LogMessage("ball doesnt exist") return if bp: balls = copy.copy(bp.balls) #\LogMessage("Copied Ballpark") else: LogMessage("Invalid Ballpark") tacticalSvc = sm.GetService("tactical") tacticalSvc.circles.ClearLines() color = (0.25,0.25,0.25,1) i = 0 while (i < 50): blue.pyos.synchro.Sleep(500) tacticalSvc.circles.ClearLines() for ballid in balls.iterkeys(): ball = bp.GetBall(ballid) slimItem = bp.GetInvItem(ballid) if (ball.maxVelocity != 0): currentDirection = ball.GetQuaternionAt(blue.os.GetTime()) d = trinity.TriVector(0,0,1) d.TransformQuaternion(currentDirection) LogMessage(str(d.x) + " " + str(d.y) + " " + str(d.z)) d.x = d.x*10000 d.y = d.y*10000 d.z = d.z*10000 tacticalSvc.circles.AddLine((ball.x-myball.x,ball.y-myball.y,ball.z-myball.z),color,(d.x+ball.x-myball.x,d.y+ball.y-myball.y,d.z+ball.z-myball.z),color) tacticalSvc.circles.SubmitChanges() i=i+1
def ShowPathOfSelectedShipOnMyShip(): tacticalSvc = sm.GetService("tactical") tacticalSvc.circles.ClearLines() color = (0.25,0.25,0.25,1) i = 0 while (i < 50): blue.pyos.synchro.Sleep(500) currItem = eve.LocalSvc("registry").GetWindow("selecteditemview").itemIDs[0] bp = GetBallPark() currSelectedBall = bp.GetBall(currItem) if not currSelectedBall: LogMessage("ball doesnt exist") return if bp: balls = copy.copy(bp.balls) LogMessage("Copied Ballpark") else: LogMessage("Invalid Ballpark") tacticalSvc.circles.ClearLines() currentDirection = currSelectedBall.GetQuaternionAt(blue.os.GetTime()) d = trinity.TriVector(0,0,1) d.TransformQuaternion(currentDirection) d.x = d.x*1000 d.y = d.y*1000 d.z = d.z*1000 LogMessage(str(d.x) + " " + str(d.y) + " " + str(d.z)) tacticalSvc.circles.AddLine((0,0,0),color,(d.x,d.y,d.z),color) tacticalSvc.circles.SubmitChanges() i=i+1
def SetObjectQuantity(objectID, quantity): scenario = sm.StartService('scenario') targetBall, slimItem = scenario.GetBallAndSlimItemFromObjectID(objectID) if slimItem is None: raise RuntimeError('No slim item?') targetModel = getattr(targetBall, 'model', None) if not targetModel: return if slimItem.categoryID == const.categoryAsteroid or slimItem.groupID in ( const.groupHarvestableCloud, const.groupCloud): computedRadius = util.ComputeRadiusFromQuantity( slimItem.categoryID, slimItem.groupID, slimItem.typeID, quantity) if hasattr(targetModel, 'modelScale'): targetModel.modelScale = computedRadius elif hasattr(targetModel, 'scaling'): scaleVector = trinity.TriVector(computedRadius, computedRadius, computedRadius) targetModel.scaling = scaleVector else: raise RuntimeError('Model has neither modelScale nor scaling') slimItem.dunRadius = quantity scenario.UpdateUnsavedObjectChanges(slimItem.itemID, dungeonEditorTools.CHANGE_SCALE) else: raise RuntimeError("Can't scale type %d" % slimItem.categoryID)
def GetMaxDist(self): maxdist = 0.0 for item in self.mapitems: pos = trinity.TriVector(item.x, 0.0, item.z) maxdist = max(maxdist, pos.Length()) return maxdist
def ShakeCamera(self, ball): ballpark = sm.GetService('michelle').GetBallpark() if ballpark is None: return speedVector = trinity.TriVector(ball.vx, ball.vy, ball.vz) speed = speedVector.Length() maxSpeed = ballpark.warpSpeed * const.AU - ball.maxVelocity speed = (speed - ball.maxVelocity) / maxSpeed speed = max(0.0, speed) rumbleFactor = 0.5 - 0.5 * cos(6.28 * pow(speed, 0.1)) rumbleFactor = (rumbleFactor - 0.2) / 0.8 rumbleFactor = max(rumbleFactor, 0.0) rumbleFactor = pow(rumbleFactor, 0.8) shakeFactor = 0.7 * rumbleFactor cam = self.GetCamera() noisescaleCurve = trinity.TriScalarCurve() noisescaleCurve.extrapolation = trinity.TRIEXT_CONSTANT noisescaleCurve.AddKey(0.0, cam.noiseScale, 0.0, 0.0, trinity.TRIINT_LINEAR) noisescaleCurve.AddKey(0.5, shakeFactor * 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, trinity.TRIINT_LINEAR) noisescaleCurve.AddKey(5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, trinity.TRIINT_LINEAR) noisescaleCurve.Sort() behavior = shaker.ShakeBehavior('Warp') behavior.scaleCurve = noisescaleCurve cam.shakeController.DoCameraShake(behavior)
def ShakeCamera(self, ball): shakeEnabled = settings.user.ui.Get('cameraShakeEnabled', 1) camera = sm.GetService('sceneManager').GetRegisteredCamera('default') if camera is None: return if not shakeEnabled: camera.noise = 0 return ballpark = sm.GetService('michelle').GetBallpark() if ballpark is None: return speedVector = trinity.TriVector(ball.vx, ball.vy, ball.vz) speed = speedVector.Length() maxSpeed = ballpark.warpSpeed * const.AU - ball.maxVelocity speed = (speed - ball.maxVelocity) / maxSpeed speed = max(0.0, speed) rumbleFactor = 0.5 - 0.5 * cos(6.28 * pow(speed, 0.1)) rumbleFactor = (rumbleFactor - 0.2) / 0.8 rumbleFactor = max(rumbleFactor, 0.0) rumbleFactor = pow(rumbleFactor, 0.8) shakeFactor = 0.7 * rumbleFactor if camera.noiseScaleCurve is None: noiseScale = 0.0 else: noiseScale = camera.noiseScale noisescaleCurve = trinity.TriScalarCurve() noisescaleCurve.extrapolation = trinity.TRIEXT_CONSTANT noisescaleCurve.AddKey(0.0, noiseScale, 0.0, 0.0, trinity.TRIINT_LINEAR) noisescaleCurve.AddKey(0.5, shakeFactor * 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, trinity.TRIINT_LINEAR) noisescaleCurve.AddKey(5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, trinity.TRIINT_LINEAR) noisescaleCurve.Sort() camera.noiseScaleCurve = noisescaleCurve now = blue.os.GetSimTime() camera.noiseScaleCurve.start = now camera.noise = 1
def GetDistance(slimItem = None, mapData = None, ball = None, transform = None): if ball: return ball.surfaceDist if slimItem: ballPark = sm.GetService('michelle').GetBallpark() if ballPark and slimItem.itemID in ballPark.balls: return ballPark.balls[slimItem.itemID].surfaceDist myPos = GetMyPos() if mapData: pos = trinity.TriVector(mapData.x, mapData.y, mapData.z) elif transform: pos = transform.translation if type(pos) == types.TupleType: pos = trinity.TriVector(*pos) else: return None return (pos - myPos).Length()
def GetMouseTravel(self): if self.mouseDownPos: x, y = uicore.uilib.x, uicore.uilib.y v = trinity.TriVector(float(x - self.mouseDownPos[0]), float(y - self.mouseDownPos[1]), 0.0) return int(v.Length()) else: return None
def SetDamageStateSingle(self, health): damage = 1.0 - health effectPosition = trinity.TriVector() if damage < 0.2: for each in list(self.model.children): if == 'autoDamage': self.model.children.remove(each) self.burning = False elif == sm.StartService('state').GetExclState(state.lookingAt) and not self.burning: self.burning = True if len(self.model.damageLocators): furthestBack = self.model.damageLocators[0][0] for locator in self.model.damageLocators: locatorTranslation = locator[0] if locatorTranslation[2] > furthestBack[2]: furthestBack = locatorTranslation effectPosition = furthestBack scale = math.sqrt(self.model.boundingSphereRadius / 30.0) effect = trinity.Load('res:/Emitter/Damage/') = 'autoDamage' effect.translation = effectPosition effect.scaling = (1, 1, 1) prefix = 'owner.positionDelta' for curveSet in effect.curveSets: for binding in curveSet.bindings: if[0:len(prefix)] == prefix: binding.sourceObject = self.model.positionDelta generators = effect.Find('trinity.Tr2RandomUniformAttributeGenerator') for generator in generators: if generator.elementType == trinity.PARTICLE_ELEMENT_TYPE.LIFETIME: generator.minRange = (generator.minRange[0], generator.minRange[1] * scale, 0, 0) generator.maxRange = (generator.maxRange[0], generator.maxRange[1] * scale, 0, 0) elif generator.elementType == trinity.PARTICLE_ELEMENT_TYPE.CUSTOM and generator.customName == 'sizeDynamic': generator.minRange = (generator.minRange[0] * scale, generator.minRange[1] * scale, 0, 0) generator.maxRange = (generator.maxRange[0] * scale, generator.maxRange[1] * scale, 0, 0) generators = effect.Find('trinity.Tr2SphereShapeAttributeGenerator') for generator in generators: generator.minRadius = generator.minRadius * scale generator.maxRadius = generator.maxRadius * scale self.model.children.append(effect) effect = None
def _TransformContext(self, v): scenarioMgr = sm.StartService('scenario') michelleSvc = sm.StartService('michelle') dungeonOrigin = scenarioMgr.GetDungeonOrigin() toolPositionX, toolPositionY, toolPositionZ = sm.GetService('scenario').GetSelectionCenter() toolOffset = (self.toolPosition[0] - dungeonOrigin.x, self.toolPosition[1] - dungeonOrigin.y, self.toolPosition[2] - dungeonOrigin.z) godma = sm.GetService('godma') slimItems = scenarioMgr.GetSelObjects() for slimItem in slimItems: if slimItem.dunObjectID in sm.GetService('scenario').GetLockedObjects(): if uicore.uilib.Key(uiconst.VK_CONTROL): scenarioMgr.UnlockObject(slimItem.itemID, slimItem.dunObjectID, force=True) else: continue targetBall = michelleSvc.GetBall(slimItem.itemID) targetModel = getattr(targetBall, 'model', None) if not targetModel: continue if slimItem.groupID in (const.groupHarvestableCloud, const.groupCloud) and hasattr(targetModel, 'scaling'): if slimItem.itemID not in self.initial_scaling: self.initial_scaling[slimItem.itemID] = trinity.TriVector(targetModel.scaling.x, targetModel.scaling.y, targetModel.scaling.z) initialScaling = self.initial_scaling[slimItem.itemID] scaleVector = trinity.TriVector(initialScaling.x * self.scale.x, initialScaling.y * self.scale.y, initialScaling.z * self.scale.z) targetModel.scaling = scaleVector slimItem.dunRadius = ComputeQuantityFromRadius(slimItem.categoryID, slimItem.groupID, slimItem.typeID, targetModel.scaling.x / 2.0, godma) scenarioMgr.UpdateUnsavedObjectChanges(slimItem.itemID, CHANGE_SCALE) elif slimItem.categoryID == const.categoryAsteroid and hasattr(targetModel, 'modelScale'): if slimItem.itemID not in self.initial_scaling: self.initial_scaling[slimItem.itemID] = targetModel.modelScale targetModel.modelScale = self.initial_scaling[slimItem.itemID] * self.scale.x slimItem.dunRadius = ComputeQuantityFromRadius(slimItem.categoryID, slimItem.groupID, slimItem.typeID, targetModel.modelScale, godma) scenarioMgr.UpdateUnsavedObjectChanges(slimItem.itemID, CHANGE_SCALE) if len(slimItems) > 1 and not uicore.uilib.Key(uiconst.VK_SHIFT): if slimItem.itemID not in self.initial_position: self.initial_position[slimItem.itemID] = ((targetModel.translationCurve.x, targetModel.translationCurve.y, targetModel.translationCurve.z), (slimItem.dunX, slimItem.dunY, slimItem.dunZ)) initialWorldPosition, initialDungeonPosition = self.initial_position[slimItem.itemID] relativeObjectPosition = trinity.TriVector(initialDungeonPosition[0] - toolOffset[0], initialDungeonPosition[1] - toolOffset[1], initialDungeonPosition[2] - toolOffset[2]) scaledPosition = trinity.TriVector(relativeObjectPosition.x * self.scale.x, relativeObjectPosition.y * self.scale.y, relativeObjectPosition.z * self.scale.z) targetModel.translationCurve.x = scaledPosition.x + self.toolPosition[0] targetModel.translationCurve.y = scaledPosition.y + self.toolPosition[1] targetModel.translationCurve.z = scaledPosition.z + self.toolPosition[2] slimItem.dunX = scaledPosition.x + toolOffset[0] slimItem.dunY = scaledPosition.y + toolOffset[1] slimItem.dunZ = scaledPosition.z + toolOffset[2] scenarioMgr.UpdateUnsavedObjectChanges(slimItem.itemID, CHANGE_TRANSLATION)
def CalculateHexagonParameters(self): """ Calculate the base bounding box for a tile along with each of the 6 vertices for intersection testing """ mmin = trinity.TriVector(-1.0, 0.0, -0.866025447845459) mmax = trinity.TriVector(1.0, 0.0, 0.866025447845459) maxx = mmax.z / math.sin(math.radians(60.0)) topRightX = math.cos(math.radians(60.0)) * maxx self.tileMin = Point(-maxx, mmin.z) self.tileMax = Point(maxx, mmax.z) self.hexPoints = (Point(topRightX, self.tileMax.y), Point(self.tileMax.x, 0.0), Point(topRightX, self.tileMin.y), Point(-topRightX, self.tileMin.y), Point(self.tileMin.x, 0.0), Point(-topRightX, self.tileMax.y)) self.tileWidth = maxx * 2.0 * 0.75 self.tileHeight = mmax.z * 2.0
def PointCameraToPos(self, camera, shipPos, itemPos, panSpeed, timeDelta, trackingPoint=None): m, h = uicore.desktop.width / 2, uicore.desktop.height center = trinity.TriVector( uicore.ScaleDpi(m * (1 - camera.centerOffset)), uicore.ScaleDpi(h / 2), 0) v2 = shipPos - itemPos v2.Normalize() yzProj = trinity.TriVector(0, v2.y, v2.z) zxProj = trinity.TriVector(v2.x, 0, v2.z) yaw = self.CalcAngle(zxProj.z, zxProj.x) pitch = -math.asin(min(1.0, max(-1.0, yzProj.y))) oldYaw = camera.yaw oldPitch = self.clampPitch(camera.pitch) dx2 = 0.0 dy2 = 0.0 if trackingPoint is not None: dx2 = center.x - trackingPoint[0] dy2 = center.y - trackingPoint[1] alphaX = math.pi * dx2 * camera.fieldOfView / uicore.ScaleDpi( uicore.desktop.width) alphaY = math.pi * dy2 * camera.fieldOfView / uicore.ScaleDpi( uicore.desktop.width) dPitchTotal = pitch - oldPitch dYawTotal = (yaw - camera.yaw) % (2 * math.pi) - alphaX * 0.75 clampedPitchTotal = min(2 * math.pi - dPitchTotal, dPitchTotal) - alphaY * 0.75 if dYawTotal > math.pi: dYawTotal = -(2 * math.pi - dYawTotal) arc = geo2.Vec2Length((dYawTotal, clampedPitchTotal)) part = min(1, timeDelta * panSpeed) dYawPart = dYawTotal * part dPitchPart = clampedPitchTotal * part Yaw = oldYaw + dYawPart Pitch = oldPitch + dPitchPart camera.SetOrbit(Yaw, Pitch) return arc
def SetMyViewportLocation(self, maxdist): bp = sm.GetService('michelle').GetBallpark() if not bp: return myball = bp.GetBall(eve.session.shipid) pos = trinity.TriVector(myball.x, myball.y, myball.z) sizefactor = VIEWWIDTH / (maxdist * 2.0) * 0.75 pos.Scale(sizefactor) me = me.left = VIEWWIDTH / 2 + int(pos.x) - me.width / 2 = VIEWWIDTH / 2 + int(pos.z) - me.height / 2
def GeoToTri(obj): if len(obj) == 3: return trinity.TriVector(*obj) if len(obj) == 4: if isinstance(obj[0], tuple): tempTuple = obj[0] + obj[1] + obj[2] + obj[3] return trinity.TriMatrix(*tempTuple) else: return trinity.TriQuaternion(*obj) else: raise TypeError('Unsupported type')
def _RenderCallback(self, evt): if not self.cursors[self.currentCursor] or not self.dungeonOrigin: self.HideCursor() return x, y, z = self.GetSelectionCenter() playerPos = self.GetPlayerOffset() self.cursors[self.currentCursor].Rotate(self.GetSelectionRotation()) self.cursors[self.currentCursor].Translate( trinity.TriVector(x - playerPos.x, y - playerPos.y, z - playerPos.z)) self.cursors[self.currentCursor].Render()
def AddChilds(self, parentX, parentY, parentRad, parentID, SIZE, draw, cords, parent, _x = None, _y = None): parentpos = trinity.TriVector(parent.x, parent.y, parent.z) sorted = [] allchilds = self.GetChilds(parentID, [], 0) for child in allchilds: childpos = trinity.TriVector(child.x, child.y, child.z) diff = childpos - parentpos dist = diff.Length() sorted.append((dist, child)) sorted = uiutil.SortListOfTuples(sorted) if self.allowAbstract and settings.user.ui.Get('solarsystemmapabstract', 0): done = [] i = 1 xi = 0 for child in sorted: if child.itemID in done: continue radius = 1 step = max(12, radius * 4) - 2 y = _y or parentY + parentRad + i * step x = _x or parentX + xi if y + step > SIZE: i = 0 xi += step done.append(child.itemID) fill = self.GetColorByGroupID(child.groupID), SIZE - y, radius, radius, fill, fill) cords[child.itemID] = (x, SIZE - y, radius) i += 1 else: for child in sorted: radius = 1 pos = trinity.TriVector(child.x, 0.0, child.z) pos = pos + (pos - parentpos) * max(1.0, 4096 / SIZE) x = FLIPMAP * pos.x * + SIZE / 2 y = pos.z * + SIZE / 2 fill = self.GetColorByGroupID(child.groupID), SIZE - y, radius, radius, fill, fill) cords[child.itemID] = (x, SIZE - y, radius)
def UpdateMyLocation(self): if not uiutil.IsUnder(self, uicore.desktop): return bp = sm.GetService('michelle').GetBallpark() if bp is None or self is None or self.destroyed: self.updatemylocationtimer = None return myball = bp.GetBall(eve.session.shipid) if myball is None: self.updatemylocationtimer = None return size = max(1, self.absoluteRight - self.absoluteLeft) if size == 1: uiutil.Update(self, 'Map2D::UpdateMyLocation') size = max(1, self.absoluteRight - self.absoluteLeft) x = y = None if self.allowAbstract and settings.user.ui.Get('solarsystemmapabstract', 0): if not len(self.orbs): return x, y = self.GetAbstractPosition(trinity.TriVector(myball.x, 0.0, myball.z), 1) elif is not None and is not None: maxdist = self.GetMaxDist() sizefactor = size / 2 / maxdist * self.fillSize x = FLIPMAP * myball.x * sizefactor / float(size) + 0.5 y = -(myball.z * sizefactor) / float(size) + 0.5 if x is not None and y is not None: = x = y self.imhere.state = uiconst.UI_DISABLED camera = sm.GetService('sceneManager').GetRegisteredCamera('default') if camera is None: return rot = geo2.QuaternionRotationGetYawPitchRoll(camera.rotationAroundParent) look = geo2.QuaternionRotationGetYawPitchRoll(camera.rotationOfInterest) if not self.fov: self.fov = Fov(parent=self.imhere) self.fov.SetRotation(rot[0] + look[0] - pi) actualfov = camera.fieldOfView * (uicore.desktop.width / float(uicore.desktop.height)) degfov = actualfov - pi / 2 self.fov.SetFovAngle(actualfov) if self.showingtempangle: if not self.tempAngleFov: self.tempAngleFov = Fov(parent=self.imhere, state=uiconst.UI_DISABLED, blendMode=trinity.TR2_SBM_ADDX2) self.tempAngleFov.SetColor((0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 1.0)) self.tempAngleFov.display = True self.tempAngleFov.SetRotation(rot[0] + look[0] - pi) angle = self.showingtempangle self.tempAngleFov.SetFovAngle(angle) elif self.tempAngleFov: self.tempAngleFov.display = False self.RefreshOverlays()
def GetRay(self, x, y): app = aspect = float(app.width) / app.height fovTan = math.tan(self.fieldOfView * 0.5) dx = fovTan * (2.0 * x / app.width - 1.0) * aspect dy = fovTan * (1.0 - 2.0 * y / app.height) if trinity.IsRightHanded(): startPoint = trinity.TriVector(self.frontClip * dx, self.frontClip * dy, -self.frontClip) endPoint = trinity.TriVector(self.backClip * dx, self.backClip * dy, -self.backClip) else: startPoint = trinity.TriVector(self.frontClip * dx, self.frontClip * dy, self.frontClip) endPoint = trinity.TriVector(self.backClip * dx, self.backClip * dy, self.backClip) invViewMatrix = util.ConvertTupleToTriMatrix(self.viewMatrix.transform) invViewMatrix.Inverse() startPoint.TransformCoord(invViewMatrix) endPoint.TransformCoord(invViewMatrix) startPoint = (startPoint.x, startPoint.y, startPoint.z) endPoint = (endPoint.x, endPoint.y, endPoint.z) return (startPoint, endPoint)
def MoveCursor_thread(self): self.isMoving = True lib = uicore.uilib while lib.leftbtn: if self.currentCursor: x, y, z = self.GetSelectionCenter() dungeonOrigin = self.GetDungeonOrigin() playerPos = self.GetPlayerOffset() try: rotation = self.GetSelectionRotation() singleObjectRotation = self.currentCursor == 'Rotation' and len( self.selection) == 1 multipleObjectRotation = self.currentCursor == 'Rotation' and len( self.selection) > 1 if singleObjectRotation: self.cursors[self.currentCursor].Rotate( (rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2], rotation[3])) elif multipleObjectRotation: self.cursors[self.currentCursor].Rotate( (rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2], -rotation[3])) self.cursors[self.currentCursor].Translate( trinity.TriVector(x - playerPos.x, y - playerPos.y, z - playerPos.z)) self.cursors[self.currentCursor].Transform( uicore.uilib.x, uicore.uilib.y) if multipleObjectRotation: rotation = self.cursors[ self.currentCursor].GetRotation() self.SetGroupSelectionRotation( (rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2], -rotation[3])) except: self.LogError( 'Error when attempting to move the dungeon editor object manipulation tool.' ) log.LogException() sys.exc_clear() self.isMoving = False return self.lastChangeTimestamp = blue.os.GetWallclockTime() blue.synchro.Yield() self.isMoving = False self.StopMovingCursor()
def surfaceDist(self): if not session.solarsystemid: return None bp = sm.GetService('michelle').GetBallpark(True) if bp: ball = bp.GetBallById( if ball: return ball.surfaceDist else: pos = trinity.TriVector(self.x, self.y, self.z) return (pos - maputils.GetMyPos()).Length() return