Beispiel #1
def solve_lattice_bse(parm, momsus=False):

    print '--> solve_lattice_bse'

    print 'nw =', parm.nw
    print 'nwf =', parm.nwf

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Setup lattice

    bl = BravaisLattice([(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)])

    bz = BrillouinZone(bl)
    bzmesh = MeshBrillouinZone(bz, n_k=1)  # only one k-point

    e_k = Gf(mesh=bzmesh, target_shape=[1, 1])
    e_k *= 0.

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Lattice single-particle Green's function

    mesh = MeshImFreq(beta=parm.beta, S='Fermion', n_max=parm.nwf_gf)

    parm.Sigma_iw = parm.G_iw.copy()
    G0_iw = parm.G_iw.copy()

    G0_iw << inverse(iOmega_n + 0.5 * parm.U)
    parm.Sigma_iw << inverse(G0_iw) - inverse(parm.G_iw) = 0.5 * parm.U
    g_wk = lattice_dyson_g_wk(, e_k=e_k, sigma_w=parm.Sigma_iw)
    g_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(g_wk)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Non-interacting generalized lattice susceptibility

    chi0_wr = chi0r_from_gr_PH(nw=parm.nw, nnu=parm.nwf, gr=g_wr)
    chi0_wk = chi0q_from_chi0r(chi0_wr)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Solve lattice BSE

    parm.chi_wk = chiq_from_chi0q_and_gamma_PH(chi0_wk, parm.gamma_m)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Store results and static results

    num = np.squeeze(
    ref = np.squeeze(

    diff = np.max(np.abs(num - ref))
    print 'diff =', diff

    parm.chi_w = chiq_sum_nu_q(parm.chi_wk)  # static suscept

    return parm
Beispiel #2
def bubble_setup(beta, mu, tb_lattice, nk, nw, sigma_w=None):

    print tprf_banner(), "\n"

    print 'beta  =', beta
    print 'mu    =', mu
    print 'sigma =', (not (sigma == None))

    norb = tb_lattice.NOrbitalsInUnitCell
    print 'nk    =', nk
    print 'nw    =', nw
    print 'norb  =', norb

    ntau = 4 * nw
    ntot = * norb**4 + * (nw + ntau) * norb**2
    nbytes = ntot * np.complex128().nbytes
    ngb = nbytes / 1024.**3
    print 'Approx. Memory Utilization: %2.2f GB\n' % ngb

    periodization_matrix = np.diag(np.array(list(nk), dtype=np.int32))
    #print 'periodization_matrix =\n', periodization_matrix

    bz = BrillouinZone(
    bzmesh = MeshBrillouinZone(bz, periodization_matrix)

    print '--> ek'
    e_k = ek_tb_dispersion_on_bzmesh(tb_lattice, bzmesh, bz)

    if sigma is None:
        print '--> g0k'
        wmesh = MeshImFreq(beta=beta, S='Fermion', n_max=nw)
        g_wk = lattice_dyson_g0_wk(mu=mu, e_k=e_k, mesh=wmesh)
        print '--> gk'
        sigma_w = strip_sigma(nw, beta, sigma)
        g_wk = lattice_dyson_g_wk(mu=mu, e_k=e_k, sigma_w=sigma_w)

    print '--> gr_from_gk (k->r)'
    g_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(g_wk)
    del g_wk

    print '--> grt_from_grw (w->tau)'
    g_tr = fourier_wr_to_tr(g_wr)
    del g_wr

    if sigma is None:
        return g_tr
        return g_tr, sigma_w
Beispiel #3
Datei: Projekt: TRIQS/tprf
        (-1, ): t,
    orbital_positions=[(0, 0, 0)] * norb,

kmesh = t_r.get_kmesh(n_k=(8, 1, 1))
e_k = t_r.fourier(kmesh)


kmesh = e_k.mesh
wmesh = MeshImFreq(beta, 'Fermion', nw)
g_wk = lattice_dyson_g0_wk(mu=mu, e_k=e_k, mesh=wmesh)

V_k = Gf(mesh=kmesh, target_shape=[norb] * 4)[:] = V

print('--> pi_bubble')
PI_wk = bubble_PI_wk(g_wk)

print('--> screened_interaction_W')
Wr_wk = retarded_screened_interaction_Wr_wk(PI_wk, V_k)

print('--> gw_self_energy')
sigma_wk = gw_sigma_wk(Wr_wk, g_wk, fft_flag=True)
sigma_wk_ref = gw_sigma_wk(Wr_wk, g_wk, fft_flag=False)

print('--> lattice_dyson_g_wk')
g_wk = lattice_dyson_g_wk(mu, e_k, sigma_wk)
Beispiel #4
from common import *

from triqs_tprf.linalg import inverse_PH
from triqs_tprf.chi_from_gg2 import chi0_from_gg2_PH
from triqs_tprf.utilities import G2_loc_fixed_fermionic_window_python
from triqs_tprf.lattice import lattice_dyson_g_wk
from triqs_tprf.bse import solve_lattice_bse

# -- Solve the lattice BSE for several fermionic window sizes
for nwf in [8, 10, 12, 20]:

    with HDFArchive('data_g2.h5', 'r') as a:
        p = a['p']
    p.nwf, p.tail_corr_nwf = nwf, 100

    # -- DMFT impurity vertex
    p.chi_m = p.G2_iw_ph[('up', 'up')] - p.G2_iw_ph[('up', 'do')]
    p.chi_m = G2_loc_fixed_fermionic_window_python(p.chi_m, nwf=p.nwf)
    p.chi0_m = chi0_from_gg2_PH(p.G_w['up'], p.chi_m)
    p.gamma_m = inverse_PH(p.chi0_m) - inverse_PH(p.chi_m)

    # -- Lattice BSE
    g_wk = lattice_dyson_g_wk(, e_k=p.e_k, sigma_w=p.sigma_w)[0:1, 0:1]
    p.chi_kw, p.chi0_kw = solve_lattice_bse(g_wk,

    with HDFArchive('data_bse_nwf{:03d}.h5'.format(nwf), 'w') as a:
        a['p'] = p