Beispiel #1
    def add_entry(self, *args):
        Adds a new Uhead item, checking the various arguments to reduce the
        chances of problems.  This can have either 2 or 4 arguments. The 4
        argument case is as follows:

          key : hierarchical string of the form 'User.Filter' where 'User'
                is a directory or folder of grouped entries. It cannot have
                blanks and any implied directories must already exists.
                Thus to set a key 'User.Filter.Wheel', 'User.Filter' would
                need to exist and be a directory. The existence of the
                implied 'User' would not be checked in this case, on the
                assumption that it was checked when 'User.Filter' was created.

          value : value to associate (will be ignored in the case of
                  directories, but see the 2 argument case below). The nature
                  of the value varies with the itype; see next.

          itype : one of a range of possible data types. This rather
                  'unpythonic' argument is to address the need to match up
                  with data files and the C++ ULTRACAM pipeline when it
                  comes to writing to disk. Look for integers called
                  'ITYPE_*' to see the set of potential types. The meaning
                  of most data types is obvious. e.g.  ITYPE_DOUBLE or
                  ITYPE_FLOAT expect floating point numbers. In this case
                  both will be stored as a Python float in memory, but
                  will be saved to disk with different numbers of bytes.
                  Less obvious ones are:

                   ITYPE_TIME : the corresponding value should be a two-element
                                tuple or list with first an integer for the
                                number of days and then a float for the
                                number of hours passed.

          comment : comment string with details of the variable.

        If just 2 arguments are given, they will be interpreted as just a key
        and comment for a directory.

        # elementary checks
        if len(args) == 2:
            key, comment = args
            itype = ITYPE_DIR
            value = None
        elif len(args) == 4:
            key, value, itype, comment = args
            raise UltracamError("Uhead.add_entry: takes either 2 or 4 arguments")

        if not isinstance(key, basestring):
            raise UltracamError('Uhead.add_entry: argument "key" must be a string.')

        if not isinstance(comment, basestring):
            raise UltracamError("Uhead.add_entry: key = " + key + ': "comment" must be a string.')

        # now look at the key: must have no blanks
        if key.find(" ") > -1:
            raise UltracamError('Uhead.add_entry: key = "' + key + '" contains at least one blank.')

        # if key has a '.' then the part before last dot must already exist
        # and must be a directory. Search in reverse order, as all being well, it
        # should usually be fastest.
        ldot = key.rfind(".")
        if ldot > -1:
            dir = key[:ldot]
            for kold in self.keys()[::-1]:
                if dir == kold and self[kold][1] == ITYPE_DIR:
                raise UltracamError("Uhead.add_entry: key = " + key + ": could not locate directory = " + key[:ldot])

            # determine position of key within Odict. Must add onto
            # whichever directory it belongs to.
            for index, kold in enumerate(self.keys()):
                if kold.startswith(dir):
                    lind = index

        # the next implicitly check the value: if they can't be converted to
        # the right type, something is wrong.
        if itype == ITYPE_DOUBLE or itype == ITYPE_FLOAT:
            value = float(value)
        elif itype == ITYPE_INT or itype == ITYPE_UINT or itype == ITYPE_UCHAR or itype == ITYPE_USINT:
            value = int(value)
        elif itype == ITYPE_STRING:
            value = str(value)
        elif itype == ITYPE_BOOL:
            value = bool(value)
        elif itype == ITYPE_DIR:
        elif itype == ITYPE_TIME:
            if len(value) != 2:
                raise UltracamError(
                    "Uhead.add_entry: key = " + key + ": require a 2-element tuple or list (int,float) for ITYPE_TIME)"
            value = (int(value[0]), float(value[1]))
        elif itype == ITYPE_DVECTOR:
            if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or len(value.shape) != 1:
                raise UltracamError("Uhead.add_entry: key = " + key + ": require a 1D numpy.ndarray for ITYPE_DVECTOR)")
            value = value.astype(float64)
        elif itype == ITYPE_IVECTOR:
            if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or len(value.shape) != 1:
                raise UltracamError("Uhead.add_entry: key = " + key + ": require a 1D numpy.ndarray for ITYPE_IVECTOR)")
            value = value.astype(int)
        elif itype == ITYPE_FVECTOR:
            if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or len(value.shape) != 1:
                raise UltracamError("Uhead.add_entry: key = " + key + ": require a 1D numpy.ndarray for ITYPE_FVECTOR)")
            value = value.astype(float32)
            raise UltracamError("Uhead.add_entry: key = " + key + ": itype = " + str(itype) + " not recognised.")

        # checks passed, finally set item
        if ldot > -1:
            self.insert(key, (value, itype, comment), lind + 1)
            Odict.__setitem__(self, key, (value, itype, comment))
Beispiel #2
    def rucm(cls, fname, flt=True):
        Factory method to produce an MCCD from a ucm file.

        fname -- ucm file name. '.ucm' will be appended if not supplied.

        flt    -- convert to 4-byte floats whatever the input data, or not. ucm
                  files can either contain 4-bytes floats or for reduced disk
                  footprint, unsigned 2-byte integers. If flt=True, either type
                  will end up as float32 internally. If flt=False, the disk type
                  will be retained. The latter is unsafe when arithematic is involved
                  hence the default is to convert to 4-byte floats.

        Exceptions are thrown if the file cannot be found, or an error during the
        read occurs.

        # Assume it is a file object, if that fails, assume it is
        # the name of a file.
        if not fname.endswith('.ucm'): fname += '.ucm'
        uf = open(fname, 'rb')
        start_format = check_ucm(uf)

        # read the header
        lmap = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]

        head = Uhead()
        for i in range(lmap):
            name = read_string(uf, start_format)
            itype = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]
            comment = read_string(uf, start_format)

            if itype == ITYPE_DOUBLE:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'd',[0]
            elif itype == ITYPE_INT:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]
            elif itype == ITYPE_UINT:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'I',[0]
            elif itype == ITYPE_FLOAT:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'f',[0]
            elif itype == ITYPE_STRING:
                value = read_string(uf, start_format)
            elif itype == ITYPE_BOOL:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'B',[0]
            elif itype == ITYPE_DIR:
                value = None
            elif itype == ITYPE_TIME:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'id',
            elif itype == ITYPE_DVECTOR:
                nvec = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + str(nvec) + 'd',
                             * nvec))
            elif itype == ITYPE_UCHAR:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'c',[0]
            elif itype == ITYPE_USINT:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'H',[0]
            elif itype == ITYPE_IVECTOR:
                nvec = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + str(nvec) + 'i',
                             * nvec))
            elif itype == ITYPE_FVECTOR:
                nvec = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + str(nvec) + 'f',
                             * nvec))
                raise UltracamError(
                    'ultracam.MCCD.rucm: do not recognize itype = ' +

            # store header information, fast method
            Odict.__setitem__(head, name, (value, itype, comment))

        # now for the data
        data = []

        # read number of CCDs
        nccd = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]

        for nc in range(nccd):
            # read number of wndows
            nwin = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]
            wins = []
            for nw in range(nwin):
                llx, lly, nx, ny, xbin, ybin, nxmax, nymax, iout = struct.unpack(
                    start_format + '9i',
                if iout == 0:
                    win = np.fromfile(file=uf, dtype=np.float32, count=nx * ny)
                elif iout == 1:
                    if flt:
                        win = np.fromfile(file=uf,
                                          count=nx * ny).astype(np.float32)
                        win = np.fromfile(file=uf,
                                          count=nx * ny)
                    raise UltracamError('ultracam.MCCD.rucm: iout = ' +
                                        str(iout) + ' not recognised')
                win = win.reshape((ny, nx))
                wins.append(Window(win, llx, lly, xbin, ybin))

            data.append(CCD(wins, None, nxmax, nymax, True, None))

        return cls(data, head)
Beispiel #3
    def rucm(cls, fname, flt=True):
        Factory method to produce an MCCD from a ucm file.

        fname -- ucm file name. '.ucm' will be appended if not supplied.

        flt    -- convert to 4-byte floats whatever the input data, or not. ucm
                  files can either contain 4-bytes floats or for reduced disk
                  footprint, unsigned 2-byte integers. If flt=True, either type
                  will end up as float32 internally. If flt=False, the disk type
                  will be retained. The latter is unsafe when arithematic is involved
                  hence the default is to convert to 4-byte floats.

        Exceptions are thrown if the file cannot be found, or an error during the
        read occurs.

        # Assume it is a file object, if that fails, assume it is
        # the name of a file.
        if not fname.endswith('.ucm'): fname += '.ucm'
        uf = open(fname, 'rb')
        start_format = check_ucm(uf)

        # read the header
        lmap = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]

        head = Uhead()
        for i in range(lmap):
            name    = read_string(uf, start_format)
            itype   = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]
            comment = read_string(uf, start_format)

            if itype == ITYPE_DOUBLE:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'd',[0]
            elif itype == ITYPE_INT:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]
            elif itype == ITYPE_UINT:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'I',[0]
            elif itype == ITYPE_FLOAT:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'f',[0]
            elif itype == ITYPE_STRING:
                value = read_string(uf, start_format)
            elif itype == ITYPE_BOOL:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'B',[0]
            elif itype == ITYPE_DIR:
                value = None
            elif itype == ITYPE_TIME:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'id',
            elif itype == ITYPE_DVECTOR:
                nvec  = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + str(nvec) + 'd',*nvec))
            elif itype == ITYPE_UCHAR:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'c',[0]
            elif itype == ITYPE_USINT:
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + 'H',[0]
            elif itype == ITYPE_IVECTOR:
                nvec  = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + str(nvec) + 'i',*nvec))
            elif itype == ITYPE_FVECTOR:
                nvec  = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]
                value = struct.unpack(start_format + str(nvec) + 'f',*nvec))
                raise UltracamError('ultracam.MCCD.rucm: do not recognize itype = ' + str(itype))

            # store header information, fast method
            Odict.__setitem__(head, name, (value, itype, comment))

        # now for the data
        data  = []

        # read number of CCDs
        nccd = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]

        for nc in range(nccd):
            # read number of wndows
            nwin = struct.unpack(start_format + 'i',[0]
            wins  = []
            for nw in range(nwin):
                llx,lly,nx,ny,xbin,ybin,nxmax,nymax,iout = struct.unpack(start_format + '9i',
                if iout == 0:
                    win = np.fromfile(file=uf, dtype=np.float32, count=nx*ny)
                elif iout == 1:
                    if flt:
                        win = np.fromfile(file=uf, dtype=np.uint16, count=nx*ny).astype(np.float32)
                        win = np.fromfile(file=uf, dtype=np.uint16, count=nx*ny)
                    raise UltracamError('ultracam.MCCD.rucm: iout = ' + str(iout) + ' not recognised')
                win = win.reshape((ny,nx))


        return cls(data, head)
Beispiel #4
    def add_entry(self, *args):
        Adds a new Uhead item, checking the various arguments to reduce the
        chances of problems.  This can have either 2 or 4 arguments. The 4
        argument case is as follows:

          key : hierarchical string of the form 'User.Filter' where 'User'
                is a directory or folder of grouped entries. It cannot have
                blanks and any implied directories must already exists.
                Thus to set a key 'User.Filter.Wheel', 'User.Filter' would
                need to exist and be a directory. The existence of the
                implied 'User' would not be checked in this case, on the
                assumption that it was checked when 'User.Filter' was created.

          value : value to associate (will be ignored in the case of
                  directories, but see the 2 argument case below). The nature
                  of the value varies with the itype; see next.

          itype : one of a range of possible data types. This rather
                  'unpythonic' argument is to address the need to match up
                  with data files and the C++ ULTRACAM pipeline when it
                  comes to writing to disk. Look for integers called
                  'ITYPE_*' to see the set of potential types. The meaning
                  of most data types is obvious. e.g.  ITYPE_DOUBLE or
                  ITYPE_FLOAT expect floating point numbers. In this case
                  both will be stored as a Python float in memory, but
                  will be saved to disk with different numbers of bytes.
                  Less obvious ones are:

                   ITYPE_TIME : the corresponding value should be a two-element
                                tuple or list with first an integer for the
                                number of days and then a float for the
                                number of hours passed.

          comment : comment string with details of the variable.

        If just 2 arguments are given, they will be interpreted as just a key
        and comment for a directory.

        # elementary checks
        if len(args) == 2:
            key, comment = args
            itype = ITYPE_DIR
            value = None
        elif len(args) == 4:
            key, value, itype, comment = args
            raise UltracamError(
                'Uhead.add_entry: takes either 2 or 4 arguments')

        if not isinstance(key, six.string_types):
            raise UltracamError(
                'Uhead.add_entry: argument "key" must be a string.')

        if not isinstance(comment, six.string_types):
            raise UltracamError('Uhead.add_entry: key = ' + key +
                                ': "comment" must be a string.')

        # now look at the key: must have no blanks
        if key.find(' ') > -1:
            raise UltracamError('Uhead.add_entry: key = "' + key +
                                '" contains at least one blank.')

        # if key has a '.' then the part before last dot must already exist
        # and must be a directory. Search in reverse order, as all being well, it
        # should usually be fastest.
        ldot = key.rfind('.')
        if ldot > -1:
            dir = key[:ldot]
            for kold in list(self.keys())[::-1]:
                if dir == kold and self[kold][1] == ITYPE_DIR:
                raise UltracamError('Uhead.add_entry: key = ' + key +
                                    ': could not locate directory = ' +

            # determine position of key within Odict. Must add onto
            # whichever directory it belongs to.
            for index, kold in enumerate(self.keys()):
                if kold.startswith(dir): lind = index

        # the next implicitly check the value: if they can't be converted to
        # the right type, something is wrong.
        if itype == ITYPE_DOUBLE or itype == ITYPE_FLOAT:
            value = float(value)
        elif itype == ITYPE_INT or itype == ITYPE_UINT or \
                itype == ITYPE_UCHAR or itype == ITYPE_USINT:
            value = int(value)
        elif itype == ITYPE_STRING:
            value = str(value)
        elif itype == ITYPE_BOOL:
            value = bool(value)
        elif itype == ITYPE_DIR:
        elif itype == ITYPE_TIME:
            if len(value) != 2:
                raise UltracamError(
                    'Uhead.add_entry: key = ' + key +
                    ': require a 2-element tuple or list (int,float) for ITYPE_TIME)'
            value = (int(value[0]), float(value[1]))
        elif itype == ITYPE_DVECTOR:
            if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or len(value.shape) != 1:
                raise UltracamError(
                    'Uhead.add_entry: key = ' + key +
                    ': require a 1D numpy.ndarray for ITYPE_DVECTOR)')
            value = value.astype(float64)
        elif itype == ITYPE_IVECTOR:
            if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or len(value.shape) != 1:
                raise UltracamError(
                    'Uhead.add_entry: key = ' + key +
                    ': require a 1D numpy.ndarray for ITYPE_IVECTOR)')
            value = value.astype(int)
        elif itype == ITYPE_FVECTOR:
            if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or len(value.shape) != 1:
                raise UltracamError(
                    'Uhead.add_entry: key = ' + key +
                    ': require a 1D numpy.ndarray for ITYPE_FVECTOR)')
            value = value.astype(float32)
            raise UltracamError('Uhead.add_entry: key = ' + key +
                                ': itype = ' + str(itype) + ' not recognised.')

        # checks passed, finally set item
        if ldot > -1:
            self.insert(key, (value, itype, comment), lind + 1)
            Odict.__setitem__(self, key, (value, itype, comment))