class LEARNER(): def __init__(self, args, sess, simulator): self.args = args self.sess = sess self.simulator = simulator #Construct simulation environment self.simulator = gym.make('Pendulum-v0') #Define learning agent (TRPO) self.agent = TRPO(self.args, self.simulator, self.sess) def learn(self): train_index = 0 total_episode = 0 total_steps = 0 all_logs = list() while True: #Train the TRPO agent train_index += 1 train_log = self.agent.train() total_steps += train_log["Total Step"] total_episode += train_log["Num episode"] all_logs.append(train_log) #Simulate system w/ new parameters if train_index % 20 == 0: self.agent.sim() if total_steps > self.args.total_train_step: nn_weights = { 'policy_network': self.agent.get_value(), 'advantage_network': self.agent.gae.get_value() } savemat( 'data_' +"%y-%m-%d-%H-%M") + '.mat', dict(data=all_logs, args=self.args)) savemat( 'weights_' +"%y-%m-%d-%H-%M") + '.mat', dict(policy_weights=nn_weights, args=self.args)) break
class LEARNER(): def __init__(self, args, sess, simulator): self.args = args self.sess = sess self.simulator = simulator #Construct simulation environment self.simulator = gym.make('Pendulum-v0') self.simulator.unwrapped.max_torque = 15. self.simulator.unwrapped.max_speed = 60. self.simulator.unwrapped.action_space = spaces.Box(low=-self.simulator.unwrapped.max_torque, high=self.simulator.unwrapped.max_torque, shape=(1,)) high = np.array([1., 1., self.simulator.unwrapped.max_speed]) self.simulator.unwrapped.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-high, high=high) #Define learning agent (TRPO) self.agent = TRPO(self.args, self.simulator, self.sess) def learn(self): train_index = 0 total_episode = 0 total_steps = 0 all_logs = list() while True: #Train the TRPO agent train_index += 1 train_log = self.agent.train() total_steps += train_log["Total Step"] total_episode += train_log["Num episode"] all_logs.append(train_log) #Simulate system w/ new parameters if train_index%5 == 0: self.agent.sim() print(train_index) if total_steps > self.args.total_train_step: savemat('data4_' +"%y-%m-%d-%H-%M") + '.mat',dict(data=all_logs, args=self.args)) break