def __init__(self):
        The constructor.

        Creates a wx.PySizer. Must be called from the __init__ in the
        derived class.
        theClass = 'PySizer'

        wx.RegisterFirstCallerClassName(self, theClass)


            self.theFirstCallerName != theClass
        except AttributeError:
            self.theFirstCallerName = theClass

        self.tsBeginClassRegistration(theClass, wx.ID_ANY)
##        self.ts_Children = wxSizerItemList()
##        self.ts_ContainingWindow = None
##        self.ts_MinSize = None
##        self.ts_Position = None
##        self.ts_Size = None

    def __init__(self, orient=wx.HORIZONTAL):
        Constructor for a wx.BoxSizer. orient may be one of wx.VERTICAL
        or wx.HORIZONTAL for creating either a column sizer or a row sizer.
        theClass = 'BoxSizer'

        wx.RegisterFirstCallerClassName(self, theClass)


        self.tsBeginClassRegistration(theClass, id)

        # either wxHORIZONTAL or wxVERTICAL
        self.ts_Orientation = orient

        # the sum of proportion of all of our elements
        self.ts_TotalProportion = 0

        # minimal size needed for this sizer as calculated by
        # the last call to our CalcMin()
        self.ts_MinSize = DEFAULT_SIZE

        # minimal size needed for this sizer as calculated, by
        # calcMin, for the containing window (panel), the parent
        # of those subpanels managed by this BoxSizer instance.
        self.ts_CalcMinArea = []
        self.ts_CalcMinAreaProportion = []
        self.ts_CalcMinKind = []
        self.ts_CalcMinWindow = []
        self.ts_ClientArea = []
        self.ts_ContainingWindow = None
        self.ts_MinSize = wxSize(0, 0)
        self.ts_SizeMinThis = []
        self.ts_TotalFixedSize = wxSize(0, 0)
        self.ts_TotalProportion = 0

##        self.ts_SizeMinThis = None
##        self.ts_CalcMinArea = None
##        self.ts_CalcMinAreaProportion = None
##        self.ts_CalcMinKind = None
##        self.ts_CalcMinWindow = None
##        self.ts_ClientArea = None
##        self.ts_ContainingWindow = None
        self.ts_RecalcArea = None

    def __init__(self, vgap=0, hgap=0):
        Constructor, with optional parameters to specify the gap between
        the rows and columns.
        theClass = 'GridBagSizer'

        wx.RegisterFirstCallerClassName(self, theClass)


        self.tsBeginClassRegistration(theClass, id)

        self.ts_vgap = vgap
        self.ts_hgap = hgap
