Beispiel #1
 def prolongation_transfer_kernel_action(Vf, expr):
     from tsfc import compile_expression_dual_evaluation
     from tsfc.finatinterface import create_base_element
     to_element = create_base_element(Vf.ufl_element())
     ast, oriented, needs_cell_sizes, coefficients, first_coeff_fake_coords, _ = compile_expression_dual_evaluation(
         expr, to_element, coffee=False)
     return op2.Kernel(ast,
Beispiel #2
def _calculate_values(function, points, dimension, cell_mask=None):
    """Calculate function values at given reference points

    :arg function: function to be sampled
    :arg points: points to be sampled in reference space
    :arg cell_mask: Masks for cell node list
    import as ma
    function_space = function.function_space()
    keys = {1: (0, ), 2: (0, 0)}
    # Such tabulation could be done with FInAT, but that would be more
    # complicated, and there is no clear benefit to changing.
    fiat_element = create_base_element(
    elem = fiat_element.tabulate(0, points)[keys[dimension]]
    cell_node_list = function_space.cell_node_list
    if cell_mask is not None:
        cell_mask = np.tile(cell_mask.reshape(-1, 1), cell_node_list.shape[1])
        cell_node_list = ma.compress_rows(
            ma.masked_array(cell_node_list, mask=cell_mask))
    data = function.dat.data_ro[cell_node_list]
    if function.ufl_shape == ():
        vec_length = 1
        vec_length = function.ufl_shape[0]
    if vec_length == 1:
        data = np.reshape(data, data.shape + (1, ))
    return np.einsum("ijk,jl->ilk", data, elem)
Beispiel #3
def compile_python_kernel(expression, to_pts, to_element, fs, coords):
    """Produce a :class:`PyOP2.Kernel` wrapping the eval method on the
    function provided."""

    coords_space = coords.function_space()
    coords_element = create_base_element(

    X_remap = list(coords_element.tabulate(0, to_pts).values())[0]

    # The par_loop will just pass us arguments, since it doesn't
    # know about keyword arguments at all so unpack into a dict that we
    # can pass to the user's eval method.
    def kernel(output, x, *arguments):
        kwargs = {}
        for (slot, _), arg in zip(expression._user_args, arguments):
            kwargs[slot] = arg
        X =, x)

        for i in range(len(output)):
            # Pass a slice for the scalar case but just the
            # current vector in the VFS case. This ensures the
            # eval method has a Dolfin compatible API.
                output[i:i + 1,
                       ...] if numpy.ndim(output) == 1 else output[i, ...],
                X[i:i + 1, ...] if numpy.ndim(X) == 1 else X[i, ...], **kwargs)

    coefficients = [coords]
    for _, arg in expression._user_args:
    return kernel, False, False, tuple(coefficients)
def firedrake_local_to_cart(element):
    r"""Gets the list of nodes for an element (provided they exist.)
    :arg element: a ufl element.
    :returns: a list of arrays of floats where each array is a node.
    # TODO: Revise this when FInAT gets dual evaluation
    fiat_element = create_base_element(element).fiat_equivalent
    # TODO: Surely there is an easier way that I've forgotten?
    return [
        for phi in fiat_element.dual_basis()
Beispiel #5
def prolongation_transfer_kernel_aij(Pk, P1):
    # Works for Pk, Pm; I just retain the notation
    # P1 to remind you that P1 is of lower degree
    # than Pk
    from tsfc import compile_expression_dual_evaluation
    from tsfc.finatinterface import create_base_element
    from firedrake import TestFunction

    expr = TestFunction(P1)
    to_element = create_base_element(Pk.ufl_element())

    ast, oriented, needs_cell_sizes, coefficients, first_coeff_fake_coords, _, name = compile_expression_dual_evaluation(expr, to_element, coffee=False)
    kernel = op2.Kernel(ast, name, requires_zeroed_output_arguments=True)
    return kernel
Beispiel #6
def prolongation_transfer_kernel_aij(Pk, P1):
    # Works for Pk, Pm; I just retain the notation
    # P1 to remind you that P1 is of lower degree
    # than Pk
    from tsfc import compile_expression_dual_evaluation
    from tsfc.finatinterface import create_base_element
    from firedrake import TestFunction

    expr = TestFunction(P1)
    coords = Pk.ufl_domain().coordinates
    to_element = create_base_element(Pk.ufl_element())

    ast, oriented, needs_cell_sizes, coefficients, _ = compile_expression_dual_evaluation(expr, to_element, coords, coffee=False)
    kernel = op2.Kernel(ast,
    return kernel
Beispiel #7
def _bezier_calculate_points(function):
    """Calculate points values for a function used for bezier plotting

    :arg function: 1D Function with 1 < deg < 4
    deg = function.function_space().ufl_element().degree()
    M = np.empty([deg + 1, deg + 1], dtype=float)
    finat_element = create_base_element(
    # TODO: Revise this when FInAT gets dual evaluation
    basis = finat_element.fiat_equivalent.dual_basis()
    for i in range(deg + 1):
        for j in range(deg + 1):
            M[i, j] = _bernstein(
                list(basis[j].get_point_dict().keys())[0][0], i, deg)
    M_inv = np.linalg.inv(M)
    cell_node_list = function.function_space().cell_node_list
    return[cell_node_list], M_inv)
Beispiel #8
def _interpolator(V, tensor, expr, subset, arguments, access):
        to_element = create_base_element(V.ufl_element())
    except KeyError:
        # FInAT only elements
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Don't know how to create FIAT element for %s" % V.ufl_element())

    if access is op2.READ:
        raise ValueError("Can't have READ access for output function")

    if len(expr.ufl_shape) != len(V.ufl_element().value_shape()):
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Rank mismatch: Expression rank %d, FunctionSpace rank %d' %
            (len(expr.ufl_shape), len(V.ufl_element().value_shape())))

    if expr.ufl_shape != V.ufl_element().value_shape():
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Shape mismatch: Expression shape %r, FunctionSpace shape %r' %
            (expr.ufl_shape, V.ufl_element().value_shape()))

    mesh = V.ufl_domain()
    coords = mesh.coordinates

    if not isinstance(expr, firedrake.Expression):
        if expr.ufl_domain() and expr.ufl_domain() != V.mesh():
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Interpolation onto another mesh not supported.")
        ast, oriented, needs_cell_sizes, coefficients, _ = compile_expression_dual_evaluation(
            expr, to_element, coords, domain=V.mesh(), coffee=False)
        kernel = op2.Kernel(ast,
    elif hasattr(expr, "eval"):
        to_pts = []
        for dual in to_element.fiat_equivalent.dual_basis():
            if not isinstance(dual, FIAT.functional.PointEvaluation):
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Can only interpolate Python kernels with Lagrange elements"
            pts, = dual.pt_dict.keys()

        kernel, oriented, needs_cell_sizes, coefficients = compile_python_kernel(
            expr, to_pts, to_element, V, coords)
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Attempting to evaluate an Expression which has no value.")

    cell_set = coords.cell_set
    if subset is not None:
        assert subset.superset == cell_set
        cell_set = subset
    parloop_args = [kernel, cell_set]

    if tensor in set((c.dat for c in coefficients)):
        output = tensor
        tensor = op2.Dat(tensor.dataset)
        if access is not op2.WRITE:
            copyin = (partial(output.copy, tensor), )
            copyin = ()
        copyout = (partial(tensor.copy, output), )
        copyin = ()
        copyout = ()
    if isinstance(tensor, op2.Global):
    elif isinstance(tensor, op2.Dat):
        parloop_args.append(tensor(access, V.cell_node_map()))
        assert access == op2.WRITE  # Other access descriptors not done for Matrices.
            tensor(op2.WRITE, (V.cell_node_map(),
    if oriented:
        co = mesh.cell_orientations()
        parloop_args.append(co.dat(op2.READ, co.cell_node_map()))
    if needs_cell_sizes:
        cs = mesh.cell_sizes
        parloop_args.append(cs.dat(op2.READ, cs.cell_node_map()))
    for coefficient in coefficients:
        m_ = coefficient.cell_node_map()
        parloop_args.append(coefficient.dat(op2.READ, m_))

    for o in coefficients:
        domain = o.ufl_domain()
        if domain is not None and domain.topology != mesh.topology:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Interpolation onto another mesh not supported.")

    parloop = op2.ParLoop(*parloop_args).compute
    if isinstance(tensor, op2.Mat):
        return parloop, tensor.assemble
        return copyin + (parloop, ) + copyout