Beispiel #1
def plan_tour(xys, budget, exact, fixed=[]):
    Calculates a tour over all given points.
    :param xys: list of points to visit
    :param budget: limit of points to visit + length limit
    :param exact: whether or not to run Gurobi
    :param fixed: segments of the trip already travelled (using this option avoids heuristic mode [multistart_localsearch])
    :return: solution, feasibility, cost of the tour including probings, whether the tour is optimal
    n = len(xys)
    pos = xys
    c = {}
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):  # non optimized distance calculations!
            c[i, j] = dist(*pos[i], *pos[j])
            c[j, i] = c[i, j]
    cost_is_optimal_or_timeout = False

    if n > 2:
        # heuristic
        if len(fixed) == 0:
            sol_, cost = multistart_localsearch(100, n, c, cutoff=budget -
                                                n)  # inst.T - (N) * inst.t)
            idx = sol_.index(0)
            sol = sol_[idx:] + sol_[:idx]
            cost = complete_cost(cost, n)

        # exact (or time out)
        if len(fixed) > 0 or cost > budget:
            if exact:
                print("# trying exact solution")
                cost, edges = solve_tsp(
                    range(n), c, False, fixed,
                    60000)  # not using cutoff because it appears to be slow
                # cost, edges = tsp(n, c, cutoff=budget - n)
                cost = complete_cost(cost, n)
                cost_is_optimal_or_timeout = True
                    sol = sequence(range(n), edges)
                except ValueError:
                    print("# time out")
                    cost = 99999999
                    sol = []
                    # keeps cost_is_optimal_or_timeout=True to avoid adding more points in add_while_possible()
                print('# NOT trying exact solution')
    elif n == 1:
        cost = 0
        sol = [0]
        cost_is_optimal_or_timeout = True
        cost = dist(*pos[0], *pos[1])
        cost = complete_cost(cost, n)
        sol = [0, 1]
        cost_is_optimal_or_timeout = True

    return sol, cost <= budget, cost, cost_is_optimal_or_timeout
Beispiel #2
    # random construction
    t = randtour(n)     # create a random tour
    z = length(t,D)     # calculate its length
    update_graph(z,t,"random solution")
    print("random:", t, z, '  -->  ', end=' ')
    z = localsearch(t,z,D)      # local search starting from the random tour
    print(t, z)
    update_graph(z,t,"random solution, after local search")

    # greedy construction
    # [try cycle for more possibilities] for i in range(n):
    i = 0
    t = nearest_neighbor(n,i,D) # create a greedy tour, visiting city 'i' first
    z = length(t,D)
    update_graph(z,t,"nearest_neighbor, starting on city %d" % i)
    print("nneigh:", t, z, '  -->  ', end=' ')
    z = localsearch(t,z,D)
    print(t, z)
    update_graph(z,t,"nearest_neighbor, starting on city %d (after local search)" % i)

    # multi-start local search
    print("random start local search:")
    niter = 1000
    t,z = multistart_localsearch(niter,n,D,update_graph)
    print("best found solution on %d multistart_localsearch:" % niter)
    update_graph(z,t,"best found solution on %d multistart_localsearch:" % niter)
    input("[press enter for exiting]")
Beispiel #3
def planner(X, z, f, dynam=False):
    """planner: decide list of points to visit based on:
        - X: list of coordinates [(x1,y1), ...., (xN,yN)]
        - z: list of evaluations of "true" function [z1, ..., zN]
        - f: useless in static version
    X = list(X)  # work with local copies
    z = list(z)
    from tsp import solve_tsp, sequence  # exact
    from tsp import multistart_localsearch  # heuristic
    kernel = RationalQuadratic(length_scale_bounds=(0.08, 100)) + WhiteKernel(
        noise_level_bounds=(1e-5, 1e-2))
    gpr = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=10)

    # # plot preliminary GP
    # from functions import plot
    # from functions import f1
    # plot(f1,100)
    # # end of plot
    # # # plot posteriori GP
    # GPR = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=10)
    #, z)
    # def GP(x_,y_):
    #     return GPR.predict([(x_,y_)])[0]
    # plot(GP,100)
    # # # end of plot

    x0, y0 = (inst.x0, inst.y0)  # initial position (depot)
    pos = [(x0, y0)]
    N = 1
    c = {}
    while True:
        # attempt adding Nth "city" to the tour

        # retorna lista ordenada por variância
        points = max_var(gpr, n=100)  # n x n grid !!!!!

        # pega ponto com maior variância
        (x, y), (z_new_std, z_new) = points.pop()

        # descarta previamente já selecionados, passando para a próxima maior variância
        while (x, y) in pos:
            (x, y), (z_new_std, z_new) = points.pop()

        # estende matriz de distâncias para ambos solvers
        for i in range(N):
            c[i, N] = dist(*pos[i], x, y)
            c[N, i] = c[i, N]

        # evita TSP em menos de 3 'cidades', falta checar limite de tempo
        if N < 3:
            N += 1
            pos.append((x, y))
            continue  # !!!!!

        sol_, cost = multistart_localsearch(100,
                                            N + 1,
                                            cutoff=inst.T -
                                            (N) * inst.t)  # heuristic
        if cost <= inst.T - (N) * inst.t:
            print("heuristic solution")
            idx = sol_.index(0)
            sol = sol_[idx:] + sol_[:idx]  # heuristic
            # print(obj + (N)*inst.t, "TSP solution:", obj, N, inst.T, sol)
            # print("appending", (x,y), z_new_std, z_new, "orient.len:", obj + (N)*inst.t)
            N += 1
            assert (x, y) not in pos
            pos.append((x, y))
            X.append((x, y))
            if (dynam):
                z.append(f(x, y))  # !!!!! with PROBING
                )  # !!!!! with average of the prediction as an estimate
  , z)
            # attempt exact solution:
            print("attempting exact solution")
            cost, edges = solve_tsp(range(N + 1), c)  # exact
            if cost <= inst.T - (N) * inst.t:
                sol = sequence(range(N + 1), edges)  # exact
                # print(obj + (N) * inst.t, "TSP EXACT:", obj, N, inst.T, sol)
                # print("appending", (x, y), z_new_std, z_new, "orient.len:", obj + (N) * inst.t)
                N += 1
                pos.append((x, y))
                X.append((x, y))
                if (dynam):
                    z.append(f(x, y))  # !!!!! with PROBING
                    )  # !!!!! with average of the prediction as an estimate
      , z)
                print("found; continue")
            print("heuristic and exact solution exceeds time limit")

            # print("testing next interesting points")


    print(cost + (N) * inst.t, "TSP solution:", cost, N, inst.T, sol)
    return [pos[i] for i in sol[1:]]
Beispiel #4
def planner(X, z, f, mode, dynam=False):
    """planner: decide list of points to visit based on:
        - X: list of coordinates [(x1,y1), ...., (xN,yN)]
        - z: list of evaluations of "true" function [z1, ..., zN]
        - f: useless in static version
    X = list(X)  # work with local copies
    z = list(z)
    l = len(X)
    kernel = RationalQuadratic(length_scale_bounds=(0.08, 100)) + WhiteKernel(
        noise_level_bounds=(1e-5, 1e-2))
    gpr = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=10),z) <- we should be fitting but for some reason it often worsens the solution
    # # plot preliminary GP
    # from functions import plot
    # from functions import f1
    # plot(f1,100)
    # # end of plot
    # # # plot posteriori GP
    # GPR = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=10)
    #, z)
    # def GP(x_,y_):
    #     return GPR.predict([(x_,y_)])[0]
    # plot(GP,100)
    # # # end of plot

    x0, y0 = (inst.x0, inst.y0)  # initial position (depot)
    pos = [(x0, y0)]
    N = 1
    c = {}

    randomize = False if mode == 0 else True
    local_search = False if mode % 2 == 0 else True
    multimodal = False if mode < 2 else True

    while True:
        # retorna lista ordenada por variância
        points = max_var(gpr, n=100)  # n x n grid !!!!!
        z_std = [i[1][0] for i in points]
        if randomize:
            if not multimodal:
                (x, y), (z_new_std, z_new) = points.pop()
                while (x, y) in pos:
                    (x, y), (z_new_std, z_new) = points.pop()
                (x, y), (z_new_std, z_new) = search_around_point(x,
                (x, y), (z_new_std, z_new) = get_next_point(points,
            #(x,y), (z_new_std, z_new) = find_next_candidate_point(pos, gpr, 0.01, 2)
            # pega ponto com maior variância
            (x, y), (z_new_std, z_new) = points.pop()

            # descarta previamente já selecionados, passando para a próxima maior variância
            while (x, y) in pos:
                (x, y), (z_new_std, z_new) = points.pop()

        print('Trying to probe point nº ', N)
        # estende matriz de distâncias para ambos solvers
        for i in range(N):
            c[i, N] = dist(
                *pos[i], x, y
            ) / inst.s  # We divide by the speed to reflect the time needed to travel
            c[N, i] = c[i, N]

        # evita TSP em menos de 3 'cidades', falta checar limite de tempo
        if N < 3:
            N += 1
            pos.append((x, y))
            X.append((x, y))
            continue  # !!!!!

        sol_, cost = multistart_localsearch(100,
                                            N + 1,
                                            cutoff=inst.T -
                                            (N) * inst.t)  # heuristic
        if cost <= inst.T - (N) * inst.t:
            print("heuristic solution")
            idx = sol_.index(0)
            sol = sol_[idx:] + sol_[:idx]  # heuristic
            # print(obj + (N)*inst.t, "TSP solution:", obj, N, inst.T, sol)
            # print("appending", (x,y), z_new_std, z_new, "orient.len:", obj + (N)*inst.t)
            N += 1
            assert (x, y) not in pos
            pos.append((x, y))
            X.append((x, y))
            if (dynam):
                z.append(f(x, y))  # !!!!! with PROBING
                )  # !!!!! with average of the prediction as an estimate
  , z)
            # attempt exact solution:
            print("attempting exact solution")
            cost, edges = solve_tsp(range(N + 1), c)  # exact
            if cost <= inst.T - (N) * inst.t:
                sol = sequence(range(N + 1), edges)  # exact
                # print(obj + (N) * inst.t, "TSP EXACT:", obj, N, inst.T, sol)
                # print("appending", (x, y), z_new_std, z_new, "orient.len:", obj + (N) * inst.t)
                N += 1
                pos.append((x, y))
                X.append((x, y))
                if (dynam):
                    z.append(f(x, y))  # !!!!! with PROBING
                    )  # !!!!! with average of the prediction as an estimate
      , z)
                print("found; continue")
            print("heuristic and exact solution exceeds time limit")

            # print("testing next interesting points")


    #print("Found original points. Checking them")
    #result = check_chosen_points(X, pos, l, gpr, z, c, sol, N, n=100)
    #pos, sol = result[0], result[1]

    print(cost + (N) * inst.t, "TSP solution:", cost, N, inst.T, sol)
    return [pos[i] for i in sol[1:]]