def place_object(robot, obj, pose_tsr_chain, manip_idx, **kwargs): """ Generates end-effector poses for placing an object. This function assumes the object is grasped when called @param robot The robot grasping the object @param bowl The grasped object @param pose_tsr_chain The tsr chain for sampling placement poses for the object @param manip_idx The index of the manipulator to perform the grasp """ # Can this work without importing anything? manip = robot.GetManipulators()[manip_idx] if not manip.IsGrabbing(obj): raise Exception('manip %s is not grabbing %s' % (manip.GetName(), obj.GetName())) ee_in_obj =, manip.GetEndEffectorTransform()) Bw = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) for tsr in pose_tsr_chain.TSRs: if tsr.manipindex != manip_idx: raise Exception( 'pose_tsr_chain defined for a different manipulator.') grasp_tsr = TSR(Tw_e=ee_in_obj, Bw=Bw, manipindex=manip_idx) all_tsrs = list(pose_tsr_chain.TSRs) + [grasp_tsr] place_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSRs=all_tsrs) return [place_chain]
def CreateTSRFromPose(manip, pose): '''Create a TSR that, when sampled, produces one pose. This simply creates a common interface for the planner @param manip Manipulator to use use (required for tsr) @param pose 4x4 transform to center TSR on @return tsr_chain chain with single pose TSR''' goal_tsr = TSR(T0_w=pose) tsr_chain = TSRChain(sample_goal=True, TSR=goal_tsr) return tsr_chain
def transport_upright(robot, obj, manip_idx, roll_epsilon=0.2, pitch_epsilon=0.2, yaw_epsilon=0.2, **kwargs): """ Generates a trajectory-wide constraint for transporting the object with little roll, pitch or yaw Assumes the object has already been grasped and is in the proper configuration for transport. @param robot The robot grasping the object @param obj The grasped object @param manip_idx The index of the manipulator to perform the grasp @param roll_epsilon The amount to let the object roll during transport (object frame) @param pitch_epsilon The amount to let the object pitch during transport (object frame) @param yaw_epsilon The amount to let the object yaw during transport (object frame) """ if roll_epsilon < 0.0: raise Exception('roll_espilon must be >= 0') if pitch_epsilon < 0.0: raise Exception('pitch_epsilon must be >= 0') if yaw_epsilon < 0.0: raise Exception('yaw_epsilon must be >= 0') manip = robot.GetManipulators()[manip_idx] ee_in_obj =, manip.GetEndEffectorTransform()) Bw = numpy.array([ [-100., 100.], # bounds that cover full reachability of manip [-100., 100.], [-100., 100.], [-roll_epsilon, roll_epsilon], [-pitch_epsilon, pitch_epsilon], [-yaw_epsilon, yaw_epsilon] ]) transport_tsr = TSR(T0_w=obj.GetTransform(), Tw_e=ee_in_obj, Bw=Bw, manipindex=manip_idx) transport_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=False, constrain=True, TSR=transport_tsr) return [transport_chain]
def PlanToEndEffectorPose(self, robot, goal_pose, **kw_args): """ Plan to a desired end-effector pose. @param robot @param goal desired end-effector pose @param psample probability of sampling a goal @return traj output path """ manipulator_index = robot.GetActiveManipulatorIndex() goal_tsr = TSR(T0_w=goal_pose, manipindex=manipulator_index) tsr_chain = TSRChain(sample_goal=True, TSR=goal_tsr) kw_args.setdefault('psample', 0.1) kw_args.setdefault('smoothingitrs', 0) return self.Plan(robot, tsr_chains=[tsr_chain], **kw_args)
def func(robot, obj): all_tsrs = [] for tsr in chain['TSRs']: T0_w = obj.GetTransform() Tw_e = numpy.array(tsr['Tw_e']) Bw = numpy.array(tsr['Bw']) yaml_tsr = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e, Bw=Bw, manipindex=self.manipindex) all_tsrs.append(yaml_tsr) yaml_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=sample_start, sample_goal=sample_goal, constrain=constrain, TSRs=all_tsrs) return [yaml_chain]
def box_grasp(robot, box, length, width, height, manip_idx, lateral_offset=0.0, lateral_tolerance=0.02, **kwargs): """ Generate a list of TSRChain objects. Sampling from any of these TSRChains will give an end-effector pose that achieves a grasp on a box. NOTE: This function makes the following assumptions: 1. The end-effector is oriented such that the z-axis is out of the palm and the x-axis should be perpendicular to the object 2. The object coordinate frame is at the bottom, center of the object This returns a set of 12 TSRs. There are two TSRs for each of the 6 faces of the box, one for each orientation of the end-effector. @param robot The robot performing the grasp @param box The box to grasp @param length The length of the box - along its x-axis @param width The width of the box - along its y-axis @param height The height of the box - along its z-axis @param manip_idx The index of the manipulator to perform the grasp @param lateral_offset - The offset from the edge of the box to the end-effector @param lateral_tolerance - The maximum distance along the edge from the center of the edge that the end-effector can be placed and still achieve a good grasp """ if length <= 0.0: raise Exception('length must be > 0') if width <= 0.0: raise Exception('width must be > 0') if height <= 0.0: raise Exception('height must be > 0') if lateral_tolerance < 0.0: raise Exception('lateral_tolerance must be >= 0.0') T0_w = box.GetTransform() chain_list = [] # Top face Tw_e_top1 = numpy.array([[0., 1., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., -1., lateral_offset + height], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_top1 = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_top1[1, :] = [-lateral_tolerance, lateral_tolerance] top_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_top1, Bw=Bw_top1, manipindex=manip_idx) grasp_chain_top = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=top_tsr1) chain_list += [grasp_chain_top] # Bottom face Tw_e_bottom1 = numpy.array([[0., 1., 0., 0.], [-1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., -lateral_offset], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_bottom1 = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_bottom1[1, :] = [-lateral_tolerance, lateral_tolerance] bottom_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_bottom1, Bw=Bw_bottom1, manipindex=manip_idx) grasp_chain_bottom = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=bottom_tsr1) chain_list += [grasp_chain_bottom] # Front - yz face Tw_e_front1 = numpy.array([[0., 0., -1., 0.5 * length + lateral_offset], [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., -1., 0., 0.5 * height], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_front1 = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_front1[1, :] = [-lateral_tolerance, lateral_tolerance] front_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_front1, Bw=Bw_front1, manipindex=manip_idx) grasp_chain_front = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=front_tsr1) chain_list += [grasp_chain_front] # Back - yz face Tw_e_back1 = numpy.array([[0., 0., 1., -0.5 * length - lateral_offset], [-1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., -1., 0., 0.5 * height], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_back1 = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_back1[1, :] = [-lateral_tolerance, lateral_tolerance] back_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_back1, Bw=Bw_back1, manipindex=manip_idx) grasp_chain_back = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=back_tsr1) chain_list += [grasp_chain_back] # Side - xz face Tw_e_side1 = numpy.array([[-1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., -1., 0.5 * width + lateral_offset], [0., -1., 0., 0.5 * height], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_side1 = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_side1[0, :] = [-lateral_tolerance, lateral_tolerance] side_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_side1, Bw=Bw_side1, manipindex=manip_idx) grasp_chain_side1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr1) chain_list += [grasp_chain_side1] # Other Side - xz face Tw_e_side2 = numpy.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., -0.5 * width - lateral_offset], [0., -1., 0., 0.5 * height], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_side2 = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_side2[0, :] = [-lateral_tolerance, lateral_tolerance] side_tsr2 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_side2, Bw=Bw_side2, manipindex=manip_idx) grasp_chain_side2 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr2) chain_list += [grasp_chain_side2] # Each chain in the list can also be rotated by 180 degrees around z rotated_chain_list = [] for c in chain_list: rval = numpy.pi R = numpy.array([[numpy.cos(rval), -numpy.sin(rval), 0., 0.], [numpy.sin(rval), numpy.cos(rval), 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) tsr = c.TSRs[0] Tw_e = tsr.Tw_e Tw_e_new =, R) tsr_new = TSR(T0_w=tsr.T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_new, Bw=tsr.Bw, manipindex=tsr.manipindex) tsr_chain_new = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=tsr_new) rotated_chain_list += [tsr_chain_new] return chain_list + rotated_chain_list
def cylinder_grasp(robot, obj, obj_radius, obj_height, lateral_offset=0.0, vertical_tolerance=0.02, yaw_range=None, manip_idx=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a list of TSRChain objects. Sampling from any of these TSRChains will give an end-effector pose that achieves a grasp on a cylinder. NOTE: This function makes the following assumptions: 1. The end-effector is oriented such that the z-axis is out of the palm and the x-axis should be perpendicular to the object 2. The object coordinate frame is at the bottom, center of the object @param robot The robot performing the grasp @param obj The object to grasp @param obj_radius The radius of the object @param obj_height The height of the object @param manip_idx The index of the manipulator to perform the grasp @param lateral_offset The lateral offset from the edge of the object to the end-effector @param vertical_tolerance The maximum vertical distance from the vertical center of the object that the grasp can be performed @param yaw_range Allowable range of yaw around object (default: [-pi, pi]) """ if obj_radius <= 0.0: raise Exception('obj_radius must be > 0') if obj_height <= 0.0: raise Exception('obj_height must be > 0') if vertical_tolerance < 0.0: raise Exception('vertical_tolerance must be >= 0') if yaw_range is not None and len(yaw_range) != 2: raise Exception( 'yaw_range parameter must be 2 element list specifying min and max values' ) if yaw_range is not None and yaw_range[0] > yaw_range[1]: raise Exception( 'The first element of the yaw_range parameter must be greater ' 'than or equal to the second (current values [%f, %f])' % (yaw_range[0], yaw_range[1])) T0_w = obj.GetTransform() total_offset = lateral_offset + obj_radius # First hand orientation Tw_e_1 = numpy.array([[0., 0., 1., -total_offset], [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., obj_height * 0.5], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw[2, :] = [-vertical_tolerance, vertical_tolerance] # Allow a little vertical movement if yaw_range is None: Bw[5, :] = [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi] # Allow any orientation else: Bw[5, :] = yaw_range grasp_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_1, Bw=Bw, manipindex=manip_idx) grasp_chain1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=grasp_tsr1) # Flipped hand orientation Tw_e_2 = numpy.array([[0., 0., 1., -total_offset], [-1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., -1., 0., obj_height * 0.5], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) grasp_tsr2 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_2, Bw=Bw, manipindex=manip_idx) grasp_chain2 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=grasp_tsr2) return [grasp_chain1, grasp_chain2]
def _deserialize_internal(env, data, data_type): from numpy import array, ndarray from openravepy import (Environment, KinBody, Robot, Trajectory, RaveCreateTrajectory) from prpy.tsr import TSR, TSRChain from .exceptions import UnsupportedTypeDeserializationException if data_type == dict.__name__: return { deserialize(env, k): deserialize(env, v) for k, v in data.iteritems() if k != TYPE_KEY } elif data_type == ndarray.__name__: return array(data['data']) elif data_type in [ KinBody.__name__, Robot.__name__ ]: body = env.GetKinBody(data['name']) if body is None: raise ValueError('There is no body with name "{:s}".'.format( data['name'])) return body elif data_type == KinBody.Link.__name__: body = env.GetKinBody(data['parent_name']) if body is None: raise ValueError('There is no body with name "{:s}".'.format( data['parent_name'])) link = body.GetLink(data['name']) if link is None: raise ValueError('Body "{:s}" has no link named "{:s}".'.format( data['parent_name'], data['name'])) return link elif data_type == KinBody.Joint.__name__: body = env.GetKinBody(data['parent_name']) if body is None: raise ValueError('There is no body with name "{:s}".'.format( data['parent_name'])) joint = body.GetJoint(data['name']) if joint is None: raise ValueError('Body "{:s}" has no joint named "{:s}".'.format( data['parent_name'], data['name'])) return joint elif data_type == Robot.Manipulator.__name__: body = env.GetKinBody(data['parent_name']) if body is None: raise ValueError('There is no robot with name "{:s}".'.format( data['parent_name'])) elif not body.IsRobot(): raise ValueError('Body "{:s}" is not a robot.'.format( data['parent_name'])) manip = body.GetJoint(data['name']) if manip is None: raise ValueError('Robot "{:s}" has no manipulator named "{:s}".'.format( data['parent_name'], data['name'])) return manip elif data_type == Trajectory.__name__: traj = RaveCreateTrajectory(env, '') traj.deserialize(data['data']) return traj elif data_type == TSR.__name__: return TSR.from_dict(data['data']) elif data_type == TSRChain.__name__: return TSRChain.from_dict(data['data']) else: raise UnsupportedTypeDeserializationException(data_type)