class BaseFormTag(FormOptionsTag, ConfigMixin): with_ = ttag.KeywordsArg(required=False, named=True) only = ttag.BooleanArg() using = TemplateArg(required=False, named=True) extends = TemplateArg(required=False, named=True) def __init__(self, parser, *args, **kwargs): super(BaseFormTag, self).__init__(parser, *args, **kwargs) if 'using' in self._vars and 'extends' in self._vars: raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Can't provide both 'using' " "and 'extends'.") using_inline = 'using' in self._vars and not self._vars['using'] if using_inline or 'extends' in self._vars: nodelist = parser.parse([self._meta.end_block]) parser.delete_first_token() if using_inline: self._vars['using'] = template.Template('') self._vars['using'].nodelist = nodelist else: self.blocks = dict([(, n) for n in nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(BlockNode)]) def clean(self, data, context): data = super(BaseFormTag, self).clean(data, context) form_template = data.get('using') or data.get('extends') if not form_template: if not self._meta.default_template: return data form_template = self.get_config('%s_template' %, data, context) or self._meta.default_template if isinstance(form_template, basestring): form_template = get_template(form_template) data['template'] = form_template return data def get_extra_context(self, data): return {} def get_block_context(self, form_template, blocks): block_context = BlockContext() # Add the block nodes from this node to the block context. block_context.add_blocks(blocks) # Add the template's nodes too if it is the root template. for node in form_template.nodelist: # The ExtendsNode has to be the first non-text node. if not isinstance(node, template.TextNode): if not isinstance(node, ExtendsNode): blocks = dict([(, n) for n in form_template.nodelist\ .get_nodes_by_type(BlockNode)]) block_context.add_blocks(blocks) break return block_context def render(self, context): data = self.resolve(context) if 'only' in data or self.get_config('only', data, context): sub_context = template.Context() for key, value in context.keys: if key in ('form', CONFIG_KEY): sub_context[key] = value else: sub_context = context extra_context = self.get_extra_context(data) extra_context.update(self.get_config('with', data, context) or {}) if 'with' in data: extra_context.update(data['with']) # Update (i.e. push) context in preparation for rendering. sub_context.update(extra_context) context.render_context.push() blocks = getattr(self, 'blocks', self.get_config('extends_blocks', data, context)) if blocks: context.render_context[BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY] = \ self.get_block_context(data['template'], blocks) output = data['template']._render(sub_context) # Clean up context changes. context.render_context.pop() sub_context.pop() return output
class IncludeMixed(BaseInclude): template = ttag.Arg() with_ = ttag.KeywordsArg(named=True, required=False, verbose=True)
class IncludeCompact(BaseInclude): template = ttag.Arg() with_ = ttag.KeywordsArg(named=True, required=False)
class KeywordsEcho(TestTag): keywords = ttag.KeywordsArg() def output(self, data): keywords = data['keywords'].items() return ', '.join('%s: %s' % (key, value) for key, value in keywords)
class IncludeMixed(BaseInclude): template = ttag.Arg(positional=True) with_ = ttag.KeywordsArg(required=False, verbose=True)
class IncludeCompact(BaseInclude): template = ttag.Arg(positional=True) with_ = ttag.KeywordsArg(required=False)