Beispiel #1
    def test_dissected_pcaps_returned_values_are_not_empty(self):
        this test that the decoders dont raise any errors
            "[dissector unittests] loaded %s .pcap files for dissection tests"
            % len(self.pcap_for_test))

        for p_file in self.pcap_for_test:
  '[dissector unittests] dissecting %s' % p_file)
            c = Capture(p_file)
            d = c.get_dissection(self.PROTO_CLASS_FILTER)
            if len(d) == 0:
      'got empty dissection for %s layer for .pcap %s' %
                          (self.PROTO_CLASS_FILTER, p_file))
            logging.debug('frame dissection: %s' % json.dumps(d, indent=4))
Beispiel #2
    def test_that_it_can_dissect_all_pcaps(self):
        this basicallyt test that the decoders dont raise any errors
            "[dissector unittests] loaded %s .pcap files for dissection tests"
            % len(self.pcap_for_test))

        for p_file in self.pcap_for_test:
  '[dissector unittests] dissecting %s' % p_file)
            c = Capture(p_file)
            d = c.get_dissection()
                logging.debug('frame dissection: %s' % json.dumps(d, indent=4))
                logging.debug('frame dissection: %s' % d)
Beispiel #3
    def test_dissection_with_wrong_pcap_file(self):

        with self.assertRaises(ReaderError):
            dis_wrong_file = Capture(self.NOT_A_PCAP_FILE)
            dis = dis_wrong_file.get_dissection()
        with self.assertRaises(ReaderError):
            dis_empty_file = Capture(self.EMPTY_PCAP_FILE)
            dis = dis_empty_file.get_dissection()
Beispiel #4
def dissect_capture(filename,
    Dissects (decodes and converts to string representation) network traces (.pcap file).
    assert filename

    if os.path.isfile(filename) is False and os.path.isfile(
            os.path.join(TMPDIR, filename)):
        filename = os.path.join(TMPDIR, filename)"PCAP file dissection starts. Filename: %s" % filename)

    proto_matched = None

    if proto_filter:
        # In function of the protocol asked
        proto_matched = get_protocol(proto_filter)
        if proto_matched is None:
            raise Exception('Unknown protocol %s' % proto_filter)

    if number_of_frames_to_skip:
        filename_pcap_filtered = os.path.join(
            TMPDIR, 'pcap_without_some_skipped_frames.pcap')
        filename = filename_pcap_filtered

    cap = Capture(filename)

    if proto_matched and len(proto_matched) == 1:
        proto = eval(proto_matched[0]['name'])
        dissection_as_dicts = cap.get_dissection(proto)
        dissection_as_text = cap.get_dissection_simple_format(proto)
        frames_summary = cap.frames
        dissection_as_dicts = cap.get_dissection()
        dissection_as_text = cap.get_dissection_simple_format()
        frames_summary = cap.frames

    if frames_summary:
            'PCAP file dissected (filename: %s). Frames summary:\n%s' %
            (filename, json.dumps(
                ([repr(c) for c in frames_summary]), indent=4)))
    else:'PCAP file dissected (filename: %s). No frames found.')

    if output_filename and type(output_filename) is str:
        # save dissection response
        _dump_json_to_file(json.dumps(dissection_as_dicts), output_filename)

    return dissection_as_dicts, dissection_as_text
Beispiel #5
    def test_summary_with_wrong_pcap_file(self):

        # Create two wrong dissect instances, assert an exeption is raised
        with self.assertRaises(ReaderError):
            dis_wrong_file = Capture(self.NOT_A_PCAP_FILE)
            dis = dis_wrong_file.summary()
        with self.assertRaises(ReaderError):
            dis_empty_file = Capture(self.EMPTY_PCAP_FILE)
            dis = dis_empty_file.summary()
Beispiel #6
 def setUp(self):
         Initialize the frame list from the valid pcap file
     self.frames = Capture(self.PCAP_FILE).frames
Beispiel #7
class FrameTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    Test class for the Frame object

    # #################### Tests parameters #########################

    # File path
    TEST_FILE_DIR = 'tests/test_dumps'
    PCAP_FILE = TEST_FILE_DIR + '/coap/CoAP_plus_random_UDP_messages.pcap'

    # Create a struct checker object
    struct_validator = StructureValidator()
        1: [UDP, IPv4, NullLoopback],
        2: [UDP, IPv4, NullLoopback],
        3: [IPv4, NullLoopback],
        4: [UDP, IPv4, NullLoopback, CoAP],
        5: [UDP, IPv4, NullLoopback, CoAP]
    FRAME_VALUES = {'id': int, 'ts': float, 'error': Exception, 'value': Value}

    # #################### Utility functions #########################

    def list_diff(self, list1, list2):
        return_list = []
        for el in list2:
            if el not in list1:
        return return_list

    def frames_with_protocol(self, protocol):
        frames_with_this_protocol = []
        for frame_prot in self.FRAMES_PROTOCOL:
            if protocol in self.FRAMES_PROTOCOL[frame_prot]:
        return frames_with_this_protocol

    # #################### Init and deinit functions #########################
    def setUp(self):
            Initialize the frame list from the valid pcap file
        self.frames = Capture(self.PCAP_FILE).frames

    # #################### Tests functions #########################

    # ##### __repr__
    def test___repr__(self):

        # Check the str representation
        for frame in self.frames:
            self.assertEqual(type(str(frame)), str)
            self.assertEqual(type(repr(frame)), str)
            self.assertGreater(len(str(frame)), 0)
            self.assertGreater(len(repr(frame)), 0)

    # ##### summary
    def test_summary(self):

        # Check the str representation
        counter = 1
        for frame in self.frames:

            # Get the summary
            summary = frame.summary()

            # Check summary structure
            self.assertEqual(type(summary), tuple)
            self.assertEqual(len(summary), 2)

            # Check first element
            self.assertEqual(type(summary[0]), int)
            self.assertEqual(summary[0], counter)

            # Check second element
            self.assertEqual(type(summary[1]), str)
            self.assertGreater(len(summary[1]), 0)

            # Increment counter
            counter += 1

    # ##### dict
    def test_dict(self):

        # Check the str representation
        for frame in self.frames:

            # Get the dictionnary
            dictionnary = frame.dict()

            # Check dictionnary structure
            self.assertEqual(type(dictionnary), OrderedDict)
            self.assertEqual(len(dictionnary), 5)

            # Check whole structure from struct checker

    # ##### __contains__
    def test___contains__(self):

        # Check the provided structure
        self.assertEqual(len(self.FRAMES_PROTOCOL), len(self.frames))

        # Get all the protocols
        protocols = Dissector.get_implemented_protocols()

        # Check that the protocols are in the correct frame
        i = 1
        for frame in self.frames:

            # Get the elements that shouldn't be in it
            should_not_be = self.list_diff(self.FRAMES_PROTOCOL[i], protocols)

            # Check that those which shouldn't be present really aren't
            for non_present in should_not_be:
                self.assertNotIn(non_present, frame)

            # Check that those which are present really are
            for prot in self.FRAMES_PROTOCOL[i]:
                self.assertIn(prot, frame)

            # Increment counter
            i += 1

    def test___contains__none(self):

        # Check that the protocols are in the correct frame
        for frame in self.frames:

            # Expect the exception
            with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
                check = None in frame

    def test___contains__not_a_protocol(self):

        # Check that the protocols are in the correct frame
        for frame in self.frames:

            # Expect the exception
            with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
                check = Frame in frame

    def test___contains__higher_classes(self):

        # Check that the protocols are in the correct frame
        for frame in self.frames:

            # Expect the exception
            with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
                check = InetPacketValue in frame

            # Expect the exception
            with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
                check = PacketValue in frame

            # Expect the exception
            with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
                check = Value in frame

    # ##### filter_frames
    def test_filter_frames(self):

        # Get all the protocols
        protocols = Dissector.get_implemented_protocols()

        # Filter on each protocol
        for protocol in protocols:

            # Filter on each protocol
            filtered, ignored = Frame.filter_frames(self.frames, protocol)

            # Get the id of frames with this protocol
            ids = self.frames_with_protocol(protocol)

            # Check the two datas received
            self.assertEqual(type(filtered), list)
            for f in filtered:
                self.assertEqual(type(f), Frame)
            self.assertEqual(type(ignored), list)
            for i in ignored:
                self.assertEqual(type(i), Frame)
            self.assertEqual(len(filtered) + len(ignored), len(self.frames))

            # Check the length of filtered
            self.assertEqual(len(filtered), len(ids))

            # Check that each element goes together
            for frame in filtered:
                dictionnary = frame.dict()
                self.assertIn(dictionnary['id'], ids)

    def test_filter_frames_none_type(self):

        # Filter on none protocol
        with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
            filtered, ignored = Frame.filter_frames(self.frames, type(None))

    def test_filter_frames_none(self):

        # Filter on none protocol
        with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
            filtered, ignored = Frame.filter_frames(self.frames, None)

    def test_filter_frames_not_a_protocol(self):

        # Filter on each protocol
        with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
            filtered, ignored = Frame.filter_frames(self.frames, Frame)

    def test_filter_frames_higher_classes(self):

        # Filter on each protocol
        with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
            filtered, ignored = Frame.filter_frames(self.frames,
        with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
            filtered, ignored = Frame.filter_frames(self.frames, PacketValue)
        with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
            filtered, ignored = Frame.filter_frames(self.frames, Value)

    def test_filter_frames_only_single_frame(self):

        # Get all the protocols
        protocols = Dissector.get_implemented_protocols()

        # Filter on each protocol
        for protocol in protocols:

            # Filter on none protocol
            with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
                filtered, ignored = Frame.filter_frames(
                    self.frames[0], protocol)

    def test_filter_frames_list_of_non_frame(self):

        # Get all the protocols
        protocols = Dissector.get_implemented_protocols()

        # Filter on each protocol
        for protocol in protocols:

            # Filter on none protocol
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                filtered, ignored = Frame.filter_frames(protocols, protocol)

    def test_filter_frames_list_of_frame_with_a_non_frame(self):

        # Get all the protocols
        protocols = Dissector.get_implemented_protocols()

        # Insert a non frame object
        self.frames.insert(1, protocols[1])

        # Filter on each protocol
        for protocol in protocols:

            # Filter on none protocol
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                filtered, ignored = Frame.filter_frames(self.frames, protocol)

    # ##### __getitem__
    def test___getitem__values(self):

        # For each value name, check its type
        for value_name, value_type in self.FRAME_VALUES.items():

            if value_name != 'error':
                for frame in self.frames:
                    self.assertIsInstance(frame[value_name], value_type)
            else:  # 'error' field can be None
                for frame in self.frames:
                    if frame[value_name]:
                        self.assertIsInstance(frame[value_name], value_type)

    def test___getitem__unknown_value(self):

        for frame in self.frames:
            with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
                test = frame['unknown']

    def test___getitem__none(self):
        for frame in self.frames:
            with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
                test = frame[None]

    def test___getitem__type_but_not_a_protocol(self):

        # Check that the protocols are in the correct frame
        for frame in self.frames:

            # Expect the exception
            with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
                test = frame[Frame]

    def test___getitem__higher_classes(self):

        # Check that the protocols are in the correct frame
        for frame in self.frames:

            # Expect the exception
            with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
                check = frame[InetPacketValue]

            # Expect the exception
            with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
                check = frame[PacketValue]

            # Expect the exception
            with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
                check = frame[Value]
Beispiel #8
    def analyse(
            filename: str,
            tc_id: str
    ) -> (str, str, list_of(int), str, list_of((str, str)), list_of((type, Exception, is_traceback))):
        Analyse a dump file associated to a test case

        :param filename: The name of the file to analyse
        :param tc_id: The unique id of the test case to confront the given file
        :type filename: str
        :type tc_id: str

        :return: A tuple with the information about the analysis results:
                 - The id of the test case
                 - The verdict as a string
                 - The list of the result important frames
                 - A string with logs
                 - A list of all the partial verdicts
                 - A list of tuples representing the exceptions that occurred
        :rtype: (str, str, [int], str,[(str, str)], [(type, Exception, traceback)])

        :raises FileNotFoundError: If the test env of the tc is not found
        :raises ReaderError: If the capture didn't manage to read and decode
        :raises ObsoleteTestCase: If the test case if obsolete

        .. example::
            ('TD_COAP_CORE_03', 'fail', [21, 22], [('fail', "some comment"),('fail', "some other comment")] , 'verdict description', '')

        .. note::
            Allows multiple occurrences of executions of the testcase, returns as verdict:
                - fail: if at least one on the occurrences failed
                - inconclusive: if all occurrences returned a inconclusive verdict
                - pass: all occurrences are inconclusive or at least one is PASS and
                        the rest is inconclusive

        # Get the test case class
        test_case_class = self.import_test_cases([tc_id])
        assert len(test_case_class) == 1
        test_case_class = test_case_class[0]

        # Disable name resolution for performance improvements
        with Data.disable_name_resolution():
            # Get the capture from the file
            capture = Capture(filename)
            # Initialize the TC with the list of conversations
            test_case = test_case_class(capture)
            verdict, rev_frames, log, partial_verdicts, exceps = test_case.run_test_case()

            # print('##### capture')
            # print(capture)
            # print('#####')
            # # Here we execute the test case and return the result
            # print('##### Verdict given')
            # print(verdict)
            # print('#####')
            # print('##### Review frames')
            # print(rev_frames)
            # print('#####')
            # print('##### Text')
            # print(log, partial_verdicts)
            # print('#####')
            # print('##### Exceptions')
            # print(exceptions)
            # print('#####')

            return tc_id, verdict, rev_frames, log, partial_verdicts, exceps
Beispiel #9
 def __get_capture(self, pcap_file, dir_from_test_dumps="coap_observe"):
     pcap_dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
     pcap_dir_path = os.path.join(
         pcap_dir_path, os.path.join('../test_dumps/', dir_from_test_dumps))
     return Capture(os.path.join(pcap_dir_path, pcap_file))
Beispiel #10
 def setUp(self):
         Initialize the Capture instance
     self.capture = Capture(self.PCAP_FILE)
Beispiel #11
class CaptureAndDissectionsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    Test dissections. Unit testing methods

    # #################### Tests parameters #########################

    # File path
    TEST_FILE_DIR = 'tests/test_dumps'

    # dissect CoAP pcap with other UDP messages:
    PCAP_FILE = path.join(TEST_FILE_DIR, 'coap', 'CoAP_plus_random_UDP_messages.pcap')

    # pcaps that MUST throw exceptions
    EMPTY_PCAP_FILE = path.join(TEST_FILE_DIR, WRONG_TEST_FILE_DIR_NAME, 'empty_pcap.pcap')
    NOT_A_PCAP_FILE = path.join(TEST_FILE_DIR, WRONG_TEST_FILE_DIR_NAME, 'not_a_pcap_file.dia')

    # Create a struct checker object
    struct_validator = StructureValidator()

    # #################### Init and deinit functions #########################
    def setUp(self):
            Initialize the dissector instance
        self.capture = Capture(self.PCAP_FILE)

    # #################### Utilities functions #########################

    def check_summary(self, summary):
        self.assertTrue(type(summary), tuple)
        self.assertEqual(len(summary), 2)
        self.assertTrue(type(summary[0]), int)
        self.assertGreater(summary[0], 0)
        self.assertTrue(type(summary[1]), str)
        self.assertGreater(len(summary[1]), 0)

    # #################### Tests functions #########################

    # ##### get_dissectable_protocols
    def test_get_dissectable_protocols(self):

        # Get implemented protocols and check their values
        implemented_protocols = get_dissectable_protocols()
        self.assertEqual(type(implemented_protocols), list)
        self.assertGreater(len(implemented_protocols), 0)
        for prot in implemented_protocols:
            self.assertTrue(issubclass(prot, PacketValue))

    # ##### summary
    def test_summary_without_filtering(self):

        # Get and check the summary
        summary = self.capture.summary()
        self.assertTrue(type(summary), list)
        self.assertTrue(len(summary), 5)

        i = 1
        for f_sum in summary:
            self.assertEqual(f_sum[0], i)
            i += 1

        # Try to get another summary with None provided
        summary_with_none = self.capture.summary(None)
        self.assertEqual(summary, summary_with_none)

    def test_summary_with_filtering_on_coap(self):

        # Get and check the summary
        summary = self.capture.summary(CoAP)
        self.assertTrue(type(summary), list)
        self.assertTrue(len(summary), 2)

        i = 4  # CoAP frames are n°4 and 5
        for f_sum in summary:
            self.assertEqual(f_sum[0], i)
            i += 1

    def test_summary_with_filtering_on_protocols(self):

        # For every implemented protocols
        for prots in get_dissectable_protocols():

            # Get and check the summary
            summary = self.capture.summary(prots)
            self.assertTrue(type(summary), list)
            for f_sum in summary:

    def test_summary_with_filtering_on_none_type(self):

        # Get and check the summary
        with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
            summary = self.capture.summary(type(None))

    def test_summary_with_filtering_on_not_a_protocol(self):

        # Get and check the summary
        with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
            summary = self.capture.summary(Frame)

    def test_summary_with_wrong_pcap_file(self):

        # Create two wrong dissect instances, assert an exeption is raised
        with self.assertRaises(ReaderError):
            dis_wrong_file = Capture(self.NOT_A_PCAP_FILE)
            dis = dis_wrong_file.summary()
        with self.assertRaises(ReaderError):
            dis_empty_file = Capture(self.EMPTY_PCAP_FILE)
            dis = dis_empty_file.summary()

    # ##### dissect
    def test_dissection_without_filtering(self):

        # Get and check the dissect
        dissect = self.capture.get_dissection()
        self.assertTrue(type(dissect), list)
        self.assertTrue(len(dissect), 5)

        i = 1
        for frame in dissect:
            self.assertEqual(frame['id'], i)
            i += 1

        # Try to get another dissect with None provided
        dissect_with_none = self.capture.get_dissection(None)
        self.assertEqual(dissect, dissect_with_none)

    def test_dissection_with_filtering_on_coap(self):

        # Get and check the dissect
        dissect = self.capture.get_dissection(CoAP)
        self.assertTrue(type(dissect), list)
        self.assertTrue(len(dissect), 2)

        i = 4  # CoAP frames are n°4 and 5
        for frame in dissect:
            self.assertEqual(frame['id'], i)
            i += 1

    def test_dissection_with_filtering_on_protocols(self):

        # For every implemented protocols
        for prots in get_dissectable_protocols():

            # Get and check the dissect
            dissect = self.capture.get_dissection(prots)
            self.assertTrue(type(dissect), list)
            for frame in dissect:

    def test_dissection_with_filtering_on_none_type(self):

        # Get and check the dissect
        with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
            dissect = self.capture.get_dissection(type(None))

    def test_dissection_with_filtering_on_not_a_protocol(self):

        # Get and check the dissect
        with self.assertRaises(InputParameterError):
            dissect = self.capture.get_dissection(Frame)

    def test_dissection_with_wrong_pcap_file(self):

        with self.assertRaises(ReaderError):
            dis_wrong_file = Capture(self.NOT_A_PCAP_FILE)
            dis = dis_wrong_file.get_dissection()
        with self.assertRaises(ReaderError):
            dis_empty_file = Capture(self.EMPTY_PCAP_FILE)
            dis = dis_empty_file.get_dissection()
Beispiel #12
    from ttproto.core.dissector import Capture, Dissector

    # filename = '/Users/fsismondi/TD_COAP_CORE_01.pcap'
    # # dissect with no modifs
    # dissector = Dissector(filename)
    # # dissect with filter
    # finterop_tun_profile_filter(filename)
    # #dissector = Dissector('tmp/temp.pcap')
    # print(dissector.summary())
    # print('#####')
    # print(dissector.dissect())

    filename1 = 'tmp/DLT_RAW_1.pcap'
    # dissect with no modifs
    c1 = Capture(filename1)

    # dissect with filter
    c2 = Capture('tmp/temp.pcap')
