Beispiel #1
import binascii
import calendar
import re
import string
import time

import tuf
import tuf.schema as SCHEMA

# Note that in the schema definitions below, the 'SCHEMA.Object' types allow
# additional keys which are not defined. Thus, any additions to them will be
# easily backwards compatible with clients that are already deployed.

# A date in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UTC' format.
TIME_SCHEMA = SCHEMA.RegularExpression(
    r'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} UTC')

# A hexadecimal value in '23432df87ab..' format.
HASH_SCHEMA = SCHEMA.RegularExpression(r'[a-fA-F0-9]+')

# A dict in {'sha256': '23432df87ab..', 'sha512': '34324abc34df..', ...} format.
HASHDICT_SCHEMA = SCHEMA.DictOf(key_schema=SCHEMA.AnyString(),

# A hexadecimal value in '23432df87ab..' format.
HEX_SCHEMA = SCHEMA.RegularExpression(r'[a-fA-F0-9]+')

# A key identifier (e.g., a hexadecimal value identifying an RSA key).
Beispiel #2
import datetime
import time

import tuf
import tuf.schema as SCHEMA
import tuf._vendor.six as six

# Note that in the schema definitions below, the 'SCHEMA.Object' types allow
# additional keys which are not defined. Thus, any additions to them will be
# easily backwards compatible with clients that are already deployed.

# A datetime in 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ' ISO 8601 format.  The "Z" zone designator
# for the zero UTC offset is always used (i.e., a numerical offset is not
# supported.)  Example: '2015-10-21T13:20:00Z'.  Note:  This is a simple format
# check, and an ISO8601 string should be fully verified when it is parsed.
ISO8601_DATETIME_SCHEMA = SCHEMA.RegularExpression(

# A Unix/POSIX time format.  An integer representing the number of seconds
# since the epoch (January 1, 1970.)  Metadata uses this format for the
# 'expires' field.  Set 'hi' to the upper timestamp limit (year 2038), the max
# value of an int.
UNIX_TIMESTAMP_SCHEMA = SCHEMA.Integer(lo=0, hi=2147483647)

# A hexadecimal value in '23432df87ab..' format.
HASH_SCHEMA = SCHEMA.RegularExpression(r'[a-fA-F0-9]+')

# A dict in {'sha256': '23432df87ab..', 'sha512': '34324abc34df..', ...} format.
HASHDICT_SCHEMA = SCHEMA.DictOf(key_schema=SCHEMA.AnyString(),

# A hexadecimal value in '23432df87ab..' format.