def vwma(candles: np.ndarray, period: int = 20, source_type: str = "close", sequential: bool = False) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """ VWMA - Volume Weighted Moving Average :param candles: np.ndarray :param period: int - default: 20 :param source_type: str - default: "close" :param sequential: bool - default=False :return: float | np.ndarray """ if len(candles.shape) == 1: source = candles else: candles = slice_candles(candles, sequential) source = get_candle_source(candles, source_type=source_type) res = ti.vwma(np.ascontiguousarray(source), np.ascontiguousarray(candles[:, 5]), period=period) return same_length(candles, res) if sequential else res[-1]
def vwma(candles: np.ndarray, period: int = 20, source_type: str = "close", sequential: bool = False) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """ VWMA - Volume Weighted Moving Average :param candles: np.ndarray :param period: int - default: 20 :param source_type: str - default: "close" :param sequential: bool - default=False :return: float | np.ndarray """ warmup_candles_num = get_config('', 240) if not sequential and len(candles) > warmup_candles_num: candles = candles[-warmup_candles_num:] source = get_candle_source(candles, source_type=source_type) res = ti.vwma(np.ascontiguousarray(source), np.ascontiguousarray(candles[:, 5]), period=period) return np.concatenate( (np.full((candles.shape[0] - res.shape[0]), np.nan), res), axis=0) if sequential else res[-1]
def performance_indicators(df, period): # generate the performance indicators data = df.astype('float64') rsi = ti.rsi(data['day_close'].values, period) rsi = np.insert(rsi, 0, [np.nan for i in range(period)]) wma = ti.wma(data['day_close'].values, period=period) wma = np.insert(wma, 0, [np.nan for i in range(period - 1)]) vwma = ti.vwma(close=data['day_close'].values, volume=data['day_volume'].values, period=period) vwma = np.insert(vwma, 0, [np.nan for i in range(period - 1)]) willr = ti.willr(high=data['day_high'].values, low=data['day_low'].values, close=data['day_close'].values, period=period) willr = np.insert(willr, 0, [np.nan for i in range(period - 1)]) stddev = ti.stddev(data['day_close'].values, period=period) stddev = np.insert(stddev, 0, [np.nan for i in range(period - 1)]) # set the performance indicator data df[f'{period}days_rsi'] = rsi df[f'{period}days_wma'] = wma df[f'{period}days_vwma'] = vwma df[f'{period}days_willr'] = willr df[f'{period}days_stddev'] = stddev return df
def calculate_vwma(df, period): """ Calculates the Volume Weighted Moving Average for the period given""" # Tail the data-frame to the needed data data = df.tail(period)[['day_close', 'day_volume']].astype('float64') return ti.vwma(close=data['day_close'].values, volume=data['day_volume'].values, period=float(period))[0]
def greed(self): tr = ta.trange(candles=self.candles, sequential=True) core = tr[np.logical_not(np.isnan(tr))] vwma_tr = ti.vwma(np.ascontiguousarray(core), np.ascontiguousarray(self.candles[:, 5]), period=200) mult = 2 return (same_length(self.candles[:, 5], vwma_tr) / self.candles[:, 2] * 100 * mult)[-1]
async def evaluate(self, cryptocurrency, symbol, time_frame, candle, candle_data, volume_data): if self.fast_ma_type == "vwma": ma1 = tulipy.vwma(candle_data, volume_data, self.fast_length)[-1] elif self.fast_ma_type == "lsma": ma1 = tulipy.linreg(candle_data, self.fast_length)[-1] else: ma1 = getattr(tulipy, self.fast_ma_type)(candle_data, self.fast_length)[-1] if self.slow_ma_type == "vwma": ma2 = tulipy.vwma(candle_data, volume_data, self.slow_length)[-1] elif self.slow_ma_type == "lsma": ma2 = tulipy.linreg(candle_data, self.slow_length)[-1] else: ma2 = getattr(tulipy, self.slow_ma_type)(candle_data, self.slow_length)[-1] if ma1 > ma2: self.eval_note = -1 elif ma1 < ma2: self.eval_note = 1
def vwma(candles: np.ndarray, period=20, sequential=False) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """ VWMA - Volume Weighted Moving Average :param candles: np.ndarray :param period: int - default: 20 :param sequential: bool - default=False :return: float | np.ndarray """ if not sequential and len(candles) > 240: candles = candles[-240:] res = ti.vwma(np.ascontiguousarray(candles[:, 2]), np.ascontiguousarray(candles[:, 5]), period=period) return np.concatenate((np.full( (period - 1), np.nan), res), axis=0) if sequential else res[-1]
def bot(): # globalize variables that are changed by the bot global amount_crypto global current_position global current_entry_price global old_position global old_entry_price_adjusted global next_position global n_trades global cumulated_profit # initiate start time to track how long one full bot iteration takes start = time.time() # fetch the required data from the exchange to compute the indicator from df = use_function[exchange.lower()][0](symbol=symbol, timeframe=timeframe, length=length, include_current_candle=True, file_format='', api_cooldown_seconds=0) ### INDICATOR ########################################################################################## if moving_average_type == 'simple_ma': short_ma = pd.rolling_mean(df['Close'], window=short_period) long_ma = pd.rolling_mean(df['Close'], window=long_period) if moving_average_type == 'double_exponential_ma': short_ma = pd.Series(ti.dema(df['Close'].as_matrix(), short_period)) long_ma = pd.Series(ti.dema(df['Close'].as_matrix(), long_period)) if moving_average_type == 'triple_exponential_ma': short_ma = pd.Series(ti.tema(df['Close'].as_matrix(), short_period)) long_ma = pd.Series(ti.tema(df['Close'].as_matrix(), long_period)) if moving_average_type == 'exponential_ma': short_ma = pd.Series(ti.ema(df['Close'].as_matrix(), short_period)) long_ma = pd.Series(ti.ema(df['Close'].as_matrix(), long_period)) if moving_average_type == 'hull_ma': short_ma = pd.Series(ti.hma(df['Close'].as_matrix(), short_period)) long_ma = pd.Series(ti.hma(df['Close'].as_matrix(), long_period)) if moving_average_type == 'kaufman_adaptive_ma': short_ma = pd.Series(ti.kama(df['Close'].as_matrix(), short_period)) long_ma = pd.Series(ti.kama(df['Close'].as_matrix(), long_period)) if moving_average_type == 'triangular_ma': short_ma = pd.Series(ti.trima(df['Close'].as_matrix(), short_period)) long_ma = pd.Series(ti.trima(df['Close'].as_matrix(), long_period)) if moving_average_type == 'volume_weighted_ma': short_ma = pd.Series(ti.vwma(df['Close'].as_matrix(), short_period)) long_ma = pd.Series(ti.vwma(df['Close'].as_matrix(), long_period)) if moving_average_type == 'zero_lag_exponential_ma': short_ma = pd.Series(ti.zlema(df['Close'].as_matrix(), short_period)) long_ma = pd.Series(ti.zlema(df['Close'].as_matrix(), long_period)) if moving_average_type == 'arnaud_legoux_ma': # prepare the data to be used for the actual indicator computation # (when this step is not done the ALMA function returns the ALMA value # from the last full candle, effectively omitting the most current value) alma_data = df['Close'].shift(-1) alma_data.iloc[-1] = 0 def ALMA(data, period=100, offset=0.85, sigma=6): ''' ALMA - Arnaud Legoux Moving Average, ''' m = np.floor(float(offset) * (period - 1)) s = period / float(sigma) alma = np.zeros(data.shape) w_sum = np.zeros(data.shape) for i in range(len(data)): if i < period - 1: continue else: for j in range(period): w = np.exp(-(j - m) * (j - m) / (2 * s * s)) alma[i] += data[i - period + j] * w w_sum[i] += w alma[i] = alma[i] / w_sum[i] return alma # get the indicator values using the ALMA function above short_ma = pd.Series( ALMA(data=alma_data.as_matrix(), period=short_period, offset=0.85, sigma=6)) long_ma = pd.Series( ALMA(data=alma_data.as_matrix(), period=long_period, offset=0.85, sigma=6)) ### STRATEGY ########################################################################################### # if the current short moving average value is ABOVE (or equal) the current long moving average value go LONG if short_ma.iloc[-1] >= long_ma.iloc[-1]: next_position = 1 # LONG # if the current short moving average value is BELOW the current long moving average value go SHORT if short_ma.iloc[-1] < long_ma.iloc[-2]: next_position = -1 # SHORT ### TRADING ENGINE ##################################################################################### # print this message when trading is disabled if disable_trading == True: print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<') print('>>> ! CAUTION ! <<<') print('>>> TRADING DISABLED <<<') print('>>> TRADES ARE SIMULATED <<<') print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<') # create a list of open orders of the respective symbol # used to check if trailing-stop has been hitted, cancelling old trailing-stop if disable_trading == False: symbol_orders = [ order for order in use_function[exchange.lower()][1].fetch_open_orders( symbol=symbol) ] # check if there is an open position already (maybe the trailing stop has been hitted so there is no open position anymore) if len(symbol_orders) == 0: current_position = 0 print( '>>> TRADE LOG <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<' ) # if there is an open position if current_position != 0: if next_position == -1: if current_position == -1: print('==> HOLD SHORT <==') if current_position == 1: # delete old TRAILING-STOP order if set_trailing_stop == True: if disable_trading == False: use_function[exchange.lower()][1].cancel_order( id=symbol_orders[-1]['id']) time.sleep(api_cooldown) print('Old Trailing-Stop Cancelled') # if trading is disabled get the first bid price from the order book as current_entry_price if disable_trading == True: current_entry_price = round( float( use_function[exchange.lower()][2].fetch_order_book( symbol=symbol, limit=1)['bids'][0][0]), decimals) # create SELL order if disable_trading == False: use_function[exchange.lower()][1].create_market_sell_order( symbol, amount_crypto * 2, {'type': 'market'}) time.sleep(api_cooldown) current_position = -1 print('==> ENTERED SHORT <==') # create TRAILING-STOP order, BUY if set_trailing_stop == True: if disable_trading == False: symbol_trades = [ trade for trade in use_function[exchange.lower()] [1].fetch_my_trades(symbol=symbol) ] use_function[exchange.lower()][1].create_order( symbol=symbol, type='trailing-stop', side='buy', amount=amount_crypto, price=round( float(symbol_trades[-1]['price']) * (trailing_stop_pct / 100), 4)) print('Trailing-Stop Placed (BUY)') if next_position == 1: if current_position == 1: print('==> HOLD LONG <==') if current_position == -1: # delete old TRAILING-STOP order if set_trailing_stop == True: if disable_trading == False: use_function[exchange.lower()][1].cancel_order( id=symbol_orders[-1]['id']) time.sleep(api_cooldown) print('Old Trailing-Stop Cancelled') # if trading is disabled get the first ask price from the order book as current_entry_price if disable_trading == True: current_entry_price = round( float( use_function[exchange.lower()][2].fetch_order_book( symbol=symbol, limit=1)['asks'][0][0]), decimals) # create BUY order if disable_trading == False: use_function[exchange.lower()][1].create_market_buy_order( symbol, amount_crypto * 2, {'type': 'market'}) time.sleep(api_cooldown) current_position = 1 print('==> ENTERED LONG <==') # create TRAILING-STOP order, SELL if set_trailing_stop == True: if disable_trading == False: symbol_trades = [ trade for trade in use_function[exchange.lower()] [1].fetch_my_trades(symbol=symbol) ] use_function[exchange.lower()][1].create_order( symbol=symbol, type='trailing-stop', side='sell', amount=amount_crypto, price=round( float(symbol_trades[-1]['price']) * (trailing_stop_pct / 100), 4)) print('Trailing-Stop Placed (SELL)') # if there is no position yet or the position was closed within the timeframe (trailing-stop hitted) if current_position == 0: # set the amount to be traded in respective cryptocurrency as (amount_usd_to_trade) / (current average price of the cryptocurrency) amount_crypto = round( float(amount_usd_to_trade / use_function[exchange.lower()][2].fetch_ticker( symbol=symbol)['last']), 8) if next_position == 1: # if trading is disabled get the first ask price from the order book as current_entry_price if disable_trading == True: current_entry_price = round( float(use_function[exchange.lower()][2].fetch_order_book( symbol=symbol, limit=1)['asks'][0][0]), decimals) # create BUY order if disable_trading == False: use_function[exchange.lower()][1].create_market_buy_order( symbol, amount_crypto, {'type': 'market'}) time.sleep(api_cooldown) current_position = 1 print('Initial LONG (Market Order)') # create TRAILING-STOP order, SELL if set_trailing_stop == True: if disable_trading == False: symbol_trades = [ trade for trade in use_function[exchange.lower()] [1].fetch_my_trades(symbol=symbol) ] use_function[exchange.lower()][1].create_order( symbol=symbol, type='trailing-stop', side='sell', amount=amount_crypto, price=round( float(symbol_trades[-1]['price']) * (trailing_stop_pct / 100), 4)) print('Initial Trailing-Stop (SELL)') if next_position == -1: # if trading is disabled get the first bid price from the order book as current_entry_price if disable_trading == True: current_entry_price = round( float(use_function[exchange.lower()][2].fetch_order_book( symbol=symbol, limit=1)['bids'][0][0]), decimals) # create SELL order if disable_trading == False: use_function[exchange.lower()][1].create_market_sell_order( symbol, amount_crypto, {'type': 'market'}) time.sleep(api_cooldown) current_position = -1 print('Initial SHORT (Market Order)') # create TRAILING-STOP order, BUY if set_trailing_stop == True: if disable_trading == False: symbol_trades = [ trade for trade in use_function[exchange.lower()] [1].fetch_my_trades(symbol=symbol) ] use_function[exchange.lower()][1].create_order( symbol=symbol, type='trailing-stop', side='buy', amount=amount_crypto, price=round( float(symbol_trades[-1]['price']) * (trailing_stop_pct / 100), 4)) print('Initial Trailing-Stop (BUY)') time.sleep(api_cooldown) if disable_trading == False: current_entry_price = float( bitfinex.fetch_my_trades(symbol=symbol, limit=1)[0]['info']['price']) ### END OF TRADER ###################################################################################### ### LOG OUTPUT ######################################################################################### print( '>>> BOT LOG <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<' ) # only show the full output when the position changes if next_position != old_position: n_trades += 1 print(' < ' + symbol + ' | ' + timeframe + ' | ' + exchange + ' | Iterations: ' + str(loops_per_timeframe) + ' | Inception: ' + inception_time + ' >') print('| Strategy: \t\t\t\t' + str(moving_average_type)) print('| Short Moving Average Period: \t\t' + str(short_period)) print('| Long Moving Average Period: \t\t' + str(long_period)) print('| Amount to Trade: \t\t\tUSD ' + str(amount_usd_to_trade)) if disable_trading == False: print('| Trailing Stop: \t\t\t' + str(set_trailing_stop)) if set_trailing_stop == True: print('| Trailing Stop Distance: \t\t' + str(trailing_stop_pct) + '%') print('| Date and Time: \t\t\t' + str( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time())).strftime( '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S'))) print() if old_position != 0: print(' -- Old Position: \t\t\t' + ('LONG' if int(old_position) == 1 else 'SHORT')) print(' -- Current Position: \t\t\t' + ('LONG' if int(current_position) == 1 else 'SHORT')) print(' -- Amount Crypto: \t\t\t' + str(symbol.split('/')[0]) + ' ' + str(round(amount_crypto, 5))) print(' -- Entry Price (Fee Adj.): \t\t' + str(symbol.split('/')[1]) + ' ' + str( round( float(current_entry_price * (1 + (bitfinex_taker_fee / 100))) if next_position == 1 else float(current_entry_price * (1 - (bitfinex_taker_fee / 100))), decimals))) print(' -- Entry Price: \t\t\t' + str(symbol.split('/')[1]) + ' ' + str(current_entry_price)) print() print(' -- Current Price: \t\t\t' + str(symbol.split('/')[1]) + ' ' + str(round(df['Close'].iloc[-1], decimals))) print(' -- Short Moving Average Value: \t' + str(symbol.split('/')[1]) + ' ' + str(round(short_ma.iloc[-1], decimals))) print(' -- Long Moving Average Value: \t' + str(symbol.split('/')[1]) + ' ' + str(round(long_ma.iloc[-1], decimals))) print() # the below is printed only after the first position is exited if old_entry_price_adjusted != 0: print(' -- Old Entry Price (Fee Adj.): \t' + str(symbol.split('/')[1]) + ' ' + str(round(old_entry_price_adjusted, decimals))) adjusted_profit = (( ((float(current_entry_price * (1 + (bitfinex_taker_fee / 100))) if next_position == 1 else float(current_entry_price * (1 - (bitfinex_taker_fee / 100)))) - old_entry_price_adjusted) / old_entry_price_adjusted) * 100 * int(old_position)) print(' -- Approximate P/L (Fee Adj.): \t' + str(round(adjusted_profit, decimals)) + '%') cumulated_profit += adjusted_profit print(' -- Cumulated P/L (Fee Adj.): \t\t' + str(round(cumulated_profit, decimals)) + '%') print(' -- Trades since Inception: \t\t' + str(n_trades)) # if the position changed update the old entry price old_entry_price_adjusted = float( current_entry_price * (1 + (bitfinex_taker_fee / 100))) if next_position == 1 else float( current_entry_price * (1 - (bitfinex_taker_fee / 100))) # calculate fee expenses per trade (to have it available) position_trading_fees = current_entry_price * (1 + ( (bitfinex_taker_fee * amount_crypto) / 100)) print() # leave some space for nicely formatted output if next_position == old_position: print(' -- Entry Price (Fee Adj.): \t\t' + str(symbol.split('/')[1]) + ' ' + str( round( float(current_entry_price * (1 + (bitfinex_taker_fee / 100))) if next_position == 1 else float(current_entry_price * (1 - (bitfinex_taker_fee / 100))), decimals))) print(' -- Current Price: \t\t\t' + str(symbol.split('/')[1]) + ' ' + str(round(df['Close'].iloc[-1], decimals))) print(' -- Short Moving Average Value: \t' + str(symbol.split('/')[1]) + ' ' + str(round(short_ma.iloc[-1], decimals))) print(' -- Long Moving Average Value: \t' + str(symbol.split('/')[1]) + ' ' + str(round(long_ma.iloc[-1], decimals))) # print current date and time for reference print('| Date and Time: \t\t\t' + str( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time())).strftime( '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S'))) # update value for old_position old_position = current_position # sleep for ((one timeframe) / (how often to reevaluate the position within the timeframe)) # - time it took to run one full bot iteration time.sleep(((timeframes[timeframe] / loops_per_timeframe) / 1000) - (time.time() - start))
def add_vwma(df, ma): l = len(df.close.values) df[f'vwma_{ma}'] = pad_left( ti.vwma(np.array(df['close']), np.array(df['volume']), ma), l)
def compute(self, data_dict): close = data_dict.get('close') volume = data_dict.get('volume') return ti.vwma(close, volume, self.per)