def rysuj(): turtle.tracer(0, 0) # wylaczenie animacji co KROK, w celu przyspieszenia turtle.hideturtle() # ukrycie glowki zolwika turtle.penup() # podnosimy zolwia, zeby nie mazal nam linii podczas ruchu ostatnie_rysowanie = 0 # ile kropek temu zostal odrysowany rysunek for i in xrange(ILE_KROPEK): # losujemy wierzcholek do ktorego bedziemy zmierzac do = random.choice(WIERZCHOLKI) # bierzemy nasza aktualna pozycje teraz = turtle.position() # ustawiamy sie w polowie drogi do wierzcholka, ktorego wczesniej obralismy turtle.setpos(w_polowie_drogi(teraz, do)) # stawiamy kropke w nowym miejscu ostatnie_rysowanie += 1 if ostatnie_rysowanie == OKRES_ODSWIEZENIA: # postawilismy na tyle duzo kropek, zeby odswiezyc rysunek turtle.update() ostatnie_rysowanie = 0 pozdrowienia() turtle.update()
def passeio(dim, lado, passos): # Prepara grelha turtle.speed(0) grelha_2(dim,lado) turtle.color('red') turtle.home() turtle.pendown() # Passeio turtle.speed(6) turtle.showturtle() lim_x = lim_y = (dim*lado)//2 cor_x = 0 cor_y = 0 for i in range(passos): vai_para = random.choice(['N','E','S','W']) if (vai_para == 'N') and (cor_y < lim_y): cor_y += lado turtle.setheading(90) turtle.fd(lado) elif (vai_para == 'E') and (cor_x < lim_x): cor_x += lado turtle.setheading(0) turtle.fd(lado) elif (vai_para == 'S') and (cor_y > -lim_y): cor_y -= lado turtle.setheading(270) turtle.fd(lado) elif (vai_para == 'W') and (cor_x > -lim_x): cor_x -= lado turtle.setheading(180) turtle.fd(lado) else: print((vai_para,turtle.xcor(),turtle.ycor())) continue
def SetupClock(radius): # 建立表的外框 turtle.reset() turtle.pensize(7) for i in range(60): Skip(radius) if i % 5 == 0: turtle.forward(20) Skip(-radius - 20) Skip(radius + 20) if i == 0: turtle.write(int(12), align="center", font=("Courier", 14, "bold")) elif i == 30: Skip(25) turtle.write(int(i/5), align="center", font=("Courier", 14, "bold")) Skip(-25) elif (i == 25 or i == 35): Skip(20) turtle.write(int(i/5), align="center", font=("Courier", 14, "bold")) Skip(-20) else: turtle.write(int(i/5), align="center", font=("Courier", 14, "bold")) Skip(-radius - 20) else: Skip(-radius) turtle.right(6)
def drawSootSprite(N, R): # reset direction turtle.reset() # draw star drawStar(N, R) # draw body*2*R) # draw right eyeball turtle.fd(0.2*R)*R, 'white') # draw right pupil turtle.pu() turtle.bk(0.1*R) turtle.pd()*R) turtle.pu() # centre turtle.setpos(0, 0) # draw left eyeball turtle.bk(0.2*R) turtle.pd()*R, 'white') # draw left pupil turtle.pu() turtle.fd(0.1*R) turtle.pd()*R) turtle.hideturtle()
def draw_stars(): for i in range(NSTARS): x = random.randint(MINX, MAXX) y = random.randint(GROUNDY, MAXY) turtle.goto(x, y) turtle.color('white')
def render(tree, length, width): "Draws a given phylogenetic tree constrained by dimensions of" "length and width." root = tree[0] leftTree = tree[1] rightTree = tree[2] if leftTree == (): turtle.write(root , font=("Arial", 20, "normal")) return else: turtle.write(root, font=("Arial", 20, "normal")) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(width) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(length) render(leftTree, 0.5*length, 0.5*width) turtle.back(length) turtle.left(90) turtle.backward(2*width) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(length) render(rightTree, 0.5*length, 0.5*width) turtle.back(length) turtle.right(90) turtle.back(width) turtle.left(90) return
def draw_dot(x, y): goto(x, y) turtle.color("blue") if x % 2 == 1 and y % 2 == 1: else:
def main(): ap = ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument('--speed', type=int, default=10, help='Number 1-10 for drawing speed, or 0 for no added delay') ap.add_argument('program') args = ap.parse_args() for kind, number, path in parse_images(args.program): title = '%s #%d, path length %d' % (kind, number, path.shape[0]) print(title) if not path.size: continue pen_up = (path==0).all(axis=1) # convert from path (0 to 65536) to turtle coords (0 to 655.36) path = path / 100. turtle.title(title) turtle.speed(args.speed) turtle.setworldcoordinates(0, 655.36, 655.36, 0) turtle.pen(shown=False, pendown=False, pensize=10) for i,pos in enumerate(path): if pen_up[i]: turtle.penup() else: turtle.setpos(pos) turtle.pendown() _input('Press enter to continue') turtle.clear() turtle.bye()
def ex_good(): return 9, "bull" # using turtle these coordinates draw a bull import turtle first = [146,399,163,403,170,393,169,391,166,386,170,381,170,371,170,355,169,346,167,335,170,329,170,320,170, 310,171,301,173,290,178,289,182,287,188,286,190,286,192,291,194,296,195,305,194,307,191,312,190,316, 190,321,192,331,193,338,196,341,197,346,199,352,198,360,197,366,197,373,196,380,197,383,196,387,192, 389,191,392,190,396,189,400,194,401,201,402,208,403,213,402,216,401,219,397,219,393,216,390,215,385, 215,379,213,373,213,365,212,360,210,353,210,347,212,338,213,329,214,319,215,311,215,306,216,296,218, 290,221,283,225,282,233,284,238,287,243,290,250,291,255,294,261,293,265,291,271,291,273,289,278,287, 279,285,281,280,284,278,284,276,287,277,289,283,291,286,294,291,296,295,299,300,301,304,304,320,305, 327,306,332,307,341,306,349,303,354,301,364,301,371,297,375,292,384,291,386,302,393,324,391,333,387, 328,375,329,367,329,353,330,341,331,328,336,319,338,310,341,304,341,285,341,278,343,269,344,262,346, 259,346,251,349,259,349,264,349,273,349,280,349,288,349,295,349,298,354,293,356,286,354,279,352,268, 352,257,351,249,350,234,351,211,352,197,354,185,353,171,351,154,348,147,342,137,339,132,330,122,327, 120,314,116,304,117,293,118,284,118,281,122,275,128,265,129,257,131,244,133,239,134,228,136,221,137, 214,138,209,135,201,132,192,130,184,131,175,129,170,131,159,134,157,134,160,130,170,125,176,114,176, 102,173,103,172,108,171,111,163,115,156,116,149,117,142,116,136,115,129,115,124,115,120,115,115,117, 113,120,109,122,102,122,100,121,95,121,89,115,87,110,82,109,84,118,89,123,93,129,100,130,108,132,110, 133,110,136,107,138,105,140,95,138,86,141,79,149,77,155,81,162,90,165,97,167,99,171,109,171,107,161, 111,156,113,170,115,185,118,208,117,223,121,239,128,251,133,259,136,266,139,276,143,290,148,310,151, 332,155,348,156,353,153,366,149,379,147,394,146,399] second = [156,141,165,135,169,131,176,130,187,134,191,140,191,146,186,150,179,155,175,157,168,157,163,157,159, 157,158,164,159,175,159,181,157,191,154,197,153,205,153,210,152,212,147,215,146,218,143,220,132,220, 125,217,119,209,116,196,115,185,114,172,114,167,112,161,109,165,107,170,99,171,97,167,89,164,81,162, 77,155,81,148,87,140,96,138,105,141,110,136,111,126,113,129,118,117,128,114,137,115,146,114,155,115, 158,121,157,128,156,134,157,136,156,136] def pairify(l): return zip(l[::2], l[1::2]) pairs = pairify(first) + pairify(second) for pair in pairs: turtle.setpos(pair)
def f1(x): turtle.penup() thex = x they = turtle.goto(thex,they) turtle.pendown() turtle.penup()
def graphFunctionB(userFloat) : x = 0 turtle.up() while(x <= 3) : y = functionB(x, userFloat) turtle.goto(x, y), "red") x = x + .2
def plotPoints(points): if type(points) == list: for x,y in points: toXY(x,y) elif type(points) == tuple: toXY(points[0],points[1])
def radar_chart(data): # Some "typical" test data #print "Hello" length=len(data) # stores the length of the data provided turtle.home() # Sets the turtle to position (0,0) division=360/length #what angle is needed for invidual lines poslist=[] #list to store current position valpos=[] #list to store position j=0 turtle.hideturtle() #hides the arrow #Draw the foundation of the Radar Chart for i in range(length): # Loop until all the given data is plotted turtle.forward(200) #move turtle forward,"black") # Draw the black dot at the end of each data nowpos=turtle.pos() # store the current position poslist.append(nowpos) #append the current position to list #turtle.hideturtle() turtle.setpos(nowpos[0]+10,nowpos[1]) #get the turtle to new postion to write data turtle.write(data[i], True, align="center") # Write the label of data turtle.setpos(nowpos[0],nowpos[1]) #return to the previous position turtle.back(200) #return home turtle.left(division) # rotate by the specific angle turtle.home() # return to turtle home #Connect the ends points of the radar chart for i in poslist: # turtle.setpos(i[0],i[1]) #turtle.setpos(i[j],i[j+1]) #turtle.forward(100) #turtle.home() #turtle.heading() #turtle.forward(100) turtle.setpos(poslist[0][0],poslist[0][1]) turtle.home() #Draw green Dots for i in range(length): incval=data[i] turtle.forward(incval*2),"green") nowpos=turtle.pos() valpos.append(nowpos) turtle.back(incval*2) turtle.left(division) turtle.begin_poly() turtle.fill(True) #Fill the green Dots for i in valpos: turtle.setpos(int(i[0]),int(i[1])) turtle.setpos(valpos[0][0],valpos[0][1]) turtle.end_poly() p = turtle.get_poly() turtle.register_shape("jpt", p) turtle.color("Green", "Green") turtle.begin_fill() #turtle.p(80) turtle.end_fill() turtle.fill(False)
def pox(turtle, x, y, n=10): origx = turtle.xcor() origy = turtle.ycor() turtle.penup() for i in range(n): random_location(turtle, x, y, True), 10), random_color()) turtle.setpos(origx, origy) turtle.pendown()
def drawPoint(self): ''' Draw a point with initial property ''' turtle.speed(0) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(self.x,self.y),color) turtle.penup()
def serpinski(length, depth): if depth > 1: if depth == 0: t.stamp() else: serpinski_draw(length, depth) serpinski_draw(length, depth) serpinski_draw(length, depth)
def draw_root(self): """ draw at the origin a dot Returns: self """ import turtle return self
def printGrid(g): window=turtle.Screen() window.screensize(MAX,MAX) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.penup() for i in range(MAX): for j in range(MAX): if g[i][j]==ALIVE: turtle.goto(i,j)
def draw_score(): turtle.goto(-50, MAXY-25), 'black') turtle.color('white') turtle.write(str(s.score), align='center', font=('Arial', 14, 'normal')) curTime = round(time.time() - s.time, 0) scoreTime = GAMETIME - curTime turtle.goto(150, MAXY-25), 'black') turtle.color('white') turtle.write(scoreTime, align='center', font=('Arial', 14, 'normal'))
def TurtlePainting(Image,filtervalue): pix=Image.load() #turtle.speed(0) turtle.tracer(0) turtle.penup() width=Image.size[0] height=Image.size[1] turtle.setup(width,height+30,-turtle.window_width(),-turtle.window_height()) for i in range(height): for j in range(width): if pix[j,i][0]<=filtervalue: turtle.setpos(j-turtle.window_width()/2,-i+turtle.window_height()/2-10)
def text_drawer(text, x, y, **colors): """ Функция пишет текст легенды в нужных координатах и заданным цветом. """ turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x, y) turtle.pendown() turtle.pencolor(colors['r'], colors['g'], colors['b']) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x + 25, y-10) turtle.write(text, True, font=('Arial', 12, 'normal'))
def haos_mode(coords=0, numIter=1000): startPoint = (100,75) for i in range(numIter): randCorner = coords[random.randint(0, 2)] newPoint = (subtr_coord(startPoint[0], randCorner[0]), subtr_coord(startPoint[1], randCorner[1])) startPoint = newPoint turtle.penup() turtle.setpos(startPoint[0], startPoint[1]) turtle.pendown()
def drawCircle(self,position,color): """ Dessine un cercle de la couleur et à la position choisie :param position: position de la grille en (i,j,"joueur") :param color: couleur du cercle en str ou code hex RGB """ i,j,player = position if player == "you": turtle.goto(38+j*25,88-25*i),color) if player == "enemy": turtle.goto(-262+(25*j),88-25*i),color)
def drawPoints(row): turtle.seth(270) turtle.color("grey") for i in range(len(row)): tempX = row[i][0] temp = 1.414 * ((tempX * 212.1) / 300) turtlex = row[i][1] - temp turtley = row[i][2] - temp turtle.pu() turtle.goto(turtlex,turtley) turtle.pd(),"blue") turtle.write("p"+format(i,"2d")) turtle.fd(row[i][2])
def dots(width, height, color, colors, newX, newY, unit = unit): #draws the dots of the lego turtle.penup() turtle.color(colors[color]) turtle.pensize(unit/4) for j in range(height): turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(unit/2+unit*j) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(unit/2) #turtle is on first dot of the row for i in range(1,width): turtle.forward(unit) turtle.goto(newX,newY)
def turtlePrint(board, width, height): turtle.hideturtle() turtle.speed(0) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-210, -60) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(20*width-210, -60) turtle.goto(20*width-210, 20*height-60) turtle.goto(-210, 20*height-60) turtle.goto(-210, -60) turtle.penup() for y in xrange(height): for x in xrange(width): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(20*x-200,20*y-50) turtle.pendown() if board[x][y] is 1: turtle.pencolor("green") turtle.pencolor("black") elif board[x][y] is 2: elif board[x][y] is 3: turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.pencolor("black") elif board[x][y] is 8: turtle.pencolor("blue") turtle.pencolor("black") turtle.exitonclick()
def placeO(self,x,y): turtle.up() tx=x*harsha ty=y*harsha turtle.goto(tx,ty) x2=tx-harsha y2=ty-harsha turtle.up() turtle.goto(float(tx+x2)/2,float(ty+y2)/2) turtle.down() turtle.up() turtle.goto(-harsha,-harsha) turtle.down() return
def punto(simbolos,identificador,linea): x = obtener_x(identificador,simbolos) y = obtener_y(identificador,simbolos) tx = obtener_tx(identificador, simbolos,linea) ty = obtener_ty(identificador, simbolos,linea) relleno = obtener_color(obtener_relleno(identificador,simbolos,linea)) x = x*44 + tx*44 y = y*44 + ty*44 turtle.penup() #levantar lapiz turtle.setposition(x,y) #ir a posicion turtle.pendown() #bajar lapiz,relleno) #dibujar punto
def grafico(funcao,inicio,num,cor): """ Faz o gráfico da função a partir do ponto inic. """ x = inicio turtle.pencolor(cor) turtle.up() turtle.goto(x,0) turtle.down() for i in range(1,num): x = funcao(x) turtle.goto(i,x)
def point(position): init_geometrie() turtle.goto(position.x, position.y)
import turtle as tr import random tr.colormode(255) tr.hideturtle() tr.penup() tr.setheading(230) tr.forward(280) tr.setheading(0) tr.speed("fastest") rgb_color = [(251, 251, 248), (254, 240, 252), (212, 251, 242), (198, 12, 32), (250, 237, 17), (39, 76, 189), (38, 217, 68), (238, 227, 5), (229, 159, 46), (27, 40, 157)] scr = tr.Screen() for i in range(0, 10): for j in range(0, 10): tr.pendown(), random.choice(rgb_color)) tr.penup() tr.forward(50) tr.setheading(90) tr.forward(50) tr.setheading(180) tr.forward(500) tr.setheading(0) scr.exitonclick()
def drawDot(): """Draw a dot of the turtle's pen size""" t.forward(10) t.forward(20)
def Draw(self): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(self.x, self.y) turtle.write(self.__str__()) turtle.hideturtle()
def alternateBlackAndRed(j): if j % 2 == 0:, 'black') else:, 'red')
# 利用while循环绘制矩形 import turtle x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 = eval(input("x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4:")) count = 0 turtle.showturtle(), "black") while count < 4: count += 1 turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x1, y1) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(x2 * -1, y2) turtle.goto(x3 * -1, y3 * -1) turtle.goto(x4, y4 * -1) turtle.goto(x1, y1) x1 += 50 y1 += 50 x2 += 50 y2 += 50 x3 += 50 y3 += 50 x4 += 50 y4 += 50 turtle.done()
def draw_point(p): turtle.goto(p), random.random(), random.random(), random.random())
def draw_big_point(p): turtle.goto(p) turtle.color(0.8, 0.9, 0) turtle.write(' ' + str(p))
def draw_all(x, y, z, major, minor, angle, fill=[0, 0, 0], box=None, intensity=None, screen_radius=None): global ellipsePoints global drawStars global lowestApparentMag global totalIncidentIntensity global FLARE_POLY_POINTS mask = (z > 0) mask = np.logical_and(mask, np.isnan(major) == False) mask = np.logical_and(mask, np.abs(x) < screen_width() / 2 + major) mask = np.logical_and(mask, np.abs(y) < screen_height() / 2 + major) sort_mask = np.argsort(z)[::-1] mask = mask[sort_mask] sort_and_mask = sort_mask[mask] if box: if mask[box]: box_x = x[box] box_y = y[box] box_maj = major[box] # box_min = minor[box] else: box = None x = x[sort_and_mask] y = y[sort_and_mask] major = major[sort_and_mask] minor = minor[sort_and_mask] angle = angle[sort_and_mask] # mask_map = np.flatnonzero(mask) # Indexes of True's in mask if _is_array(fill): fill = fill[sort_and_mask] if SMART_DRAW: perimApprox = 2 * np.pi * np.sqrt((major**2 + minor**2) / 2) points = np.int32(perimApprox / SMART_DRAW_PARAMETER) else: points = np.full(len(x), ellipsePoints) points[points > MAX_POINTS] = MAX_POINTS flareWidth = 5 # So it doesn't break later, normally this is 0 centre_array = np.array([x, y]).transpose() if box: # box 'inner' radius, ie half the width of a side boxRadius = max(MIN_BOX_WIDTH, box_maj * 1.4 + flareWidth) / 2 turtle.up() turtle.pencolor([1, 1, 1]) turtle.goto(box_x - boxRadius, box_y - boxRadius) turtle.down() turtle.goto(box_x - boxRadius, box_y + boxRadius) turtle.goto(box_x + boxRadius, box_y + boxRadius) turtle.goto(box_x + boxRadius, box_y - boxRadius) turtle.goto(box_x - boxRadius, box_y - boxRadius) turtle.up() #Draw the box if flareWidth < 0: return False if False and (points > 2) and screen_radius: # screenRadius # Assuming that the angle puts the major axs through # the screen centre we can clip points that are outside # of the screen: centreRadius = (x**2 + y**2)**(1 / 2) X = centreRadius - screenRadius if (X <= -major or points < 10): # The whole ellipse is on screen. # or the thing is small anyway clipAngle = -np.pi / 2 elif (X >= major): # The whole ellipse is probably off the screen return else: # Do some quik mafs: Y = minor / major * sqrt(major**2 - X**2) cosTheta = Y / sqrt(X**2 + Y**2) clipAngle = -acos(cosTheta) # 'clipAngle' gives the angle from the minor axis # that the perimeter clips the screens radius # +np.pi/2 ==> the centre end of the perimeter is # just touching the screen radius # (so the whole thing is probably out of view) # -np.pi/2 ==> the outer end is just touching, # ie, almost all of it will be in view. turtle.up() if np.any(points > 2) or True: clipAngle = np.full(len(x), -np.pi / 2) # Shifts an xy pair relative to major-minor axes # to the x-y axes of the screen, returns the new xy pair relative # to the centre of the oval and the screen x-y plane def localShift(local_angle, index=slice(None)): # coordAngle -= pi locX = major[index] / 2 * np.cos(local_angle) locY = minor[index] / 2 * np.sin(local_angle) shiftX = locX * np.cos(angle[index] - np.pi) - locY * np.sin(angle[index] - np.pi) shiftY = locY * np.cos(angle[index] - np.pi) + locX * np.sin(angle[index] - np.pi) return np.array([shiftX, shiftY]).transpose() # onScreen = True # Drawn = False # draw between <angle> and <np.pi - angle> clipAngle = np.pi / 2 - clipAngle start = centre_array + localShift(clipAngle) ### NUMPY TAKING OVER FROM HERE # print(start) try: fill = fill.tolist() except: pass for j in range(len(x)): try: fill[0][0] except: fill_ = fill else: try: fill_ = fill[j] except: # print(fill) raise KeyError turtle.fillcolor(fill_) turtle.pencolor(fill_) s = start[j] c = centre_array[j] c_a = clipAngle[j] # print(s) turtle.goto(*s) start_i = 0 end_i = points[j] if end_i <= 2: else: turtle.begin_fill() for i in range(start_i, end_i): tempAngle = 2 * ((end_i / 2) - i) / end_i * c_a point = c + localShift(tempAngle, j) turtle.goto(*point) turtle.end_fill() # Draw the oval # if not j % 10: # turtle.write(f'fill: {fill_}') turtle.up() # else: # turtle.up() # turtle.goto() return True
def draw_score(): turtle.goto(0, GROUNDY - 25), GROUNDCOLOR) turtle.color('red') turtle.write(score, align='center', font=('Arial', 14, 'normal'))
def focalLength(obj, img): print("Welcome to the Focal Length Calculator!!") object_distance = (input("Enter an object distance, in mm: ") ) #input object distance image_distance = (input("Enter an image distance, in mm: ") ) #input image distance focal_length = 1 / (float(image_distance)) + 1 / (float(object_distance)) print("Focal Length of your lens is: ", 1 / float((focal_length)), "mm") line = (1 / float((focal_length)) / 2) print("Lens:", line, "mm") #distance between f points, placed at origin turtle.speed(1) #speed to see the turtle in motion turtle.showturtle() turtle.screensize(2000, 2000) #object turtle.forward( -float(object_distance)) #to left if positive, to right if negative turtle.color(str("#bc1818")) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.forward(10) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(10) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(10) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(10) turtle.left(90) turtle.end_fill() turtle.color("black") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-float(object_distance), 20) turtle.write("Object", True, align="center", font=("Ariel", 10, "normal")) #label above lens axis turtle.goto(-float(object_distance), 0) turtle.pendown() #focalpoint1 -- -120 #have to go to origin for it to be the right distance turtle.goto(0, 0) #go to origin; "reset" turtle.forward(-float(1 / focal_length)) turtle.begin_fill(), str("#176825")) turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-float(1 / focal_length), -30) turtle.write("Focal Point", True, align="center", font=("Ariel", 10, "normal")) #label below lens axis turtle.color("black") turtle.goto(-float(1 / focal_length), 0) turtle.pendown() #focalpoint2 -- 120 #have to go to the origin for it to be the right distance turtle.goto(0, 0) #go to origin; "reset" turtle.goto(float(1 / focal_length), 0) turtle.begin_fill(), str("#176825")) turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup() turtle.goto(float(1 / focal_length), -30) turtle.write("Focal Point", True, align="center", font=("Ariel", 10, "normal")) turtle.color("black") turtle.goto(float(1 / focal_length), 0) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(0, 0) #go to origin; "reset" #image turtle.forward( float(image_distance)) #to right if positive, to left if negative turtle.color(str("#183870")) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.forward(10) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(10) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(10) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(10) turtle.left(90) turtle.end_fill() turtle.color("black") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(float(image_distance), 20) turtle.write("Image", True, align="center", font=("Ariel", 10, "normal")) #label above lens axis turtle.goto(float(image_distance), 0) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(0, 0) #lens turtle.color(str("#5e5e5e")) turtle.goto(0, 100) #to make the vertical line turtle.goto(0, -100) #to make the vertical line
turtle.forward(480) turtle.left(90) #ESPACIO turtle.up() turtle.goto(-300, 0) turtle.down() #LETRA I turtle.speed() turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(300) turtle.up() turtle.goto(-300, 400) turtle.down(), 'red') turtle.up() turtle.goto(-300, 0) turtle.down() #ESPACIO turtle.up() turtle.goto(0, 0) turtle.down() #LETRA E turtle.shape('turtle') turtle.pencolor('red') turtle.left(-60) turtle.forward(250) turtle.left(180)
''' CSC101 Lab 9 Part 4: Points in circle Idrissa Jalloh Franklin Nuth March 31 2017 ''' import turtle import random import mytools turtle.bgcolor('darkgray') # set background color # PROGRAM STARTS HERE xc, yc = eval(input("Please enter the x and y of your center circle!: ")) r = eval(input("Please enter the radius of your circle!: ")) turtle.tracer(False) # Animation Off for i in range(2000): x, y = mytools.random_location() mytools.move(x, y) # make turtle jump to location (x,y) if mytools.is_point_in_circle(xc, yc, r, x, y):, 'blue') else:, 'orange') turtle.update() # Show all points at once turtle.done()
def draw(self): tt.up() tt.setpos(Graphics.shifted( * self.radius, self.color)
toadd *= points[i][index] value += toadd return value #Get ready to put the points turtle.pencolor((1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) turtle.width(10) #Put the points for j in points: turtle.up() turtle.setpos(j[0], j[1]) turtle.down() #Put back the original settings turtle.width(1) turtle.pencolor((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) turtle.up() turtle.setpos(points[0][0], points[0][1]) turtle.down() turtle.speed(0) #Finally, draw the curve! t = 0.000 while t < 1.00: t += 0.01 turtle.setpos(int(B(points, t, 0)), int(B(points, t, 1)))
def display(self,y_max=200): #Sets the x xcalar for later use (not really needed) xscalar = 110 #Sets the scaling for the Y axis so the graph is spaced relative to the high population, rather than being a set scaling self.yscalar = (y_max+300)/self.highestPopulation #Basically just finds the highest population and rounds it to 1 sig fig so it can display the spacing increments on the graph. #If the turtle is at the origin (so bassically if this is the first time the turtle has run) set up the graph if(turtle.xcor() == 0 and turtle.ycor() == 0): #Setting up turtle settings turtle.color("black") turtle.hideturtle() turtle.speed(0) #Drwa the y axis turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-300,-300) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(-300,y_max) #Draw the X axis turtle.penup() turtle.goto(250,-300) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(-300,-300) turtle.penup() #Write titles for the Axes turtle.goto(-450,0) turtle.write("Population (people)") turtle.goto(0,-350) turtle.write("Date (years)") #Draw each increment on the X axis for x in range(1,6): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-310+xscalar*x,-320) turtle.write("201{}".format(x)) turtle.goto(-300+xscalar*x,-300) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(-300+xscalar*x,-285) #Draw each increment on the Y axis for x in range(1,5): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-300,-300+(300+y_max)/4*x) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(turtle.xcor()+20,turtle.ycor()) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(turtle.xcor()-70,turtle.ycor()-10) turtle.write(self.highestPopulation/4*x) #Change the color based on what it initialized as turtle.color(self.color) turtle.penup() for x in range(0,6): #Draww all 6 points, moving over 110 every time, and placing the y Axis spot relative to the Y scalar (so highest is on top) turtle.goto(x*xscalar-300,self.population[x]*self.yscalar-300),self.color) #Draw the Line Based on the equation turtle.goto(-300,self.b*self.yscalar-300) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(250,(self.b+5*self.m)*self.yscalar-300) turtle.penup() #Actually displays the Equation turtle.goto(turtle.xcor()+10,turtle.ycor()) turtle.write("y={0}x+{1}".format(float(self.m),float(self.b))) #Displays the name either at the set height or a bit above it so the state and county doesn't overlap turtle.goto(-300,240+20*self.extraDist) turtle.write(
def drawDot(): tt.reset() # hide turtle, 'Green')
a = 0.2 for i in range(120): if 0 <= i < 30 or 60 <= i < 90: a = a + 0.02 t.speed(0) # 向左转3度 t.fd(a) # 向前走a的步长 else: a = a - 0.02 t.speed(0) t.fd(a) t.end_fill() t.pu() t.goto(-20, 121), 'white') t.pu() t.goto(21, 108) #, 'red') t.color('black', 'black') t.begin_fill() a = 0.2 for i in range(120): if 0 <= i < 30 or 60 <= i < 90: a = a + 0.02 t.speed(0) # 向左转3度 t.fd(a) # 向前走a的步长 else: a = a - 0.02
def pickRandomDot(colors):, colors[random.randrange(0, len(colors))])
# coding=utf-8 import turtle i = 0 while True: + 50) i += 10, "green")
def decision_five_left(turtle, direction): correct_decision_four(turtle) turtle.color("purple") turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(30) turtle.width(3) turtle.penup() turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(180) for i in range(10): turtle.color("pink") turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(2) turtle.penup() turtle.forward(10) turtle.goto(40, 220) turtle.color("purple") turtle.width(10) turtle.pendown() if direction == "left": turtle.color("purple") turtle.forward(55) good_choice(turtle) #turtle now at 40, 165 elif direction == "right": turtle.color("red") turtle.right(180) turtle.forward(55) yikes(turtle)
from PIL import Image img ="ball_image_32x32.png") import turtle turtle.colormode(255) # trying to speed it up turtle.hideturtle() turtle.speed("fastest") for i in range(img.width): for j in range(img.height): t = (i, j) color = img.getpixel(t) turtle.setpos(t), color)
ts = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%H:%M:%S on %Y-%m-%d') iss_lat = iss_now['iss_position']['latitude'] iss_lon = iss_now['iss_position']['longitude'] print('As of ' + ts + ', the ISS is at (' + str(iss_lat) + ', ' + str(iss_lon) + ')') # Part D payload = {'lat': 39.768518, 'lon': -86.158092} iss_pass = requests.get('', params=payload).json() ts2 = iss_pass['response'][0]['risetime'] ts2 = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts2).strftime('%H:%M:%S on %Y-%m-%d') print('The next time the ISS will pass over Indianapolis, IN is ' + ts2) # Part C screen = turtle.Screen() screen.setup(720, 360) screen.bgpic('map.gif') screen.addshape('iss.gif') turtle.color('white') turtle.penup() turtle.setposition(-86.158092 * 2, 39.768518 * 2), "yellow") turtle.setheading(45) turtle.forward(5) turtle.write(ts2, True, align="left") turtle.setposition(float(iss_lon) * 2, float(iss_lat) * 2) turtle.shape('iss.gif') turtle.done()
def clickFn(x, y): t.goto(x, y), 'Purple') print([x, y]) coords.append([x, y]) print([coords])
import turtle positionHuman = (0.00, 86.00) positionLion1 = (-150.00, 0.00) positionLion2 = (150.00, 0.00) positionLion3 = (0.00, 260.00) escapeDregree = 240 turtle.pensize(3) for x in range(100): turtle.color("black") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(positionHuman), "yellow") turtle.pendown() turtle.setheading(escapeDregree) lenthLion1 = turtle.distance(positionLion1) lenthLion2 = turtle.distance(positionLion2) if (x >= 2): if (lenthLion1 > lenthLion2): escapeDregree = escapeDregree - 20 turtle.fd(10) print("1", escapeDregree) else: escapeDregree = escapeDregree + 20 turtle.fd(10) print("2", escapeDregree) else: turtle.fd(10) print("3", escapeDregree)
def draw_offline(center, color): tt.up() tt.setpos(Graphics.shifted(center)) * GlobalSetup.BALL_RADIUS, color)
#May 24, 2019 # This program draws the constellation for Orion import turtle turtle.setup(500,500) # prevents turtle fom drawing lines until specified to draw lines turtle.penup() turtle.hideturtle() # Defining the star coordinates for Betelgeuese bet_X = -70 bet_Y = 200 turtle.goto(bet_X, bet_Y) #Draws the dot for the star turtle.write('Betegeuse') #Writes the star name # Defining the star coordinates for Meissa mei_X = 80 mei_Y = 180 turtle.goto(mei_X, mei_Y) #Draws the dot for the star turtle.write('Meissa') #Writes the star name # Defining the star coordinates for Alnitak aln_X = -40 aln_Y = -20 turtle.goto(aln_X, aln_Y) #Draws the dot for the star turtle.write('Alnitak') #Writes the star name
# web1 = "" # var2 = "etsy" # web3 = web1 + var2 # page1 = urllib.request.urlopen(web3) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.setworldcoordinates(0, 0, 500, 500) #####this is significant!!!! filename = open('all_day.csv', 'r') list1 = filename.readlines() close = [] date = [] i = 1 while i < len(list1): a = list1[i] alist = a.split(",") close.append(alist[4]) date.append(alist[0]) i = i + 1 i = len(close) pointOneX = 0 pointOneY = 0 while i >= 0: pointOneX = pointOneX + 10 pointOneY = 10 * (float(close[i - 1])) turtle.goto(pointOneX, pointOneY) i = i - 1 turtle.exitonclick()
turtle.goto(0, 200) turtle.right(90) turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(400) turtle.home() # #print x axis turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-200, 0) turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(400) turtle.home() turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x, y) turtle.pendown()"red") turtle.write(str(turtle.position()) + " " + str(radius) + " (c1)") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x, y - radius) turtle.pendown() # print circle 2 turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x2, y2) turtle.pendown()"red") turtle.write(str(turtle.position()) + " " + str(radius2) + " (c2)") turtle.penup()
import turtle turtle.up() turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(200) turtle.left(90) turtle.down() turtle.up() turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(200) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(90) turtle.down(), 180) turtle.up() turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(200)
def visualizeQuakes(k, r): """(int, int) -> None Top level function for accessing and analyzing earthquake data from USGS website. Calls readeqf, createCentroids, and createClusters, using parameter k number of clusters and r number of repetitions to run the k-means cluster analysis algorithm. Uses turtle module to graphically plot the M5 or greater earthquakes within the past month on a world map. Different queries can be plotted by altering the url in readeqf as per the USGS API. Color list currently permits only k values less than or equal to 30. Note 2: Map supplied in the original spec is a Mercator and plots incorrectly. Use the included Equirectangular Projection instead. Returns None. > visualizeQuakes(6, 50) <Draws Turtle Graphics map with 6 clusters.> """ eq_dict = readeqf() centroids = createCentroids(k, eq_dict) clusters = createClusters(k, centroids, eq_dict, r) w = 1800 #Window width. h = 900 #Window height. bg_pic = "better_worldmap1800_900.gif" t.setup(width=w, height=h) t.bgpic(bg_pic) t.speed("fastest") t.hideturtle() t.up() w_factor = ((w / 2) / 180) h_factor = ((h / 2) / 90) color_list = ["dark red", "dark green", "dark blue", "dark orange", "dark orchid", "dark goldenrod", "dark violet", "pink", "magenta", "sky blue", "plum", "dark salmon", "goldenrod", "chartreuse", "dark sea green", "cornsilk", "dark olive green", "bisque", "blanched almond", "dark cyan", "royal blue", "papaya whip", "peach puff", "misty rose", "mint cream", "lavender blush", "hot pink", "dark khaki", "cornflower blue", "chocolate"] for cluster_index in range(k): t.color(color_list[cluster_index]) for akey in clusters[cluster_index]: lon = (eq_dict[akey][0]) * w_factor lat = (eq_dict[akey][1]) * h_factor t.goto(lon, lat) return None