def draw_circle(x,y): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x,y) turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.end_fill()
def circle(a,b): turtle.color("green") turtle.pu() turtle.goto(a,b) turtle.pd() turtle.setheading(90)
def set(): #set of parameters turtle.hideturtle() turtle.tracer(1e3,1) turtle.left(95) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0,-turtle.window_height()/2) turtle.pendown()
def drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color = "black", size = 1): turtle.color(color) turtle.pensize(size) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x1, y1) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(x2, y2)
def line(a1,b1,a2,b2,c): turtle.pu() turtle.goto(a1,b1) turtle.color(c) turtle.pd() turtle.pensize(10) turtle.goto(a2,b2)
def rectangle(length = 50, width = 30, x = 0, y = 0, color = 'black', fill = False): turtle.pensize(3) turtle.speed('fastest') turtle.hideturtle() if fill == True: turtle.color(color) for i in range(width): turtle.setposition(x, (y+i)) turtle.pendown() turtle.setposition((x+length), (y+i)) turtle.penup() else: turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x,y) turtle.color(color) turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(length) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(width) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(length) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(width) turtle.left(90) turtle.penup() return
def draw(self): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(self.point_st) turtle.pendown() turtle.color(self.border_c, self.fill_c) self._draw()
def entrance(pointOne): turtle.goto(pointOne[0], pointOne[1] + 36) turtle.setheading(270) turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(15) turtle.penup() drawArrows()
def d(fill=False): '''draws a capital D''' turtle.setheading(0) if fill: bf() fd(20) circle(20, 90) fd(70) circle(20, 90) fd(20) lt(90) fd(110) lt(90) if fill: ef() pu() turtle.goto(turtle.xcor() + 10, turtle.ycor() + 10) pd() cfc = fc() fc(turtle.getscreen().bgcolor()) bf() fd(10) circle(10, 90) fd(70) circle(10, 90) fd(10) lt(90) fd(90) ef() lt(90) pu() turtle.goto(turtle.xcor() + 40, turtle.ycor() - 10) pd() fc(cfc)
def drawmountain(x,y,color): t.up t.goto(x,y) t.down t.color(color) t.begin_fill() t.backward(200) t.right(120) t.backward(200) t.right(120) t.backward(200) t.right(120) t.end_fill() t.up t.goto(x-75,y+125) t.down t.color("White") t.begin_fill() t.backward(50) t.right(120) t.backward(50) t.right(120) t.backward(50) t.right(120) t.end_fill() t.up
def curva(simbolos,identificador,linea): p1= obtener_punto(1,identificador,simbolos) p2= obtener_punto(2,identificador,simbolos) x1 = int (obtener_x(p1,simbolos)) y1 = int (obtener_y(p1,simbolos)) x2 = obtener_x(p2,simbolos) y2 = obtener_y(p2,simbolos) rotar = obtener_rotar(identificador, simbolos,linea) escalar = obtener_escalar(identificador, simbolos,linea) relleno = obtener_color(obtener_relleno(identificador,simbolos,linea)) turtle.color(relleno) tx = obtener_tx(identificador, simbolos,linea) ty = obtener_ty(identificador, simbolos,linea) potencia = obtener_potencia(identificador,simbolos) #Trasladar recta x1 = int(x1*44 + tx*44) x2 = int(x2*44 + tx*44) y1 = y1*44 + ty*44 y2 = y2*44 + ty*44 turtle.penup() for x in range(x1,x2): turtle.goto(x+(44), (x+(44))**potencia) turtle.pendown()
def main(): """ Tous les phase du battleship passe par le main() et il sert de boucle principal car il est appelé à tous les 0.5 secondes """ if i.phase == "PlaceShip": i.placeShip() elif i.phase == "Attack": # Nom fictif i.attack() elif i.phase == "win": print('Vous avez gagné!') turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.pencolor('black') turtle.write('Vous avez gagné!',align="center",font=("Arial",70, "normal")) i.phase = "exit" elif i.phase == "lose": print('Vous avez perdu!') turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.pencolor('black') turtle.write('Vous avez perdu!',align="center",font=("Arial",70, "normal")) i.phase = "exit" elif i.phase == "exit": turtle.exitonclick() return None else: print('out') turtle.ontimer(main,500)
def line(a, b, x, y): "Draw line from `(a, b)` to `(x, y)`." import turtle turtle.up() turtle.goto(a, b) turtle.down() turtle.goto(x, y)
def draw_path(self, positions): ''' Draws the path given by a position list ''' def position_to_turtle(pos): '''Converts a maze position to a turtle position''' return (home_x + _DRAW_SIZE * pos[0], home_y - _DRAW_SIZE * pos[1]) # Get maze size width, height = self.size # Prepare turtle home_x = (-(_DRAW_SIZE * width) / 2) + (_DRAW_SIZE / 2) home_y = ((_DRAW_SIZE * height) / 2) - (_DRAW_SIZE / 2) turtle.showturtle() turtle.pencolor(_DRAW_PATH) # Move to star turtle.penup() turtle.goto(home_x, home_y) turtle.pendown() # Draw the path for pos in positions: turtle.goto(position_to_turtle(pos))
def draw_stars(): for i in range(NSTARS): x = random.randint(MINX, MAXX) y = random.randint(GROUNDY, MAXY) turtle.goto(x, y) turtle.color('white')
def circle(x,y,size): turtle.pu() turtle.goto(x,y) turtle.pd() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.end_fill()
def choix_position(self): #position aléatoire dans l'écran self.x = random.randint(-350, 350) self.y = random.randint(-350, 350) tt.up() tt.goto(self.x, self.y) tt.down()
def drawPoint(x, y): turtle.penup() # Pull the pen up turtle.goto(x, y) turtle.pendown() # Pull the pen down turtle.begin_fill() # Begin to fill color in a shape turtle.end_fill() # Fill the shape
def drawCircleAt(turtleX, turtleY, circleSize): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(turtleX,turtleY) turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.end_fill()
def tegnGitter(i0,i1,j0,j1): """Gitteret har søjler fra i0 til og med i1 og rækker fra j0 til og med j1. Først blankstilles lærredet""" xmin,ymin = toXY(i0,j0) xlen,ylen = (i1-i0+2)*cs,(j1-j0+2)*cs tt.clear() tt.penup() tt.color(kodefarve[4]) # vandrette linjer x,y = xmin-cs/2,ymin tt.setheading(0) # øst for j in range(j0,j1+2): tt.goto(x,y) tt.pendown() tt.forward(xlen) tt.penup() y += cs # lodrette linjer x,y = xmin,ymin-cs/2 tt.setheading(90) # nord for i in range(i0,i1+2): tt.goto(x,y) tt.pendown() tt.forward(ylen) tt.penup() x += cs
def f(l, n): t.up() t.goto( - l / 2, l / 3 ) t.down() for i in rang(3): vk(l, n) t.right(120)
def printwin(turtle): turtle.stamp() turtle.hideturtle() turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.color("green") turtle.write("You Win!",font=("Arial",30), align = "center")
def alpha_beta_helper(): global state, root, alpha_time initialize() print("PLEASE WAIT!!!") root = TreeNode(-1000) time1 = time.time() alpha_beta(root, 1, state) init_screen() drawLine() drawGrid() drawColumns() drawRows() caliberate() col = root.ans row = -1 turtle.onscreenclick(goto) for i in range(4): if state[i][col] == 0: row = i break state[row][col] = 1 drawDot(row, col, 1) var = (int)(input("Enter 1 to continue playing or 0 to stop.")) time2 = time.time() alpha_time = time2-time1 if(var == 1): turtle.clear() turtle.goto(0, 0) turtle.penup() turtle.right(270) alpha_beta_helper() else: write_analysis(3)
def drawLine(): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-50, 300) turtle.pendown() turtle.write("Base Line", font=("Arial", 14, "normal")) turtle.color("red") turtle.forward(500)
def drawLine(self,color,coord1,coord2): """ dessine une ligne entre deux coordonné sur la grille :param color: La couleur de la ligne :param coord1: La première coordonné en tuple (i,j,"joueur") :param coord2: La deuxième coordonné en tuple (i,j,"joueur") """ if coord1[2] == coord2[2] and coord2[2] == "you": turtle.goto(38+coord1[1]*25,87-25*coord1[0]) elif coord1[2] == coord2[2] and coord2[2] == "enemy": turtle.goto(-262+(25*coord1[1]),87-25*coord1[0]) else: print('wrong player') return 0 turtle.pensize(20) turtle.pencolor(color) if coord1[1] == coord2[1]: #Vertical turtle.pendown() turtle.setheading(270) turtle.fd((coord2[0]-coord1[0])*25) elif coord1[0] == coord2[0]: #horizontal turtle.pendown() turtle.setheading(0) turtle.fd((coord2[1]-coord1[1])*25) else: print('Ligne non Hori ou Vert') return 0 turtle.penup() return 1
def hands( freq=166 ): """Draw three hands. :param freq: Frequency of refresh in milliseconds. """ global running now= time= now.time() h, m, s, ms = time.hour, time.minute, time.second, int(time.microsecond/1000) # Erase old hands. while turtle.undobufferentries(): turtle.undo() # Draw new hands. hand( h*5+m/60+s/3600, .6*R, 3 ) hand( m+s/60, .8*R, 2 ) hand( s+ms/1000, .9*R, 1 ) # Draw date and time turtle.penup(); turtle.home() turtle.goto( 0, -120 ); turtle.write( now.strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S"), align="center", font=("Helvetica", 24, "normal") ) # Reschedule hands function if running: # Reset timer for next second (including microsecond tweak) turtle.ontimer( hands, freq-(ms%freq) )
def roach(turt): #make moves a global variable global moves turt.pencolor(randrange(255),randrange(255),randrange(255)) turtle.up() turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.down() #write the code for roach to go & turn while True: moves += 1 turt_heading = randrange(0,361) turt.left(turt_heading) turt_length = randrange(0,31) turt.forward(turt_length) distance = dist(turt) #if statement to determine if the roach is outside the circle or inside #if inside, keep moving #if outside, stop moving #return coordinate if distance >= 200: break turt.up() moves += moves #accummulate total moves print(moves) return moves
def drawCloud(words, num = 20): """ Draws a wordcloud with 20 random words, sized by frequency found in the WORDS dictionary. """ t.reset() t.up() t.hideturtle() topCounts = sorted([words[word] for word in list(words.keys()) if len(word) > 3]) largest = topCounts[0] normalized_counts = {} for item in list(words.keys()): if len(item) > 3: newSize = int(float(words[item]) / largest * 24) normalized_counts[item] = newSize size = t.screensize() width_dim = (int(-1 * size[0] / 1.5), int(size[0] / 2)) height_dim = (int(-1 * size[1] / 1.5), int(size[1] / 1.5)) for item in random.sample(list(normalized_counts.keys()), num): t.goto(random.randint(*width_dim), random.randint(*height_dim)) t.color(random.choice(COLORS)) try: t.write(item, font = ("Arial", int(normalized_counts[item]), "normal")) except: try: t.write(str(item, errors = 'ignore'), font = ("Arial", int(normalized_counts[item]), "normal")) except: pass
def draw_circle(x,y,r,t): t.pu() t.goto(x+r,y) t.setheading(90) t.pd() t.pu()
def draw_tree(x,y): startPosX = x startPosY = y turtle.setpos(x,y) turtle.fillcolor("green") turtle.begin_fill() for i in range(0,4): x -=40 y -=80 turtle.goto(x,y) coords.append(turtle.pos()) x += 20 turtle.goto(x,y) bottomCorner = turtle.pos() x = startPosX y = startPosY turtle.setpos(x,y) for i in range(0,4): x +=40 y -=80 turtle.goto(x,y) coords.append(turtle.pos()) x -= 20 turtle.goto(x,y) turtle.goto(bottomCorner) turtle.end_fill()
import turtle as t y_max = 300 x_max = 300 ay = -10 dt = 0.1 x, y, Vx, Vy = 0, 0, 10, 0 while True: x += Vx*dt y += Vy*dt + ay*dt**2/2 Vy += ay*dt t.goto(x, y) if abs(y) >= y_max and Vy<0: Vy *= -0.9 print(y, Vy) if abs(x) >= x_max: Vx *= -1
import turtle as t import random # 랜덤함수를 생성 a = random.randint(0, 359) #a는 0도부터 359도까지 랜덤 설정 #벽만들기 t.speed(0) #가장 빠르게 t.up() #꼬리들기 t.goto(-250, -250) #벽을 그리기 위해 시작점으로 이동 t.down() #꼬리내리기 for x in range(4): t.fd(500) #거북이 중앙으로 가기 t.up() t.home() t.down() #랜덤 설정된 각도로 회전후 벽까지 이동 t.seth(a) while -250 < t.xcor() < 250 and -250 < t.ycor() < 250: t.fd(1) # 벽에 부딪히기 전까지 앞으로 1만큼씩 이동 #while True: #아래를 무한 반복 #a=t.heading() if 0 < a < 45: - 2 * a) t.fd(1) while -250 < t.xcor() < 250 and -250 < t.ycor() < 250: t.fd(1) if 45 < a < 90: t.rt(2 * a) t.fd(1) while -250 < t.xcor() < 250 and -250 < t.ycor() < 250:
REDUCE_RATE = 0.7 WIDTH_RATE = 0.1 RANDOM_RATE_MIN = 0.9 RANDOM_RATE_MAX = 1.1 def tree(length): rate = random.uniform(RANDOM_RATE_MIN, RANDOM_RATE_MAX) len = length * rate t.width(len * WIDTH_RATE) t.forward(len) if len > MIN_LENGTH: sub = len * REDUCE_RATE t.left(ANGLE) tree(sub) t.right(2 * ANGLE) tree(sub) t.left(ANGLE) t.backward(len) t.speed(0) t.penup() t.goto(0, -200) t.pendown() t.setheading(90) tree(120) t.exitonclick()
import turtle as t All = [] with open('input.txt') as file: for line in file: A = line.rstrip().split(", ") One_of_all = [] for i in range (0, len(A)-1, 2): new = (int(A[i]), int(A[i+1])) One_of_all.append(new) i+=2 All.append(One_of_all) x=0 for i in All: t.up() t.goto(x, 0) for x1,x2 in i: t.down() t.goto(x1 + x, x2) x+=100
turtle.title('거북이가 맘대로 다니기') turtle.shape('turtle') turtle.pensize(pSize) turtle.setup(width=swidth + 30, height=sheight + 30) turtle.screensize(swidth, sheight) while True : r=random.random() g=random.random() b=random.random() turtle.pencolor((r,g,b)) angle = random.randrange(0,360) dist = random.randrange(1,100) turtle.left(angle) turtle.forward(dist) curX=turtle.xcor() curY=turtle.ycor() if(-swidth/2<=curX and curX <= swidth/2) and (-sheight/2 <= curY and curY<=sheight/2): pass else: turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.pendown() exitCount += 1 if exitCount >= 5: break turtle.done()
def level_1(): turtle.clear() turtle.pu() turtle.speed(0) turtle.pensize(20) turtle.color("grey") turtle.goto(-220, 220) turtle.pd() turtle.goto(220, 220) turtle.goto(220, -220) turtle.goto(-220, -220) turtle.goto(-220, 220) turtle.pu() turtle.goto(0, 0)
def line(startX, startY, endX, endY, color): turtle.penup() # Поднять перо. turtle.goto(startX, startY) # Переместить в начальную точку. turtle.pendown() # Опустить перо. turtle.pencolor(color) # Задать цвет заливки. turtle.goto(endX, endY) # Нарисовать треугольник.
for three in range(1): t.down() t.fd(50) t.left(60) t.bk(60) t.right(60) t.fd(30) t.left(90) t.bk(50) t.right(90) t.bk(50) t.up() for five in range(1): t.goto(70, 0) t.down() t.fd(50) t.bk(50) t.right(90) t.fd(50) t.left(90) t.fd(50) t.right(90) t.fd(50) t.right(90) t.fd(50) t.right(180) # возвращаем исходное направление t.up() for fourth in range(1):
position = free_points[rand_index] while position in wall_list: rand_index = random.randint(0, len(free_points) - 1) position = free_points[rand_index] new_position = (position[0] + 10, position[1] - 10) food_pos.append(new_position) food.goto(new_position) b=food.stamp() food_stamps.append(b) food.hideturtle() make_food() ############################################ turtle.hideturtle() turtle.penup() turtle.pensize(5) turtle.goto(250, 250) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(250, 280) turtle.goto(180, 280) turtle.goto(180, 250) turtle.goto(250, 250) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(215, 255) timer = turtle.clone() b = turtle.clone() b.penup() b.showturtle() b.shape("square") b.color("grey") b.goto(223,265) s=turtle.clone()
def move_car(): global direction,wall_list, score my_car = car.pos() carx_pos = my_car[0] cary_pos = my_car[1] if direction == UP: car.goto(carx_pos , cary_pos + square_size) elif direction == DOWN: car.goto(carx_pos , cary_pos - square_size) elif direction == RIGHT: car.goto(carx_pos + square_size , cary_pos) elif direction == LEFT: car.goto(carx_pos - square_size , cary_pos) car.showturtle() my_car = car.pos() car_pos_list.append(my_car) new_car_stamp = car.stamp() car_stamp_list.append(new_car_stamp) old_car_stamp = car_stamp_list.pop(0) car.clearstamp(old_car_stamp) car_pos_list.pop(0) carx_pos = my_car[0] cary_pos = my_car[1] my_car_new = (carx_pos-square_size/2,cary_pos+square_size/2) if my_car_new in wall_list: ############################# if direction == UP: car.goto(my_car[0], my_car[1] - square_size)"something.wav") ######################### elif direction == DOWN: car.goto(my_car[0], my_car[1] + square_size)"something.wav") ################################3 elif direction == LEFT: car.goto(my_car[0]+square_size, my_car[1])"something.wav") ################################# elif direction == RIGHT: car.goto(my_car[0] - square_size, my_car[1])"something.wav") ############################################# if carx_pos >= 250: car.goto(my_car[0] - square_size , my_car[1]) if carx_pos <= -250: car.goto(my_car[0] + square_size , my_car[1]) if cary_pos >= 250: car.goto(my_car[0] , my_car[1]- square_size ) if cary_pos <= -250: car.goto(my_car[0] , my_car[1]+ square_size) if car.pos() in food_pos: food_ind=food_pos.index(car.pos()) food.clearstamp(food_stamps[food_ind]) old_food = food_pos.pop(food_ind) food_id = food_stamps.pop(food_ind)"eatingsounds.wav") score += 1 elif score == 30: turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.color('white') turtle.write('YOU WIN',font=("Arial" , 40,"normal"),align="center") print('YOU WIN') time.sleep(5) quit()
def eye(self, eye_type): print("画眼睛....") if eye_type == "large": # 设置填充颜色 turtle.fillcolor("red") # left eye turtle.goto(-100, 150) # 准备填充 turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pendown(), 360) # 填充结束 turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup() # 眼睛中的黑色部分 turtle.fillcolor("black") turtle.goto(-120, 150) # 准备填充 turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pendown(), 360) # 填充结束 turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup() # right eye # 设置填充颜色 turtle.fillcolor("red") # 光标移位 turtle.goto(60, 150) # 准备填充 turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pendown(), 360) # 填充结束 turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup() # right 眼睛中的黑色部分 turtle.fillcolor("black") turtle.goto(40, 150) # 准备填充 turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pendown(), 360) # 填充结束 turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup() elif eye_type == "small": # left eye # 设置填充颜色 turtle.fillcolor("red") turtle.goto(-120, 140) # 准备填充 turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pendown(), 360) # 填充结束 turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup() # 眼球 turtle.fillcolor("black") turtle.goto(-120, 150) # 准备填充 turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pendown(), 360) # 填充结束 turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup() # right eye # 设置填充颜色 turtle.fillcolor("red") turtle.goto(30, 150) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pendown(), 360) # 填充结束 turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup() # right 眼球 turtle.fillcolor("black") turtle.goto(30, 155) # 准备填充 turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pendown(), 360) # 填充结束 turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup()
''' # Using Turtle - import turtle from random import randrange, steps=3) # input("Wait") turtle.colormode(255) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0, 150) turtle.pensize(12) turtle.pendown() # Ignore this line for _ in range(36): turtle.forward(35) turtle.right(10) turtle.pensize(randrange(100)) turtle.pencolor(randrange(255), randrange(255), randrange(255)) turtle.done() # Math with dates in datetime - from datetime import datetime currentTime =
def screenLeftClick(x, y): global r, g, b turtle.pencolor((r, g, b)) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(x, y)
# CTI-110 # P4T1b: Initials # William Starling # 10/15/2019 # # Import Turtle. import turtle # Hide the turtle arrow. turtle.hideturtle() # Pick pen up. turtle.penup() # Go to X and Y coordinates of (-250,250). turtle.goto(-250, 250) # Put the Pen down to draw. turtle.pendown() # Set pen size as 5. turtle.pensize(5) # Set pen color as sky blue. turtle.pencolor('sky blue') # Turn right 70 degrees. turtle.right(70) # Go forward 150 pixels. turtle.forward(150)
import turtle length = eval(input("Enter the length of a star: ")) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0, length / 2) turtle.pendown() turtle.right(72) turtle.forward(length) turtle.right(144) turtle.forward(length) turtle.right(144) turtle.forward(length) turtle.right(144) turtle.forward(length) turtle.right(144) turtle.forward(length) turtle.done()
import turtle as t t.speed(10) t.penup() t.goto(-320, -260) t.pendown() t.color('red', 'red') t.begin_fill() #画国旗背景 for i in range(2): t.forward(660) t.left(90) t.forward(440) t.left(90) t.end_fill() def draw_star(center_x, center_y, r): t.setpos(center_x, center_y) pt1 = t.pos(), 72) pt2 = t.pos(), 72) pt3 = t.pos(), 72) pt4 = t.pos(), 72) pt5 = t.pos() #画五角星 t.color('yellow', 'yellow') t.begin_fill() t.goto(pt3)
def movepen(x, y, angle): t.penup() t.goto(x, y) t.setheading(angle) t.pendown()
import turtle as tl import random for i in range(60): tl.penup() tl.goto(random.randint(-300, 300), random.randint(-300, 300)) tl.pendown() red_amount = random.randint(0, 60) / 100.0 blue_amount = random.randint(50, 100) / 100.0 green_amount = random.randint(0, 70) / 100.0 tl.pencolor((red_amount, blue_amount, green_amount)) circle_size = random.randint(10, 40) tl.pensize(random.randint(1, 5)) tl.speed(10) for i in range(6): tl.left(45) tl.done()
import turtle # Everything that comes after the # is a # comment. # It is a note to the person reading the code. # The computer ignores it. # Write your code below here... # ...and end it before the next line. turtle.penup() #Brings the pen up, so #nothing will be drawn #Puts the pen down, so we #are ready to draw! turtle.goto(10, 20) #Go to the position “x"&"y", #but write in numbers #instead turtle.penup() #Pick up the pen so it doesn’t #draw turtle.goto(-200, -100) #Move the turtle to the #position (-200, -100) #on the screen turtle.pendown() #Put the pen down to start #drawing #Draw the M: turtle.goto(-200, -100 + 200) turtle.goto(-200 + 50, -100) turtle.goto(-200 + 100, -100 + 200) turtle.goto(-200 + 100, -100) import turtle as t # 定义一个曲线绘制函数 def DegreeCurve(n, r, d=1): for i in range(n): t.left(d), abs(d)) # 初始位置设定 s = 0.2 # size t.setup(450*5*s, 750*5*s) t.pencolor("black") t.fillcolor("red") t.speed(100) t.penup() t.goto(0, 900*s) t.pendown() # 绘制花朵形状 t.begin_fill()*s,30) DegreeCurve(60, 50*s)*s,30) DegreeCurve(4, 100*s)*s,50) DegreeCurve(50, 50*s)*s,65) DegreeCurve(40, 70*s)*s,50) DegreeCurve(20, 50*s, -1)*s,60) DegreeCurve(18, 50*s) t.fd(250*s)
screen.bgcolor("black") goto(0, screenMaxY - 200) color('grey') write("The Pita Hero!!", align="center", font=("Arial", 50)) goto(0, screenMaxY - 215) write("CoOl GaMe WiTh CoOl FeAtUrEs...YoU hAvE tO pLaY iT!", align="center") turtle.showturtle() goto(0, screenMaxY - 350) write("Play game", align="center", font=("Ariel", 20)) goto(0, screenMaxY - 400) write("Score table", align="center", font=("Ariel", 20)) goto(0, screenMaxY - 450) write("How to play", align="center", font=("Ariel", 20)) turtle.register_shape("Falafel.gif") turtle.shape("Falafel.gif") turtle.goto(-200, -200) turtle.stamp() turtle.register_shape("player.gif") turtle.shape("player.gif") turtle.goto(200, -200) turtle.stamp() xclick = 0 yclick = 0 def variables(rawx, rawy): global xclick global yclick xclick = int(rawx // 1) yclick = int(rawy // 1) print((xclick, yclick))
import turtle turtle.goto(50, 50) turtle.goto(50, 0) turtle.goto(0, 0) turle.mainloop()
import turtle turtle.setup(640, 480) turtle.bgcolor('gray') turtle.fillcolor('green') turtle.pencolor('red') turtle.pensize(3) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.end_fill() turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0, 100) turtle.pendown() turtle.pencolor('black') turtle.write('X= ' + str(turtle.xcor()) + '\nY= ' + str(turtle.ycor())) turtle.showturtle() #turtle.done()
import turtle # Everything that comes after the # is a #comment # It is a note to the person reading this code. # The computer ignores it. # Write your code below here... #...and end it before the next line. # draw m turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-200,-100) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(-200,100) turtle.goto(-150,-100) turtle.goto(-100,100) turtle.goto(-100,-100) turtle.penup() #draw e turtle.goto(-50,-100) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(-50,100) turtle.goto(50,100) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-50,0) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(50,0) turtle.penup()
import turtle import random bg = turtle.Screen() bg.bgcolor("black") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-170, -180) turtle.color("white") turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(350) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-160, -150) turtle.color("white") turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(300) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-150, -120) turtle.color("white") turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(250) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-100, -100) turtle.color("pink") turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(140) turtle.left(90)
turtle.goto(pt1) turtle.goto(pt4) turtle.goto(pt2) turtle.goto(pt5) turtle.fill(False) turtle.speed(5) turtle.penup() star_x=-320 star_y=-260 len_x=660 len_y=440 draw_rectangle(star_x,star_y,len_x,len_y) pice=660/30 big_center_x=star_x+5*pice big_center_y=star_y+len_y-pice*5 turtle.goto(big_center_x,big_center_y) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(pice*3) turtle.right(90) draw_star(turtle.xcor(),turtle.ycor(),pice*3) turtle.goto(star_x+10*pice,star_y+len_y-pice*2) turtle.left(turtle.towards(big_center_x,big_center_y)-turtle.heading()) turtle.forward(pice) turtle.right(90) draw_star(turtle.xcor(),turtle.ycor(),pice) turtle.goto(star_x+pice*12,star_y+len_y-7*pice) turtle.left(turtle.towards(big_center_x,big_center_y)-turtle.heading()) turtle.forward(pice) turtle.right(90) draw_star(turtle.xcor(),turtle.ycor(),pice) turtle.goto(star_x+pice*10,star_y+len_y-9*pice)
import turtle firstE = -50 secondE = 100 # Everything that comes after the # is a # comment. # It is a note to the person reading the code. # The computer ignores it. # Write your code below here... turtle.penup() #Pick up the pen so it doesn’t #draw turtle.goto(-200, -100) #Move the turtle to the #position (-200, -100) #on the screen turtle.pendown() #Put the pen down to start #drawing #Draw the M: turtle.goto(-200, -100 + 200) turtle.goto(-200 + 50, -100) turtle.goto(-200 + 100, -100 + 200) turtle.goto(-200 + 100, -100) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(firstE, -100) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(firstE, 100) turtle.goto(firstE + 75, 100)
"goto": { "left": -25, "right": 60 }, "heading": 180, "forward": 40, "left": 144 }, { "goto": { "left": -100, "right": 10 }, "heading": 300, "forward": 40, "left": 144 }] for i in range(len(arr)): data = arr[i] turtle.begin_fill() turtle.up() turtle.goto(data["goto"]["left"], data["goto"]["right"]) turtle.setheading(data["heading"]) turtle.down() for j in range(5): turtle.forward(data["forward"]) turtle.left(data["left"]) turtle.end_fill() turtle.hideturtle() turtle.done()
def MovePen(x, y): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x, y) turtle.pendown()
import turtle x=0 while x<300: y = x**2/300 turtle.goto(x, y) x=x+100 turtle.mainloop()