Beispiel #1
def getModTemp(modTempAll, obsTime, modLayer, modNearestIndex, s_rho,
               waterDepth, starttime, oceantime):
    Return model temp based on observation layers or depth
    print "This program has assign the temp of island and land to 10000"
    indx = closest_num((starttime - datetime(2006, 1, 1)).total_seconds(),
    modTemp = []
    l = len(modLayer.index)
    for i in modLayer.index:  # Loop the model location
        # For layers
        print i, l, 'getModTemp'
        timeIndex = closest_num((obsTime[i]-datetime(2006,01,01)).total_seconds(), oceantime)-ind
        modTempTime = modTempAll[timeIndex]
        modTempTime[modTempTime.mask] = 10000
        t = np.array([modTempTime[modLayer[i][j],modNearestIndex[i][0], modNearestIndex[i][1]] \
                          for j in range(len(modLayer[i]))])
        # For depth
        print i, l, 'getModTemp'
        timeIndex1 = closest_num(
            (obsTime[i] - datetime(2006, 01, 01)).total_seconds(), oceantime)
        timeIndex = timeIndex1 - indx
        temp = modTempAll[timeIndex]
        #print temp

        #temp[mask_rho] = 10000 # Assign the temp of island and land to 10000
        a, b = int(modNearestIndex[i][0]), int(
            modNearestIndex[i][1])  # index of nearest model node
        t = []
        for depth in obsDepth[i]:
            depth = -depth
            locDepth = waterDepth[
                b]  # Get the bottom depth of this location. waterDepth is 'h'
            lyrDepth = s_rho * locDepth  # Depth of each layer
            if depth > lyrDepth[
                    -1]:  # Obs is shallower than last layer which is the surface.
                Temp = (temp[-2,a,b]-temp[-1,a,b])/(lyrDepth[-2]-lyrDepth[-1]) * \
                    (depth-lyrDepth[-1]) + temp[-1,a,b]
            elif depth < lyrDepth[
                    0]:  # Obs is deeper than first layer which is the bottom.
                Temp = (temp[1,a,b]-temp[0,a,b])/(lyrDepth[1]-lyrDepth[0]) * \
                    (depth-lyrDepth[0]) + temp[0,a,b]
                ind = closest_num(depth, lyrDepth)
                Temp = (temp[ind,a,b]-temp[ind-1,a,b])/(lyrDepth[ind]-lyrDepth[ind-1]) * \
                    (depth-lyrDepth[ind-1]) + temp[ind-1,a,b]
    modTemp = np.array(modTemp)
    return modTemp
def getModTemp(modTempAll, ctdTime, ctdLayer, ctdNearestIndex, s_rho,
               waterDepth, starttime, oceantime):
    Return model temp based on observation layers(commented out) or depth
    indx = closest_num((starttime - datetime(2006, 1, 1)).total_seconds(),
    modTemp = []
    l = len(ctdLayer.index)
    for i in ctdLayer.index:
        # For layers
        print i, l, 'getModTemp'
        timeIndex = closest_num((ctdTime[i]-datetime(2006,01,01)).total_seconds(), oceantime)-ind
        modTempTime = modTempAll[timeIndex]
        modTempTime[modTempTime.mask] = 10000
        t = np.array([modTempTime[ctdLayer[i][j],ctdNearestIndex[i][0], ctdNearestIndex[i][1]] \
                          for j in range(len(ctdLayer[i]))])
        # For depth
        print(i, l, 'getModTemp')
        print('ctdTime[i]', ctdTime[i])
        timeIndex1 = closest_num(
            (ctdTime[i] - datetime(2006, 1, 1)).total_seconds(), oceantime)
        timeIndex = timeIndex1 - indx
        temp = modTempAll[timeIndex]
        temp[temp.mask] = 10000
        a, b = int(ctdNearestIndex[i][0]), int(
            ctdNearestIndex[i][1])  # index of nearest model node
        t = []
        for depth in ctdDepth[i]:
            depth = -depth
            locDepth = waterDepth[a,
                                  b]  # Get the bottom depth of this location.
            lyrDepth = s_rho * locDepth  # Depth of each layer
            print(lyrDepth[-1], depth)
            if depth > lyrDepth[
                    -1]:  # Obs is shallower than last layer which is the surface.
                d = (temp[-2,a,b]-temp[-1,a,b])/(lyrDepth[-2]-lyrDepth[-1]) * \
                    (depth-lyrDepth[-1]) + temp[-1,a,b]
            elif depth < lyrDepth[
                    0]:  # Obs is deeper than first layer which is the bottom.
                d = (temp[1,a,b]-temp[0,a,b])/(lyrDepth[1]-lyrDepth[0]) * \
                    (depth-lyrDepth[0]) + temp[0,a,b]
                ind = closest_num(depth, lyrDepth)
                d = (temp[ind,a,b]-temp[ind-1,a,b])/(lyrDepth[ind]-lyrDepth[ind-1]) * \
                    (depth-lyrDepth[ind-1]) + temp[ind-1,a,b]
    modTemp = np.array(modTemp)
    return modTemp
def get_url(starttime, endtime):
    url_oceantime = '[0:1:31931]'
    oceantime = netCDF4.Dataset(
        url_oceantime).variables['time'][:]  #if url2006, ocean_time.
    t1 = (starttime - datetime(2013, 5, 18)).total_seconds(
    ) / 3600  # for url2006 it's 2006,01,01; for url2013, it's 2013,05,18, and needed to be devide with 3600
    t2 = (endtime - datetime(2013, 5, 18)).total_seconds() / 3600
    index1 = closest_num(t1, oceantime)
    index2 = closest_num(t2, oceantime)
    url = '[0:1:81][0:1:129],s_rho[0:1:35],lon_rho[0:1:81][0:1:129],lat_rho[0:1:81][0:1:129],temp[{0}:1:{1}][0:1:35][0:1:81][0:1:129],time'
    url = url.format(index1, index2)
    return url
Beispiel #4
def getModTemp(modTempAll, obsTime, obsLayer, obsNearestIndex, starttime, oceantime):
    Return the mod temp corresponding to observation based on layers, not depth
    ind = closest_num((starttime -datetime(2013,5,18)).total_seconds()/3600, oceantime)
    modTemp = []
    l = len(obsLayer.index)
    for i in obsLayer.index:
        timeIndex = closest_num((obsTime[i]-datetime(2013,5,18)).total_seconds()/3600, oceantime)-ind
        modTempTime = modTempAll[timeIndex]
        # modTempTime[modTempTime.mask] = 10000
        t = [modTempTime[obsLayer[i][j],obsNearestIndex[i][0], obsNearestIndex[i][1]] \
             for j in range(len(obsLayer[i]))]
    modTemp = np.array(modTemp)
    return modTemp
def getModTemp(modTempAll, ctdTime, ctdLayer, ctdNearestIndex, s_rho, waterDepth, starttime, oceantime):
    Return model temp based on observation layers(commented out) or depth
    indx = closest_num((starttime -datetime(2006,01,01)).total_seconds(), oceantime)
    modTemp = []
    l = len(ctdLayer.index)
    for i in ctdLayer.index:
        # For layers
        print i, l, 'getModTemp'
        timeIndex = closest_num((ctdTime[i]-datetime(2006,01,01)).total_seconds(), oceantime)-ind
        modTempTime = modTempAll[timeIndex]
        modTempTime[modTempTime.mask] = 10000
        t = np.array([modTempTime[ctdLayer[i][j],ctdNearestIndex[i][0], ctdNearestIndex[i][1]] \
                          for j in range(len(ctdLayer[i]))])
        # For depth
        print i, l, 'getModTemp'
        print 'ctdTime[i]', ctdTime[i]
        timeIndex1 = closest_num((ctdTime[i]-datetime(2006,01,01)).total_seconds(), oceantime)
        timeIndex = timeIndex1 - indx
        temp = modTempAll[timeIndex]
        temp[temp.mask] = 10000
        a, b = int(ctdNearestIndex[i][0]), int(ctdNearestIndex[i][1]) # index of nearest model node
        t = []
        for depth in ctdDepth[i]:
            depth = -depth
            locDepth = waterDepth[a, b]# Get the bottom depth of this location.
            lyrDepth = s_rho * locDepth# Depth of each layer
            print lyrDepth[-1], depth
            if depth > lyrDepth[-1]: # Obs is shallower than last layer which is the surface.
                d = (temp[-2,a,b]-temp[-1,a,b])/(lyrDepth[-2]-lyrDepth[-1]) * \
                    (depth-lyrDepth[-1]) + temp[-1,a,b]
            elif depth < lyrDepth[0]: # Obs is deeper than first layer which is the bottom.
                d = (temp[1,a,b]-temp[0,a,b])/(lyrDepth[1]-lyrDepth[0]) * \
                    (depth-lyrDepth[0]) + temp[0,a,b]
                ind = closest_num(depth, lyrDepth)
                d = (temp[ind,a,b]-temp[ind-1,a,b])/(lyrDepth[ind]-lyrDepth[ind-1]) * \
                    (depth-lyrDepth[ind-1]) + temp[ind-1,a,b]
    modTemp = np.array(modTemp)
    return modTemp
def getModTemp(modTempAll, obsTime, modLayer, modNearestIndex, s_rho, waterDepth, starttime, oceantime):
    Return model temp based on observation layers or depth
    indx = closest_num((starttime -datetime(2006,1,1)).total_seconds(), oceantime)
    modTemp = []
    l = len(modLayer.index)
    for i in modLayer.index:    # Loop the model location
        # For layers
        print i, l, 'getModTemp'
        timeIndex = closest_num((obsTime[i]-datetime(2006,01,01)).total_seconds(), oceantime)-ind
        modTempTime = modTempAll[timeIndex]
        modTempTime[modTempTime.mask] = 10000
        t = np.array([modTempTime[modLayer[i][j],modNearestIndex[i][0], modNearestIndex[i][1]] \
                          for j in range(len(modLayer[i]))])
        # For depth
        timeIndex1 = closest_num((obsTime[i]-datetime(2006,01,01)).total_seconds(), oceantime)
        timeIndex = timeIndex1 - indx
        temp = modTempAll[timeIndex]
        temp[temp.mask] = 10000 # Assign the temp of island and land to 10000
        a, b = int(modNearestIndex[i][0]), int(modNearestIndex[i][1]) # index of nearest model node
        t = []
        for depth in obsDepth[i]:
            depth = -depth
            locDepth = waterDepth[a, b]# Get the bottom depth of this location. waterDepth is 'h'
            lyrDepth = s_rho * locDepth# Depth of each layer
            if depth > lyrDepth[-1]: # Obs is shallower than last layer which is the surface.
                Temp = (temp[-2,a,b]-temp[-1,a,b])/(lyrDepth[-2]-lyrDepth[-1]) * \
                    (depth-lyrDepth[-1]) + temp[-1,a,b]
            elif depth < lyrDepth[0]: # Obs is deeper than first layer which is the bottom.
                Temp = (temp[1,a,b]-temp[0,a,b])/(lyrDepth[1]-lyrDepth[0]) * \
                    (depth-lyrDepth[0]) + temp[0,a,b]
                ind = closest_num(depth, lyrDepth)
                Temp = (temp[ind,a,b]-temp[ind-1,a,b])/(lyrDepth[ind]-lyrDepth[ind-1]) * \
                    (depth-lyrDepth[ind-1]) + temp[ind-1,a,b]
    modTemp = np.array(modTemp)
    return modTemp
Beispiel #7
def getModTemp(modTempAll, obsTime, obsLayer, obsNearestIndex, starttime,
    Return the mod temp corresponding to observation based on layers, not depth
    ind = closest_num(
        (starttime - datetime(2013, 5, 18)).total_seconds() / 3600, oceantime)
    modTemp = []
    l = len(obsLayer.index)
    for i in obsLayer.index:
        timeIndex = closest_num(
            (obsTime[i] - datetime(2013, 5, 18)).total_seconds() / 3600,
            oceantime) - ind
        modTempTime = modTempAll[timeIndex]
        # modTempTime[modTempTime.mask] = 10000
        t = [modTempTime[obsLayer[i][j],obsNearestIndex[i][0], obsNearestIndex[i][1]] \
             for j in range(len(obsLayer[i]))]
    modTemp = np.array(modTemp)
    return modTemp