Beispiel #1
class StimuliSurface(SpatioTemporalPattern):
    A spatio-temporal pattern defined in a Surface DataType.
    It includes the list of focal points.

    surface = surfaces.CorticalSurface(label="Surface", order=1)

    focal_points_surface = basic.List(label="Focal points",

    focal_points_triangles = basic.List(label="Focal points triangles",

    def configure_space(self, region_mapping=None):
        Do necessary preparations in order to use this stimulus.
        NOTE: this was previously done in simulator configure_stimuli() method.
        It no needs to be used in stimulus viewer also.
        dis_shp = (self.surface.number_of_vertices,
        # TODO: When this was in Simulator it was number of nodes, using surface vertices
        # breaks surface simulations which include non-cortical regions.

        distance = numpy.zeros(dis_shp)
        k = -1
        for focal_point in self.focal_points_surface:
            k += 1
            foci = numpy.array([focal_point], dtype=numpy.int32)
            distance[:, k] = self.surface.geodesic_distance(foci)
        super(StimuliSurface, self).configure_space(distance)
class StimuliSurfaceData(SpatioTemporalPatternData):
    A spatio-temporal pattern defined in a Surface DataType.
    It includes the list of focal points.

    surface = surfaces.CorticalSurface(label="Surface", order=1)

    focal_points_surface = basic.List(label="Focal points",

    focal_points_triangles = basic.List(label="Focal points triangles",
Beispiel #3
class CrossCorrelation(MappedType):
    Result of a CrossCorrelation Analysis.
    array_data = arrays.FloatArray(file_storage=core.FILE_STORAGE_EXPAND)

    source = time_series.TimeSeries(
        label="Source time-series",
        """Links to the time-series on which the cross_correlation is applied."""

    time = arrays.FloatArray(label="Temporal Offsets")

    labels_ordering = basic.List(
        label="Dimension Names",
        default=["Offsets", "Node", "Node", "State Variable", "Mode"],
        doc="""List of strings representing names of each data dimension""")

    def configure(self):
        """After populating few fields, compute the rest of the fields"""
        # Do not call super, because that accesses data not-chunked
        self.nr_dimensions = len(self.read_data_shape())
        for i in range(self.nr_dimensions):
            setattr(self, 'length_%dd' % (i + 1),

    def read_data_shape(self):
        Expose shape read on field 'data'
        return self.get_data_shape('array_data')

    def read_data_slice(self, data_slice):
        Expose chunked-data access.
        return self.get_data('array_data', data_slice)

    def write_data_slice(self, partial_result):
        Append chunk.

    def _find_summary_info(self):
        Gather scientifically interesting summary information from an instance of this datatype.
        summary = {
            "Temporal correlation type": self.__class__.__name__,
            "Source": self.source.title,
            "Dimensions": self.labels_ordering

        return summary
Beispiel #4
class CorrelationCoefficients(arrays.MappedArray):
    """Correlation coefficients datatype."""

    array_data = arrays.FloatArray(file_storage=core.FILE_STORAGE_DEFAULT)

    source = time_series.TimeSeries(
        label="Source time-series",
        doc="Links to the time-series on which Correlation (coefficients) is applied.")

    labels_ordering = basic.List(
        label="Dimension Names",
        default=["Node", "Node", "State Variable", "Mode"],
        doc="""List of strings representing names of each data dimension""")

    __generate_table__ = True

    def configure(self):
        """After populating few fields, compute the rest of the fields"""
        # Do not call super, because that accesses data not-chunked
        self.nr_dimensions = len(self.read_data_shape())
        for i in range(self.nr_dimensions):
            setattr(self, 'length_%dd' % (i + 1), int(self.read_data_shape()[i]))

    def _find_summary_info(self):
        summary = {"Graph type": self.__class__.__name__,
                   "Source": self.source.title,
                   "Dimensions": self.labels_ordering}
        return summary
Beispiel #5
class TimeSeriesSurface(TimeSeries):
    """ A time-series associated with a Surface. """
    _ui_name = "Surface time-series"
    surface = surfaces.CorticalSurface
    labels_ordering = basic.List(default=["Time", "State Variable", "Vertex", "Mode"])

    def get_space_labels(self):
        Return only the first `SELECTION_LIMIT` vertices/channels
        return ['signal-%d' % i for i in range(min(self._length_3d, self.SELECTION_LIMIT))]

    def _find_summary_info(self):
        Gather scientifically interesting summary information from an instance of this datatype.
        summary = super(TimeSeriesSurface, self)._find_summary_info()
        summary.update({"Source Surface": self.surface.display_name})
        return summary

    def read_data_page_split(self, from_idx, to_idx, step=None, specific_slices=None):

        basic_result = self.read_data_page(from_idx, to_idx, step, specific_slices)
        result = []
        if self.surface.number_of_split_slices <= 1:
            for slice_number in range(self.surface.number_of_split_slices):
                start_idx, end_idx = self.surface._get_slice_vertex_boundaries(slice_number)

        return result
Beispiel #6
class TimeSeriesMEG(SensorsTSBase):
    """ A time series associated with a set of MEG sensors. """
    _ui_name = "MEG time-series"
    __generate_table__ = True

    sensors = sensors.SensorsMEG
    labels_ordering = basic.List(default=["Time", "1", "MEG Sensor", "1"])
Beispiel #7
class TimeSeriesSEEG(SensorsTSBase):
    """ A time series associated with a set of Internal sensors. """
    _ui_name = "Stereo-EEG time-series"
    __generate_table__ = True

    sensors = sensors.SensorsInternal
    labels_ordering = basic.List(default=["Time", "1", "sEEG Sensor", "1"])
Beispiel #8
class TimeSeriesRegionData(TimeSeriesData):
    """ A time-series associated with the regions of a connectivity. """
    _ui_name = "Region time-series"
    connectivity = connectivity_module.Connectivity
    region_mapping = region_mapping_module.RegionMapping(required=False)
    region_mapping_volume = region_mapping_module.RegionVolumeMapping(
    labels_ordering = basic.List(
        default=["Time", "State Variable", "Region", "Mode"])
Beispiel #9
class Fcd(arrays.MappedArray):

    array_data = arrays.FloatArray(file_storage=core.FILE_STORAGE_DEFAULT)

    source = time_series.TimeSeries(
        label="Source time-series",
        doc="Links to the time-series on which FCD is calculated.")

    sw = basic.Float(
        label="Sliding window length (ms)",
        doc="""Length of the time window used to divided the time series.
                FCD matrix is calculated in the following way: the time series is divided in time window of fixed length and with an overlapping of fixed length.
                The datapoints within each window, centered at time ti, are used to calculate FC(ti) as Pearson correlation.
                The ij element of the FCD matrix is calculated as the Pearson correlation between FC(ti) and FC(tj) arranged in a vector."""

    sp = basic.Float(
        label="Spanning between two consecutive sliding window (ms)",
        """Spanning= (time windows length)-(overlapping between two consecutive time window).
                FCD matrix is calculated in the following way: the time series is divided in time window of fixed length and with an overlapping of fixed length.
                The datapoints within each window, centered at time ti, are used to calculate FC(ti) as Pearson correlation.
                The ij element of the FCD matrix is calculated as the Pearson correlation between FC(ti) and FC(tj) arranged in a vector"""

    labels_ordering = basic.List(
        label="Dimension Names",
        default=["Time", "Time", "State Variable", "Mode"],
        doc="""List of strings representing names of each data dimension""")

    __generate_table__ = True

    def configure(self):
        """After populating few fields, compute the rest of the fields"""
        # Do not call super, because that accesses data not-chunked
        self.nr_dimensions = len(self.read_data_shape())
        for i in range(self.nr_dimensions):
            setattr(self, 'length_%dd' % (i + 1),

    def _find_summary_info(self):
        Gather scientifically interesting summary information from an instance of this datatype.
        summary = {
            "FCD type": self.__class__.__name__,
            "Source": self.source.title,
            "Dimensions": self.labels_ordering

        return summary
Beispiel #10
class TimeSeriesData(MappedType):
    Base time-series dataType.

    title = basic.String

    data = arrays.FloatArray(
        label="Time-series data",
        """An array of time-series data, with a shape of [tpts, :], where ':' represents 1 or more dimensions"""

    nr_dimensions = basic.Integer(label="Number of dimension in timeseries",

    length_1d, length_2d, length_3d, length_4d = [basic.Integer] * 4

    labels_ordering = basic.List(
        default=["Time", "State Variable", "Space", "Mode"],
        label="Dimension Names",
        doc="""List of strings representing names of each data dimension""")

    labels_dimensions = basic.Dict(
        "Specific labels for each dimension for the data stored in this timeseries.",
        """ A dictionary containing mappings of the form {'dimension_name' : [labels for this dimension] }"""
    ## TODO (for Stuart) : remove TimeLine and make sure the correct Period/start time is returned by different monitors in the simulator

    time = arrays.FloatArray(
        label="Time-series time",
        """An array of time values for the time-series, with a shape of [tpts,].
        This is 'time' as returned by the simulator's monitors.""")

    start_time = basic.Float(label="Start Time:")

    sample_period = basic.Float(label="Sample period", default=1.0)

    # Specify the measure unit for sample period (e.g sec, msec, usec, ...)
    sample_period_unit = basic.String(label="Sample Period Measure Unit",

    sample_rate = basic.Float(label="Sample rate",
                              doc="""The sample rate of the timeseries""")

    has_surface_mapping = basic.Bool(default=True)
    has_volume_mapping = basic.Bool(default=False)
class StimuliRegionData(SpatioTemporalPatternData):
    A class that bundles the temporal profile of the stimulus, together with the 
    list of scaling weights of the regions where it will applied.

    connectivity = connectivity_module.Connectivity(label="Connectivity",

    spatial = equations.DiscreteEquation(label="Spatial Equation",

    weight = basic.List(label="scaling", locked=True, order=4)
class CorrelationCoefficientsData(arrays.MappedArray):

    array_data = arrays.FloatArray(file_storage=core.FILE_STORAGE_DEFAULT)

    source = time_series.TimeSeries(
        label="Source time-series",
        "Links to the time-series on which Correlation (coefficients) is applied."

    labels_ordering = basic.List(
        label="Dimension Names",
        default=["Node", "Node", "State Variable", "Mode"],
        doc="""List of strings representing names of each data dimension""")

    __generate_table__ = True
Beispiel #13
class StimuliRegion(SpatioTemporalPattern):
    A class that bundles the temporal profile of the stimulus, together with the
    list of scaling weights of the regions where it will applied.

    connectivity = connectivity.Connectivity(label="Connectivity", order=1)

    spatial = equations.DiscreteEquation(label="Spatial Equation",

    weight = basic.List(label="scaling", locked=True, order=4)

    def get_default_weights(number_of_regions):
        Returns a list with a number of elements
        equal to the given number of regions.
        return [0.0] * number_of_regions

    def weight_array(self):
        Wrap weight List into a Numpy array, as it is requested by the simulator.
        return numpy.array(self.weight)[:, numpy.newaxis]

    def configure_space(self, region_mapping=None):
        Do necessary preparations in order to use this stimulus.
        NOTE: this was previously done in simulator configure_stimuli() method.
        It no needs to be used in stimulus viewer also.
        if region_mapping is not None:
            #TODO: smooth at surface region boundaries
            distance = self.weight_array[region_mapping, :]
            distance = self.weight_array
        super(StimuliRegion, self).configure_space(distance)
class TimeSeriesSurface(TimeSeries):
    """ A time-series associated with a Surface. """
    _ui_name = "Surface time-series"
    surface = surfaces.CorticalSurface
    labels_ordering = basic.List(default=["Time", "State Variable", "Vertex", "Mode"])

    def get_space_labels(self):
        Return only the first `SELECTION_LIMIT` vertices/channels
        return ['signal-%d' % i for i in xrange(min(self._length_3d, self.SELECTION_LIMIT))]

    def _find_summary_info(self):
        Gather scientifically interesting summary information from an instance of this datatype.
        summary = super(TimeSeriesSurface, self)._find_summary_info()
        summary.update({"Source Surface": self.surface.display_name})
        return summary
Beispiel #15
class CrossCorrelationData(MappedType):
    Result of a CrossCorrelation Analysis.
    #Overwrite attribute from superclass
    array_data = arrays.FloatArray(file_storage=core.FILE_STORAGE_EXPAND)

    source = time_series.TimeSeries(
        label="Source time-series",
        doc="""Links to the time-series on which the cross_correlation is

    time = arrays.FloatArray(label="Temporal Offsets")

    labels_ordering = basic.List(
        label="Dimension Names",
        default=["Offsets", "Node", "Node", "State Variable", "Mode"],
        doc="""List of strings representing names of each data dimension""")

    __generate_table__ = True
Beispiel #16
class TimeSeriesVolumeData(TimeSeriesData):
    """ A time-series associated with a Volume. """
    _ui_name = "Volume time-series"
    volume = volumes.Volume
    labels_ordering = basic.List(default=["Time", "X", "Y", "Z"])
Beispiel #17
class TimeSeriesSurfaceData(TimeSeriesData):
    """ A time-series associated with a Surface. """
    _ui_name = "Surface time-series"
    surface = surfaces.CorticalSurface
    labels_ordering = basic.List(
        default=["Time", "State Variable", "Vertex", "Mode"])
Beispiel #18
class TimeSeriesSEEGData(TimeSeriesData):
    """ A time series associated with a set of Internal sensors. """
    _ui_name = "Stereo-EEG time-series"
    sensors = sensors_module.SensorsInternal
    labels_ordering = basic.List(default=["Time", "1", "sEEG Sensor", "1"])
Beispiel #19
class TimeSeriesMEGData(TimeSeriesData):
    """ A time series associated with a set of MEG sensors. """
    _ui_name = "MEG time-series"
    sensors = sensors_module.SensorsMEG
    labels_ordering = basic.List(default=["Time", "1", "MEG Sensor", "1"])
Beispiel #20
class TimeSeries(types_mapped.MappedType):
    Base time-series dataType.

    title = basic.String

    data = arrays.FloatArray(
        label="Time-series data",
        doc="""An array of time-series data, with a shape of [tpts, :], where ':' represents 1 or more dimensions""")

    nr_dimensions = basic.Integer(
        label="Number of dimension in timeseries",

    length_1d, length_2d, length_3d, length_4d = [basic.Integer] * 4

    labels_ordering = basic.List(
        default=["Time", "State Variable", "Space", "Mode"],
        label="Dimension Names",
        doc="""List of strings representing names of each data dimension""")

    labels_dimensions = basic.Dict(
        label="Specific labels for each dimension for the data stored in this timeseries.",
        doc=""" A dictionary containing mappings of the form {'dimension_name' : [labels for this dimension] }""")

    time = arrays.FloatArray(
        label="Time-series time",
        doc="""An array of time values for the time-series, with a shape of [tpts,].
        This is 'time' as returned by the simulator's monitors.""")

    start_time = basic.Float(label="Start Time:")

    sample_period = basic.Float(label="Sample period", default=1.0)

    # Specify the measure unit for sample period (e.g sec, msec, usec, ...)
    sample_period_unit = basic.String(
        label="Sample Period Measure Unit",

    sample_rate = basic.Float(
        label="Sample rate",
        doc="""The sample rate of the timeseries""")

    has_surface_mapping = basic.Bool(default=True)
    has_volume_mapping = basic.Bool(default=False)

    def configure(self):
        After populating few fields, compute the rest of the fields
        super(TimeSeries, self).configure()
        data_shape = self.read_data_shape()
        self.nr_dimensions = len(data_shape)
        self.sample_rate = 1.0 / self.sample_period

        for i in range(min(self.nr_dimensions, 4)):
            setattr(self, 'length_%dd' % (i + 1), int(data_shape[i]))

    def read_data_shape(self):
        Expose shape read on field data.
            return self.get_data_shape('data')
        except exceptions.TVBException:
            self.logger.exception("Could not read data shape for TS!")
            raise exceptions.TVBException("Invalid empty TimeSeries!")

    def read_data_slice(self, data_slice):
        Expose chunked-data access.
        return self.get_data('data', data_slice)

    def read_time_page(self, current_page, page_size, max_size=None):
        Compute time for current page.
        :param current_page: Starting from 0
        current_page = int(current_page)
        page_size = int(page_size)

        if max_size is None:
            max_size = page_size
            max_size = int(max_size)

        page_real_size = page_size * self.sample_period
        start_time = self.start_time + current_page * page_real_size
        end_time = start_time + min(page_real_size, max_size * self.sample_period)

        return numpy.arange(start_time, end_time, self.sample_period)

    def read_channels_page(self, from_idx, to_idx, step=None, specific_slices=None, channels_list=None):
        Read and return only the data page for the specified channels list.

        :param from_idx: the starting time idx from which to read data
        :param to_idx: the end time idx up until to which you read data
        :param step: increments in which to read the data. Optional, default to 1.
        :param specific_slices: optional parameter. If speficied slices the data accordingly.
        :param channels_list: the list of channels for which we want data
        if channels_list:
            channels_list = json.loads(channels_list)
            for i in range(len(channels_list)):
                channels_list[i] = int(channels_list[i])

        if channels_list:
            channel_slice = tuple(channels_list)
            channel_slice = slice(None)

        data_page = self.read_data_page(from_idx, to_idx, step, specific_slices)
        # This is just a 1D array like in the case of Global Average monitor.
        # No need for the channels list
        if len(data_page.shape) == 1:
            return data_page.reshape(data_page.shape[0], 1)
            return data_page[:, channel_slice]

    def read_data_page(self, from_idx, to_idx, step=None, specific_slices=None):
        Retrieve one page of data (paging done based on time).
        from_idx, to_idx = int(from_idx), int(to_idx)

        if isinstance(specific_slices, basestring):
            specific_slices = json.loads(specific_slices)
        if step is None:
            step = 1
            step = int(step)

        slices = []
        overall_shape = self.read_data_shape()
        for i in range(len(overall_shape)):
            if i == 0:
                # Time slice
                    slice(from_idx, min(to_idx, overall_shape[0]), step))
            if i == 2:
                # Read full of the main_dimension (space for the simulator)
            if specific_slices is None:
                slices.append(slice(0, 1))
                slices.append(slice(specific_slices[i], min(specific_slices[i] + 1, overall_shape[i]), 1))

        data = self.read_data_slice(tuple(slices))
        if len(data) == 1:
            # Do not allow time dimension to get squeezed, a 2D result need to
            # come out of this method.
            data = data.squeeze()
            data = data.reshape((1, len(data)))
            data = data.squeeze()

        return data

    def read_data_page_split(self, from_idx, to_idx, step=None, specific_slices=None):
        No Split needed in case of basic TS (sensors and region level)
        return self.read_data_page(from_idx, to_idx, step, specific_slices)

    def write_time_slice(self, partial_result):
        Append a new value to the ``time`` attribute.
        self.store_data_chunk("time", partial_result, grow_dimension=0, close_file=False)

    def write_data_slice(self, partial_result, grow_dimension=0):
        Append a chunk of time-series data to the ``data`` attribute.
        self.store_data_chunk("data", partial_result, grow_dimension=grow_dimension, close_file=False)

    def get_min_max_values(self):
        Retrieve the minimum and maximum values from the metadata.
        :returns: (minimum_value, maximum_value)
        metadata = self.get_metadata('data')
        return metadata[self.METADATA_ARRAY_MIN], metadata[self.METADATA_ARRAY_MAX]

    def get_space_labels(self):
        It assumes that we want to select in the 3'rd dimension,
        and generates labels for each point in that dimension.
        Subclasses are more specific.
        :return: An array of strings.
        if self.nr_dimensions > 2:
            return ['signal-%d' % i for i in range(self._length_3d)]
            return []

    def get_grouped_space_labels(self):
        :return: A list of label groups. A label group is a tuple (name, [(label_idx, label)...]).
                 Default all labels in a group named ''
        return [('', list(enumerate(self.get_space_labels())))]

    def get_default_selection(self):
        :return: The measure point indices that have to be shown by default. By default show all.
        return range(len(self.get_space_labels()))

    def get_measure_points_selection_gid(self):
        :return: a datatype gid with which to obtain al valid measure point selection for this time series
                 We have to decide if the default should be all selections or none
        return ''

    def accepted_filters():
        filters = types_mapped.MappedType.accepted_filters()
        filters.update({'datatype_class._nr_dimensions': {'type': 'int', 'display': 'No of Dimensions',
                                                          'operations': ['==', '<', '>']},
                        'datatype_class._sample_period': {'type': 'float', 'display': 'Sample Period',
                                                          'operations': ['==', '<', '>']},
                        'datatype_class._sample_rate': {'type': 'float', 'display': 'Sample Rate',
                                                        'operations': ['==', '<', '>']},
                        'datatype_class._title': {'type': 'string', 'display': 'Title',
                                                  'operations': ['==', '!=', 'like']}})
        return filters

    def _find_summary_info(self):
        Gather scientifically interesting summary information from an instance of this datatype.
        summary = {"Time-series type": self.__class__.__name__,
                   "Time-series name": self.title,
                   "Dimensions": self.labels_ordering,
                   "Time units": self.sample_period_unit,
                   "Sample period": self.sample_period,
                   "Length": self.sample_period * self.get_data_shape('data')[0]}
        return summary
Beispiel #21
class TimeSeriesVolume(TimeSeries):
    """ A time-series associated with a Volume. """
    _ui_name = "Volume time-series"
    volume = volumes.Volume
    labels_ordering = basic.List(default=["Time", "X", "Y", "Z"])

    def _find_summary_info(self):
        Gather scientifically interesting summary information from an instance of this datatype.
        summary = super(TimeSeriesVolume, self)._find_summary_info()
        summary.update({"Source Volume": self.volume.display_name})
        return summary

    def configure(self):
        After populating few fields, compute the rest of the fields
        super(TimeSeriesVolume, self).configure()
        self.has_volume_mapping = True

    def get_volume_view(self, from_idx, to_idx, x_plane, y_plane, z_plane, **kwargs):
        Retrieve 3 slices through the Volume TS, at the given X, y and Z coordinates, and in time [from_idx .. to_idx].

        :param from_idx: int This will be the limit on the first dimension (time)
        :param to_idx: int Also limit on the first Dimension (time)
        :param x_plane: int coordinate
        :param y_plane: int coordinate
        :param z_plane: int coordinate

        :return: An array of 3 Matrices 2D, each containing the values to display in planes xy, yz and xy.

        overall_shape = self.read_data_shape()
        from_idx, to_idx, time = preprocess_time_parameters(from_idx, to_idx, overall_shape[0])
        x_plane, y_plane, z_plane = preprocess_space_parameters(x_plane, y_plane, z_plane,
                                                                overall_shape[1], overall_shape[2], overall_shape[3])

        slices = slice(from_idx, to_idx), slice(overall_shape[1]), slice(overall_shape[2]), slice(z_plane, z_plane + 1)
        slicex = self.read_data_slice(slices)[:, :, :, 0].tolist()

        slices = slice(from_idx, to_idx), slice(x_plane, x_plane + 1), slice(overall_shape[2]), slice(overall_shape[3])
        slicey = self.read_data_slice(slices)[:, 0, :, :][..., ::-1].tolist()

        slices = slice(from_idx, to_idx), slice(overall_shape[1]), slice(y_plane, y_plane + 1), slice(overall_shape[3])
        slicez = self.read_data_slice(slices)[:, :, 0, :][..., ::-1].tolist()

        return [slicex, slicey, slicez]

    def get_voxel_time_series(self, x, y, z, **kwargs):
        Retrieve for a given voxel (x,y,z) the entire timeline.

        :param x: int coordinate
        :param y: int coordinate
        :param z: int coordinate

        :return: A complex dictionary with information about current voxel.
                The main part will be a vector with all the values over time from the x,y,z coordinates.

        overall_shape = self.read_data_shape()
        x, y, z = preprocess_space_parameters(x, y, z, overall_shape[1], overall_shape[2], overall_shape[3])

        slices = prepare_time_slice(overall_shape[0]), slice(x, x + 1), slice(y, y + 1), slice(z, z + 1)

        result = postprocess_voxel_ts(self, slices)
        return result
Beispiel #22
class TimeSeriesRegion(TimeSeries):
    """ A time-series associated with the regions of a connectivity. """
    _ui_name = "Region time-series"
    connectivity = connectivity.Connectivity
    region_mapping_volume = region_mapping.RegionVolumeMapping(required=False)
    region_mapping = region_mapping.RegionMapping(required=False)
    labels_ordering = basic.List(default=["Time", "State Variable", "Region", "Mode"])

    def configure(self):
        After populating few fields, compute the rest of the fields
        super(TimeSeriesRegion, self).configure()
        self.has_surface_mapping = self.region_mapping is not None or self._region_mapping is not None
        self.has_volume_mapping = self.region_mapping_volume is not None or self._region_mapping_volume is not None

    def _find_summary_info(self):
        Gather scientifically interesting summary information from an instance of this datatype.
        summary = super(TimeSeriesRegion, self)._find_summary_info()
        summary.update({"Source Connectivity": self.connectivity.display_name,
                        "Region Mapping": self.region_mapping.display_name if self.region_mapping else "None",
                        "Region Mapping Volume": (self.region_mapping_volume.display_name
                                                  if self.region_mapping_volume else "None")})
        return summary

    def get_space_labels(self):
        :return: An array of strings with the connectivity node labels.
        if self.connectivity is not None:
            return list(self.connectivity.region_labels)
        return []

    def get_grouped_space_labels(self):
        :return: A structure of this form [('left', [(idx, lh_label)...]), ('right': [(idx, rh_label) ...])]
        if self.connectivity is not None:
            return self.connectivity.get_grouped_space_labels()
            return super(TimeSeriesRegion, self).get_grouped_space_labels()

    def get_default_selection(self):
        :return: If the connectivity of this time series is edited from another
                 return the nodes of the parent that are present in the connectivity.
        if self.connectivity is not None:
            return self.connectivity.get_default_selection()
            return super(TimeSeriesRegion, self).get_default_selection()

    def get_measure_points_selection_gid(self):
        :return: the associated connectivity gid
        if self.connectivity is not None:
            return self.connectivity.get_measure_points_selection_gid()
            return super(TimeSeriesRegion, self).get_measure_points_selection_gid()

    def get_volume_view(self, from_idx, to_idx, x_plane, y_plane, z_plane, var=0, mode=0):
        Retrieve 3 slices through the Volume TS, at the given X, y and Z coordinates, and in time [from_idx .. to_idx].

        :param from_idx: int This will be the limit on the first dimension (time)
        :param to_idx: int Also limit on the first Dimension (time)
        :param x_plane: int coordinate
        :param y_plane: int coordinate
        :param z_plane: int coordinate

        :return: An array of 3 Matrices 2D, each containing the values to display in planes xy, yz and xy.

        if self.region_mapping_volume is None:
            raise exceptions.TVBException("Invalid method called for TS without Volume Mapping!")

        volume_rm = self.region_mapping_volume

        # Work with space inside Volume:
        x_plane, y_plane, z_plane = preprocess_space_parameters(x_plane, y_plane, z_plane, volume_rm.length_1d,
                                                                volume_rm.length_2d, volume_rm.length_3d)
        var, mode = int(var), int(mode)
        slice_x, slice_y, slice_z = self.region_mapping_volume.get_volume_slice(x_plane, y_plane, z_plane)

        # Read from the current TS:
        from_idx, to_idx, current_time_length = preprocess_time_parameters(from_idx, to_idx, self.read_data_shape()[0])
        no_of_regions = self.read_data_shape()[2]
        time_slices = slice(from_idx, to_idx), slice(var, var + 1), slice(no_of_regions), slice(mode, mode + 1)

        min_signal = self.get_min_max_values()[0]
        regions_ts = self.read_data_slice(time_slices)[:, 0, :, 0]
        regions_ts = numpy.hstack((regions_ts, numpy.ones((current_time_length, 1)) * self.out_of_range(min_signal)))

        # Index from TS with the space mapping:
        result_x, result_y, result_z = [], [], []

        for i in range(0, current_time_length):

        return [result_x, result_y, result_z]

    def get_voxel_time_series(self, x, y, z, var=0, mode=0):
        Retrieve for a given voxel (x,y,z) the entire timeline.

        :param x: int coordinate
        :param y: int coordinate
        :param z: int coordinate

        :return: A complex dictionary with information about current voxel.
                The main part will be a vector with all the values over time from the x,y,z coordinates.

        if self.region_mapping_volume is None:
            raise exceptions.TVBException("Invalid method called for TS without Volume Mapping!")

        volume_rm = self.region_mapping_volume
        x, y, z = preprocess_space_parameters(x, y, z, volume_rm.length_1d, volume_rm.length_2d, volume_rm.length_3d)
        idx_slices = slice(x, x + 1), slice(y, y + 1), slice(z, z + 1)

        idx = int(volume_rm.get_data('array_data', idx_slices))

        time_length = self.read_data_shape()[0]
        var, mode = int(var), int(mode)
        voxel_slices = prepare_time_slice(time_length), slice(var, var + 1), slice(idx, idx + 1), slice(mode, mode + 1)
        label = volume_rm.connectivity.region_labels[idx]

        background, back_min, back_max = None, None, None
        if idx < 0:
            back_min, back_max = self.get_min_max_values()
            background = numpy.ones((time_length, 1)) * self.out_of_range(back_min)
            label = 'background'

        result = postprocess_voxel_ts(self, voxel_slices, background, back_min, back_max, label)
        return result

    def out_of_range(min_value):
        return round(min_value) - 1
class TimeSeriesRegionData(TimeSeriesData):
    """ A time-series associated with the regions of a connectivity. """
    _ui_name = "Region time-series"
    connectivity = connectivity_module.Connectivity
    labels_ordering = basic.List(
        default=["Time", "State Variable", "Region", "Mode"])