def _verify(indices_shape, depth, on_value, off_value, axis, dtype):
     indices = relay.var("indices",
                         relay.TensorType(indices_shape, "int32"))
     depth_var = relay.var("depth", relay.TensorType((), "int32"))
     on_value_const = relay.const(on_value)
     off_value_const = relay.const(off_value)
     out = relay.one_hot(indices, on_value_const, off_value_const,
                         depth_var, axis, dtype)
     func = relay.Function([indices, depth_var], out)
     indices_np = np.random.randint(0, depth,
     out_np = tvm.topi.testing.one_hot(indices_np, on_value, off_value,
                                       depth, axis, dtype)
     for target, ctx in tvm.testing.enabled_targets():
         if (target != 'cuda'
             ):  #skip cuda because we don't have dynamic support for GPU
             for kind in ["vm", "debug"]:
                 mod =
                 intrp = relay.create_executor(kind,
                 out_relay = intrp.evaluate()(
                     indices_np, np.array(depth).astype("int32"))
                 tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out_relay.asnumpy(), out_np)
    def _verify(indices_shape, depth, on_value, off_value, axis, dtype):
        indices = relay.var("indices",
                            relay.TensorType(indices_shape, "int32"))
        depth_var = relay.const(depth)
        on_value_var = relay.var("on_value", relay.TensorType((), "int32"))
        off_value_var = relay.var("off_value", relay.TensorType((), "int32"))
        out = relay.one_hot(indices, on_value_var, off_value_var, depth_var,
                            axis, dtype)
        params = {
            "on_value": on_value,
            "off_value": off_value,

        func = relay.Function([indices, on_value_var, off_value_var], out)
        func2 = run_opt_pass(
            run_opt_pass(func, transform.DynamicToStatic(), params),

        zz = func2.body
        assert isinstance(zz, relay.Call)
        assert zz.op == relay.op.get("one_hot")

        indices_np = np.random.randint(0, depth,
        out_np = tvm.topi.testing.one_hot(indices_np, on_value, off_value,
                                          depth, axis, dtype)
        verify_func(func2, [indices_np], out_np)
Beispiel #3
def test_one_hot_grad(executor_kind, target, dev, index_dtype, val_dtype):
    indices_shape = (3, 4)
    depth = 5
    axis = -1

    inputs = [
        np.random.randint(depth, size=indices_shape, dtype=index_dtype),
        np.array(np.random.randn() * 1e-5).astype(val_dtype),
        np.array(np.random.randn() * 1e-5).astype(val_dtype),
    test_inputs = inputs[1:]

    indices = relay.var("indices", shape=indices_shape, dtype=index_dtype)
    on_val = relay.var("on_val", shape=tuple(), dtype=val_dtype)
    off_val = relay.var("off_val", shape=tuple(), dtype=val_dtype)
    y = relay.one_hot(indices, on_val, off_val, depth, axis, val_dtype)
    f = relay.Function([indices, on_val, off_val], y)

        target_devices=[(target, dev)],
def test_one_hot_grad():
    indices_shape = (3, 4)
    depth = 5
    axis = -1

    for indices_dtype in ["int32", "int64"]:
        for val_dtype in ["float32", "float64"]:
            inputs = [
                np.array(np.random.randn() * 1e-5).astype(val_dtype),
                np.array(np.random.randn() * 1e-5).astype(val_dtype),
            test_inputs = inputs[1:]

            indices = relay.var("indices",
            on_val = relay.var("on_val", shape=tuple(), dtype=val_dtype)
            off_val = relay.var("off_val", shape=tuple(), dtype=val_dtype)
            y = relay.one_hot(indices, on_val, off_val, depth, axis, val_dtype)
            f = relay.Function([indices, on_val, off_val], y)

            check_grad(f, inputs=inputs, test_inputs=test_inputs)
Beispiel #5
    def _verify(indices_shape, depth, on_value, off_value, axis, dtype):
        indices = relay.var("indices", relay.TensorType(indices_shape, "int32"))
        on_value_const = relay.const(on_value)
        off_value_const = relay.const(off_value)
        out = relay.one_hot(indices, on_value_const, off_value_const, depth, axis, dtype)
        checked = run_infer_type(out)
        assert checked.checked_type == relay.ty.TensorType(_get_oshape(indices_shape, depth, axis), dtype)
        func = relay.Function([indices], out)
        indices_np = np.random.randint(0, depth, size=indices_shape).astype("int32")
        out_np = topi.testing.one_hot(indices_np, on_value, off_value, depth, axis, dtype)

        for target, ctx in ctx_list():
            for kind in ["graph", "debug"]:
                intrp = relay.create_executor(kind, ctx=ctx, target=target)
                out_relay = intrp.evaluate(func)(indices_np)
                tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out_relay.asnumpy(), out_np)
 def _verify(indices_shape, depth, on_value, off_value, axis, dtype):
     indices = relay.var("indices",
                         relay.TensorType(indices_shape, "int32"))
     depth_var = relay.var("depth", relay.TensorType((), "int32"))
     on_value_const = relay.const(on_value)
     off_value_const = relay.const(off_value)
     out = relay.one_hot(indices, on_value_const, off_value_const,
                         depth_var, axis, dtype)
     func = relay.Function([indices, depth_var], out)
     indices_np = np.random.randint(0, depth,
     out_np = tvm.topi.testing.one_hot(indices_np, on_value, off_value,
                                       depth, axis, dtype)
     for target, dev in tvm.testing.enabled_targets():
         mod =
         out_relay = relay.create_executor(
             executor_kind, mod=mod, device=dev,
         tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out_relay.numpy(), out_np)
Beispiel #7
    def _verify(indices_shape, depth, on_value, off_value, axis, dtype):
        indices = relay.var("indices",
                            relay.TensorType(indices_shape, "int32"))
        on_value_const = relay.const(on_value)
        off_value_const = relay.const(off_value)
        out = relay.one_hot(indices, on_value_const, off_value_const, depth,
                            axis, dtype)
        checked = run_infer_type(out)
        assert checked.checked_type == relay.ty.TensorType(
            _get_oshape(indices_shape, depth, axis), dtype)
        func = relay.Function([indices], out)
        indices_np = np.random.randint(0, depth,
        out_np = tvm.topi.testing.one_hot(indices_np, on_value, off_value,
                                          depth, axis, dtype)

        for target, dev in tvm.testing.enabled_targets():
            out_relay = relay.create_executor(
                executor_kind, device=dev,
            tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out_relay.numpy(), out_np)
    def _execute(self):
        self.node_dict = {}
        # self.node_dict['1'] = relay.const(np.zeros((1, 128)), dtype='int32')
        gelu_a = relay.var('gelu_a', shape=())
        gelu_b = relay.var('gelu_b', shape=())
        gelu_c = relay.var('gelu_c', shape=())
        gelu_d = relay.var('gelu_d', shape=())
        gelu_e = relay.var('gelu_e', shape=())

        self.node_dict['1'] = relay.var('input.1', shape=(1,128), dtype='int32')
        self.node_dict['2'] = relay.var('input.2', shape=(1,128), dtype='int32')
        for gnode in self.graph:
            name = gnode['name']
            op_type = gnode['op_type']
            attrs = gnode['attrs']
            del attrs['A_shape']
            del attrs['O_shape']

            inputs = gnode['inputs']

            if op_type == 'Const':
                arr = np.zeros(attrs['shape'], dtype=np.int32)
                y =  relay.const(arr, dtype='int32')

            elif op_type == 'expand_dims':
                x = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                y = relay.expand_dims(x, attrs['axis'], attrs['num_newaxis'])

            elif op_type == 'reshape':
                x = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                y = relay.reshape(x, attrs['newshape'])
            elif op_type == 'take':
                data = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                indices = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[1])
                y = relay.take(data, indices, axis=attrs['axis'][0], mode=attrs['mode'])
            elif op_type == 'one_hot':
                x = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                cc1 = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[1])
                cc2 = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[2])
                y = relay.one_hot(x, cc1, cc2, **attrs)
            elif op_type == 'strided_slice':
                x = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                y = relay.strided_slice(x, **attrs)
            elif op_type == 'mean':
                x = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                y = relay.mean(x, axis=attrs['axis'],
            elif op_type == 'nn.dense':
                x = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                weight = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[1])
                y = relay.nn.dense(x, weight, units=attrs['units'][0])
            elif op_type == 'add':
                x1 = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                x2 = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[1])
                y = relay.add(x1, x2)
            elif op_type == 'subtract':
                x1 = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                x2 = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[1])
                y = relay.subtract(x1, x2)
            elif op_type == 'multiply':
                x1 = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                x2 = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[1])
                y = relay.multiply(x1, x2)
            elif op_type == 'power':
                x1 = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                x2 = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[1])
                y = relay.power(x1, x2)
            elif op_type == 'transpose':
                x = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                y = relay.transpose(x, **attrs)
            elif op_type == 'tanh':
                x = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                y = relay.tanh(x)
            elif op_type == 'squeeze':
                x = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                y = relay.squeeze(x, **attrs)
            elif op_type == 'nn.batch_matmul':
                x1 = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                x2 = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[1])
                y = relay.nn.batch_matmul(x1, x2)
            elif op_type == 'nn.softmax':
                x = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                y = relay.nn.softmax(x, **attrs)
            elif op_type == 'gelu':
                x = get_input(self.node_dict, self.params, inputs[0])
                y = x * gelu_a * (gelu_b + relay.tanh(
                           ( gelu_c * (x + gelu_d *
                                   relay.power(x, gelu_e)))))
                import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                print( 'not supported op %s ' % op_type)
            self.node_dict[name] = y

        output_name = self.output_node_ids[0]
        output = self.node_dict[output_name]

        inputs = relay.analysis.free_vars(output)
        # inputs = [self.node_dict['1'], self.node_dict['2']]
        func = relay.Function(inputs, output)
        mod = tvm.IRModule()
        mod['main'] = func

        with relay.build_config(opt_level=0):
            graph, lib, params =, 'llvm', params={})
        self.m = graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, tvm.cpu())