Beispiel #1
def iteratorToProducer(iterator, consumer=None, wrapper=None):
    Makes an iterator into an L{IterationProducer}.
    Converts a possibly slow-running iterator into a Twisted-friendly
    producer, returning a deferred that fires with the producer when
    it's ready. If the the supplied object is not a suitable iterator
    (perhaps empty), the result will be C{None}.

    If a consumer is not supplied, whatever consumer gets this must
    register with the producer by calling its non-interface method
    L{IterationProducer.registerConsumer} and then its
    L{} method to start the iteration/production.

    If you supply a consumer, those two steps will be done
    automatically, and this method will fire with a C{Deferred} that
    fires when the iteration/production is done.
    result = None
    if Deferator.isIterator(iterator):
        pf = Prefetcherator()
        ok = yield pf.setup(iterator)
        if ok:
            if wrapper:
                if callable(wrapper):
                    args = (wrapper, pf.getNext)
                    result = Failure(TypeError(
                        "Wrapper '{}' is not a callable".format(
                args = (pf.getNext,)
            dr = Deferator(repr(iterator), *args)
            result = IterationProducer(dr, consumer)
            if consumer:
Beispiel #2
    def taskDone(self, statusResult, task, **kw):
        Processes the status/result tuple from a worker running a
        task. You don't need to call this directly.

          - B{e}: An B{e}xception was raised; the result is a
            pretty-printed traceback string. If the keyword
            'returnFailure' was set for my constructor or this task, I
            will make it into a failure so the task's errback is
          - B{r}: The task B{r}an fine, the result is the return value
            of the call.
          - B{i}: Ran fine, but the result was an B{i}terable other
            than a standard Python one. So my result is a Deferator
            that yields deferreds to the worker's iterations, or, if
            you specified a consumer, an IterationProducer registered
            with the consumer that needs to get running to write
            iterations to it. If the iterator was empty, the result is
            just an empty list.
          - B{c}: Ran fine (on an AMP server), but the result is being
            B{c}hunked because it was too big for a single return
            value. So the result is a deferred that will eventually
            fire with the result after all the chunks of the return
            value have arrived and been magically pieced together and
          - B{t}: The task B{t}imed out. I'll try to re-run it, once.

          - B{n}: The task returned [n]othing, as will I.

          - B{d}: The task B{d}idn't run, probably because there was a
            disconnection. I'll re-run it.
        def taskInfo(ID):
            if hasattr(self, 'logger'):
                if ID:
                    taskInfo =
                    yield taskInfo
                    # Why do logging without an info object?
                    yield "TASK"
                yield None
            if self.spew:
                taskInfo += " -> {}".format(result)

        def retryTask():
            return task.reset().addCallback(self.taskDone, task, **kw)

        status, result = statusResult
        # Deal with any info for this task call
        with taskInfo(kw.get('ID', None)) as prefix:
            if status == 'e':
                # There was an error...
                if prefix:
                    # ...log it
                    self.logger.error("{}: {}".format(prefix, result))
                if kw.get('rf', False):
                    # ...just return the Failure
                    result = Failure(errors.WorkerError(result))
                elif not self.warn:
                    # ...stop the reactor
                    import sys
                    for msg in ("ERROR: {}".format(result),
                                "Shutting down in one second!\n"):
                    self._dc = reactor.callLater(1.0, reactor.stop)
                return result
        if status in "rc":
            # A plain result, or a deferred to a chunked one
            return result
        if status == 'i':
            # An iteration, possibly an IterationConsumer that we need
            # to run now
            if kw.get('consumer', None):
                if hasattr(result, 'run'):
                # Nothing to produce from an empty iterator, consider
                # the iterations "done" right away.
                return defer.succeed(None)
            return result
        if status == 't':
            # Timed out. Try again, once.
            if task in self.tasksBeingRetried:
                return Failure(
                    errors.TimeoutError("Timed out after two tries, gave up"))
            return retryTask()
        if status == 'n':
            # None object
        if status == 'd':
            # Didn't run. Try again, hopefully with a different worker.
            return retryTask()
        return Failure(errors.WorkerError(
            "Unknown status '{}'".format(status)))