Beispiel #1
class MonkeypatchedOldUnittests(unittest.TestCase):
    """A wrapper around :mod:`bridgedb.Tests` to produce :api:`~twisted.trial`
    compatible output.

    For each test in this ``TestCase``, one of the old unittests in
    bridgedb/ is run. For all of the tests, some functions and classes
    are :api:`twisted.python.monkey.MonkeyPatcher.patch`ed with old,
    deprecated code from :mod:`bridgedb.test.deprecated` to ensure that any
    new code has not caused any regressions.
    __metaclass__ = DynamicTestCaseMeta
    testSuites    = Tests.testSuite()
    testResult    = unittest.PyUnitResultAdapter(pyunit.TestResult())
    methodPrefix  = 'test_regressionsOldCode_'
    patcher       = monkeypatchTests()

    def runWithPatches(self, *args):
        """Replaces :api:`` as the default
        methodName to run. This method calls ``run()`` though
        ``self.patcher.runWithPatches``, using the class **testResult** object.
        self.patcher.runWithPatches(, self.testResult)

    def __init__(self, methodName='runWithPatches'):
        super(MonkeypatchedOldUnittests, self).__init__(methodName=methodName)
Beispiel #2
class TrialAdaptedDoctests(unittest.TestCase):
    """Discovers and runs all doctests within the ``bridgedb`` package.

    Finds all doctests from the directory that BridgeDB was installed in, in
    all Python modules and packages, and runs them with :api:`twisted.trial`.
    __metaclass__ = DynamicTestCaseMeta
    testSuites    = generateTrialAdaptedDoctestsSuite()
    testResult    = unittest.PyUnitResultAdapter(pyunit.TestResult())
    methodPrefix  = 'test_doctestsIn_'
Beispiel #3
class OldUnittests(unittest.TestCase):
    """A wrapper around :mod:`bridgedb.Tests` to produce :api:`~twisted.trial`
    compatible output.

    Generates a :api:`twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase` containing a
    test for each of the individual tests in :mod:`bridgedb.Tests`.

    Each test in this :api:`~twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase`` is dynamically
    generated from one of the old unittests in :mod:`bridgedb.Tests`. Then,
    the class is wrapped to cause the results reporting mechanisms to be
    :api:`~twisted.trial` compatible.

    :returns: A :api:`twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase`.
    __metaclass__ = DynamicTestCaseMeta
    testSuites    = Tests.testSuite()
    testResult    = unittest.PyUnitResultAdapter(pyunit.TestResult())
    methodPrefix  = 'test_regressionsNewCode_'
Beispiel #4
class DynamicTestCaseMeta(type):
    """You know how scary the seemingly-arbitrary constants in elliptic curve
    cryptography seem? Well, I am over nine thousand times more scary. Dynamic
    warez… beware! Be afraid; be very afraid.

    :ivar testResult: An :class:`unittest.TestResult` adapted with
                      :api:`twisted.trial.unittest.PyUnitResultAdapter`, for
                      storing test failures and successes in.

    A base class which uses this metaclass should define the following class

    :ivar testSuites: A list of :class:`unittest.TestSuite`s (or their
                      :mod:`doctest` or :api:`twisted.trial` equivalents).
    :ivar methodPrefix: A string to prefix the generated method names
                        with. (default: 'test_')

    testResult = unittest.PyUnitResultAdapter(pyunit.TestResult())

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        """Construct the initialiser for a new
        logging.debug("Metaclass __new__ constructor called for %r" % name)

        if not 'testSuites' in attrs:
            attrs['testSuites'] = list()
        if not 'methodPrefix' in attrs:
            attrs['methodPrefix'] = 'test_'

        testSuites   = attrs['testSuites']
        methodPrefix = attrs['methodPrefix']
            "Metaclass __new__() class %r(testSuites=%r, methodPrefix=%r)" %
            (name, '\n\t'.join([str(ts) for ts in testSuites]), methodPrefix))

        generatedMethods = cls.generateTestMethods(testSuites, methodPrefix)
        #attrs['init'] = cls.__init__  # call the standard initialiser
        return super(DynamicTestCaseMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

    def generateTestMethods(cls, testSuites, methodPrefix='test_'):
        """Dynamically generate methods and their names for a

        :param list testSuites: A list of :class:`unittest.TestSuite`s (or
                                their :mod:`doctest` or :api:`twisted.trial`
        :param str methodPrefix: A string to prefix the generated method names
                                 with. (default: 'test_')
        :rtype: dict
        :returns: A dictionary of class attributes whose keys are dynamically
                  generated method names (prefixed with **methodPrefix**), and
                  whose corresponding values are dynamically generated methods
                  (taken out of the class attribute ``testSuites``).
        def testMethodFactory(test, name):
            def createTestMethod(test):
                def testMethod(*args, **kwargs):
                    """When this function is generated, a methodname (beginning
                    with whatever **methodPrefix** was set to) will also be
                    generated, and the (methodname, method) pair will be
                    assigned as attributes of the generated
                    # Get the number of failures before
                    origFails = len(cls.testResult.original.failures)
                    # Fail the generated testMethod if the underlying failure
                    # count has increased:
                    if (len(cls.testResult.original.failures) > origFails):
                        fail = cls.testResult.original.failures[origFails:][0]
                        raise unittest.FailTest(''.join([str(fail[0]),
                    return cls.testResult
                testMethod.__name__ = str(name)
                return testMethod
            return createTestMethod(test)

        newAttrs = {}
        for testSuite in testSuites:
            for test in testSuite:
                origName =
                if origName.find('.') > 0:
                    origFunc = origName.split('.')[-2:]
                    origName = '_'.join(origFunc)
                if origName.endswith('_py'):  # this happens with doctests
                    origName = origName.strip('_py')
                methName = str(methodPrefix + origName).replace('.', '_')
                meth = testMethodFactory(test, methName)
                logging.debug("Set %s.%s=%r" % (cls.__name__, methName, meth))
                newAttrs[methName] = meth
        return newAttrs